Major weapon that could kill cucked journalism for good

Any techfags out there that wants to start out a new business and at the sametime fuck with worthless liberal cucks?

simple plan really and quite effective, if it doesn't exist make it, if it DOES exist, we make it relevant so alert me on that, but either way read this:

make something like rottentomatoes but on articles instead of movie, your job is to rate articles that are absolute shit and upvote articles that are actually good, the tendency is to filter out all the cancerous garbage made by jewish writers and journos, if we can legitimately grow with this idea, we can even make profiles of certain writers and rate them, so everyone can see if he's either legit or shitworthy, if we make this a big enough deal and start inserting our traffic into it and later have the mass normalfags frequent the site, it will be a major thing, if anyone here is planning to do something like this, feel free to announce on the thread, I can't do this myself because i'm an illiterate when it comes to website shit, BUT I can help with whatever design you need, not full time however but enough to give it a go.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's really easy, almost idiot-proof, to start a Wordpress blog. If your content is any good, you can grow from there with a simple relational database and a custom front end.

Start the WP blog to build up material and find a format that works for you. Then learn SQL and ColdFusion. You'll be fine.

Wow, sounds like a pretty original plan that won't have to compete for users with well-established sites that already do that, good idea, user.

there will be problems with copyrights and memoryholing
it's a good idea, mind you
but will you get a copy of the article on the site, whether text or screenshots? copyright infringement
link to it? it will be altered to evade your criticism

and when you begin to stomp on the balls of very (((connected))) journalists, you will get suicided by 6 bullets in the back of the head while trying your new concrete shoes in an aligator river

and relying exclusively on archived linke onty moves the problem to another site: the archive will become a target of all the kikes you pissed who will be able to pool their ressources to do something about it
drawing the ire of a whole cabal of megacorps is adventurous

and what stops liberals from voting on this site of yours retard???

I started a project not dissimilar to this a while ago (~2 years). Basically, it was sentiment analysis of all news articles around the globe. Code, unfortunately, is FUBAR and would be better implemented in NodeJS because of the supporting NLP libraries available.

The process was this:
1. Compile list of Top News Websites Internationally with RSS feed available (used Alexa).
2. Monitor RSS feeds every minute, pulling and storing all articles.
3. Run sentiment analysis on articles (This should be done per sentence, with "sentence topic" detected to make filtering more accurate).
4. Display global map.
5. Countries that are greener have more positively sentimented news.
6. Countries that are redder have more negatively sentimented news.
7. Search provided, so that only articles mentioning a certain topic (e.g. "Trump") are shown in the results.
8. Other metrics on articles can be calculated. E.g. detection of emotive terms suggestive of bias, use of exclamation, question marks, etc.

The main improvement that I'd suggest on this is the capacity to "group" news agencies based on their parent companies so that we can see which agencies are pushing specific propaganda.

So you're saying the solution is to gas the Jews?
Will do

durr im a useless fag with a shit idea, please code it up for me. i can help with ideas part time.

So, basically, your new, secret weapon is to make Digg? How do you see this panning out?

Isn't that what reddit is? Is reddit now the weapon to kill cucked journalism?

This. Reddit already did it.
Curators, you might as well have your own subreddit or news site like zerohedge.


This actually isn't such a bad idea. Just make sure to spread this website first in right-wing or similar circles where people question the mainstream media a lot, to start with the correct narrative and before it is flooded by leftists and liberals.

There has to be much more normie-accepted hidden rightwing Media anyways. Just like the current Media which is hardcore leftists but pretents to be neutral, we need that for rightwing articles.

1. see gamergate's deepfreeze


if they rig our shit, what makes them think that we can't rig ours, you fucking retard :^)

digg panders to trendy talk, you can't rate someone's article and you can only favorite them, if i'm wrong please disprove me with proof that dig actually lets you fuck with an article writer.

