Let's get trump to Kill off Humanities and other Nonsense SJW departments like Japan did



More than 50 Japanese universities are to close or downsize their humanities and social science departments after education minister Hakuban Shimomura urged the country’s higher education institutions to offer a “more practical, vocational education that better anticipates the needs of society”.

The move has caught the attention of academics across the world, prompting many to speak out in opposition.

“It’s shocking,” says Sophie Coloumbeau, an English lecturer at Cardiff University. “The decision implies an extremely narrow, shortsighted and, I would say, mistaken view of what society’s needs are.”
In the race for scientific prowess we mustn't leave the arts behind

Fiona Beveridge, head of the University of Liverpool’s School of Law and Social Justice, agrees: “I don’t think the future needs of society can be met only with Stem graduates. Cultural and creative industries will require students with humanities backgrounds.”

British humanities departments, already thought by many to be underfunded, are also facing problems of government perception. Education secretary Nicky Morgan raised tensions last year with her assertion that “the subjects that keep young people’s options open and unlock the door to all sorts of careers are the Stem subjects”.

The comment angered academics across the country, including Coloumbeau. “Morgan’s statement, and others like it, set up an unproductive opposition between the humanities and sciences,” she says. “It’s important to make sure such lazy generalisations don’t translate into government policy without being effectively challenged.”

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Don't make trump your bitch user. One step at a time. We have a legitimate way of communicating with him. We must take the most important issues to him first. I believe social justice will sort itself out in his presidency without him directly being involved. The internet is our playground. Holla Forums is a master of propaganda. This time however, the left won't have a nigger to back their social justice degeneracy, rather a conservative religious person.

how about you kill yourself OP

hes not talking about that type of humanities you fucking sperg, why don't you read the OP a little better and when you learn to speak English you can come back you fucking retard.

Swastika is spinning faster.


Yes, because he's a dumbass who doesn't realize that's exactly what Japan did cut out. STEM STRONK pls give me a job idiocy is just the second stage cancer after the elimination of true liberal arts. OP is cheerleading another step forward in the kike's total degeneration of the institution of higher education, not backwards.


No, you read the OP, you fucking numbskull. OP clearly says he wants to "Kill off Humanities," which has always meant art and history. The article says to remove humanities and social sciences, turning the university into a vocational school.

I would nuke the entirety of humanities if it meant getting rid of the soc jus part




he didn't anywhere in the OP imply removing something as important as history. He is talking about stupid shit that humanities and art has morphed into, and become completely infested with kike crap. All of those fucking womans study classes are apart of the humanities department. Sorry you fucking ape brain can't figure it out

Fine art is shit and you don't belong here if you think otherwise. Your picture isn't fine art, it is considered "classical art" and if you took an art class, you'd be taught that it is boring and outdated and that you should instead smear shit on a canvas while screaming at said canvas to evoke some bullshit philosophy that you'll write of later.

fine art = modern art = one big scam.

If you want to learn art you have to do it on your own or go to an atelier. Modern art education wasted my fucking money.

Why should US tax Payer's money be wasted on SJW brain washing courses?

It's becoming mandatory for new students to spend their money on such bullshit.


Enjoy training your future south-Asian replacements, wagecuck. I'll be here with my nine waifus.

You didn't read the OP. This is an anti-Western anti-culture muh-employability shill job. And before you decide you also know what I'm implying, there are serious problems in actual humanities departments right now that also need to be dealt with.



Jesus wept. It's like the memes are coming to life.


you are implying, and I did read the OP. Nowhere did he even imply removing history, he is talking about advocating removing the crap we have now and replacing it with something productive. Science isn't fucking anti-western, and nor is it anti culture, whites created science, and once again you are fucking retarded.


I was just about to post that one

This book was published in 2001, and was probably written many years before that.

This shit has been going on a LONG time. You have no idea how flaming pissed I am about it. No one even knows how bad things are.


We agree on most things here, just not what OP literally said—that he wants to "Kill off Humanities"—and what the article suggested, which is changing the balance between STEM and non-STEM subjects. This dichotomy that is being shilled hard in the media and on this board: they want history to be stuck together with gender studies, and then defund the former under the banner of "lol STEM is the future guys".

well I don't agree history should be stuck together with the rest of SJW studies, but I do agree humanities as it is right now needs to be killed minus history of course
STEM should be better funded though and I think if we are talking about the replacement for current humanities such as gender studies, STEM for sure should take its place.

