Other urls found in this thread:



Hmm… what happens in such a case? Is the FBI forced to stand down so to speak? Because that's like some treason type shit the nigger cunt is doing.

Could be a mass resignation, which would be terrible of course if the FBI lost however many agents at one time

Why does she think she looks good with that haircut? On topic, this just further illustrates how rigged the system is. If anything this proves Trump right once again.

Dumb move, this will only ensure that the investigation won't end before nov8, securing a Trump victory

Now it is known for certain that the emails contain dirt. (((They))) are sweating bullets.


wouldnt be terrible if they took the emails with them



Blocking the investigation proves everything.

If they manage to rig it away from Trump.. Now more than ever… what we must do is written in stone.

Checked. I thought Hillary wanted all the information released? That's what she said at the press conference. Maybe Bill can talk to her on her plane.


This, Comey's hail marry to stop mass defection/leaks was to put this information out there, if the DOJ stone walls it the same people who were going to leak the info to the public when Comey would do nothing will now if the DOJ doesn't give them a warrant

Assuming Assange etc. has the emails, doesn't this mean they will release them since the FBI didn't follow through?



Congress has to act. Most likely, they appoint a special prosecutor with subpoena power. No time before the election, though, so it could only be a high-profile showdown between an Executive who looks like he's hiding something he's scared of and a Congress that looks for once like it's doing the people's work.

If those desperate fuckfaces have any sense, they won't make a big fucking deal out of this. "President Blocks Clinton Probe Until After Election" is the worst possible headline to have out there for them.

This shit better effect shit. Trump better ride them for this into the 9th.


Dubs of Truth, check'em

The Clintion team was so careless with this shit who knows how many people have copies of their inbox's.

They found emails on weiner's porno laptop.HRC lost blackbarrys. They used wifi/cell service in areas that they knew where hostile. The person running server had nfc what he was doing and had to turn to reddit for basic admin questions.

If the FBI doesn't take action I think SOMEONE will leak it. And there must really be some bomb's in there if the FBI would pull this so close to the election.


Lad, I wewed it.


Can they have a warrant to seize the devices but not examine them? Because that sounds a lot like bullshit.

if they don't solve this shit before the emperor is sworn in though, people will hang from lampposts and rafters for their incompetence and treachery.

it's in their own best interest to clean up their shit and asap.


Niggers obstructing justice. What did you expect?

If Hillary manages to steal the vote and the nation doesn't break down into civil war….
When Hillary makes this cunt a Supreme Court Justice we have to give her the old Pillow on the Head. This cunt is way too corrupt.

The weiner sexting investigation was their way in.They can't unsee what they already saw.

This has to be done by the book or Hillary walks.

Wasn't there nudes of that cunt somewhere?
She was sitting on a bed or something.

Wait, don't these emails have a timer on them?

As in, if they don't get released through official means, the emails themselves are gonna get leaked?

You wouldn't happen to mean *these*, would you?

Fbi cant get a secret court to sign off on it? Its not like that is unprecedented, or even rare, post-patriot act. They cant all be under Lynch's gaze at all times. At least make her revoke a few warrants on record.

Loretta Lynch comes from a long line of intellectuals, I for one trust in her unbiased judgement. Here is a video of her family and the struggles they grew up under because of the white man. Jesus, its the current year and you racists still are just angry that there's a proud sister in power now!


Yea, thats exactly what I meant. I knew I could count on you user.



Can Congress / Senate tell the nigger king to fuck off?

They are just buying time. Doesnt matter what happens as long as she is elected. Then it can come out. They can convict her really quickly and pardon her.

I'd seed her. Mostly out of pity.

As would I. Nothin' wrong with that.

She was into McCain too.

Exactly. Long legal explaination short, it's shenanigans on part of the DOJ, giving the go-ahead on a warrant is as easy as a single fucking signature.
Basically what said, this is a damned if they do, damned if they don't situation. Which isn't even taking into account the possibility of this getting leaked in their full uncensored glory.
Though if there was a leak, just like the Podesta emails. They would have been acquired illegally, and thus Hillary would have the chance of worming her way out of another indictment.

