Esquire wants Talor Swift to endorse Clinton to her 160 million followers

Looks like the (((media))) is getting desperate again:

Some rat on Esquire is trying to pressure celebrities to endorse Clinton. That itself isn't much news. What's interesting is that one of them is Taylor Swift, who apparently has a massive base of followers (something more than 100 million).

This is how desperate they are. They think a celebrity endorsement from the likes of Taylor Swift might just get enough voters to swing the election (((their))) way.

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Is she relevant anymore?

Wasn't she memed as a closet nazi

I believe she is still #1 female celeb in the states. The swifties are still going strong.

Can the Jews get readers for shit like ((esquire)) these days? I never understood it, the writer must be just above food stamp level.

can we get her to endorse the trumpenfuhrer instead

It's not her, it's whatever Jew manages her. when the saw how quickly the dixie chicks had their careers ruined, I assume a jew is with her 24/7 to keep her away from politics.

Paid for by your friendly (((record industry moguls)))

I believe she uses cuckchan, if that's what you're getting at

Imagine her going full madman and endores donald instead

This is what they do. If you got any kind of following they immediately want to co-opt you to fight for their political causes. The article even admits that a lot of these people don't care about/avoid mentioning politics and yet they're still trying to co-opt them.

Hillary got a Grammy and she doesn't even make music. Grammy awards are as meaningless as (((Nobel prizes)))

AKA model goy award


Taylor is our girl

Just start spamming all these maga images on twatter before the kikes can get a response.

you just get the Leslie Jones effect. This place made that negress millions of dollars.


We didn't make her any money.

Aren't a lot of Swift's fans underage/foreign women?

She does, but that's not what he's talking about. Lefties got their panties in a bunch because she reportedly turned up to a party in a swastika shirt and talked shit about blacks. Later she posed for a photo with a fan who also wore a swastika shirt and they lost their shit again.

got her the NBC olympic gig. No way to single out a negress not matter how awful she is. "if your skin is black, the world will forgive you anything." -Ian Smith, Rhodesian PM

Lots of gay men love her, too.

I was alluding to the fact that many of her fans aren't even able to vote, what's the point of trying to get her to endorse Clinton?

Ah, probably just to push it more and more into them for future votes. Same thing with making as much TV feature WF/BM stuff; normalize it and literally shape the future. Even if Clinton loses THIS election, they might as well play the game for the next one right away.

If Clinton loses this election, that's it for her political career. She's too old and too infirm to run again.

I said "they" - not specific to her. She's but one head, not the sole one.


And I'd wager it's difficult to run a Presidential campaign from prison.

It doesn't work that way. America votes for people, not parties. Hillary losing this election will prove that

the jews at NBC flew her down to rio to do something. I think that was bait from the start to get her PR and sympathy. Too inarticulate even to give them interviews in rio.

There's a quote I can't find about bread and circus in the Roman era. It said that the politicians would have to dance and sing to get the attention of plebs as the empire collapsed. This is probably the early throws to make up for popularity they don't have. Hillary destroyed her reputation by getting involved in so much scummy stuff, the only way to get people to like her is to get people who like other famous people to like her.

Blacks and latinos aren't incredibly loyal to parties, even if those parties have historically done virtually nothing for them (not that any of the parties really do anything for anyone)?

>inb4 some autist calls me a shill


So it was fucking nothing then? Why bring it up?

I agree

retard, NBC olympic mentions are a big deal, commercials are really amazingly expensive prime time. Each mention is millions of dollars in shekels of PR, it was a big deal, it was bait from the start here, as I said then and no one listened.
They didn't put a chimp at a keyboard for 6 hours straight and let it loose by coincidence. She has jew handlers.

You can't even elaborate on what it is they got her to do. It was fucking nothing. And this was what? Six months ago? Yeah it's had a real big impact on her career.


I hope not. Every celebrity who's done that has been cursed.

Im amazed she hasnt already done that. She is a retarded feminist so id bet my life shes voting clinton. Hopefully pressure to appeal to everyone from her label/managers keeps her mouth shut.

because it wasn't like any normal TV plug, they just had her sitting there in prime time and kept cutting to her.
Once you get a jew publicist, they get updated in real time on twatter mentions. You don't find geld like that, she has a jew who holds her leash in hollywood. that was a setup.

pick any hollywood writer or d-list actress even with an agent, get some twatter action going at prime time and they will respond. they have an entire system setup at 2 big agencies, that was a 6 hour stretch, was a setup.

You honestly like her?

I really wish the Aryan queen meme was real.

Also there's some loose connection to Trump himself according to some article

who knows, maybe she migrated here and hasn't revealed her powerlevel yet.


That's painfully shopped.
Different parts of the image have different resolutions for fucks sake.

no user. she actually took a fucking self at the jewish shrine and the media just ignored it.

ʷʰʸ ᵗʰᵉ fᵘᵏ ʸºᵘ ˡʸʸʸ'ⁿ, ʷʰʸ ʸºᵘ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ˡʸʸʸ'ⁿ, ᵐᵐᵐᵐᵐᵐ ºʰ ᵐʸ ᵍºᵈ ˢᵗºp fᵘᵏ'ⁿ ˡʸʸʸ'ⁿ

you're a meme wizard, good job here's the original

A man can dream…

Hmm, so Taylor's best friend is in a stable relationship with Ivanka's brother in law. Interesting…

You know what you gotta do, Tay Tay!