Maybe this thread can be resurrected from certain faggotry by discussion digg and how obvious it was that it was intentionally destructed from within to allow for DoD's new and improved Reddit?

just archive the articles, idiot. link to the archive.

decentralized digg (zeronet)?

No point unless you can attract massive segments of normies.

I already filter my own news for myself, I'm not a normie retard that needs somebody to do it for me

this has nothing to fucking do with archiving.

read the proposal, the intent is to RATE, rating strikes a personal ground, archiving just doesn't give them views.

When a movie is rated on RT, the sales goes tremendously bad and the director receives a bad rep, having articles in the same spotlight and treated in such a way, the psychological impact would be "similar" not entirely the same, the priority is difference but if you are a career journalist and you get a page of some folks reviewing you, then your career is no longer a safe space, right now journos can get away with whatever the fuck they shitpost because this type of system is either nonexistent OR badly advertised, i'm not entirely sure about digg.

What meme language did you write it in? I'd have to imagine python, c/c++ and java would have nlp libs far superior to anything webdevs would write.

Dig was kind of like reddit before reddit, but was less successful at pretending that it was actually democratic. When they were failing they intentionally destroyed their own site with a redesign to shift blame for their failure from the truth of "goons run this shit into the ground" to "OMG our web design people are tards".

Community went on to worse things at reddit

first off, i'm not a programmer, and even if I was I wouldn't host nor declare myself the owner of such a project, I would only support it.

Secondly, I offered help with the design, because I work with web design, commercials, etc, this is part of what I do, it's not an idea you fucking moron, creativity exist and you lack them, I can tell you're asian gook who was born in the far east, suicide rates are up like never before in your country, you should consider killing yourself.

also filtered.

I did recall digg awhile back, didn't they have a series of TV commercial with some gay shovel or is that something else entirely?

You want a good idea? Here you go:
Here in Germany (And I bet in the US too) we have the problem that all the big news sites censor or even block the comment sections of their articles.
They do that so noone can correct their misinformation.

Create a browser plugin that blends in our own comment section based on URLs.
Comments could be A) saved on a dedicated server. Or even better B)Distributed via P2P
From that point on it becomes impossible to suppress free speech.
Blocked youtube comment sections? also gone.

Critical part would be that the plugin has to reach a widespread audience.

Not sure, I don't watch TV. Digg was big for awhile but it seems like an eternity ago now.

Another way of thinking about Digg is that it was somewhere between Fark and Reddit… or maybe that just confuses matters more

what makes you think jews wouldn't flood the website with comments and reviews positive of their kosher peers? And negative reviews of their own critics?

I've thought of doing this before, but I thought there was already something like it. The P2P part is interesting though.

Shilling is always going to happen. What is important is that administration not be coopted.

I would definitely install this plugin. Finally video producers in youtube wouldn't be able to "shut down the comment field", finally real freedom of speech.

That's a good idea. Just an addon that allows for uncensored commentary on any page or article.

The problem is that the plugin would still require moderator controls. If you don't, then it will just be flooded by every spambot on the planet. And I've never seen mods that were happy to limit their power to just purging spam.

Bump for pro-activity. So, user, are you going to make the website?

In all seriousness, however, you need some sort of gateway into people using this invention. Maybe you could pitch the idea to the Daily Stormer or TRS, and they will start with an article or section that identifies bad journalism.

Now that I am on the subject though, user, I already feel like we do this on Holla Forums. Someone is always making a thread outing faggots like (((Tim Wise))), etc.

IF there was some form of dedicated platform for rating jewish journalism, it would be shoah'd by TPTB.

Then again, it is current year

You mean anti-semitism?
That's the answer to 99% of our problems.


C/C++ aren't really used for Web and don't have the convenience libraries available.

Java has decent web frameworks but, again, lacks convenience.

Meme language I used was PHP (Laravel). Simply put, it's convenient as fuck. However, it lacks anything decent relating to NLP.

NodeJS has an NLP library that's good enough to do this decently (name slips me at the moment). It can pick up on "topics" in sentences, amongst other things.