It would be much better to infiltrate and brainwash the same way they did. It is highly effective.


What I'm saying is that the STEM/non-STEM dichotomy is itself a harmful meme, because it causes you to lump Homer and Virgil in together with SJW shit. If you haven't done so already, you should explore other ways of drawing a line between good and bad university subjects—personally, I prefer traditional vs non-traditional, though it's not an easy word to sell normies on.

/pol is slowly becoming aware that we need good art to win the war. At least I think so. If you can draw or produce art, you should, for /pol and whites everywhere. Art can beat back the ugliness of the SJWs.

How about if money is tight we stop giving the niggers free rides before we get rid of Humanities?

Yes goyim you don't need to think just give me the shekels for you STEM™ degree and you will begin making Mr. Shekelberg a very rich man right out of college

Let's get him elected first.

You do shame to your trips, to this board, and to yourself.

As for everyone else talking shit about the humanities:

The study of the human and the subspecies/races of the human is a necessity. If we can come to a more complete understanding of our own race and the other races populating the earth, and thereby the whole of humanity, we can better discern and utilize our potential for the greater good. It's philosophy that's given us our modern conception of objective reality, rather than "MIGHT MAKES RIGHT" as sputtered by the Sophists, starting with the ancient Greeks. The study of history allows us to discern trends in demographic behavior, notably the formation and fall of civilizations. The study of the fine arts provides an expression of human creativity - and thereby a window into the minds of the peoples of cultures long dead.

Need I go on? All of these subjects, taught with integrity, can lead only to the conclusion that the Western World and its people are the pinnacle of human achievement. Therefore, there is no purpose to completely annihilating the humanities. Honestly studying the behaviors of our species can only lead to greater understanding of the self, and therefore to greatness. The SocJus mindset destroys any semblance of honesty or integrity, replacing it with the relativistic horseshit which - if they were worth their fucking salt - they would know was completely torn apart even by the ancient philosophers of Greece. They do not study the humanities, but a vile distortion of these disciplines, which has traded integrity for fucking feelings, honesty for confirmation bias, and a loyalty to the truth for a loyalty to personal agendas. Holla Forumslacks seem somewhat disdainful of the humanities on the whole. I can hardly blame any of us, seeing what we see. Because of the cancer which thrives because of the subverted curricula, the humanities have been reduced to SocJus masturbation sessions.

But do we cut out the cancer, or outright kill the patient - especially if that patient has provided so much value, and could provide more, if he were only cured? Is the simplicity of killing the patient worth sacrificing the value he could provide if he lived? Surely the cost of curing the patient is offset by the value he could return to society in the future?

As long as they remain completely irrational, they will remain as they are - cancerous tumors which eat at the once glorious West. If we could purify the subjects of irrationality (and thereby of SocJus, also reinstating the rightful teachings of Western superiority and exceptionalism), humanities would once again become what they should be; tools for the betterment of ourselves, our civilization, our people.

It's easy to lose sight of the value of analyzing the self, in favor of analyzing the outside world. After all, STEM yields much in terms of long term benefits to both the individual and the country. But, if we do not achieve collective self-actualization - something to which only the honest study of the humanities can lead us - our attempts to delve into the more practical subjects will be considerably less successful. While they are lacking as a career path, they are of incredible value as a accompaniment to the STEM subjects, and by pairing a professional-level understanding of something in STEM, and strong understanding of the humanities, a man can become more wise, more complete, more valuable to his civilization.

The way the bullshit will be forced out is the universities will be allowed to collapse, and then only people who need advanced training will be have advanced coursework, which will be funded by their employers, or maybe through private student loans.

yeah, no, anything you want to learn about these things you can find out on your own, and education is too tempting a target for the government to take over and use against the people


My big problem as I look at colleges at my age (50s) as I plan to go back to school for education I desire.

There seems to be a trend of lumping history into [various special interest] studies as opposed to studying history without a agenda. I really want to go postal when I hear a masters degree "history student" say for instance the Civil War was fought about slavery or Hitler invaded places because he wanted to kill Jews. They are idiots.

