It is way easier for people to blame outsider/foreigners for the crimes of porky.
It is nearly impossible to change erroneous beliefs with facts and logic.
It is easier to indoctrinate in feel good lies than to teach harsh truths.
It is easier to convince someone to submit to authority than to challenge authority.


and to top it off the fucking porkies control the media.

Other urls found in this thread:


trump will end murder

Is there any trend going in the opposite direction? Why should a leftist have any optimism in a leftist future?

I guess Rojava is a good example, in chaos and war leftism made a stronghold. But so did ISIS.

As things get worse more of the social-democrats will join our side, and the democrats will become social-democrats. B████ ██████ and Corbyn are symptoms of that happening, even if S█████ is just a social democrat.

I'm , didn't mean to have a Nazi flag. Not a Not Socialist or Fascist.


Fascism is ok, but i'd rather have an authoritharian socialist state.

The human psyche is not ready for fascism, it's the other way around. It's tailor-made to appeal to cognitive biases.



Yes, it shifts a provides a way to shift the blame for failure of an individual white person to affirmative action or (insert boogeyman here) instead of requiring that person to analyze the economics of the situation.
they never have to study the economics and power relations of the classes in a society.
Greeks had White slaves, and Europe was 99 percent White when all those horrid medieval wars happened.

Making society a hundred percent white and voting for Trump won't solve anything.

A racist has a state-sanctioned way to get his policies enacted, voting for Trump.

A leftist has to first of all have to somehow raise class consciousness, going against the dominant media narrative and the human psyche.

Hitler got into power by getting less than 35 percent of the vote and then the chancellor appointing him.

Lenin and his comrades literally had to go to war against the state.

Mussolini nor Hitler ever had to violently seize power. The same goes for all fascists, it was either getting appointed by some monarch or a coup.

The right actually lacks the Nietzschean will-to-power they love so much.

It doesn't have to be, post something positive.

Really? If anti-racism is such a harsh truth that people are resistant to swallowing (as OP seems to think), why is this cold reality shoved down our throats from practically every corner 24/7? Why is being even remotely un-PC a massive faux pas in most circles? Why can even mentioning the race-IQ debate get you socially (not to mention academically) ostracised? Why do politicians, even right-wing ones, have to walk on eggshells whenever they even get close to talking about race?

Hint: it's because anti-racism, far from being the embattled hipster opinion that OP makes it out to be, is the mainstream, feel-good lie. It feels good to think that everyone is equal. It feels good to be part of a 'Rainbow Nation'. It feels good to fight against a racist strawman with saccharine Pride/"Fight Hate!" type rubbish.

I'll agree that real leftists (not SocDems) have a long fight ahead of them, but in the modern world their most fundamental assumption is taken for granted, a priori: that everyone is, or should be, equal. This is what lurks behind most of lefty economics and social theory in one form or another, and mainstream society has entirely fell for it, as I hope I demonstrated above.


lol I'm illiterate
I meant 'has fallen'

Your main beef with society is that you can't talk in public like you do in internet comments?

Listen to some right-wing radio sometime, it is the exact same thing you are saying, on public airwaves with millions of dollars of sponsors.

All right-wing radio is, is bitching about the pc-police.

In my area you can't even find one dude on radio or TV who is talking against free trade and for raising the minimum wage.

Of course pushing scientific-racism in public is discouraged because the scientific community does not support it, and it would piss of a now economically important minority. i,e you would lose sponsors.

no way sherlock

also liberals have long since given up on color blindless, they want race back in discussion too

The working classes, in general, have lower intelligence on average, and greater tendencies towards tribalism and reactionary social views. What do you expect?

racism is less taxing on the racists mind, all he has is bumper sticker slogans and Holla Forums memes to justify being racist.

Leftist actually have to practice critical thought in order to get to the point to challenge the dominant media narrative.

Right-wing media is full of language such as invaders, rapist, moochers, threats, thugs, takers, culture of dependency, savages.

You will NEVER hear anyone in the media call the bourgeoisie parasites.

Synonim for jews?

What do you expect from leftycucks

nice false flag Holla Forums.

This is what leftists actually believe

You mean the other side of the liberal coin? If I called CNN 'left-wing', most of Holla Forums would cringe. It's the same with 99% of right-wing radio. They are not talking about racial differences between blacks and whites. Most of them won't even raise differences in crime rates.

Over most of Europe, there are hate-speech laws. You cannot go past a soft criticism of Islam in a public realm without breaking the law. Meanwhile, leftist spergs shouting 'Death to Tories', wanting to kill Marine le Pen and Nigel Farage, and talking openly about 'class war' are almost. never. arrested. Stop trying to play the victim.

