A friend wants to vote for Hillary, I'm trying to make her see reason

…Is there anything that can be done?

I'm afraid my line of reasoning has come to an end, any further arguing would just pressure her and get her into a defensive position. She's fixated on Trump being racist, it's something his campaign could've handled better, with more tact.

Other urls found in this thread:



I tried my best. I know a lot of people like her… "Clinton might be catastrophic to the world as we know it, but I'll still vote for her because I think Trump is racist".

Go away Britton, this isn't your blog.

Hang yourself.

I doubt you can do anything, but if you're gonna try just keep it to emotional arguments.
Like "She rigged the Bernie elections, you would vote for such a crooked person?" or "She got money from Saudi Arabia, they chop off gays heads!" Stupid shit like that.

Oh you already sent that. Nevermind, nothing can be done at this point. Take it as a lesson to not send girl ridiculous walls of text

She's an idiot, Just ask her which of Clinton's policies she prefers over Trump's and why. She won't have an answer.

Tell her not to look at them personally.

Tell her to vote for Jill Stein. We're talking harm reduction at this point.

She's voting Hillary because she has a cunt. Link her the stuff on Hillary being for a female draft and for attacking Russia over them supposedly hacking the DNC.

Keked and checked

You're not good at persuasion and you don't understand women are beneath men.
Women are nothing but overly emotional children in adult bodies who the state has made "equal".
No amount of reason or logic will change her mind, she (and all other women) entirely emotional in thought patterns.
I don't know why you're trying so close to election day and not months ago.

You don't even know how to check properly. Why wait - kill yourself today.

You should disassociate with people like that if you know what's good for you.

How bout you give us your friends info and we'll see what we can do to convince her.

*cought* (already checked)


We are not at a stage where we can just tell women the facts and have them accept it. Women are all entitled and think their opinions matter, when they derive all their opinions from "muh feels"

Anyone that read all that and then replied "Muh Drumpf is racist tho lols" Is beyond saving.
Best you can do is, as another user said, try and get her to vote stein, take the vote from cunton.

What the fuck is this?

Tell her he won the Ellis Island award.

Found your problem. No matter what she's going to vote based on her fee-fees and what the media tells her is the more 'virtuous' position. You'd be better off demoralising her so she doesn't vote at all.

There you go

Holy autism Batman

Focus on the Saudi connection. Show her this and ask if she supports it.


the more effective way would be to fuck her good and make her cum, then tell her to vote trump.

??? lmao a lost cause, shift her to stein if you can. "voting for stein will send a clear message to the DNC that corruption is not ok"

Women don't care about politics they care about emotion which is why you aren't going to win her over with information. Best bet is to tell her that the racist Trump meme isn't a thing, it's a fake narrative propelled by the MSM and useful plebeians.

There are many women with low self esteem voting for Hillary. They are looking forward to the flood of rapefugees open borders will bring because they want everybody to feel miserable like them.



Usinbg reason on modern wmen is like administering medicine to the dead.

Most of them are LITERALY braindead, it makes me sad as fuck, but it is what it is.

That's where you drop redpills, user. The very concept of 'racism' is idiotic and only ever applied to white people. If she doesn't believe you, there's so much material even from moderate leftists that show that anything that is to the benefit of white people, whether there was any preference involved or not, is labeled 'racism'. 'Racism' means white people benefit from it, and she should instead be asking, 'if something benefits the American people, what makes it bad'? Reel her in with 'it's not a zero sum game' tier arguments and show her that this outlook is stupid.