I see "Art students" that can't draw… the best students I see actually drawing are architecture students and they are not just drawing buildings they are drawing more than that. Just because you are creative and do abstract art does not give you a employable skill… and what is college for? Is it to give you a skill that can you use to produce product for your employer and in return your employer pays you. It's always been about that and that's why Japan is doing this.
History and Humanities is for rounding you out.

If you are a special interest and you have been happy about capturing hears and minds as they enter into the workforce this is upsetting to them.

If a college degree is a cool piece of paper that you will hang on your wall and do something else for a living then by all means keep funding women's studies and minority studies and social justice agendas… oh I forgot you are not funding it… you are expecting someone to do it… the state or your parents or someone else.

necessity will kill the medieval institution of universities and we will devolve into a idiocracy tier gary johnson ancap society of brazil tier shitskins who use a weird gullah of texting speech neologisms, 9gag memes and black colloquialisms and there will be an increasingly small white professional class that operates as a sort real world analogue of the keepers in mass effect one. just simple isolated drones that operate as machinery for a vast system utterly beyond them and existentially divorced from them

Thats sounds comfy user. Is it?

There's nothing shocking. Musings on the post-modern romantic literature imbued with criticism on the gender problematic of trans vs cis bathrooms won't do crap for Japan.

Nihon can't let herself become out of phase for a pat in the back. "And it's making me sad .. that I can't be who you want me to be"

yeah its awesome tbh you can go into historic carpentry and cabinet making after you graduate with some sexy internships but you could probably just as well get into it with a nice cert in EPA restoration from a contractor school. I am going to get my cert after I get my MS so I can start my own building restoration company but most likely I'll just end up restoring brickwork and typing up reports and climbing in crawlspaces

Actually it's physics and math
You know the core of stem
After them is then philosophy
Do better research next time lad

Anyway on the subject of the humanities, they are cancer nowadays
Everyone makes fun of them because of how easy they are to make fun
The last bastion of real thought on a college campus happens on the stem side of campus precisely because it's so hard to subvert

based autistic STEMfag narcissists tbh

Study that shit on your own time, faggot. College should be reserved for those seeking serious disciplines.


No one needs to go to a university to learn the "soft sciences" that shit is barely library tier reading. Of course women and kikes are in an uproar as they dominate those fields.

I'd rather see all of the soft shit be shitcanned than watch it succumb to the pandering shit it's become

t. Mechanical engineer who is forced to take horseshit humanities classes

How about you stop flipping burgers and actually look at the state of your precious humanities.

If you are a professor, graduate student, or undergraduate in a social "science" or humanities department, you are a 100% certified cuck.
Let me explain to you what college is for:
1. Science
2. Technology
3. Engineering
4. Mathematics

Everything else is circle jerking at best


hey you fucking retard don't hotlink to the guardian.

You are confusing "fine art" with "abstract art". "Fine art" has proper rules and is used to capture an image and emotion with the intent of the piece being clearly definable by the viewer of the art without help of the artist. Abstract is the proper name for modern art, though i always just called it bullshit. Realism is probably the most difficult art but the most astetically pleasing when done well, and surrealism is exaggeration while still being clear on what you are looking at. Now, the arts should not have the same amount of public funding as hard constructive sciences, since it contributes far less to the well being of a healthy society and people. Arts should be more like a trade, with the lessons and techniques passed down from master to apprentice. Humanities are a friviloty and will always be.

Hey retard. While you're sitting in your parent's air conditioned room, on a computer communicating over the internet, never having to walk more than 20 feet to get refrigerated and sterile food, mouth-breathing about poetry, real men are busy designing and improving all the shit you enjoy. Save your cuck tears for someone who doesn't actually know about academia.

The people who argue for the dismantling of the humanities have never actually studied them at the collegiate level. They will never get into power, so don't sweat it.
Anyone who has actually studied sociology, anthropology, psychology, etc. know the value of the fields. FFS Anthro is fucking dangerous to the establishment if the wrong people get into it. Many of the early researchers were what we would call "red-pilled" and now they are mocked in the class room.