Pseudo-coded algo would be something like this.
for sentence in sentences topic = nlp.findTopic(sentence) sentimentScore = nlp.detectSentiment(sentence) // Sentiment is a +/- integer score topicDb = database.topics.findOrCreate(topic) database.sentiment.create(['article_id'=>, 'topic_id'=>, 'sentiment_score'=>sentimentScore])

Make this happen OP, I'll spam it for a full week as soon as it's functional, 8 hours every day on every social media site that has a large userbase since I'm a NEET and agree that it can change the nature of kike reputability.
It must be done user!!!!

Was meant to be in response to

Here, it already exists:

The rest of that site shows why your idea won't work: normies upvote bullshit and downvote badfeels.

Did you even read the thread?
its not a reddit community faggot, it's a rotten tomato for articles.
it's not suppose to be for faggots to create accounts just to discuss irrelevant cancer.

actually that's their ammo, this comes later.


this board is crawling with CTR cancer.

Tbh I don't want to rate them I want to kill them.

>better sprinkle in cuck, kike, Trump into my post so I can lure someone to make me my 100% Original™ DO NOT STEAL website


I had a roommate like you. He dropped 30k into a 'original website idea' because he was too lazy to try and make it himself. It failed hard. If you won't even put any effort in on that front then you don't have the agency it takes to run a business or own a website. Trufax.

there are IDs.

There are also VPNs.

VPNs does not justify newfaggotry.



Not making it a website to rate journalists

This would be pretty useful, particularly if you list who employs their spouse or who their relatives are.

Most of the media is fucking people in the DNC.

Whose job? Will it be (((someone's)))? And how will you stop bot programs, who will pay for that, or for your bandwidth?

So you can doodle on a paper?

You're on the web's best jew filter moron, it's what brought us here and keeps us here. If you want to have a site like this that keeps the jew out you have to avoid both the temptation of shekels (tough) and the Cia hit squads (tougher).

A better platform would he an open source or at least open door platform like Twitter but longer format and higher quality of design, like old school newspaper formatting. The content would be submitted by users who have the ability to charge a modest fee for their work, like 2 cents a page or something, then your site uses a bit coin driven backend to facilitate micropayments right back to them. You still have to have a front page editor, who will be hugely influential to normies, and give his "choice" of articles each day. This will be gatekeeper number one.

Gatekeeper number two will be legal. You will be sued by the associated Press, and by Reuters, for bullshit in both cases but they will feel threatened and bring it anyways. The fcc will want to regulate you, if you beat that in court and stay like ebay then the (((ftc))) will now regulate you.

And remember that of all the psyops that the (((intelligence commujity))) put in us, none compare to the rothschilds buying up enough media in the 1870s to effectively silence mass scale professional journalism for all. So expect (((heart disease))).

But user, he will give us a fresh, modern design with a great name, probably something that excludes one of the consonants. I know, he'll call his site 'Reddt'.

doesn't look like its for us, its just their to cockblock soro's media, seems like an outpost rather then a secondary echochamber, if that's what assuming of "best jew filter" or "keeps us here" ie. not for us.

Then make the website of fuck off dummy.

>>>Holla Forums

Waaaaaaaaaaah call the waaaaaaaaambulance!

That's your fifth response actually

Since we are discussing killing the cucked journalism, I've been harboring an idea.

A web magazine that allows anyone to submit an article there and whomever manages the site (preferably a fashy goy) could decide wether to buy the article and to negotiate the price of it. I know there's plenty of young talented people who could write better articles than the air headed journalists that most of them are. This project could be crowd funded or stay afloat with ad revenue if we could find enough willing advertisers (which I doubd).

This together with OP's proposal could strike the death blow to the cucked journalism.

Can you emulate web browsers within a web browser?

We could perhaps load 5 articles of the same topic from 5 diffrent websites within 5
virtual web browsers to compare articles.

That way we wouldn't be infringing copy righted material as you would be loading directly from the original website.