I would disagree based on this (www1.udel.edu/educ/gottfredson/reprints/1997mainstream.pdf) but I don't want to get into a discussion specifically on whether the majority agrees or not.

What's more important is that any idea with some scientific backing (race IQ differences definitely have some) should be able to be talked about. You can't. You just cannot. If you do, the media will fucking hammer you - not because the scientific consensus is against you, but because you dared to be a filthy WAAYCIST! This is what happened to the Bell Curve, this is what happened to James Watson, co-discoverer of DNA.

And all a leftist has to do is graffiti an A in a circle :^)

buzzwords that only stormcucks care about

I doubt you will find someone in the media who would say, smash the state seize the means of production.

Well…if you look at academia (obviously depending on the country) you'll find loads of socialists and maybe one or two right-wingers. But yeah. probably not in the media.

But that doesn't mean that nationalism, especially of the ethnic variety, has much more of a voice. It also doesn't change the fact, as I already pointed out, that society accepts the socialist answer to the equality question overwhelmingly.

Because the former was un-peer reviewed and the latter pulled a statement out of his ass and expected people to believe it instantly because muh Nobel: skepdic.com/nobeldisease.html

socialist != liberal

i literally do not care about muh race IQ graphs

right-wingers dont want to discuss that iq is largely genetic because it contradicts the traditional capitalist notion of self-determination. it's harder to justify ignoring poverty if poor people are really just victims of bad genes rather than their own decision to be lazy.

Socialism is literally founded on a worker getting an unequal wage in proportion to the bourgeoisie factory owner. The entire ideology is founded on the immorality of inequality.

and since when has society given a shit about that?

if you say anything explicitly socialist in value a normie will start shrieking about muh 100 GORILLION and muh human nature before you can even better explain your point

because it is not controversial.

you have tons of right-wing media using dog-whistle code words like the ones here

Yes, people will look at you funny and you will lose sponsors if you say,
but you can generally say,

If not being able to talk in public like you do in internet comments is your main beef in society, you should ask yourself how that one issue is personally oppressing you. There are people with real problems, lack of material security and work can you explain to me how political correctness is keeping them from getting what they need.?

Picture you are a citizen of a country, and then the government floods the country or lets a mass of immigrants flood into the country and does nothing to stop it.
And picture you have your job taken away, outsourced, stolen.
And picture the immigrants refuse to assimilate, some of them even want to kill and rape you.
and picture you speak out against this, and the government, the liberals, the globalist respond by calling you a racist.
You have no one but your blood now.

But there is a man who will listen, and this man not only listens but he tells you what you want to hear, he doesnt beat around the bush, he isn't politically correct.
Is it any wonder authoritarianism is rising.

White people feel like the government no longer works for them , and now it is a prime opportunity for a fascist to rise.

When we try to offer solutions to this that aren't, well, sociopathic, people look at us like we literally raped their daughter because of endless Cold War propaganda, and make excuses for the same capitalist policies that cost them their livelihoods.

Fascists act like they are messiahs when they actively defend the basis of the system they say they want to oppose.


welcome to the free market. if chung yu is willing to work for 5 cents an hour you better learn to work for 4 cents an hour.


if workers have the power to negotiate wages and elect their managers then their jobs arent going to get outsourced.



for what reason?

I'm not going to go into the deep dark caverns of leftist philosophy but suffice to say: adding regulations to an existing capitalist system, as Trump proposes in his solution to outsourcing, is infinitely easier, less destructive and more preferable than steamrolling over the entire system and starting again. You're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


well class hatred is a thing, right? Use class hatred. Just, plain, fuck the rich. It is dumb to rely on facts and logic, people are motivated by emotion.

only to classcucks who afraid of power and have bought into the meme that the bourgeoisie are in some way superior to them.

Trump's "regulations" are ultimately meaningless in the face of reshoring and automation. Our manufacturing industry is one of the most competitive in the world despite his claims to the contrary. He is using public perception to distort reality to ultimately strip more rights away from workers by repealing other regulations in the name of "competition."

Because you've driven people into the arms of the authoritarian right. You've allowed SJW's and ant!-white "activists" into your ranks. You've even let them control the dialogue.
People don't want to see their race die due to demographic changes, yet you pretend that those demographic changes don't exist and when you do acknowledge them you celebrate the fact that we're all going to be one big ugly shade of brown.

You even go as far as to call the working class "uneducated" or "rednecks" or "white trash" if they don't subscribe to your special snowflake version of anarchism or communism. Yet you wonder why they hate you.