One of the things that triggered me the most in my capstone course in anthro was that we skipped 3 chapters about evolutionary psychology in order to talk about trannies. We need more decent guys NOT SPERGS in the humanities.


its almost like you are using argumentation structures that had to be conceived of rationally by someone in an earlier period. you are attempting to apply some kind of middle class/working class post victorian work ethic on me as a way of shaming me, a total hypothetical person who've you've constructed in a safe way to bolster your life choice to be a little lab golem in some vast super corporation designing circuitry layouts and so-forth for the next aircraft that will bring 50 thousand niggers to your nation. but hey at least you'll have the bourgeois bank note which only has value based on purely philosophical principles of abstraction! you'll even make more of them than I will! very "aryan"

t. guy who can have his children taken away from him by a psychologist

We are hitting levels of judaism that shouldn't even be possible

filtered for no arguments

seriously what is with all these autistic 19 year old normalfag tier intellect STEM **two classes into the major* cucks

That's right. Stop wasting mommy and daddy's money on bullshit and work or go to trade school. Earn a living and be productive, don't take yourself out of the workforce for years and put yourself in debt for nothing. Again college should be reserved for serious disciplines like math, sciences, engineering, etc. You can lean about the arts on your own time.

Psychology is one of those soft sciences which allows sociopaths to fuck with other people mentally in a completly legal fashion. And while humanities have potential for true good, it does not pay well enough nor does it allow sane people to thrive, only lunatics like the guy who started the forced tranny bullshit.

read the thread autist

Oh look, it's that word that "muh degree" snobs use to shit on careers which don't require a university "education."
Tip: Vocation does not mean "work you can do without a degree."
[spoiler]Since I am on the subject, let's also mention this relatively new buzzword 'educated'. Millennials like to flaunt their indoctrination, i.e 'education' with a sort of glee. They are proud that their knowledge is the product of rote repetition.
Funny thing that, prior to cultural marxist years, when someone wanted to refer to a high level of knowledge, they would use the term 'learned', not 'educated' and although similar, there is a huge difference between the two.

"Educated" = indoctrinated, pumped full of "facts" by a "teacher".
"Learned" = the state of being highly knowledgeable, the source of the knowledge being irrelevant but ultimately likely the product of self-instruction combined with formal education.
Do you want to be "educated" (a meme-repeating robot), or do you want to be "learned" (someone who has taught himself from a variety of sources)?[/spoiler]
Being "educated" is nothing to be proud of. Mindless indoctrination into the CultMarx is highly prevalent amongst the "educated" classes.

Did you see how that guy pulled the 'I can take your kids away' card? What a fucking psycho mental jew.

Also, 278 until 8M get boyos

Hi Sinead.

Hello Cuckchanner.

I don't get it, why am I sinead?

psychology majors are very dangerous people when they move up into public policy academia tbh. I used to follow these academics around and watch them present at the school I was at and they are using STEMcuck shit like neuroscience to write policy about fucking EPA policies for regulating farm industries. its super fucked tbh

Could you be any more obvious?
Tip: scientific rigor is a product of the researcher's methodology, not the subject.

alot of these people are just shitposting tbh, it can be pretty fun to LARP as a stemfag in college degree threads



Psycologist who pull that shit do exist sadly and take children away from good, mentally healthy parents for petty shit like "you filthy conservative parents" should not be psychologists. Plus, the idiots who need to see a psychologist the most either never do, or get false bills of good mental health.

Spotted the 4cuck

You're just displaying your ignorance.
"Soft" vs "hard" science doesn't refer to the rigor of the studies or empirical standard.
A psychology study can be more empirically rigorous than a "neuroscience" study, it depends on the methodology of the researcher.
You seem like the type who talks about scientific "proof", as if science has ever proved anything.

I know. It is disturbing. Sociopathy should be a ticket to be denied any position of authority or power.


That's possible but it's just as likely that they are actually ignorant of the limitations of science.
"Scientific proof" is one of the tell-tale phrases that outs the person as being ignorant of the scientific method.


It's already dead, you fucking sperg.

It'd be really easy to unpozz academia. Just set up laws that anyone pushing this bullshit doesn't get federal funding (including indirect funding via FAFSA).

To really add insult to injury, implement a law that banishes elective requirements. So someone studying physics only needs to take their relative courses for the major. No more "hurr durr everyone needs to take their multiculturalism dildo credits and humanities courses too! :^)" bullshit.

Not only would this help stop the college indoctrination, but it would also put all these jew academics out of jobs (since things like anthropology, sociology, and women's studies are propped up solely by duped college kids being forced to take them due to elective requirements). This in turn would help reduce the cost of college, since you'd have to trim all the fucking fat that bloats them up. And finally, it would reduce the time spent wasted in college. You could probably cut most majors down from 4 years to 2-3 years if you get rid of the mandatory pointless bloat.

