

TruePundit is the site that broke the story on Clinton wanting to drone Assange, a remark which she never categorically denied. Wikileaks was one of the first to retweet them, leading some to believe that they are connected to Wikileaks. They seem sketchy, but it seems to confirm what we've been hearing the past few days.

Get it trending on Twitter and force the mainstream media to report on it.

Other urls found in this thread:


According to FBI sources, the bureau’s newly-minted probe into Clinton’s use and handling of emails while she served as secretary of state, has also been broadened to include investigating new revelations, including:

Abedin forwarded classified and top secret State Department emails to Weiner’s email
Abedin stored emails, containing government secrets, in a special folder shared with Weiner warehousing over 500,000 archived State Department emails.
Weiner had access to these classified and top secret documents without proper security clearance to view the records
Abedin also used a personal yahoo address and her Clintonemail.com address to send/receive/store classified and top secret documents
A private consultant managed Weiner’s site for the last six years, including three years when Clinton was secretary of state, and therefore, had full access to all emails as the domain’s listed registrant and administrator via Whois email contacts.

check em

dubs of truth checked . get this out there anons. the normies will have a meltdown over this

While I wouldn't be surprised if it's actually true, I won't give the "Hillary is a pedo" story any credit until the MSM is forced to report it as a matter of public record. It seems like just another tall tale being spread this week to muddy the waters and discredit the real story.

If something seems too good to be true, it probably isn't.

I want to believe, but I need something to latch onto here. Not really sure how reliable a source "truepundit" is, can anyone verify them?



Also, the nigger wouldn’t risk actually shooting up your facilities to get her, anyway.

You are right, we should all listen to the MSM. They are the ultimate arbiter of truth, go, I mean guys.

Their puppet will fall, but they will not let 5 decades of pozzing the nation go so readily.

trips of skepticism checked

Hurry the fuck up you peace officer niggerfaggots. It's time for the happening.

Yeah, I'm starting to think that pushing the story too hard may actually be a bad idea. If it's true, we don't need to do anything, because the NYPD will soon go public and it'll sort itself out. If it's false, it makes us look like the perverts who are obsessed with child sex crimes.

Then again, halfchan got a hold of it an hour ago, so it may be too late.

You guys have broken my heart too many times for me to be led down the road by "unnamed sources" yet again

NOT GOOD ENOUGH. It has to be guaranteed before the election.

So this pretty much confirms for real Trump is the new POTUS. No way the kikes go ahead and still rig the election for a confirmed pedo, or they will be tying their own nooses even faster with that.
So what will their next move be?

Holy shit. It almost sounds too good to be true.


I want to believe.

You’re kidding, right?

Actually fuck this site. It only started in in June of 2016 it looks like. It's not credible enough yet to believe. Even though it's probably true.

Cheat to get Hillary elected so that Kaine becomes president and becomes their easy-to-manipulate puppet.


At least a third of the nation is still so brainwashed and ignorant of the facts.

Some have speculated that they're a front for Wikileaks to publish things it wouldn't otherwise publish. I initially dismissed that more "muh Russians"-type shilling, but now I think it may be true.

Shit I almost hope they try. Let's see just how wild the season finale can get; at this rate, we might even get to see the series finale.

If this blows up high enough, there will simply be no way to justify it. The normie masses still find pedos absolutely fucking disgusting and all the jewish efforts to "normalize" it have fell dead in the water.
If they put a pedo outed in a big scandal like this on the WH, even normies will be out for blood

Hmm, well the good news is that there aren't any BatBoy or UFO stories on there.

Make sure you tell everyone voting for Hillary to vote on election day on the 9th :^)

They won't justify it, they'll say it's all fake and was planted by KGB agent Donald Trump.

Call me a pessimist, but that's a pretty big "if".

That's dumb. Wikileaks posts documents, not unsubstantiated gossip.

Someone in another thread suggested it's not coming our until the 5th - that way user gets the credit due our years of nameless, faceless work. Remember remember the 5th of November. It would be a poetic bookend, in a way.

I want to believe, but the article linked gives no sources on what they're saying the NYPD said.

FBI bros
NYPD bros

I know you're reading this. Thank you for your help.

Now please please please deliver the final blow.
News Conference. Arrest. Charge. Anything
There are still Hillary voters that believe none of this shit happened. Destroy their souls

reminder there's no evidence this is true

They've been trying to push for pedophilia to be sanctioned and accepted in society. I can see them using Shillary for such a purpose.

I won't give it credit period because it's a scapegoat for Hollywood, who were all the willing to suck up to her 24/7 not even a day ago, to get off scott free yet again.

I think this is either CTR is trying to push disinfo or just rampant gossip. There's no confirmation of most of the stuff this article claims by the NYPD itself yet, just people online claiming to know people from NYPD. This would be a good time to be skeptical and keep watch before jumping the gun.

This. Don't be lemmings, lads. Wanting something to be true doesn't mean it's true (yet).

i'm getting sick of waiting tbqh. Wish this was over, one way or the other.

On a Saturday? I doubt it. Today is really the last day something major can be released and spread by the media.

This is all speculation and people treating it as such. There is no reason why people cannot discuss and speculate on this stuff. I will never understand this desire to stop people from talking about stuff and commenting on it.

This only ends one way, lad. Also, it has only begun.

There's been billowing black smoke on this for months, it's not a new or sudden revelation. We know that they do underaged ages sex trafficking we just don't know if the justice system has any proof. Even if it's not pedo shit we know the NYPD has been up the Clinton Foundation's ass, they just have something. I wish they'd just fucking get on with it already, they have got to have enough to go on.

I gotta tell ya folks, I can't wait for the Law & Order: SVU episode on this.

This story currently has exactly as much value as Flat Earth and reptilian nonsense.

Why are you so le eager?

Well poisoning is only an issue if you are worried about your PR. This is a random story and people want to discuss it. You want to halt all discussion and have people ignore it because somehow its existence and people discussing it and all things connected to it is bad PR.

You're obviously trying to stop people from discussing it. You reek of damage control.

Why? How would this make sense to do?
This doesn't make sense.


There is no going back. She either gets the noose or we hit the streets guns in hand.

It doesn't matter why she did it, she did it as she told the FBI.

traitor-child-rape-enabler-money-laundering-cheating-psychopath-unloved-dyke-smelly-DEMOCRAT GIRL GO HOME

For what it's worth, the head of TruePundit claims to have won a Gerald Loeb Award for journalism and a Pulitzer nom, but he doesn't use his real name and instead calls himself "Thomas Paine." He's been on Twitter since 2011, even though the site itself was launched this year. Make of that what you will.


Well poisoning is an issue if you want to have credibility. Taking every conspiracy theory and gossip item seriously like GLP or Renegade is not only a waste of time and effort but makes true, substantial information discussed here much easier to ignore. If you have any evidence that the OP article isn't pure clickbait, post it.