House wont be in session until November 11
Senate wont be in session until November 13

Last thing we want is an O.J. scenario.


Trump must make them a deal

What are the chances that the FBI have already read these new e-mails, know of their content and significance, and are merely bureaucratically stalled from continuing the investigation? They have to go on record and SAY they don't know the e-mail content because they don't have a warrant, but how the fuck could they not already know what's in them? I can't imagine that they look away from the computer monitor when one happens to pop up on screen in between all the loli and dick pics just because they don't have a warrant. I mean someone on the Weiner case had to have read this shit to make the judgment call to inform Comey of what was found.


But wait! Theres more…

This is the likely the most realistic scenario of what's going on

Odds are good otherwise they wouldn't t have opened the case up


That's my thinking. Comey wouldn't have done what he did if this wasn't dead serious.

This bitch has fucked every Republican candidate but Trump.

Damn that whore gets around. She's even good lucking. She must take it the deepthroat like it's nobodies business

They seized the devices for a reason. They found something incriminating and had to stop looking for legal reasons. They DOJ needs to think about what they are doing and how this appears. The situation they are in is not good. Several devices in the care of people who are very angry with them. A lot of things can happen to those devices while they drag their feet.

she is an establishment climber if you catch my drift.

So anyone willing to bet some rare pepes that the agents that found these e-mails suffer from depression and are going to take matters into their own hands soon?

If kek wills it.

They saw the emails, but they need a warrant to technically "see" them and include them as evidence. Hillary is going to walk. I know everyone here is excited about "finally" getting her, but you're thinking in terms of laws for peasants and slaves, laws that don't apply to Hillary.

Governmentese Translator: "There's a lot of shit in here we need to figure out how to redact before we fork it over because we are so fucked."

Literally signing one sheet of paper is all you need and the longer the DoJ sits on this, the longer everything looks fucking corrupt and terrible. There's no way Hillary wins. No way.

Everyone looks fucking dirty. Obama. Lynch. Comey. Clinton. Podesta. Fucking anyone within a hundred miles of Hillary is fucked.

Best. Year. Ever.

Desperate af, lmao

That was actually a pretty good film. You really sympathize with the “bad guy”.

Lmao it's quite literally an MKUltra'd mind controlled sex slave

Laws don't apply to anyone, all that really exists and matters is will and action.

*You can't unsee it*



Repost what he said

Guess we're in for a mass file dump soon if they continue to block the investigation.

It's just too bad the writer bitched out on that film and ruined the ending.


She needs to hang

How the fuck does this shit legally work anyway. Last time around the DoJ did what the FBI said. Now the FBI has to do what the DoJ says?

Is this why nothing ever changes? Because it's literally a big fucking previously secret circle-jerk?

I don't even think this matters. The damage to Hillary is already done, no matter what Dept. Justice decides to do.

In fact, if there is a block, that just underscores Trump's rhetoric of corruption and a rigged system. I've always thought Trump would win, but after Comey did this, I don't think Hillary even has a chance, even with all the vote rigging they can muster.

He sure fucked her up though.

Clinton: Let us see the content!
FBI: Obama says we can't

She's not good looking, and yet there is something alluring about her. Your senses are on the correct though, I bet she's a freak in bed.

over half the administration are jews, the rest niggers, spics, etc., but yeah, seems like pure nigger.

Obonobo Jewbama needs to wipe his husband Michaels benis milk from his face. Smdh not very presidential at all….

dubs confirm.

She's got that innocent sex-freak look about her. The face of a woman raise a family with, but a look behind her eyes of a crazed sex-maniac. Dangerous for sure. would still rail

Sounds very boring. Which means it's probably true. Reality is boring and predictable.

Indeed dear user, its all horseshit. Smoke and Mirrors, lies and subterfuge. Always with the kikes holding the power as they own most if not all the banks, media,politicians,etc. Nothing will change unless the ponzi scheme known as Judaism is destroyed.