Sorry man, but sociopathy is a disease.

yep the history of science is awesome tbh and I do love science but stemfags are usually very self-conscious about their fields and don't respond very well to philosophical inquiry. I got kicked out of neuroscience dept. gathering for posing alfred rosenbergs question of which came first, the brain or the thought of the structure of the brain?

Thats my thought, but you put it into words better than I could.

Confirmed for red ice/renegade shill.
The methods you are using in an attempt to shame people away from understanding and utilizing the discoveries of psychology, are firmly rooted in psychology.

Agreed, science is fascinating and wonderful but those treating it as a surrogate religion would do well to learn its limitations.

IIRC it's only the cucks from TRS that jump at shadows over renegade/red ice

Sometimes a mighty fire is needed to burn down the dying forest in order for the next generation to sprout.

There's no saving humanities as they are from within the university-political system. It's full of leftists and kikes in a supermajority that will forever ensure that only leftists and kikes have a voice. A self-sustaining monopoly on these fields.

I would fucking love if philosophy, anthropology, and sociology were fixed. These are genuinely interesting topics, like what traits are innate to human nature, how different peoples act differently, how humans behave/organize in groups, etc. But they've all just been turned into false bullshit. These institutions need to be destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up.

I "caught" the disease by being treated like an invisible person my whole life and completely ignored and cast aside and then by being beat up by people weaker than me who needed an outlet for their social angst (see wolves attacking omega wolf) then later got it from being part of the spic-nigger cycle aka wagecucking and listening to tradefags bitch about muh sore back for 12 hours in between their cig breaks and then all the times you get beat up by chad types in HS and all the times niggers panhandle you or threaten to kill you etc.

Good plan.

Tbh..I agree.. so many (((Studies))) classes it is fucking insane. Education no longer encourages free thought. 95% of my college degree was bitting my tounge and agreeing with my (((Professor))). The only free thought I had was doing my final archeological project, trying to find evidence of a Viking visitation in Maine.
TLDR: (((College)))



Nice to see you haven't given up pushing the false dialectic where Sinead and friends control both ends of the spectrum.
In a minute you'll say that Stormer is an enemy of Renegade.

Back to the point, if you're claiming that science proves things then you don't understand science.

Shit, old man. I have a STEM degree and that's still happening to me.

Yes yes, sinead controls all. I'm sinead after all so I'd know.

This user knows exactly what he's fucking doing.

they instantly form a clique and attack "liberal artists" when you point out that their super arrogant assumptions basically 15th century priesthood tier about the nature of reality take for granted certain assumptions about our senses and so-forth. its fun to troll stemcucks

Thats depression mate, sociopathy is when you manipulate and harm others just to satisfy themselves. Its the jew disease.

The problem is so bad that universities have begun setting up webpages in an attempt to educate science undergrads as to what science actually is.
Pic related, deals with the concept of "scientific proof".

does seeing 99 percent of the people you meet as a form of cattle sociopathy?

No, it makes you an edgy queer

I agree. Everyone that's gone or is going through college can't help but realize how much "academic" bloating there is, it's disgusting.

This world needs a no-nonsense approach to more issues. I think humanities are fine, but their role should be secondary.

I wish I had an education minister like that.

Kinda, but if you don't treatt them as marks you can dupe, you are fine.


this is exactly what I was talking about user, this shit is so obnoxious. whenever I see STEMfags acting all high and mighty on here I remember shit like this where some normalfag IQ idiot starts using super loose "biology" to prove a point and then say, LMAO YOU DISAGREE WITH CY'ENZ U ARE A REDNECK!!

if you knew history, you would know that there were specific discipline for becoming a master sculptor/artist, this dates back to the renaissance, you fucking imbecile, KYS.

Das rite, fam. I really can't overemphasize how much it rustles my jimmies that college elective credits are just a scheme to force people to spend more time/money in college and give their leftist indoctrination courses an excuse for existing.

Women's studies, for example. I knew so many people that took that. Now, this was back in 2008, so the SJW bullshit wasn't nearly as pervasive. But even so, everyone I knew that took this class (both guys and girls) just rolled their eyes and laughed it all off for the easy A+. If everyone wasn't forced to take elective credits, no one would take this class, period. If it wasn't an easy A+, people wouldn't take the class either. And if people didn't take the class, they'd have courses/lectures completely empty with some jew piece of shit moping around because he can't indoctrinate the goyim with her bullshit.

