Whatever happened to Wacky Raceland? I still hear about the Flintstones comic and Scooby Apocalypse but never this...

Whatever happened to Wacky Raceland? I still hear about the Flintstones comic and Scooby Apocalypse but never this. Was it really that bad?

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I barely remember about this comic… Wasn't it supposed to be like Mad Max Fury Road, even down to feminist politics?

Cancelled at issue 6, was too fucking edgy.

There's still some good left in this universe.

even shorter than Angela: Queen of Hel and Mockingbird? That is pathetic.

Oh, a gay lumberjack here and a transexual army racer there, anything Hanna-Barbara should be left untouched and unsullied by those progressive assholes in DC.

It's a shame. Wacky Races meets Mad Max actually could have been fun, if they hadn't gone in totally the wrong direction with it.

Like most of the comic industry, plugging in all the shill reviews by "comic book journalists" couldn't save this deviantart-tier fanfic of Mad Max, it had all the checklist you could think of, Transsexual proud army guy, gay lumberjack, stronk independant womyn (This is what Penelope described herself) they turned Red Max into the Red Baron, a literal Nazi, which is soooo original, damn them all to hell, raped my childhood. On to the story, apocalypse happened, and like dystopian Mad Max styled Wacky Races, they gotta race for survival, it went to shit after the last issue, can't be bothered to storytime, my rage is too great

Don't forget that the cars are able to talk for some stupid reason

It was shit with SJW bullshit and edgelord try-hard fuckery. DLed the whole series and ragequit in the middle of issue #1.

Someone's got a storytime then.

This. A tongue-in-cheek parody would've been hilarious.

But no, it needed to be SERIOUS.

Why even?

*Look. Doesn't look anything like.

It didn't even need so many issues

If someone actually saved it

I thought it was Wacky Races, not Edgelord Races

How bad is Scooby Apocalypse (which should have been called Scooby-Doomsday right off the bat anyway)?

Pretty bad. All the character are assholes. The story makes no fucking sense. They'll occasionally spout catchphrases, just to remind you that it's supposed to be a Scooby Doo thing. I haven't read anything past the first few issues, but I wouldn't even recommend going that far.

It's just a weird thing that never should have been made.

Was this trying to rip off Mad Max?

It was, they failed, miserably.

I'd rather see someone storytime the Twisted Metal and Carmageddon comic. At least those are fun and enjoy the edginess.

It's funny how unironic ow the edge manages to be far more absurd than blatant parodies.

Edge started out as black comedy, then people forgot the comedy.

The Car Wars comics were less ow edge.
The Death Race 2020 comics were ALL ow edge, but done right.

A delicate tight rope walk completely ignored by every American who has ever had anything to do with Judge Dredd.


There are a lot of car-centric edgy franchises.

I find it ironic that there is so much shit from the 90s in terms of games or comics that would better fit edgy or progressive ideas. But they never will because they don't have the 'in crowd' appeal for the public.

I figured Twisted Metal would make a comeback since FPS games are getting popular with that 'building up your ult' BS but apparently no one likes car combat games anymore. TM 2012 was plagued with so much bullshit but overall the final product wasn't that bad. I do wish they kept the original story about it being the apocalypse due to Sweet Tooth wishing for 'paradise'.

Missed out on a kickass gas mask design

Does anyone have it?

I never noticed before, but this Dastardly kinda reminds me of Jack Sparrow.

Its the dreadlocks isn't it?

And the goatee. Very specific combo

the beard looks very scant but I could see why someone could see that.

Dredd tried to do it but it made no money.

I don't even read comics, but I was still able to look it up for you. It took 20 seconds.

And yes, this got five variant covers.



Is it just me, or is there a big "Gwenpool" sort of vibe with Penelope? At least visually…


End of chapter one, I guess.

Doesn't a dark and edgy version of the wacky races completely defeat the purpose of making it in the first place?

Ring a ding, back for part 2, assholes.