After all this, would anyone here take the FBI seriously? They used to have a public perception as sort of the final and ultimate moral authority. I sure as shit wouldn't open the door for them no matter what they had.
Obviously, eventually they'd break in or burn me out eventually, but the FBI will be a joke. If the cunt lapping felon manages to win, the country will never be the same. Not only free speech, guns, internet freedom, etc… but white collar fraud, esp. among jews on wall street will soar.

If Hillary wins there will be civil war, user. Buck up. No matter what happens, even if we die miserably, the world will be more than a boot stomping on a human face forever.

She won't win. Kek already decided who will win this game, and that is us, and Trump.

Dr. Pierce always said democracy could never work due to the lemming factor and the jew-controlled media. I wonder what he'd say about this election and if he had lived to see the rise of Jewtube.

Wew lad

"Look into the Clinton Foundation", but then spilling the beans on the Clinton Foundation leads to fucking "option A" level catastrophe? This is assuming the FBI can keep enough control over the information to get enough to take those down who need to be taken down without provoking other countries to war by revealing what's happened with the CF?

If any of it is to be believed, there are people on the inside working in the best interest of the country - a lot of them at the cost of their own lives / futures. But when this much is at stake, how could you persist in a world where you didn't take the opportunity to at least try and set things right?

Much talk of confirmation bias, yet I can feel it's my confirmation bias wanting to believe this.

That sounded BORING to you???


It is a good thing the DoJ doesn't issue warrants, judges do.

If the FBI has come across NEW evidence of wrong-doing or criminal activity, they are forced by law to pursue an investigation. They don't need approval from the DoJ.

They need Soros to sign off on it.

coup when? that thread part 1 that thread part 2
Can anyone direct me to the red team planner thread he's talking about?

user if you haven't seen it by now and furthermore can't figure out how to search for it, you probably need read more and learn to use a computer.

guys, the fbi is mostly on the side of those who wish the corrupt bastards to hang
which is why they abstained to prosecute, to bring firm conclusions, to indict, etc
… they're stalling, they're playing the clock

because they know that if illary is indicted/judged before Trump is sworn in, she will get a hasty pardon blackmailed out of king nigger
and then she couldn't be judged again because double jeopardy and shit
and she would escape her sentencing to 850 years in penitenciary + 27 life sentences without parole + 19 death sentences + being raped by hyenas + being denied gender reassignement surgery

so for now, the fbi "keeps inquiring", because as long as her crimes aren't formally recognized she can not begin to weasel her way out of her fate

but you can be certain that about 8 seconds after Trump is crowned prezident, she will be under arrest with about a hundred fbi in power armor around her

Is it the one with the map? Because I've seen all three of those

All that is good and well except the fact that king nigger kan pardon her without indictment/trial.
So whatever the angle is, im not convinced this is it.

I'd stay away from this one anons.
She's batshit and I've seen some of them in my life.

wat do

Kill a prominent kike or leftist puppet for the cause, user.

Exactly what I was thinking.

At least wait until after election day, you scamps.

Christ this is dangerously incompetent. Nobody sane would trust these people with leading our country. We need intelligent leaders with foresight not bottom of the barrel self-inflating filth.

Please explain? I don't understand how this changes things.

straight outta 1984

It makes me wonder if the sheer incompetence of these people is a better line of attack than their corruption. At this point, remaining Clinton supporters can shrug off the most heinous of her crimes. However, attacking her ineptitude might yet demoralize supporters and convert low-info undecideds. Corruption is a fairly complex concept, but sucking at one's job is easily understood.

absolut kek

that was truly delightful and would be good normie fodder

There's also the rumor that the 33K e-mails Hillary asked to be deleted are going to be revealed this week and that's partly why the FBI has announced they're re-opening the investigation. The Weiner connection is probably true but the timing of the FBI's announcement could have something to do with the planned release of the deleted e-mails by those who have them either through DC Leaks or Wikileaks or Guccifer 2.0 or who knows.