[citation needed]

Bumping for potentially massive happening

I don't trust this article. It cites unnamed sources, plus the "NYPD chief" (presumably the Chief of Department Carlos M. Gomez), but it doesn't even mention the guy by name.

he's already deleting his pro-hillary tweets

Should be easy to ask him if he actually said what is state in the article.


He HAS to pardon her because he’s not only implicated in her e-mail shit, he’s implicated in the child porn shit, as well.

Never mind the TREASON of Benghazi that started all this.

(((They've))) lead the bad goys on too much.
If hillary gets "elected" prepare to get your raifu

Can you imagine if Hillary's supporters got wind of this and started trying to defend her crimes - or more likely trying to justify Hillary with lines like "so what if she had child sex slaves, TRUMP IS HITLER!", thus causing the news of the NYPD's findings to spread further and further.

THAT would be a terrible way for all her supporters to hear about the scandal. And it would happen without Holla Forums looking like conspiracy theorists.

It's a good thing none of us have fake lefty twitter accounts that could start something like that, because that would be downright dishonourable.


they'd never do that because it would imply Hitler wasn't a pedo and that sort of humanizes him.

He really is dangerous….

My birthday is the day after the election. Seeing Hillary get arrested and our God Emperor take his rightful place would be the best birthday present

The time of needing to be "ironically left" are over.
We have all the weapons now.


Based NYPD , NY being Trump's state too. Oh man could it be ?


Looks like it's already starting to pick up steam on Twitter.
#LolitaExpress and #PedoHillary

I want to believe

counter-coup guy saying the same thing


Cindy Lopez Sarah Kellen, search their names.



Look at the people at the dinner. Heavy hitters.

These is something very ugly going on here.


The thing is, it would be really risky to make these accusations if they weren't true, it would really backfire bigly


That doesn't make any sense, aren't those stars also made of atoms?

Holy shit, you're right

It's exactly the kind of dumb statement Black Science Man would make

If he pardons her, he will be killed.
He did say that Comey was just doing his job when all the other Democrats were busy attacking him for re-opening the case, so maybe he's not actually implicated in the child porn shit.

In any case, if I were Obama I'd be thinking about getting a good lawyer.

Want to know how I know we're going to win?

The NYPD loathes leftists ever since Gawker released a pdf containing the address and name of every gun owner in NY. Which, as you guessed, involves a lot of cops.

Here's hoping that they actually do something.

Obama doesn't set off my pedo detector. He's a traitor, a moron, a Commie, a faggot, and a nigger, but I don't think he's a pedo. I'm sure they'll nail 10 other things to him… Maybe he's hoping if the Clintons go down for pedo he can quietly sneak away from the whole mess.

According to my friend in the Marines, there's reports going around saying that Hillary will step down this week. Not sure how reliable those reports are, though.

Not to crap on you user but military gossip is worse than a women's breakfast at a baptist church.

Bollocks, I'd wager my Trump bettings on that the pic is a meme.


I imagine we won't see anything til Friday on this. Setting the wheels in motion for something on this grand a scale takes a lot of pushing.

He didn't set off my paedo detector either, but then I remembered that rather suspect publicity photo with him and the little asian girl sitting on his lap so I didn't want to outright say 'he's not a paedophile'

Didn't he call Clinton a liar earlier this week?

I doubt most of them are. It seems like they just know about it and let it slide because it's just "how things are".

this whole thing is one big flustercuck

That's why I'm unsure on their validity. If Hillary gets arrested for these crimes, then it won't matter anyway.



It's the presidency or bust to her. She'd probably destroy the DNC herself if they try to make her step down.


Reported for bumping fake news stories.


[Spoiler]Hi CTR :^)[/spoiler]

Bump. Prove it fake.

Friendo, that's not how burden of proof works.

to print, obviously! the printer over here is broken, but the nice printer over there that i actually know how to use can only check my webmails wat do??

It's in the 302s.


The Lance Corporal Underground is never wrong

Can’t prove it, then. Enjoy being wrong.

No it isn't, redditor. We already know that it is true, Hillary is implicated in all of it, we just don't have a smoking gun proving it unconditionally and can't confirm that these emails are it. But the crimes themselves are there.

Memeing it only serves to ground the association with Hillary and these crimes in the public consciousness. It's already fully plausible with a ton of corroborating evidence.
The only well it would taint is Hillary's already awful public perception.

Why the fuck are you posting here? Lurk 2 years faggot.

We still think FBIanon was mostly credible right? Because the pedo shit came from him, and Bill Clinton is a known frequent flier on Lolita Express, and of course Wiener is Wiener. Tagging Hillary with this isn't that far of a stretch in my opinion.

This the lance corporal is a force to be reckoned with.

Although I doubt shed step down.

She probably didn't actually forward them to Weiner, but to herself, which was then synched on their joint computer.

And the WHOIS shit doesn't make any sense, unless they had DNS control and they are positing that allowing that could compromise all email going through it, which is at least possible.

I wouldnt be shocked if the newtown children got shipped off to epsteins island.

We knew about the Clintons’ pedophilia and pederasty long before FBIAnon, who was grossly wrong about many things.

Not sure if credible entirely but seems to be definitely more real than a LARPer at this point.

Bill is a known sex offender, we posited about this kind of stuff when we first looked at the emails, and we know Bill was on the Lolita Express.

There's too many connections surrounding Hillary's inner circle to not have any connection to her.

Also thread theme

CNN BREAKING NEWS: NYPD suffers from an epidemic of suicides. Is Putin putting something in the water?

"Who's going down?"
Sounds like Hillary…

Shiet I accidentally memed better than expected.

Oh I never said that I believed or even acknowledged this story, just that you don't ask people to prove negatives.

It’s hardly a negative to prove the source has lied in the past.

Get out

People are on death row based on less circumstantial evidence than we have against Hillary Clinton for her various crimes. We don't need a smoking gun, we need the balls to act out against the treasonous cunt and her army of useful idiots.


Then buried in shallow graves once they were stale.

FWIW True pundit does have pretty good sources in NYPD.

Look at his Twitter at time of pressure cooker bombings in NYC.

He isn't a fag, I trust the source until proven otherwise.

I'm not getting my hopes up until this bitch is in chains. The Clinton's have historically been slippery fucks even in the face of overwhelming evidence. If she goes down her insurance files will probably be worth the effort though.

The phrase is "big league".

Our shitposting is our weapon.

The phrase is not big league. It is and always has been bigly.

stop derailing faggot.

you underestimate the cognitive dissonance. They are performing such mental gymnastics that at this point they are sacrificing certain "leftist truths" solely to try to help hillary.

except it's not, you dumb cunt.

Stop derailing nigger.

God emperor has confirmed it's Big League.

It's 'Big League' you deaf cunt


Oy vey you're forgetting 10^259 billion of them!