Hell, I'd love it if the porkies were executed and the economy was run democratically but I refuse to allow my race and my nation to be destroyed. This is why we need an alt-left. To counter the cuckery associated with the current left.

Pic related.

fuck off Holla Forums, all you do is repeat and post the same stale memes and pics all day

you have bought into the meme that you are superior to the bourgeoisie. what happened to equality? and why do you think workers electing their managers is a good thing economically? I assume you're not liking the outcome of the american election, how do you think it'll be any different on a smaller scale?

Give me one reason to believe a race based society won't be ardently capitalistic.

It's the truth. You'll eventually see it. I used to think just like you as a matter of fact. That is, until I saw the barbarism of the negro and the Muslim. It's extremely obvious that multiculturalism isn't working. We have terror attacks on an almost daily basis and most of them are being committed by minorities. If we don't get things under control, civilization will die and give way lawlessness.

It won't be ancom. It will be something closer to an ancap "paradise" with warlords running around, killing and enslaving everything in their path.

do you think that's some magical default? look at africa, most nations aren't capitalistic at all, the nation is run by tyrannic leaders more often then not. much of the citizen's wealth is siphoned off or stolen to appease the tyrant. there is no property rights essentially. (summary: not capitalistic)

There's no reason to believe that a multicultural society wouldn't be ardently capitalistic either.
The biggest subsection of lumpen proles in the country are generally black and they're being used as tools to oppose the working class.

If my only two options are spooks, I guess I'm fucked anyway. Do what you want.

i am seeing things as though for the first time

Why, exactly, do you think Muslims in the Middle East are turning to radicalism? They are thinking how you are.

How the fuck are we supposed to negotiate our wages when Porky can just import a million new workers to start a backwards bidding war?

reading mein kampf right now, and adolf hitler said racism was truth, and that anti-racism was untruth

i personally think it's more belief than anything, though time and time again has shown that the more inclusive state is usually the more powerful one, if for a short mount of time

it's because iq-debates and such don't really have shit in yet besides the clean results

you have intellectuals arguing for 'muh cultural relativism' and 'muh genetics', and the answer would probably be something really unsatisfying and unpalatable to the public

i.e. blacks have lower iqs on these tests consistently but there's a debate going on over whether that's genetically inherited or not, and that in and of itself ties into the nature v nurture debate which has been solved in only a few cases

this thread is shit

by implying there is a racial hierarchy in nature, you go against the implied assumption that all men are equal that is prevalent in liberal/marxist culture

it's more equivalent to Not Socialism in that sense, or some form of national populism (trump)

considering the fact that the average African has an IQ of 70, i would say its both your shit genes and shit culture

The average Holla Forums poster's IQ must be much lower. You misinterpret statistic as if you say solution.

It's actually about 82, and American blacks have IQs similar to those of Southern Europe.

personally, there is probably an inherent biological basis against different races and such, and perhaps there are some genetic variations on things such as personality disposition or iq, though again, the science isn't completely in on that yet, and the effects themselves are subject to inherent human variance (some blacks smarter than whites, etc)

but on a theoretical leftist basis none of this should matter in the least

personally, the ethical government should not promote/demote any ethnically based cultures and should work to make it's citizens as conscious as possible which will eventually lead to some form of democratic socialism

if i wasn't a filthy defeatist at times

Italy has an average IQ of 102
France has an average IQ of 99
Spain is about 98
and Greece is at 92
try again please

Which is close. Balkan nations are also about one point lower. Black American IQ is about 91.

Find the problem with this quote

The idea that all men, as men, have something in common, and that to that extent they are equal, is of course primeval. But the modern demand for equality is something entirely different from that; this consists rather in deducing from that common quality of being human, from that equality of men as men, a claim to equal political resp. social status for all human beings, or at least for all citizens of a state or all members of a society. Before that original conception of relative equality could lead to the conclusion that men should have equal rights in the state and in society, before that conclusion could even appear to be something natural and self-evident, thousands of years had to pass and did pass. In the most ancient, primitive communities, equality of rights could apply at most to members of the community; women, slaves and foreigners were excluded from this equality as a matter of course. Among the Greeks and Romans the inequalities of men were of much greater importance than their equality in any respect. It would necessarily have seemed insanity to the ancients that Greeks and barbarians, freemen and slaves, citizens and peregrines, Roman citizens and Roman subjects (to use a comprehensive term) should have a claim to equal political status. Under the Roman Empire all these distinctions gradually disappeared, except the distinction between freemen and slaves, and in this way there arose, for the freemen at least, that equality as between private individuals on the basis of which Roman law developed — the completest elaboration of law based on private property which we know. But so long as the antithesis between freemen and slaves existed, there could be no talk of drawing legal conclusions from general equality of men; we saw this even recently, in the slave-owning states of the North American Union.