As you mentioned, the whole atmosphere is reminiscent of the Catholic inquisition, heretics, witch burnings and so on.
A fictitious version of "science" really has replaced traditional religion for a large number of millennials and they punish unbelievers with all the zeal of a medieval witch-finder general.

"Science doesn’t prove anything, and that’s a good thing"

This is throwing the baby out with the bathwater, OP, but I agree something needs to change. For starters, I'd like to see some sort of law that allows immediate firing for any teacher (tenured or not) caught participating in protests, like this crazy cross-eyed cunt.

electives generally add another 2 sometimes 3 years onto a typical undergraduate degree. in reality an undergrad and a masters could be combined and made into one degree without all the retarded "university program electives" added in

Jesus Christ. This bitch is full psycho.

How close are we?

If you look at what the Kike (Freud's nephew) Edward Bernays managed to accomplish by fusing psychological knowledge with effective use of mass media, it becomes apparent that only a fool would ignore the vast potential of understanding the human mind in operation.

Psychology is like understanding the operating system and how to program it.
Neuroscience is like a knowledge of the underlying hardware.

If you want to hack a program, you can't do it from an x-ray of the motherboard.




you read the john nash thread earlier this week? "science" is just jewish materialist atheism as a social/moral control system. modern science excludes observations that conflict with the jewish post ww2/post civil rights historical dialectic (see nobel prize winner and discoverer of DNA losing prominence for noting that niggers are dumb something anybody can observe empirically)

Humanities need to be completely dismantled and rebuilt, but that's another issue. IMO you should only need to take courses related to your major.

Of course, they push this meme of "college is about broad new experiences and learning a breadth of studies!" But that's all fucking bullshit. I'm there for a degree. I don't need any of this crap. If I'm studying math, I shouldn't need to take sociology and anthropology and basketweaving classes. And likewise, someone taking a major in humanities shouldn't be forced to study physics and chemistry (which they're not, because there's no indoctrination potential in these fields). The people who still WANT to major in anthropology would be free to take these classes. But these departments would have to downsize because there is not a massive demand anthropologists and there are few anthropology students.

Moreover, if these courses weren't de facto forced, one of two things would happen. People would stop going because they don't need to, or the quality would increase such that people would actually want to go to them anyway.

The goverment should not subsidize useless degrees or studies. If anyone want to fund those departments with private funds, then do so but not use my tax money on them.



Exactly. I majored in biology in undergrad. Between my AP credits from highschool and smartly picking certain classes, I generally only took five courses a semester. 3 for the major (math, physics, chemistry, biology, micro, etc) and an average of 2 courses for bullshit electives.

I could've almost effectively cut my college time in half had I not needed to take this extra crap.

Oh, checked.


trs on suicide watch

I went to a specialized post secondary for art, and only had 3 classes that were unrelated, but at least did not have sojus bullshit, only resume and cover letter building.
It might benefit to make stem more like trades.

I didn't see that thread but I agree wholeheartedly with your observation.
Indeed you hit the nail on the head, James Watson is the name of the man who had to auction off his nobel prize after being exiled from the scientific community for wrongspeak against Blacks.
And every mass media outlet agreed that it was the right thing to happen to him, a just punishment for a heretic.
Of course his observations are easily written off by the under 30s as the "ravings of a delusional old man."
Another example of the generational divide and conquer which the Kikes have been working hard to establish.
Prior to the popularisation of the "teenager", young adults mixed with older adults as peers. Knowledge was shared, passed down, and there was not the desperate scramble to prove, whether through clothing choices, modification of speech patterns or exclusive, jealously guarded tastes in music, a separation, difference "evolution" from the previous generation.
Alienating the young from the old has served the Jews well.