Plenty of people write shit 4free

How about a web browser addon that would let the user rate the article?


But paying for the articles would result in more articles being submitted and thus allow the site manager to be more selective about the quality. I could imagine that a lot of students for example, would be willing to make a buck or two with that kind of stuff.

It would also be good for the site's reputation.

how about both

I like to start small, not big, slowly start with rating articles, then article writers and journalists, then offer users an extension if it becomes famous enough.

I'm saying that journalism students are a dime a dozen and would trip over themselves to get published completely pro-bono.

I think a simple will do, or even a link to the article. You can't have the article hosted on your site for sure, but you can definitly have snippets(if you're in US).

Zeronet is botnet

oy vey, looks like annudda shoah to me.

One problem: Rottentomatoes (and others) exist, yet movies are worse than ever before.

Considering the current state of journalism, I didn't mean journalism students in particular. But if they send good articles, it's a different thing. If I started this kind of project in my country, there's so few people that it would be necessary to pay something for an article if I wanted anyone to send them.

I get your point. I would still be willing to pay for larger, high effort reports.

something similar already exists:

also there was a similar project called zspeech, but it doesn't seem to exist anymore:

it's a good idea in principle, however it would need a critical mass of users to make it worthwhile.



Good idea but most people are retarded and shouldn't even have the right to browse the internet.
Just look at reddit or 4chung.

well if its voting based, a Holla Forumsack could rig the ratings

the jews would feel the same rage as we feel towards them.

Both this and op's proposal are on the right track. When you see why you will shit bricks.

You mean like Reddit?

This is exactly what the (((establishment))) wants, except that it would be used against right-wing independent sources. It would be best to have a site that simply calls out bullshit articles, but without the rating system that can be abused.

Some time ago there was a browser plugin for Firefox which checked the author of the article you're reading in the background and showing whether he was part of some (((organisations))) and his personal links.

Jewzilla banned this plugin because it was deemed anti-semitic, but you can still download the old version on github. It's deprecated though and won't probably work with a new version.

I forked it half a year ago and tried to get my Holla Forums faggots working on it but it ended up in us fighting about RUST and who has had the best 2D waifu.

It was a great plugin, because it showed you an overlayed jew star whenever the author of the article you're reading was somehow connected to globalist organizations/jews/big corps/media/establishment. The Plugin was taking the name and performing a quick search in networking databases for companies (i.e. Linkedin).

bump because i'm all for creating a new journalism after the ashes of the previous one.

My brains seem to be on power saving mode today. Pls help me see why.

what do you think is for?

any one?

Journocuck here.

Never became successful, but my skills are still sharp. I've written for medium-sized circulars and I'd like to participate. If interested and serious, respond in this thread. Thanks.

Ideally it would NNTP based, either like NNTPchan or using old school newsgroup readers. But I'm not complaining, when it gets pozzed I will move again. Have grown to like anonymity too.

Look for a single word in op's post. It's hiding in plain sight. When you notice the word and think about what it means in a general context, you will begin to understand.

Goyim, let's out Jew the Jew by being Jewlike, then when we get powerful we will hand back over this power to the Jews. Because it screams out in pain as it hits you….

No way in hell am I the first one to say this, but you've described shit like Reddit or Hackernews. These things don't work for reasons you should know if you are on an imageboard. As far as I know, they always operate at a loss too, so good luck finding funding.

The game can be won decisively, but you have to know what the game is first. The strategy you proposed sarcastically is obviously the wrong one when you pin down the game mechanics.

As a propaganda tool is a good idea

As a means of assessing bias, Im not so sure as it will be undoubtedly be Holla Forums biased rather than neutral reporting ..I suppose thats the point

Holy fuck why are you retards still alive? It isn't 1998, there is no excuse.

Go home Tom, you're drunk.

A return of NNTP is my wet dream.

News aggregators belong in the trash.

You're the one proposing the idea you lazy nigger. YOU should be the one devoting most of your time to this with volunteers doing what they can, not the other way around.