Christianity knew only one point in which all men were equal: that all were equally born in original sin — which corresponded perfectly to its character as the religion of the slaves and the oppressed. Apart from this it recognised, at most, the equality of the elect, which however was only stressed at the very beginning. The traces of community of goods which are also found in the early stages of the new religion can be ascribed to solidarity among the proscribed rather than to real equalitarian ideas. Within a very short time the establishment of the distinction between priests and laymen put an end even to this incipient Christian equality. — The overrunning of Western Europe by the Germans abolished for centuries all ideas of equality, through the gradual building up of such a complicated social and political hierarchy as had never existed before. But at the same time the invasion drew Western and Central Europe into the course of historical development, created for the first time a compact cultural area, and within this area also for the first time a system of predominantly national states exerting mutual influence on each other and mutually holding each other in check. Thereby it prepared the ground on which alone the question of the equal status of men, of the rights of man, could at a later period be raised.

Anti-Dühring by Frederick Engels 1877; Part I: Philosophy; X. Morality and Law; Equality.


an inherent biological basis for what? greatness?

against is probably the wrong term depending on what you value, should society be about IQ scores and physical fitness and culture greatness?

What alternative is being offered to the working-class?

Cheap foreign scabs (migrants, visa workers and outsourcing) are taking our jobs. And the liberals are not doing anything to help us.

So here you have this strongman who comes along and he says that he's going to build a wall, kick out all the illegals, he's going to bring jobs back to America instead of sending all the jobs to China and India, be the greatest jobs president in American history and Make America Great Again.

Donald Trump is just a cult of personality. He's not going to actually do all this shit. But the working-class need to cling onto something. They need hope.

Gee i wonder why

Well even a good understanding of history turns people into tankies so….

Still don't get it.

randomly attributed biological basis through some godforsaken wind of evolutionary shit?

This is why leftists are literally on the wrong side of history, as they like to say. Human nature, the thing you don't think exists, dictates us till the end of days, nothing will break the connection to our instincts, and those instincts say fear
It's a defense mechanism and the more you push at it the more people will reject you on a subconsciousness base level
Communism and its ilk is the antithesis to this survivalist based thought, it asks the user to gamble their existence and potentially the future of their genetic line on the backs of other people and factors it doesn't know and has no way of knowing, this is insane to ask.

not so insane to ask people to put aside their instincts, you ignore the fact that there are other more positive instincts

liberty, equality, and fraternity

people have many, many, many conflicting instincts, and it can change and do a whole bunch of relative shit you defeatist

It might be this human nature of ours that will lead to our extinction.

I doubt you will find someone in the media who would say, all non-whites must by systematically exterminated.

Nationalism is rising. How do you feel Holla Forums?

American nationalism is relatively harmless because it relies on a democratic ideology rather than a racial basis

trump himself isn't necessarily that far to the right, he just has supporters which espout far more extremist ideals

besides, the capitalists have made society so eternally globalized that we'll definitely feel the pain if he manages to do what he promises

There may be hope for you yet. You know, you don't have to be a right winger to be a nationalist.

Wow the cold war sure showed how effective those were

national bolshevism had it's catchups with me, and i'm not opposed to the thought of nation-states- ethnically homogeneous states tend to last the longest in historical terms

i just dislike the absolute dictatorship that comes along with the ideology, or at least, is associated with it


And no one was surprised.

it's a tradeoff for me, i would support a rhetoric along the lines of multiculturalism with a multiethnic state but it comes into conflict with a limited government

basically, the more cultures your society it contains the stronger and more diverse it is, but the harder it is to unify

the problem with multiculturalism too is that is bastardizes cultures to a point- look at how many blacks and whites are 'blacks' and 'whites', not french, yoruba, ibo, etc.

seperate cultures, but all unified in the primeval sense of being human






SocDem BECOMES fascist, under pressure of crisis.


It will fall like it did last time, and we will have another glorious blossoming of socialism.

So far its going just like last century. Maybe after a second ass-whooping, fascists will learn that when you antagonize a group, those people will gladly join your enemies to take you down. Fascism can't win.

i can only hope that a revolutionary wave happens if trump goes too far

By the time Germans though "Hitler has gone too far", the soviets were taking Berlin.

then those who are leftist in america must take up the torch before then, when they recognize boundaries are being crossed, when unskewed information is harder and harder to find

there were leftist circles throughout the war in Germany who handed out pamphlets, for example, not to mention various resistance groups

I don't get it… are these "porkies" just another name for Jews?