Take it at face value, pick up your arms.
The time has time.

yeah its bullshit and a waste of our youth but its not as though there are is a large pool of jobs available to young white men right now

True, but keeping able-bodied white men out of the labor force for one extra year, not building relationships and putting men and women off having a family for one extra year, and tricking them all into taking an extra year's worth of debt certainly isn't helping.



jews rock

agreed but i think that the cause of those issues is a bit more complex than just being forced to read the zuni man-woman

this shit also sucks tbh, it makes it so hard to learn tradeskills without paying extra and most old guys think you are a faggot for actually talking to them and not just staring into your smartphone

Okay, but that doesn't really change anything. There are tons of problems with employment, perpetuated adolescence, and the entire meme of everyone needing to go to college. But those are separate issues than the liberal indoctrination and bloat that occurs in the scheme of college electives.

For example, I could be arguing for gun rights, and then someone could respond back by saying "well what about terrorists?!". And it's like, okay, that's a separate tangential topic unrelated to what I was talking about. Just as valid as something to talk about, but not what I'm talking about in this instance.

yeah I agree with you over all society needs a reset

He's right though. Science can't prove anything, only disprove.

You should read Karl Popper before you correct others on the topic.

t. EE/physicsfag


It means the bogs will be overflowing soon, brother.


Will check that out.

Works both ways too tbh. Also the younger guy's friends who ARE stuck to their smartphones will be hyper-suspicious about why an "old dude living in the stone age" would want to speak to someone 20-30 years their junior.
I think that most younger guys who break away from the Jew-inspired contemporary culture of being fat, lazy, feminine and stuck to a smartphone screen, will naturally prune their same-age friends down to a bare minimum and be viewed as an outcast.
This is another way in which the Internet has screwed over the Kike's plans. Where online male-dominated communities grow, they are normally meritocracies.
Taking an example of online gaming, assuming the game still requires skill and hasn't been completely passified by the SJW, then your team mates don't care about your age.
They care that you're competent, going to help the team to win, the older guys (few and far between admittedly, most will be early adopters who were outcast 'nerds' in the 80s and shamed for having an interest in 'boring' computers), the older guys don't care if you're 14,15,16 if you perform your role and the young guys don't care that you're 40 or 50.
The Jews hate this because it reverses their generational d&c and shows the young guys how things used to be, where your manhood was judged on your ability, not your age.
Gaming was just an example, the same applies to amateur science, engineering, tech communities.
What I see a lot of today is young people hiding behind their age as an excuse for laziness. e.g instead of looking something up, they will post for help in the form:
"Hi, I'm interested in but I'm stuck with a problem. I'm only 15, so I don't really understand it, can someone help?"
This hiding behind age is a new thing, it's as if the Jew has instilled in the latest generation, a sort of learned helplessness, a default low expectation, a presumption of ignorance and failure.
Like youths are being convinced that until they have passed through the HOLY UNIVERSITY, they can't hope to understand the subject matter they're interested in.
Picking up a book/manual/self-tuition from public resources seems to be an option which is deliberately hidden from younger people.

I can remember hearing some old hippie co-worker bitch about how bad things were prior to his generation. You were expected to graduate high-school and immediately enter the adult world. I thought it an odd observation at the time but now I understand - they just want to continue adolescence indefinitely.

Also, unsurprisingly, at the same time that youth culture became the norm, men's Fraternal organizations declined and another avenue to pass on wisdom free of pozz was lost.


Indeed, it is spoken of as something terrible that "people used to leave school at 16."
What is not mentioned is that they didn't simply leave then sit on welfare, they left and went straight into training or an apprenticeship, continuing their schooling in effect, just in a narrow and specialized field.
Exactly right, leftists, especially women, see perpetual adolescence as progressive, "modern" and "enlightened".

This guy gets it tbh. You can only strengthen scientific findings or prove them wrong. There is no proving them 'right'.

t. Philosonigger who's studied Popper, Carnap, and Hempel

Well said user, well said.


alot of guys my age (mid 20s) don't even know basic shit like patching drywall and they think you are master carpenter for fixing it. alot of young guys are raised up by single moms and taught how they are pieces of shit for 14 years so the self confidence is a facade, thats why they ape niggers IMO. its not fun looking like a greenhorn and asking the bossman how you are supposed to do so-and-so but unless your boss is a faggot who is some civic pajeet/spic hiring asshole you can learn stuff from them

I wanted to go to contractor school at 18 but my parents forbid me and my HS councilor forbid me. the boomers have this middle class image they need to maintain.




Mentoring used to be seen somewhat as an obligation if you came across a young man in the workplace who put forth an honest effort even if came across as a naive faggot. That's something that's been lost in the past few decades as the oldsters are often too worried about being shitcanned in favor of the youngster they've invested their time in training. Or in some cases they think the pozz is just too strong to overcome and don't even bother.