I haz datascience. I can help on this. We're going to need to get a slack channel or sometihng to collaborate.

Honestly just a slightly better reddit that isn't cucked to shit would be great. We could advertise on the chans, reddit, and glp. Those sites alone have a ton of traffic looking for uncucked news.

We need to incorporate overseas so we can avoid getting pozzed by equal opportuntiy laws.

It solves the wrong problem and will fail or be compromised for reasons pointed out by various anons. A solution is not a solution if it addresses the wrong problem or solves a problem framed using the wrong model of the phenomenon.

OP and others have not had their Eureka moment yet, and are still hunting for a model from which the problem and solution will be as plain as day.

Stop posting like a nigger and act like an adult if you want your reddit knock off to go anywhere


The enthusiasm and eagerness to make a difference are admirable, but you are barking up the wrong tree. Think a little more first. Incubate.

Ok I'm not going to go around actually killing cucked journalists if that's what you mean.

You can take the man out of the chans but you can't take the chans out of the man. Hi jew :^)

Hello fpi provocateur. Violence is by far not the answer. Go read posts above and think a little.

Gandhi himself would be proud. He would be smug as can be. Less hurt, more heal.

Every time.

You need to run the numbers on this plan. Here are the questions you need to answer to move forward with this:

and tell me how reddit is useful as a rating system for articles, its just random users ranting, its not a legitimate site that puts a big red score on a journalist, is IGN and RT also reddit by your logic faglord?

the establishment will only want such a thing if they lay their hands on it, if a Holla Forumsack owns the site while pretending to not be involved with us, it would be the perfect counter jewing.

Adding to this…

It isn't useful, that's the point. The idea is stupid. IGN is different because it is centralized — there is one review per game made by someone from the team. This approach is completely useless for articles because the time you wasted on reading a review of an article could have been spent better reading the article itself and forming your own opinion about it.

Can you steer me in the right direction? All words that I could think are relevant was

Can't you just tell me what you're thinking?

if i wanted people to tell me what's what and predigest content for me, i'd still be a jewcocklover

Hi reddit


It's a litmus test to see if you are ripe yet. More time on the vine for you my friendo.

I know you need to speed it up by 5x and play it backwards to understand it, schlomo, but please fix it for us goys.

What?! Trump isn't literally Hitler!? I sure am voting Hillary now.

I tried taking each individual word of OP's post and thinking what could they mean in a more general context and still no Eureka. You're over estimating my intelligence (or you're a shill deliberately wasting everyone's time).

Back on the vine tomato. This ain't no soup kitchen. "cancerous"

Is it just me or can anyone else make anything sensible out of this?

but why bother making a review for something if you could just put it on the list and allow users to rate and do the reviews themselves like on steam, thats how RT works, articles should function the same way, the only difficulty I see is keeping up with the constant flow of shit being released, which is hundreds and thousands of articles released everyday, the immense flow itself could be the big reason that this could not work, the rest is pretty dandy, if a system can be made to automatically capture articles from different areas and put them up for shitting then fine, individually and manually putting them on the list is really bad.


Also forgot to mention a potential feature that could be used to sort articles by ratings and popularity, and also have the worst and the best on the list, and it also sorts by day/month/year so its constantly changing every second.

how did this conversation begin exactly?

Second for this, you can link journos' malpractice under everything they do, informing the uninformed of just how trustworthy they are not.

OP needs a fat, ugly wife and then he can launch Snopes 2.0 politico edition from his mom's basement.

Good idea. Anything to break the guess who-ish stranglehold.

Wasn't Voat supposed to be the unpozzed Reddit?

sounds good

voat is just a reddit clone where they circlejerk over free speech. nobody actually uses it for discussion of anything.

attempting to kill reddit/twitter/etc with a "free speech clone" is never going to do anything more than create self-contamination.

it'll take something NEW to actually shift things. something like the aforementioned p2p plugin, or some kind of anonymous blockchain discussion platform.