Well, the fact that we're getting this information means they've already pulled the trigger. There's no going back now, we're eventually going to see the Weiner emails and Hillary's 33k deleted mails and the FBI etc are going to put her in prison. No ammount of shilling will change it

they mean chief investigator, user

lol Who's that guy, again?

Fucking when already?

Wait, is he deleting his tweets too? I saw Michelle Obama deleted all her Hillary tweets after she pretended to be her best friend.

Probably right after the elections. Otherwise some (((people))) would write history book as Trump imprisoning political opponent to win elections.

So don't forget to vote, and bring people with you.

This face is what you see before your innocence is destroyed.

DOTR can't come soon enough.

Something about watching that fat chink chest-kicking people makes me smile.

IT DOESN'T MATTER whether this is true or not. What matters is the effect it has on normalfags.
What the fuck is going to happen if it's fake?
"zOMG, teh interwebs waz wrong!!!!1111"?

The NYPD can't make a move on this because these crimes are FEDERAL and the FBI can't move on it YET because King Nigger will just pardon all involved on his last day in office if they move before he's gone.

Going vegan has really ruined him

I wouldn't be surprised if the emails were Huma's way of protecting herself from HRC. Weiner probably found them, because Huma's a retarded woman and has no idea how computers work.

Weiner probably leaked all this shit to get himself a better deal.

Fucking lol


The FBI has to pop her BEFORE THE ELECTION.

This is the face of someone who knows they're going to prison

None of them have any idea how computers work

Are you even fucking trying any more, SA goon?

I'm gonna lol if it happens and Trump fucking un-pardons her in a move that has zero legal precedent but the public allows it nonetheless.

Blood money can't buy l337 h4x0r ski11z

Reported. Try again with another IP address.

And if it's fake, and proven to be fake quickly, then it won't stick and the populace will be even more resilient to the idea that she can do wrong.
These things must be done delicately. If it's true then it will come out eventually, but for now the important goal is the election.

I wonder how many federal employees upload top secret or self incriminating documents / emails onto iCloud

Don't they get free Blackberrys?

I doubt hes not a boylover if he is indeed a faggot. Homos love depraved shit and so do the untouchably powerful.

Stop acting like a goon.

Do Hillary's staff count as Federal employees?

Jew mad, bro?

I read she didn't know how to print from the secure system so Huma was forwarding the emails to - presumably an email account linked to her iphone ?

Hillary didn't even have a computer in her office as Secretary of State , so had to have everything printed etc, completely and irredeemably technologically incompetent

It's like the Keystone Cops - of the US government

and it's fucking astounding that these people were also engaged in these crimes at the same time, you couldn't right this. This is pure comedy , written in the the memetic realm and payed out here

You sure about that? The article does call chief "the department’s highest rank under Commissioner".

LearningCode/RachPoster/Rosemary/GuyWhoShouldDrownInSemenBecauseHeWillNeverGetLaid polite sage for offtopic.

"She might be a pedo, but Trump is the real monster!"

Doubt they'll do it. SVU is cucked. They were already planing on doing a anti-trump episode not to long ago.

They should , she was running what amounts to a rogue for-profit department of the US government

It's times like this, where the 2nd amendment was made for.

It can but you have to understand why its important to begin with.

why isn't this stickied?

They didn't just plan on it, they did it and then they had to pull it once everyone realised that the episode they were coming out with was in reference to a two week old scandal when it would have taken them months to write, schedule, film and edit the episode.

Try a hundred years.

Yes, I hope you do


The kikes have been preparing to flee to New Zealand for over a year atleast.

Because it's an unconfirmed story by a not very good source.

Fuck off ctr

We're being raided by SA goons, they're better at D&C than CTR were.


Yeah, but they'll still always be subnigger goons. Sleep snug, smug.

It's called a "joke" to people without autism.

Around the clock


I thought we'd not be dealing with goons for a while after they 'invested' the tugboats they need to survive into ship jpegs. Are they on sorosbux now?

There are 12 chiefs in the NYPD user, and the chief of detectives is the most likely one to have come across the info. Even if it wasn't him, there are 11 others it could have been

havent you seen that picture of him with the asian girl on his lap? its totally inappropriate and disgusting

He may not even be an actual pedophile and he was convinced to do it for blackmail purposes like those types of powerful people like to do.

Child porn mentioned. Though, no idea who this fat fuck is.

have you seen the picture? stop trying to explain away his disgusting pedophilia, they all do it. maybe theyre forced to at first but eventually they start liking it


Filter and ignore all shills.

Archive link isn't working for me.

The New York police have sworn oaths to protect and serve, but not to protect and serve americans. The New York police is about as corrupt and malicious as it gets (maybe Los Angeles and Washington are worse). Their goons are the lowest of the low and whatever their angle is, it's not to "save the republic" or some such nonsense.

are these legit symbols of them?

fucking jewmasonry

Could easily be a way to help their shitty reputation.


This is the fifth thread I've seen you post this in user, I'm starting to question your allegiances.

this is plausible. Yesterday you had king niggress Michelle Obama unfollowing killary on twatter and today I read how a big bank posted a negative piece of text about shillary. Maybe they are beginning to preemtively sever the ties before the big shit hits.

They have a copy of the emails, they're saying they're going to release them if the FBI doesn't. So this isn't a "New York Police" thing but they're involved


Fuck you, pussy.

We've known about the high-level pedos for a long time.


we need to rise up. now is the time, they are on their heels, drain the swamp, the time is ripe for revolution

No one but Holla Forums cares what's true. This is about what sets off the programming on normalfags, and this story does.
Does anyone but Holla Forums care that the accusations against Trump aren't true (and were proven not to be)?
Of course not, you retarded faggot.
Even if it ISN'T true (and it probably IS), it LITERALLY DOESN'T MATTER as long as it helps demoralize the enemy and stifle Clinton support.

Do you even propaganda, bro?

If you are a legit agent I need to say that you are doing God's work, and if you finish this you will be remembered as the heroes who saved the world from Corruption and Globalism.
God bless you.

I post it often too. You fight with rhetoric, newfag. Truth is our foundation, not our arsenal.

"big league" dumbass" like "major league"

They're already studying him. Trump clones for science when?


We should start spreading this but always saying that it's a possibility and it's not something sure. Just the rumors will be enough to make her lost the elections, even if based FBI don't deliver or it is fake.
Normies are pretty degenerate, but they can't stand pedophilia.

I feel like "Hillary for imprisonment" is more memetic.


It's not 'muh pr' you retard as I didn't imply you shouldn't spread this, but I did warn anons in believing what simpletons like you eat up just like the normalfags you intend to target with your disinfo compaigns.

I'm sure it is for a minority if so many of you faggots delude yourselves into believing these baseless articles designed to lure in extremists for click-shekels. But what oldfag would forget Goebells' statement on the effectiveness of propaganda that is true?
Disinformation doesn't function properly if there isn't a disconnect with the creators and the targets.
Thankfully the OP is likely the shill-author of this article so he's got a few people here that realize what they're spreading. Will keep an eye out for actual sources before this critical election so I can spread more effective propaganda.