It makes me physically sick that these jew billionaires pick out the best shiksa women. A 6 foot 2 German blonde with a little Jew boy. and an orthodox jew.

here you go, if you are still around. this is what she did…

No one cares about her. She was being pushed long before the twitter thing so again, you're making it seem like she got the better end of the deal when she is still seen as that loud person from the ghostbusters movie. If anything, the fact that people were saying she was the better part of the movie was the only thing that helped her. A lot of people aren't even aware of the twitter thing.

she is a closet coalburner

Jesus fuck, watch the video above. The nigger says she got the gig because of "all the twitter hate." It was a fuckup here, I said it then. The Jews don't let a chimp run wild for that long, they'd have shud it down.

Will she go on to be juila roberts? No, she's still an unfunny negress who looks like she just fell out of a tree in Mozambique. But this place did get her that free trip.
MAybe is was worth it for the laughs that night. Also, we did get the kike, controlled opposition milo banned from twaater, and THAT was a win.

NeoGAF bought it
www neogaf com/forum/showthread.php?t=1225062

But this was the only real photo. So people ran with idea

there are clues to who she might like.

thats fucking disgusting

I wouldn't gas that with a stolen shower.

And you actually believe that? That the jews felt bad for her or that there was some outcry and not because they felt like pushing her along because they thought they could make money off of her and now one barely hears about her because that shit went no where. If that were the case, they would do this with every celebrity and hire out some bots if not outright fabricate a story then.

good god i love Holla Forums jokes
theyre the best



If Taylor Swift endorses either politician, in order to appease a one-time "urgent emergency" by the Clinton Campaign, that's it, her career is over. Why should she publicly endorse anyone? All it does is piss off half the Nation.

Still, if she were to back Trump, it would serve to legitimize him when the (((*))) have done everything possible to paint him as anathema to what every good-girl 'should' vote for, in just the same manner every good-girl should be in an interracial relationship.

Even if the (((*))) give her an ultimatum, endorse Clinton or else face their wrath and ruin, she still stands a better chance of continued success by dedicatedly keeping her preference to herself.


she won't in a million years. She started out in Country Music, look what happened to the Dixie Chicks. And they actually had a valid point, should just have made it differently, but the country audience is still mostly patriotard.

She's a shekel machine for the Jews, I think this is just bullshit anyway.

Miley Cyrus started there too.

That's how they get younger girls they start the starlet off as a very wholesome girl that parents will approve of then in the late teens they go full whore and try to take their young female fans with them

That's how they get younger girls they start the starlet off as a very wholesome girl that parents will approve of then in the late teens they go full whore and try to take their young female fans with them

Miley was also groomed at a young age

She should endorse trump now. Will probably get that writer fired

Swift grew up in a wealthy Republican household. Her parents were rich before she became a star. They both look like they're low-key MAGA.

As for Swift, she would lose more than half her fanbase if she endorsed Shillary. It doesn't make economic sense for her. More than half her fanbase are or live in pro-God Emperor families.

Here's the problem. When she declared she wasn't a feminist, the (((powers that be))) screamed "Oy gevalt!" and sent in this creature to be her handler. Quite quickly, the noxious gasses emanating from her unwashed cooch addled Taylor's mind and suddenly she "realized" that not only was she a feminist, she was getting paid only 77 cents on the dollar, which meant, technically, that a grocery bagger in Detroit was making more than her.

Also, if Lena Dumass was willing to groom her sister for lesbianism, you can bet your bottom dollar that she's trying it on her.

They show Ronda Rousey but she supported Sanders which invoked the trump curse.

She had that Olympics gig before we did anything to her. She signed that contract before her movie bombed. NBC thought the movie would do well, so they thought they'd hire somebody from it to boost their own ratings.

This is it do or die tay tay

Damn that's a woman worthy of breeding if I've ever seen one

Keep crying, Moishe.

She worked for Disney since she was 11.
Producers for children's entertainment won't hire your kid unless they get to fuck him/her.
Imagine spending a decade getting fucked by disgusting Jews.

Dont forget that sexually inappropriate photoshoot with her dad when she was ~13.


Checked and kek'd.

It is their attempt at meme magic. It's been bastardized though and won't work. Our meme magic is pure and worship kek. Theirs worships mortal celebrities and false idols.

Yep, deep ties with the rich Nashville-families. For the /Wootards out there, she used to babysit Jeff Jarrets kids.

And most of those Nashville-people are usually deeply conservative.

Sorry lads, looks like she's burning (((Canadian Kosher Coal)))

I don't have to, user. She took the house.


88% of her supporters would immediately dump her. The remaining 12% would be pressuring her into creating cuckold propaganda for the remainder of her failing career.

I'm sure Heilor Swift is a lot smarter than that. If she hasn't sold out yet, I don't think she ever will.

i really fucking hate titles like that

Do these kikes really think "I wasn't going to vote Hillary but a celebrity on twitter changed my mind" is a thing? They're so out of touch.
