How would you argue against this?

How would you argue against this?

What's wrong with it?

He's right.

Great quote in support of socialism, thanks OP.

the bourgeoisie are parasites duh

You are new here, aren't you?

He's right.
Now the question is, how do we get rid of the growing bourgeoisie parasite class that thrives under capitalism?
And the answer is, we need to get rid of capitalism.


Other then the "growing" part, it's a great quote. He's just describing the wrong group.

Thinking it through, I'm getting a suspicion that he might've not been referring to the capitalists as parasites.

Ah, obviously he's talking about the expanding and nonproductive caste of the armed forces.

Oh yeah probably

Nah, he's talking about black people

He's absolutely on point in general, but since he's a moron he probably thinks that "those who produce" mean those who are wealthy and "parasites" are people wanting better labour conditions or are collecting welfare.

IIRC, he says he became disillusioned with Marxism after working for the US government.

Still trying to figure that one out.


Socialism = Government.



But he's a parasite too by that quote.


What does comrade Sowell produce, exactly?

Shitty books.

He used to be a pretty big pop-economist of the free market Chicago school. Now he's basically a climate denying, conservative, Uncle Tom that occasionally writes bad opinion pieces.

wtf. He isn't dead?! I seriously thought he was already dead. I thought those interviews were from the 90's.

How are they the parasites when they create jobs? If it wasnt for their generosity you wouldnt even have a wage to complain about. You're the parasite, sll you do is sit back and complain about how evil the job creator is while he clothes and feeds you

Lol. I don't think he's put anything out of value in economics in a few decades. The last thing if his that I read was an op-Ed against gay marriage 2 years ago.

jobs aren't valuable comrade, it's what the people doing those jobs produce

At 86 years old, he's certainly no Chomsky, that prolific bastard.



Switch "job creator" with "lord" and there is the argument you could have told the peasants in feudal times when they were getting tired of their shitty lives and wanted to rebel against the feudalists.

WE, the workers, are what produce the riches of society.

I thought the economy worked by people reacting to incentives, not on voluntary altruism

No, you're not. You operate a machine and soon you will be replaced by machines, you lazy greedy fucking workers greatly overestimate your value, you dont produce anything.


Fully automated capitalism is an impossible political economy without massive government welfare. Think for a moment where consumption would come from if everyone's jobs was taken by a machine.

Workers are not forced to work they have a choice and they are paid fairly for their labor


workers for the most part are price takers. the market decides their wages, not them. fairness has nothing to do with it. their wage is not determined by the value of what they produce, but by the amount of people in the workforce.


You mean the capitalist class?

Nobody creates jobs you faggot. Jobs are things that need to be done. humans have needs regardless of whether a Ceo will pay them or not. At this point though you are an obvious troll you almost had me though 7/10

These are simply assertions you have made literally no points to back them up

Right…. And when nobody has a job because they were all taken by machines…. Who will buy the products of these machines? Well done for twice destroying your own position. First with your post and second by being tool enough to tell a bunch of commies their jobs are being taken by machines. Do you have any idea at all of the context of the birth of socialism around the industrial revolution? Read 1 book. But 1.

Lets also not forget that robots can't be exploited the way humans can.

It's just too easy

The worker by definition is not paid "fairly". the difference between what he produced and what he got in wages is what we call surplus value.

TBH we deal with stupidity so much we can't even into trolling.

looks like you were just pretending to be retarded.


Sauce tho

I hope he's ready to submit to biomass reprocessing as soon as artificial intelligence exceeds human intelligence. In the not too distant future humans will all be parasites. Even algae will be more useful than us.