This isn't 1970

user, that video was bullshit. It was some crazy bitch coaching her kids so that she could fuck over the father during custody.

She's doing it to herself, and to everyone around Her as well. She's bringing down the corruption, the pedo-death rings, the secret insanity, she's bringing it all down with Her. It's glorious to watch.

is that why some of them talk about how the mom was involved

You know Obama sort of attacking Comey today actually has me worried? Did something change or does he not want to jump off a sinking ship to fast?

Any idea what's going on?

also let's meme it into reallity

nu uh they're made of particles that make light real that's wy theur so small but still make lighd

what the hell why

Because Gawker.

because they're on the right side of history you shitlord

Should Obama and the DOJ purge the FBI, they will lose all credibility. This would throw the FBI into disarray. The media would then try to rebuild the FBI's reputation among those normies that want to believe in the Lefty ideal.

Whatever the FBI-NYPD is sitting on, it needs to come out now, before they lose their jobs.

Satan confirms they need to stop being faggots and end this charade already. It won't be better to do tomorrow that today, it's coyote ugly no matter what but it needs to happen. Pull the bandaid off you fuckers, you've dicked around long enough

I think he might have implied that shit was legit and the Jew York Times have framed it as an 'attack', I mean:
are statements that are easily open to interpretation depending on whether you think Obama's saying 'and that's what Comey's done' or 'and Comey hasn't done that'

What if the TruePundit is legit, but his NYPD source is a pro-Hillary shill that is feeding him bullshit on purpose?

I haven't heard the interview yet.

But the quotes from it could be taken as a defense of Comey just as easily

Could be normal media bias. Either way he could
use this same interview to cover his ass if true.

The only reason this came out was due to the low level agents forcing Comey's hand. If we're to believe this coup hubbub, then Wikileaks if not co-opted, has the deleted emails including the classified emails thanks to these agents. You just want to see these people fired anyway Satan. I don't blame you.

Hillary did not forward them to wiener or Huma. HRC rarely even typed her own e-mails.. Huma typed what Hillary dictated. Huma had two secondary yahoo accounts… one Hillary knew about another she didn't. the second account was for "Insurance purposes."

The laptop found was the "motherload" of all things Clinton…. EVERYTHING is in there….

roll again, idiot

That 0HOUR1 faggot is claiming the girl that Trump child raped is coming out today:

https:// twitter.com/0HOUR1___/status/793892590764646401

Has he ever been right about anything?



where were you when you learned that president donald trump will personally pull the lever on hillary's guillotine?

So, Huma was afraid she might commit suicide by shooting herself six times in the back of her head and shoving a pink plastic flamingo up her ass too?


Has anyone other than Truepundit run this story?


Nobody mainstream. But there were individuals talking about it on Twitter and FB and stuff before TruePundit wrote this story.

I'm sure OP tried to get it on Zerohedge but even they wouldn't take it.
Delicious trips btw.





I think the major networks are waiting for more info

sounds phoney
That's not likely, cops have seen a lot of things. And maybe some lower lever eavesdropper would leak, but not the chief.
Over-the-top language, not how cops talk.
why repeat himself?
He's going to "ship them to wikileaks"? How and why? Why not just get arrest warrents?
so "if it comes to that" meaning what?

It's fake.

I might be moving to new Zealand
Or at least visiting
But moving to a very hwite coutnry is a big mistake for globalist scum. They don't realize there is nowhere to run anymore, after about 4 years half the hwites in the globe mightb e fully redpilled and non hwites will start to get wiped off the face of the earth

I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.


Not to discredit the potentially most incredible story of any election cycle, but they must have learned their lessons of listening to twitter for anything. I can only imagine them reading this and getting flashbacks of the WN serial killer Sam Hyde.

I think he's disgusted at the level of corruption and child sex crimes. Kind of how if you see a nigger rob someone its infuriating but you'd expect it to be a nigger. But if it was a white person it has more gravity.
Because New York is known for it's polite and level headed language
Why did you? sounds phoney, It's fake
Everyone is paying attention to Wikileaks, I agree its not like someone isn't going to listen to the police chief, but wikileaks will spread faster.
If he has to release to wikileaks then he will do a conference himself. More attention.

It's unconfirmed.



You're right. The FBI-NYPD should be absolutely be prepared to be shot. Those fuckers don't play around with this shit. Weiner's "Life Insurance" may result in alotta people getting 'befriended' by the Clinton Machine. Sayo naraba.

Know why this isn't stickied?

Obviously we've got a CTR undercover agent working as a mod



Well… now what?

Simple. We kidnap the Pope.

Because mods are compromised?



How would it benefit Hillary to be spreading rumors about her that are this nasty? She can call it a crazy conspiracy theory, and she may be right, but there's no way she can definitively disprove it until the FBI reveals what's in the emails, which she doesn't want to happen before the election. Until then, the mental associations between her and Weiner's pedophilia will only grow stronger in voters' minds.

Doesn't matter how bent, corrupt, rotten a police force is. The one thing that angers these people no matter how much graft they're involved in is pedophilia.

Source on that?

How many murders and bribes will it take her to get out of this scot-free?

Everyone jewgle "Lolita Express"


Crinimals too. No one likes pedos.

unless they're in on it, in which case they may pretend to be angry


Link to original file

They truly are the lowest of the low, and no amount of shilling and virtue signalling from Salon will ever change that.


why doesn't the archive load for me OP?

does someone have a different link to the archive page, or to the original?

The day before or of would probably be ideal. Even then, the DNC might already have a replacement lined up from TCF who would do the same shit. If it's after she is in office she has to be impeached for something she does in office or wait until she gets out before a trial starts. If it is between being elected and after there would be a chance but again with the DNC replacement unless she draws out the trial until being sworn in. If it came down to Trump vs some no-name person the no-name would possibly win so his best chance is likely vs Hillary - if it hits same day as the election that's probably the best shot possible.

Did you watch the Steve Peicenik videos???

Dude is CIA and says they will be arrested for Pedo stuff related to the Lolita Express and Jeffery Epstein.




So everyone focuses on some crazy conspiracy shit and forgets about Clinton Foundation corruption and deleted emails?

But you're right, I think it's tactically stupid if that is their angle. Voters really don't give a shit about corruption and deleted emails. But if everyone starts believing Hillary is a satanic pedophile, even if it's a fake conspiracy theory, then she is pretty fucked. Everyone believes Trump is a reincarnated Hitler that rapes porn stars. That's obviously complete bullshit, but it's working.


It takes ~3 days for a hard-hitting meme to soak into the collective awareness.


Impeaching Hillary isn't enough. Creepy Kaine becomes president after that. We need Trump to win.

Way too quick.

Need a better source asap

A thing that is continually worrying me is some of the defeatism going on, but in looking at the overall universe I'm having trouble making sense of it alongside everything else.