You could also see some top FBI agents publicly resign to protest against Loretta Lynch and speak against Lynch/Obama/Clinton at a press conference.

And you're probably going to hear Hillary Clinton say T-THESE E-MAILS ARE FAKE! IT'S T-THE RUSSIANS! T-THEY'RE BEHIND ALL OF THIS!

there is more at play, just read based fbi user's thread. obama is implicated, so if he pardons hillary then he could become the fall guy. it is a game of strategy. really fascinating how this is unfolding.

stay safe based patriots.


My guess is this whole thing is being pushed by the lower level FBI people.

It was probably getting to the point where the chance of a low level agent leaking the info was near 100%.

The DoJ has little to now power in this case. A judge has a lot of power here.

They don't need a warrant, the emails were discovered by NYPD acting on a separate warrant! Any other crime that they discover during that time is fair play. Just like if they come into your house to bust you on wire fraud or some shit but you have CP on your computer, your ass is going down for it.

This is 100% bullshit. Something WEIRD going on here it they are having to get another warrant.

HRC is calling for Weiner's emails to be released, yet DOJ won't allow FBI to so much as look at them. How much more suspicious can they appear? It boils down to this: if HRC is elected, then it's a 'limited nuclear exchange' with Russia, World War 3. If Trump is elected, its civil war. Which is worse? There's no question, as dire as our civil war will be, World War 3 will be far, far, far worse…

The FBI was initially established to monitor and arrest government corruption. That they've not fulfilled their mandate up to now is something they should correct. The fish has rotted from the head down. The FBI should have backbone, not worry about merely losing their jobs or being threatened. We Americans are all dealing with those same challenges because of what machinations much of it Jewish in nature the FBI has investigated. The ramification of these problems aren't limited to inside the Beltway, but spread out across our Nation.

As for the concern that full disclosure would lead to WW3, no it wouldn't. It would lead to adjustment on the global scale, and perhaps other governments falling as well, but if the American government was rebuilt openly and honestly, if the American people and the American leadership came clean about our rot, and routed it out, then the world would give us a one-time pass to get our act together again, to straighten up and fly right - and if we did so, the world would breath deep sighs of relief. That's a far cry from WW3.

Here on Holla Forums, and in much America, we all want to believe in our (rogue) heroes, and the FBI could claim that status if it but expresses it's own backbone. America can be great again, with much housecleaning yes, but it can happen, and only one way - the FBI must hold to it's roguish intent, and let a new government step in to replace the olde. The long-term ramification of allowing HRC, et al, to continue is the far, far, far worse option - a poisoned wasteland for 6-8 centuries to come.

She's definitely got borderline personality disorder. Completely batshit crazy no doubt, like most SJW women.

The only solution is civil war and ethnic cleansing or a slow methodicla ethnic cleansing.

We must make America white again.

Putin pls NUKE D.C.

Definitely a whore. She's into theater and she is a political groupie, both sure signs of being a slut.

Once again the media is working overtime to spin this away from Hillary. I saw some at the gym (CNN iirc) and they were trying to make it about the DOJ.

Are you kidding me? She's going to wind up the wife of some powerful politician, user.

Get as much blackmail material as you can.


So you figure they'll drag this out to January, even after Trump wins in November? Christ, what a time we have before us.

I'm pretty sure Trump would not respect an Obama pardon. He'd probably do something unprecedented and release Obama's real Kenyan birth certificate and declare all Obama pardons to be invalid.

He doesn't have a choice
They'd kill him first. They really would



That is the perspective of somebody who has spent too much time thinking within the system.


There are ways around a presidential pardon. It's weird and counterintuitive, but federal prosecutors can sometimes disregard a pardon and file charges. If you're ever given a choice between a Nixon-style pardon and a Sammy the Bull-style immunity arrangement, take the immunity from the state attorney and skip the pardon. If they want to get you badly enough, a pardon doesn't protect you from shit, especially if it's vague about which specific crimes you "may or may not" have committed.