Then show her how democratic policies (the city councils of every major city with massive nigger districts is full of dems, has been for decades, and their life quality has been degraded more and more because of them) affect niggers, as well as how niggers will benefit from Trump's policies. Many many examples for you to put together, but just one minor one here: The spics that come over the border are criminals. She's a democrat, right? She cares about getting rid of guns. Criminals don't care about gun laws. Guess what they're going to bring en masse across the border so long as it remains open? And the niggers are in constant feud with the spics that get equipped that way. Gun laws mean nothing so long as there is an open border through which to smuggle in guns without scrutiny. If she then counters that the Mexicans have gun laws, ask her what exactly those spics are running away from, if not either the immense poverty created from an extensive social system, or the ludicrous rate of violent crime (committed with guns). How are those gun laws working for them? Even if she doesn't retreat into awkward silence, you hammer unapologetically that they're working anything but well for them.

There's even more than enough leftists that are getting redpilled on how the same mudskins that claim to be 'moderates' that are 'harmless', whenever they're not the ones currently caught, turn around to enforce and teach shariah law in their communities as soon as you look away. The 'radicals' meme is dying off, and it's becoming more and more apparent that the problem isn't 'radicalization' but Islam itself. She will close her ears and try to blend it out, but what you can tell her is that she should read the fucking Qur'an if she thinks anything about Islam than that it mandates the brutal slaughter and pillaging of unbelievers. So if Muslims are the problem, what do you do? That's right, you ban them. At least any new ones coming in. Because if you don't, it's pretty obvious what happens. The Qur'an does forbid lying about being Muslim unless being a Muslim in and of itself gets you jailed or killed (or otherwise penalized) where you currently are. It doesn't forbid you from saying 'No, I'm not a terrorist, I'm not one of those ebil radical muslims. I'm a perfectly nice Muslim'. Bottom line: Every Muslim is not just a potential terrorist, but will certainly take the place of one, should they run out of terrorists that fight for their cause.

If she has trouble imagining that, picture it like this. You have 200 Muslims in a population. Only ten of them are currently terrorists. But guess what, if one of those ten dies, that doesn't mean that there's suddenly just nine of them. The other 190 will eventually realize that the unbelievers aren't intimidated enough, and the demand will lead to at least one of the remaining 190 getting enlisted. Jihadists and Muslims aren't disconnected entities. One is the application of the cause, and the other is the stock for it. Muslims are stock for jihad and will gladly serve as such at any time. The more Mudskins you get rid of, the safer it gets.

This will sooner or later torpedo her into a moral outrage on how badly you think about Mudskins and possibly non-whites in general. That's when you drop the endless articles about mudskins and other shitskins killing, raping, injuring and even eating the people that gave them food and shelter. You never end it. Case over case over case. The more monstrous, the better. In fact, show her the case of those mudkins in Britain that killed a 14 y/o girl processed her into literal kebab and then sold her to unbelievers and other mudkins to eat. That exact case, show it to her. You want her to think of that, whenever she thinks about eating kebab. She won't admit it, but from then on in, she won't be able to shake this worry, that the next time she goes for some doner, could be the one that makes her a cannibal.

And this is empty, retarded rhetoric and you need to call her out on that. What does that mean 'divisiveness'? It's just a buzzword butthurt media outlet touted around and she soaked up like a sponge. Tell her that exact thing. She probably has no idea what she's talking about.

Absolutely disgusting. Who is this girl? How long have you know her? Do you want to fuck her?

Indeed, and here's why.
Women tend to think of their duties in terms of care.
That's why the (((degenerate West))) is sugar-coating its legal violence against whites, with a feminine language.

cultural genocide => "diversity", which means to females "more people to take care of"
suppression of our history => "white privilege", which means to females "to better take care I shall not care for my own"

As a result, millions of Western women are hurt more by our WORDS than by their anti-white LAWS!

In a patriarchal system, this doesn't happen.
Women think of their duties as mothers and spouses. Their priorities are their loved ones. Not the big state and the big market.

I hope you're only using this woman for her vagina.

I don't get it either. They are black, aren't they?

why? It's like you think they're rational or something

Show video of Hillary's support of Syrian No Fly Zone

Show video of US general talking about how that means war with US and Russia

Ask them why they support war?
This has worked with a few people I've known

fuck, do you have a link to the 14 year old girl being made into kebab meat? thats gruesome shit.

another thing: muslims want to ban christmas lights in our own countries. women love christmas.