Like, I read this thread, I think about my encounter with the liberal succubus… she thought pedophilia was bad if it actually happened, but OTOH she was one of those people where "not trump" would probably justify letting a pedophile go free.

The major networks know if this information falls into the public domain it might finally be enough to start a normie DoTR on the MSM.

They're probably working with Clinton, etc to bury this.

Maybe the NYPD and FBI are trying to keep it quiet so they can be sure Shillary doesn't escape. Leaves the country or something.

What happens if FBI or NYPD makes a move to arrest her. Would the Secret Service be obligated to have a shootout with them?

we're wasting valuable sticky space with the shitty o'keefe video

he ironically became the petty distraction in the end

The ones involved in this shit will flee to Qatar / Saudi Arabia, not New Zealand.

Oh God it's real.

verifiable evidence of corruption versus conjecture and disinformation

You won't get it. The entire interview/story was fabricated.

so many goons are pedos that one of their moderators was exposed as being a convicted pedo. So this kind of topic gets them stirred up.

The secret Service HATES her…

I believe so.

Also, I'm not sure people above a certain level in government are allowed to leave the US without prior authorization. Senators and Secs. State would probably fall under this.

But then again, it's not like anyone is following the laws right now. All sides are very interested in preserving appearances, the color of law.

how is a donor saying black people are voting against their own interest verifiable evidence of corruption?

Shitposting aside, yes doing this. I'm doing my part and you can to.
Clinton Foundation should also be included, as well as whatever else fbi user suggested… fuck I cant find teh list.

You always knew it was real, user.

I'm sorry it's too painful for you to admit right now.

That just sounds like something someone made up to try and shock people but it just came out as weird. Why the fuck would anyone make shoes out of human skin?

Obama will be going down with hillary

He's trying to save his own skin, he doesn't have a choice but to save hillary at the same time.

And if Hillary goes down she'll probably squeal like a stuck pig just to get back at everyone who didn't save her.

Abedin is an Islamic terrorist.

She wanted leverage on the most powerful nation in the world.

Imagine the damage America could do to whites if future presidents were blackmailed by Muslim terrorists.

Secret service wouldn't shoot FBI if the FBI have a warrant, which they would.

It might be the secret service themselves that arrest her, IDK

I do know that a lot of secret service members have hated hillary with a passion.

Good luck with that.

There's so many pedo goons and fed goons that their horrible little social circles probably intersect with Hillary's pedoring and they are afraid they'll be caught.

I'm pretty sure the FBI would inform the SS before doing anything, and I mean it's not like the SS actually LIKE Clinton so they would probably just keep quiet about it to her.


You dumb monkey, I work Trauma Scene Cleanup.

Listen up asshole, cops have the stomach of your average young teen boy. I am deep in the fucking blood and brains of suicides, homicides and krokidil ghouls leaving their fucking stain on the holding cell walls.

I see them, I work with them frequently. I'm sure they are able to act like professionals, but that's all they are doing, Acting like professionals in front of the public. In reality, they are extremely squeamish, in part because they are inundated with Blood Borne Pathogen training that would curl your fucking hair.

Also, cops DO talk like that. They basically live in a gigantic locker room, complete with showers and bunks.



Secret Service tends to have a decent track record, but remember that it is not a huge monolithic organization, and if things like the "SS Detail being left out of Epstien's plane" incident happened, at least one (almost certainly more) people on the inside of the Secret Service have to be on the inside of the Clinton wall and could tip hands/info.

Is Clinton going to go to War with the NYPD lads?

I work for a Freemason and he's training me as an apprentice.

I've walked through a hall full of freemasons at one point, more than 50% of them are blonde, and 100% are white.

Mainstream Freemasons are white nationalists, the reason why no one knows this is because they spend a ridiculous amount of effort to keep it a secret.

If it became commonly known, the Jews would label them as the KKK, and no one could openly belong to a Freemason society again.

Freemasonry was started as a system of unions in order to build a power base and challenge the Jewish bankers in Europe, which could charge interest (usury) at the time and were immensely powerful.

Freemasonry only got co-opted by Jews in the Weimar republic, it's been untouched in north America and elsewhere. This is the post-WWII Jewish type of Freemasonry:
They allow women and blacks in, and worship multiculti, which is why mainstream Freemasons hate them.

Ask yourself…
What movement hasn't been coopted by Jews at some point?

Freemasons at least resisted and isolated the damage and are starving it out.

Not Clinton, but perhaps DOJ/media

32nd degree Mason here, can confirm.
We blackball Jews.

I did meet a black Freemason before, showed me his special briefcase and paper on what a non-freemason can know. They do exist.

Yes, they exist…they have their own lodges, and are separate from the white lodges.


For the sake of the human race, no larping, you'd better.

*MDF enters the thread*

It's true, we no longer blackball Catholics, however. No real need to, they're ok.
But Jews are Jews.

It's genetic.

The MSM won't report it unless you force it to by being really loud and making it conspicuous that they are not reporting it.

You're capitalizing jews which make me think you're from tel aviv.


From half Chan today.

That's more PR bullshit because it is telling people not to look at the information given and instead look at the person who is delivering the information, which is why the media acts the way it does in the first place. If you want to be part of the media, go join them and let the people discuss shit. Im convinced you people are CTR at this point.

We discuss damn near everything here. All we're doing is talking about this and even seeing f there are people here who can look into it. You want to stop this entirely and control what people look into and what is discussed. This is not reddit. Already we have some people here suggesting ways we can find good hard info, such that would not have been discussed if we had listened to you, ignoring anything that would make us look bad and obsessing over PR like we're gamergate.

It really is coup vs counter coup

The globalists vs everyone else

In his speech Obama even mentioned "years of investigations" if Trump is elected

They're scared shitless


that will make it easier to destroy them in the fires of mount doom

the more I come across anime images the more I think anime is for faggots and pedophiles. I bet Killary talks about anime on her emails too.



the goon fears kawaii desu.

I bet she does

If the NYPD holds a press conference where they present evidence that Hillary is a baby raper, the MSM would certainly report it.

I have an uncle who was a spook and he says crazy shit all the time. Being in intelligence doesn't make you immune from being nutzo or being a limited hangout. I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA did MKULTRA work on people who know too much to make them crazy when they retire.

I'll just leave these here….

Haha what? Oh - don't mind me! I'm just dropping off a few red pills.

You're advocating nonaction. That's shilling.



I have bad news. Remember what we memed?


I don't know anons. By definition none of us became anonymous for personal gain, but I can already feel in my bones that I'm going to have the scars from these weeks forever. And at the end we're going to have fuckall to show for it personally. A lot of people love vets, ex-cops, whatever, and are willing to give them extra consideration, but we've put ourselves through Hell for fucking nothing.

Evidence please!

Whiny gay defeatist.


I don't know, seems pretty high up to get MKULTRA'd on

Prince Hall kang nig-nog here, hopping on one leg whilst fellating a goat. Can confirm this fellow's story.

pls leave

And you're delusional.

