Right-wing infiltration


The real question is, for how long has this been going on? The entire identity politics con may as well be a right-wing false flag.

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I see you are still in the system of state controlled language

This Holla Forumstards tier denial of our own mistakes as anti-capitalist won't help

It is pure {us vs them} war fantasy

Yeah no shit

Maybe I misunderstand what you are hinting at, but do you want me to take responsibility for the creation and the subsequent decline of the USSR, the Cold War or the CIA's cultural meddling? Because I am pretty sure it was the Cold War that kickstarted identity politics in the West.

Is there any doubt about it?
Shit's so fucking obvious.

It also was not unreasonable to let in the sexual and racial minorities because we didn't expect self-hating members of the majorities to weaponize it against us.

It's basically just rehashing old Hitler propaganda by mixing Leftism with social and cultural degeneracy. Secretly they want this whole SJW to grow even bigger so they can carve Der Ewige Jude out of us

Same with the Frankfurt School = Cultural Marxism autism, I'm so fucking tired of it

And how can we counteract this?

Purging the social liberals

Purge them from where? They are the ones in charge of every "left" political organization and group. They are the ones writing for the "liberal media" (lol).

Purge all idpol.

Create alternative forums and sites, find ways to defund socjus, and remind people there's a liberal media, just not a leftist one, or a least no one owned by a porky or fembot.


Agreed. Why fear the acceleration?

*Pst* Let me tell you about Nick Land.


This blog is a false flag to make the left paranoid about each other tbh

No, the blog author wants you to think that so you'll ignore the real false flags.

We need to stop talking in fucking burger terms and call the social liberals social liberals and the conservative liberals conservative liberals. We need to make sure people know the former aren't leftists and explain what liberalism is and how socialism is opposed to it. Then we have our social media propagate this.


We can't be scared of getting radicalized, but I do think this is a good course of action. idpol must be called out.

Fucking this.

Pretty much. Qtboy needs to go after feminazis for starters.

We need distance from them.

and we need to make that distance CLEAR, because if the public associates us with femnazis, or femnazis think we're allies, we risk losing direction

What this guy said
The language is so fucked up that Obama is seen as socialist. We need to distinguish social liberals and social democrats from leftists/socialists. Let's not adopt American usages like calling social liberals just "liberals". It must be remembered that the ones called simply "conservatives" are conservative liberals. They're all part of liberalism. We as leftists want to get rid of all of this shit. We must also go after liberal feminism and other "progressive" and "emancipatory" movements. We need to tell people that putting a black woman on the bill or electing some transexual, asexual half-Chinese woman as president is not fucking progress. It's a bourgeois makeover

correct the language

establish a goal

strict adherence to goal



No, I mean we need to be clear that we are not social liberals. There is no doubt that political terms have been so distorted especially in the Anglosphere. This is why it is almost impossible to speak with a regular American. They don't know what we are talking about and get triggered when they hear the terms we use. There is no doubt. We need to be precise. This is just to open up our public accessibility

Agreed on this point. Social liberals have it wrong; social liberalism kills justice. "Freedom" = oppression.

how exactly do we not benefit from this?

We only don't benefit if the SJWs act like total dumbasses and make the whole Left look bad. That's why we neutralize them/distance ourselves from them and other social liberals.

In dilemma lies the trap they're preparing.


Thank goodness I'm not the only one who feels this way. An entire generation of kids raising hell because we used the wrong pronouns is too absurd to be organic.

top kek
commies really are deadbeat parents, can't accept you shat this little bastard out huh?

Considering Holla Forums's history of false flagging, I wouldn't be surprised.

You know why it isn't false flag? Because for false flag to work you can't know the person it's coming from, but SJWs push it into overdrive mode PRECISELY because they want to get fame and money out of it.

Just look at sociopaths like Gandy, Suey Park, Lauren Chief Elk etc. They tone up the "radicalism" of their views because that's how they advance in their carreers. They need controversy so people will pay attention to them, read their nonsense, #givetheirmoneytowomen, etc.

It's only when people are angry at you and you're trending that you get invited to write for the New Inquiry, that you're invited for a bunch of podcasts, that your articles or essays or papers get published, etc. Remember in the mid 00's when stand-up comedians had to outrage people being politically incorrect because that's how they advanced their carreers? It's the same thing.

Just to add, SJWs in general like controversy even if they're not the ones who'll personally benefit because it "proves" their point.

Say something so outrageous that others will get mad at you, so when they are mad at you go "wow feminism really hurts your fragile masculinity huh? :^)"

exactly, theres no reason that sophisticated fascists cant create large false flags of that kind

What if… Wait, you guys… What if Holla Forums was a false flag and idpol is the real leftists? Now wouldn't that be something?

This is generally true, but these people are also some of the most easily misled and manipulated, moreso than even Holla Forumsyps. It wouldn't surprise me if the alphabet agencies put it to good use.

I kek'd but Holla Forums actually has been caught swarming social media with sockpuppets shouting kill whitey, etc.

To be fair to Holla Forums, idpol idiots do on their own, too.