Put it like this, I found it in 2 seconds using your own post. Figure it out or lurk moar.

It’s called “Obama can go fuck himself; my DoJ is going to prosecute.”

There is absolutely nothing they can do that won't make this a million times worse and I fucking love it.

Legally speaking, the DOJ warrant is red herring. The FBI doesn't need any approval to investigate anything. Besides, Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner are willfully cooperating with the FBI, so no warrant needed regardless.


So essentially our options are, pull a few of the smaller ticks from the host (which is our own fucking country) and leave the bigger ones to continue bleeding us dry, or rip the fucking bandage off, arrest everybody and get our country back. One is only going to stave off disaster for a few decades but ultimately our children will be fucked, the other is going to fuck things up for us now but in a few decades we'll be fine. Gee, I wonder which we should opt for?

anything worse than now is too far

Ishiggidy diggidy my niggidies

This country is like a strung out junkie. We need to put up with the temporary pain to clean this bullshit out of our system. The withdrawal symptoms are going to be godawful but it's necessary fucking work.

I don't really buy into the Great Man theory of politics, but this is a case where we desperately need a leader. A leader who doesn't give a fuck about what lies (((they))) tell can undertake a secret purge of the government and high-level business and media elites. An arrest here, a charge there, maybe a private word encouraging (((Soros))) to "donate" his vast fortune to charity and relocate to Israel unless he wants himself and his chosen heirs covertly snuffed can do a lot. Replace the quietly purged criminals with capable people, not just loyal lackeys, and make the structural adjustments you think will prevent the growth of another tumor.

You can see why this is challenging and requires practically a miracle to come off well. Our leader must:
1) Acquire enough power to break a secretive cabal of bagmen and traitors
2) Be patriotic enough to really want to do this, rather than come to terms like everybody else and just get along
3) Have sufficient character to:
a) Stay the course, whatever (((they))) say
b) Not abuse the immense power he must wield to get the job done
c) Lay down that power when he's done and not declare a dynastic succession
4) Exercise cunning and caution, where the former will outrage the masses for his undemocratic approach and the latter will outrage the rest of us for his sloth and inaction
5) Turn his back on the traditional kingmakers and build a new system that doesn't revolve around his own aggrandizement.

I am not hopeful. The power required to even start cleaning house is so vast I expect it to corrupt every human being who touches it. But if anybody stands a chance, I think it might be Donald Trump. Now I would like to take that last sentence and send it back through time five years to see my own face when I read it.

We may be fucked

WHo's the fluid druid

This happens, just like a pardon, it's obvious she's guilty and we need to spread it.
Beyond that, time for action the system is beyond too corrupt and it's time to go BLM on this government.

Reminder: Mute your speakers/headphones before you click that webm.


Like the BMGF?

Ah yes, the infamous bagmen.



I didn't even keep up with the current election when it first started. I completely cheated myself out of witnessing the Republican debates. I had no idea Trump was a man of such integrity; I always thought he was just another media attention whore. Dude, if you had told me even one year ago the guy from the fucking Apprentice would be who I was hinging all my hopes on to ensure a future for my daughter and future heirs, i'dve thought you were batshit.

What a time… to be alive…

Yet the kike media is focusing solely on this, as if it matters.

You missed Trump shitting at will all over the Republican establishment. It was the most astonishing thing I've ever seen, until now. Those clips of Yeb! bumbling about in confusion was a precursor to the chaos of this week.

The FBI presents the evidence, it's up to the DOJ to prosecute.

Apparently some insiderAnon on cuckchan has indicated the Military is pissed at Clinton and something will be happening at 11AM on Tuesday. He said it was related to that 2 Star General who recently committed suicide who was set to take over the missile defense system. He also says Hillary Clinton was warned personally not to run for president multiple times.

It's happening guys!

May not matter anymore.
Some of the fox jews fags are saying that wiener is cooperating with FBI.

So how does Comey know what's in them if he doesn't have a warrant?
Seems he just destroyed any use they might have.

