How do you guys feel about knowing that despite any efforts on our part...

How do you guys feel about knowing that despite any efforts on our part, you almost certainly won't live to see any form of socialism be implemented?

At best, our children will be able to make it happen, but we'll be dead by then.

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If I am boiled to death, at least I tried to jump out of the pan, which is more than I can say for many other frogs. If another frog trying to escape can use my dead ass as a stepping stone, so much the better.

Fine, as long as I find a way to help us get there one day.


I eat whole food plant-based ⓥ 👌, I'll live to 100 on average so at the very least I'll experience a collapse.


Same man.

I plan on implement it in a few years on a small scale with some comrades using cheap means of production (hydro/aquaponics, insect farms…).

Eh. Would you mind explaining how this works?

Unless you are talking co-op, that's not how it's done.
Taming capitalism = social reforms (welfare, short work day)
Escaping capitalism = lifestyleism
Smashing capitalism = reform or revolution
Eroding capitalism = communes, co-ops, revolutionary gradualism

Not a co-op, but a self-sufficient commune, where work and food will be shared.

Without industry? Amish-style?

No, Amish reject almost all kinds of technology, while I think it's useful. There will be solar panels, computer, hydroponics and stuff like that in our commune.

It feels fine.
Its a muh privileged to even fight comrade.

my inability to change anything fuels the rage and frustration which is also the only thing that gets me out of bed in the morning.

born too late to fight with the bolsheviks

born too early to see socialism implemented

born just in time to see the world turn into cyberpunk

I.e. you will be trading with the world. That kind of self-sufficient. Ok. I call it co-op.

Good news: not really. Bad news: cyberpunk is not happening.


I used to think I was okay with it, but I've come to realize I'm really not

Sometimes I think being class conscious is a horrible mental illness, and I wish I was never infected with it. Then, the feeling will pass, and I'll become fresh and hopeful once again, ready to repeat the process agai and again until I finally blow my brains out.

Yes, comrade.
Everything will be fine.
The corporations are not replacing the state.
The class gap is not getting bigger.
It's not like we are living in megacities and a unified culture or anything..
It's not like augmatations are beeing created…

Everything will be fire.

Poor Keanu, he always looks so depressed nowadays.

Pretty good actually.

It's still a way more comforting perspective than "capitalism is human nature".

Feudalism and cyberpunk are different things.

Not really. They are being created for decades now. We still don't have proper computer glasses, even if tech has been out for a long time. It's mostly techno-fashion now, rather than actual progress.

I'm glad :^) We'll see fascism implemented though.