In this part, Dick Dastardly is given SYMPATHETIC BACKSTORY, which doesn't work, because nothing in this story works.





What a waste of talent.

I bet they thought they were being really fucking clever.

And I mean Waluigi is pretty much the only dastardly character that didn't get redesigned.

What about the Scooby Doo comic reboot?

He is another person wearing Dick's moustache because the real Dick is that Johnny Depp/Robert Downy Jr. a look like.

I'll do it once I'm done with this one.

AND SPEAKING OF WHICH, Part 3. We begin this journey with the assholes talking about how God isn't real.





I don't even know what is happening.

And here comes instalment 4.

You know, if you read it in the voices of the characters from the sow, it completely ruins the "tension" of the comic.

Also, T R U M P I S A B A D G U Y, you guys! Why aren't you realizing that T R U M P is Satan incarnate yet? We're making all the bad guys look just like him!

And hey, it's a Red Mark-centric instalment.

I would be mad, but I feel better knowing this shit got axed.


And remember everyone, the Red Mark is an evil villain! He's a Nazi who hates degenerates, and he let a poor womyn get herself killed!

And what's this? A happy ending for a NAZI? This must be why the series was canceled! :^)

Chapter 5 coming through! Get ready for

part 1.

And also the Anthill Mob is a bunch of midget clones. Because that's what they were like in the original series.





Be ready for the next, final instalment. Are you excited?


Oh, and apparently, Peter Pending is black? I thought he was Chinese, to be honest, but what can you do in the Wacky Racelands?

Well, that happened quickly.

Well, I can't speak for everyone, but I feel like a little part of me died when I saw "Wacky Racebot."

The End? Of course it is, the damn series ended here.

I hope, at the least, we can harvest this for a couple reaction images.

Who the fuck though any of this was a good idea?!

Okay I decided to read this with an open mind and pretend this isn't Wacky Races imagined with an edgy paintjob.
This setting is very poorly constructed and defined from the start. How does Penelope knows there is already a safe haven where the whole world has gone to shit? What exactly caused this whole thing? Keep in mind, I have just started reading and now I am at loss of words.

Now this plot is all over the damn place
What the fucking fuck?

Twisted metal (outside of 3&4 which weren't done by Jaffe) were great. Good dark humor and Black's stories genuinely terrified me as a kid (because who pays attention to ratings). Late 90's and Early '00 were fertile ground for edgy stuff. But now edgy is a lot more crude jokes then bleek outlooks and SJW shit themselves when exposed to it.

Yeah, there's two Car combat games I can think of (Carmageddon: Max Damage and Gas Guzzlers Extreme) and one was crowdfunded.
The genera's fall off makes sense when you look at them like translations for arena shooters (fast, skill based, but gets around the issue of loosing a M+kb accuracy by making the characters cars), which are dead as well.

There was also a sequel planned for Black that you can kinda play on the PS2 release of Head-ond, and probably what would have been a more realistic take on what TM '12 became. And now Jaffe is a SJW spewing shit, so we'll never get anything like Black or even TM '12 again as it'd be too problematic. Even if they did another Small Brawl (that got an ending cut due to it being Wallace and Grommet "Wrong Trousers" with rakes for disabled Axel). Also there's that one guy who tried to transition that looks one to one for Billy Ray Stillwell to me

The Twisted Metal Wiki has it (though it's displaying weirdly for me)
And here's a download link to the Carmageddon Comic (of note, a fan did some comics for Stainless for the new Carmageddon and those are on their site)
Enjoy, maybe someone more intrepid then me could dump these.


Thanks for the storytime.