Women love receiving free things from others. They don't actually give a shit about anything else on Christmas. If a woman is told she has to give up seeing pretty lights in order to make a foreigner feel more safe, she'll fucking do it.

Listen buddy, your friend is a moron and you're better off telling her that and never speaking to her again.

Here is your problem. You cannot reason with females because they are dumb. You can only appeal to them emotionally.

This. If you make a woman cum she'll do anything you tell her to. Not only that, she'll believe anything you tell her too.

That whole story was based on something some shit talking paki said, and nothing was ever proven. Not that I would put it past them, but you might want to stick with stories you have solid proof for, like Rotheram.

.32 would be sufficient

True story. I got a Jewess to deny the holocaust this way.

If Trump is so racist, why is he stealing the black vote from dems?

Checkmate, liberals

Here's what you do. Gore spam her with images of cartel violence. Find some liveleak videos of them torturing people and animals and send them to her, and then tell her that this is what Clinton will be bringing to the USA. Tell her this is what Trump wants to keep out.

You need to emotionally traumatize her. Look up "emotional abuse" and learn these techniques and then use them on her. These are classic methods of keeping women in line, which have been redefined as "abuse" by Jewish psychology. In reality, they are necessary methods for keeping social order.

One should not inflict abuse directly. Trauma through reality is acceptable.

we won't get the world we want if we don't practise to talk their language

You need to use proper judgement with these methods. They are effective, but there is a point that they can be taken too far. But in moderation they are good.

Don't use logic with her. It's better to use some demagogy in person, show her the homeless woman who was defending Trump¡s Hollywood star being bullied, tell her about the female draft, tell her about Clinton sex scandals…
They don't give a fuck about state affairs, only about muh feels.

I understand trying to redpill someone who is already on the fence but wasting time on that idiot would be better spent on someone else, so no i dont agree with you fully.

Look at this fag, doesn't even know the relevance of 3258.

I wish I had a girl to talk to.

If she is fit just fuck her brains out and she will adopt your opinion and viewpoint, women follow when men lead. If she is a SJW hambeast however good luck.

Here talk to this one.

leave your pc and you would.

Lol good one.

I can't leave. What if a happening happens? I'll be in the dark and essentially useless to our cause. Vagina will always be there; It's already apparent that the internet will not. Save fucking everything.

Tell her to sign up for the draft and to stop being a cunt. She wants world war 3? She can fight it.


Britton pls go


What an odd complaint.

Make it more emotional. Send her videos of africans pooping in the streets in germany, or hillary fainting.

then why are you complaining?
Men sacrifice for the greater good all the time, and we shut up about it. That's what makes us men.

It's one vote. It doesn't matter. We know you want to dick her, but those walls of text are not the way, David.

m8 with those walls of text you'll appear as an (((intellectual))), not as a friend. You need to make it look like a casual conversation, just send some evidence of her saying stupid things like "I'll respond militarily to Russia".

With racism you can say that the word is used so much it has essentially lost its meaning, uncontrolled immigration is a problem, Trump being called a racist is just a media tactic.

Don't go full redpill with the Jews.

Also this


Nigger if autists on the internet won't read it, a woman sure as hell won't. Normies can handle like one or two sentences max, and you have to speak their language.

Yes, I know this is bumplocked.

Give her a taste of what shes in store for!
Take out ad on c list/other feturing pics of some skag you found online "Avg but not 9/10" .
Looking for quick casual hookup, BM only
** add necessary info, enjoy laughs.
Obviously do it from open wifi spot that you can use from a car…. say, behind a wallyworld that has a shitbux wifi, ect. **

For added effect, after 'SHTF', share pic related upon your SM/some place the cunt will find it.

Pic related. See what she thinks of it.

When even the kosher prosecutor finds the audio 'revealing' that's a little more than 'nothing was proven'.