You're not supporting your claim that this is disinfo

You're a waste of existence, goon. Kill yourself now and beat the rush.


then how is he running for senate you lying motherfucker

Nice dubs.

Your posting of yellow ant cartoons, may indicate that you have deeply embedded issues that may need decades of expensive Jew therapy to alleviate.

Nice quads. Kek hates you.

There is a longstanding rumour that Bill has paid Naomi Campbell for sex multiple times.

KYS with maximum alacrity.

The Jews Fear The Samurai
Nice try Chaim


I did this all for fun.
I could be part of an anime-esque plot in real life.

All the anti-anime personell so far go their biggest humiliations.

We did this for nothing? Weebs will be respected even if by fear of some weird sudden skill by now.

Those are trips….Holla Forums confirmed for lack of education.

How worthless is other people's recognition? Why do people care about it? Best case scenario you get some money out of something then you die

Doing things for yourself, possibly whats is right in accordance with some sort of higher order and truth / good you might feel iexists, gives a lot more actual satisfaction


They were the ones that broke Hillary wanting to Drone assange

neck yourself

Shitlibs are actively calling for nullifying the election result if Trump wins and subverting democracy to save democracy.

Stop helping the shills learn what they did wrong you maroon.

what pic are you guys talking about? google & bing show numerous pics of children sitting in his lap but none of them seem inappropriate but rather typical pr. tbh if king nigger is a pedo i highly fucking doubt it's girls he's touching.

"The Samurai" would despise your "cute", gay and pedophile anime.

Fortunately they'd never leave their safe spaces to actually do anything about it. Just goes to show they're already subconsciously accepting Trump will win the vote.

omg niggerfaggot are you kikeing serious? you know where you are, right?



He's a cop with buddies, and carrying while off duty.

No way is he going to have a weight lifting "accident".

The lulz are my reward

People say not to judge a book by its cover, but VP Kain being President?

Fuck no. Corruption, lies, and degeneracy is written on that guy's face.


A simple accusation is a death sentence if you're lucky.

Even full blown rapists hate pedos.

Anyway (((they))) are "taking their time" not for Hillary, but to remove their own evidence and distance her from them.

It's really very simple, comey and the FBI are providing a way out for some rich and powerful people, everyone that wasn't directly implicated in the e-mails is covering their tracks.

It might be a car accident, if it happened

He was the gay kid that everybody else kicked around.

This is a good video for this topic actually

Hope its true. The final nail in their coffin and a guaranteed Trump victory.

Idiot. Master Masons don't train apprentices.

No wonder they never show us any of Hitler's speeches to "warn" us about the effects of propaganda. Hitler really is the final redpill.

I've heard a lot of bitching and moaning on Holla Forums and I've done it myself. But god damnit if you can't be proud of that, be proud of the FACT you are making this world a better place for future generations. That's something to be fucking proud of man.

Recognition is for the select few anyway. How many great men and women are lost to history, ones who have done far more than us? Their legacy is our culture, race and sovereignty. They don't need statues and memorial days, its enough that their children lived on,

Now, I know we're just a bunch of weeaboo shitposting autists, but we've become an instrumental part of this war. We may not ever be thanked or acknowledged, ever rewarded with a plot of land and our own waifu, but we will at least look outside the window and see the normalfags enjoy the life we fought hard for. We will walk down all white streets, pay with clean money, work honest jobs that actually feel worthwhile and provide and we'll know true peace and prosperity. That's reward enough.

Ok I submitted a real raw tip to the F.B.I. just now. Lets see where this goes.

You don't belong here. Leave.

I never watched that episode. It so, so, so much worse than i thought.

True Pundit doesn't run ads or click throughs you stupid idiot

Words like these inspired a violent revolution. Common Sense. When it is amplified above the noise floor of the usual bullshit…tyrants die.

Holla Forums is the great amplifier.



any information on those older women, any connection to celebrities,politicians and so on?

Checking those Hitler trips, with bonus dubs.

That is crazy case of Dick Neck

The fuck?

What the shit. Why do grown men do this shit to kids? I don't even like children, much less want to snuggle up with some gook kid like Bobama and Biden do.

Well seeing as how many defeatist comments and heavy and terribly aged shilling, it seems like we are on the right track.

He thanked us on live TV? When was this?

This is a pretty good point. There's actually no monetary benefit to running that site. It really must be a front for something like Wikileaks to get important stories out. What's the point of posting bullshit on a site with no ads and no obvious way to monetize the traffic from click-bait?

It's like, to be in power and belong to their club one must partake in their rituals or do something really heinous (like raping children). That why pedophilia seems to be so common in the elites.

You won't care when you're dead.

yes. bump for sweet, sweet justice.

I'd do it to my own kids if you know what I'm sayin, but havin some gook kid trying to sit on your lap while you have your leg crossed awkwardly is fuckin weird.

must be a bad angle on the photo or something

Biden:"oh gawd, anthony weiner…"
kek maybe he knows something

Indictment incoming, long night ahead


holy shit man, grow up, you don't get anything in return. did no one teach you how to fight and die for yourself, your beliefs, and your children's future? you're at your computer. people have physically bled for less and been spat on as a thank-you

i get it, but fame is a vapor - it's what you did with your life that matters user. after this is over, hopefully you get to still say 'I did it for free'. we're fighting for the right to stay free, to continue to shitpost where, how, and on whom we want. consider twitter and facebook if it's recognition you're after

"Love of fame is the last addiction cast off by the wise"


Long story short: totally wurf it, did it for the keks and saving the white race n sheeiit

oh, I see. and most amps go up to ten?

user we act from the shadows. Many of us will eventually move into the light to support the Emperor, until such time however, we remain here where we do the most good. I myself am not as active in a lot of the digging threads or anything else as I want or would like to be, but even a tiny bit helps. So long as I have done at least a single positive thing here for the betterment of the future I will be happy

CF Probe found something

How juicy we talking?

The good deed always returns to the one who does it, whether in this life or the next. For those of us who have served the Truth, the Truth is with us, and will be until the end of our days. Long after the memetic wars of CY+1, when we are old-oldfags, we will carry with us all of the memories and feels. Everything that we have learned here will guide us in the future, so that we may MAGA and create a future for white children, that our people may flourish once more.

I always imagine our future, it's outside the chans of course, where we recognize each other with our memes and a few symbols and we and our families are basically the new jews, only nationalists for the betterment of humankind rather than the subversion and enslavement of man

At this point we are the Shadows. We just gotta figure out how to screen it better to get some juicy dirt.

back to work at 23:00 juicy

This is the mental image I have as well, and one that I have been working towards (always involves beautiful gothic churches, aryan women in wheat fields).
Have you read Savitri Devi? We are the Men Against Time, some of us Men Above Time, serving the world to restore balance.

this shit writes itself

a hot dog with no bun is a weiner

That you, FBI user?