SO the FBI should present the evidence to the public if the DOJ is corrupt. I really don't see the issue here. They just have to say it. Trump becomes POTUS and the salem with trials begin. right?

I don't disagree. Not a lawfag so I don't know. More e-mail dumps are to come I hope.

Praise kek

More butthurt from the NYT:

A Scandal Too Far? Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and a Test of Loyalty
Have an archive for your troubles
Checked and keked

The Salem trials were an outbreak of hysteria related to ergot of rye and listen and beleive.
Are you really stating the trials have no merit or substance and are just being done by idiots?

Thanks for the archive fam.

Muh Salem Witch Trial narrative. Same shit as the holohoax.

The DoJ is the lawyer and judges.

the FBI is the investigators and beat-walkers.

And since is right and the Clinton camp is mostly cooperating with the investigators, nothing serious happened. At most, Comey had her on process and technicalities. It wasnt enough for DoJ even though he used the words "extremely careless" which is a bedrock for criminal negligence cases.

The majority of appointed and elected officials know to some degree how bad shit is. And most just carry on. But Hillary is so arrogant in her power and chooses the worst friends that the machine that everyone is scared of looks mighty fragile. Trump and Holla Forums have capitalized on this. Thats why we see dissent where we have never seen it before.

Your average worker knows they are an expendable cog in the machine. Most are just trying to earn a living, raise a family and retire with a pension. You can blame them only so much.

I apologize for my polemic use of this term. What I meant was the installation of a special prosecutor who rips the whole goddamn tower of babylon to pieces.

Would be appointed by a corrupt congress so that's just more kabuki theater.

Whether or not their magic works is irrelevant, there can surely be people who call themselves witches and worship the devil even if he never answers them.

That said, modern awareness of the Salem trials is driven by pro-communist jewish propaganda that slandered McCarthy by associating him with it.

She doesn't really look like she has sanpakku eyes. Pic related does though, for sure.

I plead the sheeeeeiiiiit.

What fresh fuckery is this?


Oh fuck, is this what Kim Dotcom was talking about? Did someone tip him off the same legal petard Cunton used on him is the one she's about to be hoisted on?

She's only saying that to imply she has nothing to hide
In reality she doesn't want any of it to come out

A case of


Honestly Hillary fucked them HARD by pushing this. She could have just retired into her wealth and while she'd be remembered as a mildly hated politician and wife to a popular if corrupt president, and someone who was kinda charitable but not really. By running for president every one of her damn lies has been exposed to the world.

Bernie's policies were insane and would have fucked everything, but the difference is people actually LIKE him. He was all for their stupid sjw shit and he promised pie in the sky solutions to their problems. The establishment could have kept on turning for another four to eight years.

I really hope this was all orchestrated by Trump calling in favors and setting up weiner.

You mean…


worse than Watergate, user?

You don't get it, ITS HER TURN! She has a contract with this whole system that will give her the presidency because she bought it. She was promised it after losing in 2008, so in those 8 years she has paid off everyone and threatened all opposition. The popular vote is rigged and the electoral college is rigged.

If it wasn't for her health and how awful she treats everyone around her, whose only purpose this campaign is to run damage control, she would have gotten away with all of it.

The problem is "how awful she treats everyone around her" is worth far, FAR more than she ever seems to think.

I mean yes, large swaths of the American people hate her. But large swaths of the military, FBI, secret service, and every other agency also hate her. She paid people off, but she has no real friends. She has no way to actually back those promises except by reprisal from people who also hate her.

If Hillary gets into the whitehouse, the end result isn't going to be pretty. You're essentially guaranteed a coup given the military is well fucking aware that she wants war with Russia and has been for the whole campaign. If any large group of one of the many armed organizations employed by the USA tries shit she'd have to rely on the secret service, which also hates her. And while they can try to shield her from cameras(just too slow for it to matter, even knowing it would happen, obviously), I don't know if they'd try to stare down a tank for her.

Beware that face, anons. It only ever brings trouble and mind-shattering sex

A natural manipulator (and she knows it).

and trump can't revoke the pardon?