After finishing this whole comic I have to say this shit was a mess from start to finish. Even if it didn't include the tranny, the Trump jab or turned Penelope into a stronk independent womyn, or Hell, even if it was its own original story rather than raping my childhood by turning it into an edgefest, it would have still being horrible. The story is all over the place, the setting is poorly constructed and characters are badly established. We only got two pages explaining Penelope's backstory and that was it. The art is very contentious… While the monsters design looked cool, the action is so chaotic its hard to follow what is going on for most of the time. I really have to ask: whom was this comic aimed for? SJWs don't buy comics to begin with and even if they did just for the tranny, I find hard to believe they would like this over-the-top shit. Warhammer 40k types are not going to like the SJW shit shoved in it. And Wacky Races fans are definitely not going to like this for either reason.

Is it me, or is all the action in this really fucked up and hard to follow?
Why can't comic artists write action scenes with any tension?

Nope, I thought the same in my above post. The action was all over the place, specially whenever giant monsters were concerned.

It doesn't matter whom it's supposed to be aimed at, what's important is that it's not aimed at you!
You are not their audience anymore!
Gamers/ComicBookReaders/Men are dead!
We've seen this happen too many times already: a company seemingly shooting themselves in the foot by appealing to anybody but their old core demographic with lower sales and higher reviews. Part of me thinks they're blinded by their ideologies. Another part of me thinks that pushing the old audience is one of the main goals nowdays. And a third part of me thinks their marketing planning teams are really, really slow to pick up on shit.

Its the art.

Its disorganized as fuck.

Now if only someone had the twisted metal one.

Are there people in Marvel, DC, etc. who we could write to about this sort of thing?
I know it probably wouldn't do any good, but sometimes I see this stuff and I wish I could at least try to explain to someone in these companies why this is both obnoxious and bad business.

Obviously they wouldn't hear this, unless if you are a retailer.

Be thankful they realized their folly and pulled the plug on this shit as earliest as they did. It could have been as bad as Hellcat.

Its interesting how this got cancelled, but Scooby Apocalypse is still going.

Well, no one really remembers Wacky Races, on top of the comic being absolute shit. Whereas Scooby-Doo's still going so it's got a certain amount of brand protection

Scooby has a name


fun how the black doctors enhanced intelligence serum was a play on scooby doo

He was white, user. And of course he had to be race-bent.

I just had the realization that this comic is what happens when an average SJW tries to write something "edgy". At first glance, it includes a lot of over-the-top random stuff that doesn't indicate it was SJW written, but then it has all the things they love to include such as transexual characters, formerly white characters turned into minorities and strong independent females. And despite it being supposedly an edgefest, it also lacks the balls to include anything too objectionable that wouldn't look out of place in a dark setting like this such as rape and sex slavery. Torture is fine and so is racism, as long as bad characters like Dick and Red Max do it.


I know, but I thought they made him Asian, not black, is all.

How the fuck did that post? Meant to be pic related

Yeah, they stole more from etruscans

Yeah, thanks for this bizarre storytime of how to never do an edgy revival of a beloved cartoon.

The "Announcer" contacts each racer with the promise of utopia and to fix their lives, because the "Announcer" deliberately fucked them over in the first place.

Maybe this is the truly the answer the question "what happens when you get a non-SJW and SJW creators to work on reviving an old franchise?" like that thread .

You just end up with a mess of art and story. Strong independent (Greek) Penelope, transexual Sergeant Blast, "Nazi" Red Baron, Dick's a dick because he didn't want open a door and be killed by nanites, black Pat Pending. I did not expect reveal the villain be Pat and his black wife as the announcer and also letting Dick win the race in issue two and that they were even able to wrap up the story in issue 7. I just expected a crappy ending with no resolution and was pleasantly surprised.

All these Hanna-Barbera DC comic's are set in the same universe (somehow), DC already confirmed that the headset Muttley wears is possibly Scooby's from SD:A

I love the art, and the concept could have been fun. The writing is awful, though. The dialogue is clunky and the plot jumps all over the place. And then there's the tranny vs. Nazi argument, and the Strong Independent Womyn saving the useless male coward…

Peter Perfect was always a fuck up.

You sure about that?