Shieet, well if it will get the ball rolling and a possible GL to bagging her by sunday kickoff. Did you get time to grab coffee at least?

No I have not, it sounds like Indian philosophy. Buddhist? Hindu?

caps locked for possibility

If they're stupid enough to pozz any nation on this finite earth then they might actually crash and burn from the increased scrutiny.

A lot of people know what other things the emails highlight. Like the existence of some form of shadow government.
Never have we had this much proof.

last post for the night, not the original, yes we are getting snacks and coffee then back to work.

Whether it's true or not our best move is to do literally nothing this time. If it's true then Hillary is going to jail regardless. If it's not true then we will only spread disinformation and hurt our cause by making ourselves sound loony.

That's actually a good point.
What if a "hotdog with no bun" is just codewords..


Euro writer who was already deep into esoterism before the third reich. Afterwards, studied Hindu philosophy/esoterism deeply, discovered the true meanings behind the symbolism (like the Trimurti), then realized that even in our own time, certain men very definitely fall into these categories. Hitler being an avatar (really an agent) of Vishnu, and thus against time, having worked to restore society towards its original goodness and purity. Those who push the poz and drive society down are those of Shiva, Stalin, Lenin, King Nigger; their goal (even if not cognizant of it) is to bring society to its end.

Those select few wizards who see that these two eternal forces, manifest in the actions of men, are responsible for the cyclical nature of all (the wheel of time) are two facets of the same whole: brahma. These are the men above time, where all of buddhist philosophy is aimed towards.

May God bless you, user, and guide you towards doing what your fate has always been to do. Remember that as you work, that everything in your life has been leading up to these critical moments.
Also your ID is 'd00d', surely a sign.

..were posts just deleted from this thread??

Go do America proud, and bag this bitch



When haven't they been demanding he drop out

do all you can in service of Trump and your country and no man can judge you. And remember


It may be pilpul, but I'm checking it anyway.

REEEEE, get out of my hemisphere
That explains why there's been so much Nazi stuff and talk of Jews on SBS in Aus. Although I think Nazi Megastructures has the opposite effect of that intended.


Go back to brockchan faggot. It's worth discussing as possible, doesn't mean we all assume this is 100% true or will treat as such.

We're his 'Internet People', because we found that Jeb Bush had a plant at a town hall was holding. Anons sniffed it out within half an hour of her asking her loaded question.

What if they're rushing the indictment just so Obama's still in office when she's sentenced and he can pardon her?

It goes a step further, here on Holla Forums we recognize that genetics gives rise to behaviour. Thus, the very fact that we came here and fought a war for no monetary compensation and no fame or recognition and did so willingly, is itself evidence that among each of our ancestors there were those willing to fight the same silent war we fight. Their recognition did indeed come, not in accolades but in the physical manifestation of us as their successors. Our existence as their children is itself material recognition of their deeds. This is the true glory of the Unseen Army, and the nameless battles it has fought throughout history.

it will be the most transparent act of corruption in the history of the USA and will spark an unprecedented conflagration.

That, or everyone will change the channel and wrench one out to netflix.

Jews? The ones with a religion where rabbis suck a kid's penis? Batting an eye over pedos?

Our efforts were not for nothing. From austically sorting through thousands of emails to shitposting to such extremes that the real world will forever be changed. They will write about us in the future. The chroniclers of history will mark our places as great influencal actors of our time. We greatly helped to steer the course of possibly one of the most important elections in our nation's history. We are ushering in a new phenomenon of political activism, influence, and memes that is shaking the corrupt establishment to its very core and leaving no stone unturned. Whether or not you or I specifically played a very significant role individually is irrelevant. We all contributed to this in great ways from finding an important email in the Wikileaks dumps, making memes, to spreading it. We have made history. We will be remembered. We may not each individually gain the fame of our achievements, but again that is irrelevant. Because we know in our own hearts that we participated in something far bigger than ourselves. We know in our hearts that we fought for truth.

It has been an honor, brothers.


Also I will add that Holla Forums and the concept of anonymous messageboards for day to day political/philosophical discussion/action, as well as the political/philosophical consequences of scientific breakthroughs SpaceEscaltor where r u? , has been proven to be a, let me indulge in hyperbole for a moment, Momumental success.

Shadilay, brother. Shadilay.
May you ride eternal, shiny and chrome to the gates of Valhalla. When you get there you will be in good company, and we will all see each others faces for the first time. We will meet as strangers and as battle-brothers.
See you, space cowboy.

If she wins and he does that, they will probably kill him and she'll be impeached almost immediately

If she loses and he does that, Donald Trump will make it his life's mission to wreck Obama's shit

Tell me about Chibok?


Anyone with access to WSJ who can screencap?

Trump is our Messiah,

And yet many would damn him, they would rather let Barabbas go than accept him as our savior.
Either we face the real world that Trump offers to help us with or we flee into the fantasy of marxist lies
which lead to dead.

Still a rough diamond

nvm, found it in another thread


but no instead i have to live in a fucking anime universe and not even a good one!

i swear monster girls and waifu's better become real at some point or im going to be really pissed

Thank you anons, bless you all as well. He can't pardon even if he wanted to, nobody will let that happen.

Pedophilia is a yuge charge, and would land plenty of people in prison for the rest of their lives, for sure.
The real focus should be on illegal weapons sales to known terrorist orgs - that would bring a death sentence.

Still no evidence about any of it.

When the hell did childfucking stop being a capital offense in the US? I vaguely remember reading something about the US retaining the death sentence for rape FAR longer than in Europe, and since childfucking is definitionally rape…

They rarely survive prison. Evidence is need to know.
for now

For you.

I'm so anxious to find out what's going on with this stuff that it's hard to focus on anything else. Even at work I'm looking for news every chance I get.

I just hope it's as big a bombshell as I'm imagining and all these fucks go down in flames.

About to go back in, we went for lunch. The evidence is a bargaining chip since old deals are off, and anons are starting to put the puzzle together. Bless you all

One last thing, have faith and keep working. Also fb1-kun or fb1-d00d?

just keep us updated and give at least an estimate of when actual indictment goes public, even if its just a time window

Have a few minutes, just keep an eye on her rally schedule. If whitecollar holds up their half and interviews keep going the way they are, you will know soon. If not, expect some leaks

I leave to grab some takeout and I might have missed the memo, those new emails might expedite the process. Bless

Sure they will. Being a pedo is what makes her one of them. Is totally natural, goy.

King Nigger hates her and is all about his legacy. Coon has his own big money plans post the White House. He isn't going to jeopardise that for a dying, white trash hick into kids unless she has equally damaging dirt on him.

You know the victims were all drowned in the Bahamas and feed to sharks right? Probably taken out of an orphanage or some shit. Just demonic, next level evil shit.

Hildog won't think twice about killing us all. It's not going to be like Obama. It's going to be a new country that ressembles some Commie shithole from the previous century.