*self-containment, fuck

Also same logic applies for and other "twitter killers" etc

(polite sage for doublepost)

You must understand the immunology of minds and their collective mindspace. Take the terms "viral marketing", "mental illness", "inflammatory language", "culture", "X is cancer" for instance. Do you see it yet?

As an inhabitant of this board, your mind is a cell in the anatomical appendix and lymphoid tissue of our common egregore. While it wallows in shit and is frequently written off as vestigial, it plays a VITAL role in the immunology of mindspace. It is a source of renewal and evolution of memes that arise from your mind. It is a crucial spawn point. You are now part of the Memetic Immunology and Pathogenesis division of the Bureau of Memetic Warfare.

Peoples' minds are sick. Uncle Ted thought that modern society was the cause, but it is actually a combination of nearly constant pathological memetic bombardment by mostly ZOG and by proxy, the infected through weapons of mass memetic dispersal (tv, media, music, movies, books, magazines, newspapers, children's toys, religious subversion such as the Nostra aetate of Vatican II which absolves the jews of responsibility for killing Jesus, VIDEO GAMES, public policy, etc). Long-term indoctrination attempts to leave minds in a gnotomemetic state that can be easily molded into shabbos goy zombies. You've seen the zombies and the empty look in their eyes. It's real folks.

Leftism is like HIV of the mind. It convinces the mind's immune system to attack itself (self-loathing, "check your privilege", shame, weakness is strength, oppression olympics) and virally spews to infect others in the individual's social network. Side effects may include blue hair and le ironic spotty beard While the mind's guard is down, it is flooded with other memes from the evil ZOG egregore and a zombie foot soldier is created.

The jews want to understand the goy mind so that they can control it. They study the fundamentals (psychology, pharmacology, the humanities) and apply what they find (examples above). They are doing an admirable job but either got cocky or their had was forced and they acted too quickly.

You are here because your mind is somewhat immune to their inoculation. You may be depressed or frustrated with the world. This is probably chronic memetic inflammation caused by your mind's immune system working around the clock to fend off bullshit. Your mind runs on your brain's hardware, and the CPU fan is running like crazy.

Think like a T-cell. Act like an antiviral. Think about germ ecology. Exercise and share good practices for keeping a mind well through memetic hygiene. Protection and neutralization is the name of the game.

Make your web thingy but try to have some guiding principle. You can stab in the dark, but nature usually comes up with an elegant solution for things, and there is no shame in imitating and emulating it. You are part of it after all.


it's called reddit, you sick faggot

The evil ZOG are also building detailed models of your mind and any collective consciousness it affiliates with by attempting to, for all intents and purposes, hijack the informational lymphatic system known as the internet. Your search engine activity (Google's (((Larry Page))), (((Sergei Brin))), DuckDuckGo's (((Gabriel Weinberg)))), social networking (Facebook's (((Mark Zuckerberg)))), and other SIGINT accretions help them to figure out what makes you tick and how you connect to others. They also manipulate their control of the pipes (media, internet) with techniques such as shadowbanning, censorship, or lying by omission to prevent the spread of memes that are harmful to their mind control plot.

Having a model of your mind is frequently marketed to you as "(((advertisers))) just want to get a better idea of the things that you are interested in so that they can sell things captalism rules." In reality, it allows them to better target individual minds with specialized batteries of meme weaponry and use network effects to help those pathological memes to take root. The individual mind is the weakest link.

They are also collecting your genetics directly. Ever heard of 23andMe? CEO (((Anne Wojcicki))) is (((Sergei Brin)))'s ex-wife. But that is tangential.

Your body is the fruit of your genetics. You mind is the fruit of your brain. Kek is the fruit of your mind. ZOG is the fruit of the Jewish mind. The battle may be in mindspace, but the war is genetic and your future depends on a favorable outcome.

You posted the same thing for over 40 times now, go away faglord.

Pic related, though this is even just a simple example of how a model of your mind is being used against you today.