I found this laying around.

Can anyone verify?

so who against whom? the sjws against trump, his 88 generals and his completely armed supporters? hell even nogs support trump, it would be done in a day



Stop underestimating the Soros's army of Leftist ideologues. He's built a career out of destabilizing other countries/regions already, (most recently Russia, Ukraine, Syria, etc.). No, civil war against Trump won't happen overnight, but to increasing effect, and by the next election in 2020 they will be out in force, violently remaking the political rules in America.


I think user means that if the evidence is not gotten perfectly legally by all standards, they would try to throw it out as illegally obtained. Same way Shitlary won her child rapist case, because she got the evidence convicting him to be disqualified, so it could not be used in the case.
We want her to get her ass handed to her in court, so all evidence must be obtained by legal steps so they can't possibly get her out of it.

President Trump won't hesitate to call them out on it, though. Let's see Soros try his usual bullshit with the spotlight shined directly on him by the leader of the free world.

The pictures of his whore mother are real. No idea if the birth certificate is or not though.

Soros-begone only happens if the FBI acts aggressively.
unless RWDS export pieces of his carcass to Zion

eww cankles, can not unsee

Yes, it also is the case if your computer is stolen and the thief has a conscience. Which made all the muh stolen emails narrative so fucking laughable. They are counting on the stupidity of normies.

Did Jeb give her a turtle?

Do you think McMullin could do better?

slow and steady mate

also worth noting that software exists, that has been sold to police forces of western / westernized countries, that can plant CP if the agency so desires it.

A market exists amongst major goverments for this, that is lucrative enough to develop it. Let that sink in.

You should be careful where you go blabbing user. Didn't you know 8ch is our favorite vector?
Some of you goyim are alright, don't turn on your computer tomorrow.

Yea. Here is the mysterious software.

She's white. I just want to know if she can fuck like a ferret. I assume once pregnant the hormones will fix her.



I have a theory that Hillary was for real slipping in internal polls. All the wikileaks, project veritas, Podesta shit, and now the wiener pics. Soros machines switching votes. Because of all that they final boss of the shadow government has decided to drop Hillary. Many of her allies are not helping her any more.

"Over the weekend, senior Justice Department officials said they would make all resources available to conduct the investigation as quickly as possible, saying Mr. Comey’s letter — just days before the election — gave the matter an unprecedented urgency."

I'm hard now.
I mean really hard.
Like harder than convincing a former slave to move to Africa hard.
Why the hell? What’s the play here?

I don't know who's jewing who anymore.

Uhh…. what? They are diverting all FBI resources to investigate this?? Hey, uh… boys? uhhh…. are you think what I'm thinking? I'm just saying….

I think at this point their plan is to simply shred everything they possibly can and get the hell out of dodge before January.

Clinton was all well and good without the popular vote if they could rig it and get the establishment behind her. But if people within the establishment are pulling stunts like this then there's no guarantee someone in on the rigging won't spill the beans or do something to fuck it up.

Their best plan of action at this point is to just stall for time once Trump gets in and try to replace him after one term.

Oh shit.

FBI might not be playing their game then.

Really makes you think

Don't forget the Department of "Defense" which changed from the more appropriate "Department of War" after WW2.

At this stage the play is probably to just speed through it and declare her innocent again. Then say this new laptop full of emails was dropped on the ground and destroyed with no backups.

He's definately playing some form of mind fuckery here.

This will play right into HRC's hands.

The feds are going to "finally prove once and for all, that there is nothing to see here". It will be revealed late next week, giving the msm enough time to hammer it home over the weekend before tuesday.

wait and see, you poor hopeful fools.

650k is such a huge number it leads me to believe its probably blackberry messages backed up from huma and weiner using the laptop.

The messages they thought were gone when destroyed by hammers.

They just mean that they're diverting those FBI resources that are "unassigned". There's always a pool of people who could do investigative work but are doing other projects (bureaucrat-created projects).

This *ahem person appears to be obstructing