He's married to a tranny and did white and black guys in Illnois. What's his nuts… guy who took 5 different lie detector tests and passed them all… what's that guys name again? White faggot… Anyway, he had a press conference at national press club there in DC and told everyone before the nig got in office how he would suck Obama off for drugs. Larry Sinclair, yeah that was the name. Wasn't the only one either.

Who's vpn/proxied up?

I've suggested this on other threads to no effect -

Can someone visit the paedo talk thread on here and ask them about terminology? Specifically 'Pizza Party' Fuck knows.. paedo party? 'Cheese' young girl? 'Pasta' young boy?

If there's a positive on these terms within their secret lingo, then this is a potential goldmine. Or, they'll tell us it's nothing, and we can stop lookig down deadends re this.

Not sure if we're getting blocked out, or if the interviews are enough along with the white collar CF stuff. Boss is a good guy, told us to call it a night.

If anything search for suspicious words throughout emails etc. If you have questions by the end of your search, that's a good thing. People who don't want to get caught will use their own unique lingo.

Who would send pizza pictures?

They have to go back.

How new are you? Engaging in ritualistic pedophilia is a necessary step to becoming accepted at the highest level of government. It's the ultimate group blackmail for loyalty's sake.

Rahm Emanuel
Obama right hand man
Mayor of Chicago
Chicago is Midwest human trafficking capital with two airports, massive unemployment, schools shutting down.
He keeps cops from paying attention to his shipments, works with GM to ship to Uzbekistan, smuggled into Russia and middle east from there.

Vidya, mamono and anime crushes will rain from the heavens by the power of meme magic.

What's bananas here is that hearsay is used as probable cause (for warrants) all of the goddamn time. It's just not admissible in a court of law. You can even use it in grand jury proceedings.

Jewish woman from Chicago talks about the weird and savage ritual killings that went on in her family on The Oprah Winfrey Show.


See here for embedded vid and post

hot dog = young boy
not sure what "no bun" means

yes, hillary is a pedo.

Which ones did he delete? I don't follow twitter drama so I wouldn't know, but a quick glance he has at least three endorsements for her


Enough meme posting do it faggot
Fucking do it right now


And after your done fucking read my files, track my location, and orchestrate shit to set me up for a fucking girlfriend or hook up or something

Or else I'll be "persuading" some girls to have sex with me once the purge comes

Holy fuck, I can't believe it's fucking happening. Anyone got the Goebbels quote talking about the jews lies all collapsing under their own weight? This is exactly how I feel right now. Feels good, bros.

We'll know in the next 24-48 hours if truepundit is legit. If it is, Thomas Paine is going to be the new Drudge.

http:// truepundit. com/breaking-comey-mandates-all-fbi-agents-report-to-d-c-offices-prep-for-raids-arrests-in-clinton-probes/


One thing about this NYPD story that I thought was bullshit was this line:

The NYPD chief said that? Nobody else is reporting on it. One thing that does make me think this story is real is this line:

We just got confirmation from Wikileaks that Podesta is involved in a satanic ritual called "Spirit Cooking", which includes a mixture of a lot of blood, sperm and breastmilk. That alone turned my stomach.

We have confirmation that the DMC is doing creepy disgusting shit. The picture is becoming clearer, and its already pretty fucking terrifying.

Well, one man can't fight a war on their own now can they?
It's hard to tell Comey's intent but I have never seen the offices so divided, I will come back alive promise.

The good fighters of old first put themselves beyond the possibility of defeat,
and then waited for an opportunity of defeating the enemy.

We will change history.

a tear to the eyes user, that was beautiful.

Its AIDS dumbass, he got it from some negro boy slave

You do realize the average homosexual is a pedo? Small minority of homos are not also pedos

did you guys miss this?


You did

How can we honestly expect an indictment when the DOJ lacks the political will?
And I know you've already been asked, but can we expect it within the week? Or even within the year?
And lastly, what were you all called in for last night, or was that story bogus?
Thanks for keeping it real user.

You realize you're working alongside psychopaths, right?

You know where you are, right?

YOU will not change anything faggot
you just jumped on the bandwagon
now that you and your people are scared you act like you are one of us

youre just trying to save your own asses

This week has made me want to scream into a teapot.

The Brexit vote being blocked, Clinton pedo scandal and the possibility of the American election being postponed for war with Russia, this is all too much.

Everything is falling apart.

Sorry to burst your bubble guys, but this is all bullshit. I actually have a coworker who is ex-NYPD and has many connections still on the inside. NONE of them has heard anything about this other than from the shit being spewed by the likes of Alex Jones and other tin-foil-hat retards.

I hate Hillary with a passion, and she is corrupt (in the same way that ALL politicians are corrupt, pay for play), but this nonsense about child sex rings and NYPD leaking emails is just 100 percent pure fabricated horseshit. And sadly, Hillary is going to win, like it or not.

Thanks for correcting the record

CTR you lazy fucks.



Kek did not bless my post. A thousand pardons, my good user.

Torture is bad for your soul, user. Best to end her swift and cleanly.

We have plenty to indict, and we don't need Lynch, it will be a silent one which is typical in high profile cases. It will be announced after we've made our move, could happen at any moment, but it needs to be done by Sunday. A few select groups were called in last night.

Yeah, the psychopaths usually retire during high stress times. You can find them in the bathrooms or elevators having meltdowns.

A silent indictment? Necessitating a grand jury?


Hold it right there you filthy anti semite, it as an act commanded by god! I'll have you know that Yahweh himself demanded Moses to suck that helpless infant penis, its a covenant with the children of Isntreal, you heathen goy. Like in the book of Exodus where he said " Moses, your not paying attention, verily I say to you that baby dick won't mutilate and suck itself!"Exodus 3:33
"And behold my chosen, you must go down to Egypt, and when you come across a sleeping baby, take a sip from the tip, so sayeth the Lord!" Exodus 3:44

You can also see parellels in the Talmud as well. Schmekel 4:12 " So Gamileal said to his slave Tavi, Tavi I recieved a vision from on high, it said I have to suck your penis and your wifes sons penis, or forever will I be denied my birthright, like a matzo denied broth."

It's a nickname for a Direct Indictment. Our only shot at this.

It's straight up suicidal, self-hating destructive and tribal behavior. Many of these leftists are ivory tower intellectuals, who in reality live in cardboard boxes surrounded by claymore mines.


CIA, is this user FBI?

Are we going to crash the globalists with no survivors?

New Zealand supposedly has a Jewish PM

Can we get part of your budget for gear without velcro next year?

Do you realy think just because they are pedos they know some code words these ppl obviously made up for themselfs? That would be a crazy easy way for the FBI who have an entire department for child protection to bust them


Yeah we already know DOJ is cockblocking and hoping to ride this out to the finish line.

Hey d00d did they really call in your agents this morning?


What in general are you going to charge them on? Pedo?

Is it habbening?