I stopped online gaming in about 2002 and came back only recently. It's impressive to see the wide range of ages in team play situations and does give one hope for the younger generation. it's spelled pacified



Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and move forward.

…until you're off the pier

How strange, I don't remember writing "passified", must be the senile dementia kicking in.

You're headed off the pier one way or the other so it's best to be as constructive as possible before you dive in.

you watch zeitgeist bro?

You don't know anything.

Lets go to the wikipedia page to look at a common understanding of the term fine art.


One definition of fine art is "a visual art considered to have been created primarily for aesthetic and intellectual purposes and judged for its beauty and meaningfulness, specifically, painting, sculpture, drawing, watercolor, graphics, and architecture."[2] In that sense, there are conceptual differences between the fine arts and the applied arts. As originally conceived, and as understood for much of the modern era, the perception of aesthetic qualities required a refined judgment usually referred to as having good taste, which differentiated fine art from popular art and entertainment.[3]

The word "fine" does not so much denote the quality of the artwork in question, but the purity of the discipline according to traditional Western European canons.[citation needed] This definition originally excluded the applied or decorative arts, and the products of what were regarded as crafts. In contemporary practice these distinctions and restrictions have become essentially meaningless, as the concept or intention of the artist is given primacy, regardless of the means through which this is expressed.

You don't know about the language war. You don't know about moral and cultural relativism. If art is about creating beauty, the marxists will say that ANYTHING is beautiful to kill the word and make it meaningless. They want everything to be subjective and controlled by THEIR tastemakers and experts so they can buy and sell whatever they want. These disgusting animals ruin everything good in the world and you don't know enough. Know more you fuck. I shouldn't even be telling you this.

If everything is relative nothing means anything. Especially morality. Everything becomes somehow justified and there is nothing to be outraged at. This is wrong at it's very core but you cant put your damn finger on it unless you believe in god.

If you believe in god NOTHING is relative anymore. You have a strong moral code and no sin is justified. You only feel shame for you wrong doing and desire to be a better person. user's you have to find god. Ignore the stupidity of your cuckservative boomer parents and become what god wants you to be. The best version of yourself. So we can bring paradise back to this world and drive out the fucking loan fueled vipers that are destroying everything we hold dear.

The entire war is a language war at it's very foundation. Fuck I'm mad.

They did it with architecture as well. Here's how. Bookmark it and watch it later if you don't have the time.


Japan is the perfect example of a society where those in cultural and creative industries generally have no humanities background. And those cultural and creative industries are in the top 3-5 worldwide generally.

For an island with 120 million people on it they have almost as much cultural soft power as America. If the Japanese weren't so incredibly ugly they'd probably be on equal footing with Hollywood.

When it's 20-30 years after they've gotten rid of humanities and social studies in higher education and are still doing fine what will western academics say then? That it's a fluke?

You did good Japan

You did good.

Very good, watching now. I've a bit of a soft spot for the better modern architectural ideas of the 20's-30's but the monstrosities of 60's I can't explain.

As long as you don't fuck with my life so you can get a stiffy, you're fine.

Tired of the fucking weebs on the board with their 'glorious nippon' nonsense

Why not support someone who's been here a while that's trying to spread real history?

Where oh where will society it's highly trained baristas and back end journalists now?

Why couldn't the white race have ended up like the Japanese? Why did I have to be born to a race of traitors?

You're on an imageboard descended from a Japanese imageboard.

We both still face the same fertility issues…

Youre on an internet decended from americans

Why the fuck is anthropology non-STEM? It's supposed to be biology FFS.

hahahaha get cucked shit libs!


This is true.

Said after spouting a threat.

Whatever you are posting on was made in China or South Korea. So what?

If you think anime culture will ever leave the chans, you are an irredeemable retard. Don't worry though, you aren't the first and won't be the last

Sauce of gif?

There's a reason we don't say "might makes left".

Forget anime culture, where do you think ((())) came from? The Japs were using excessive brackets for years on textboards before 4chan was created. They can't bold italicize or underline their text and came up with it to put emphasis on key words or phrases.

Look up their archives if you don't believe me.

Of course I forgot the most obvious one, CAPITALIZING


But user, if you're going to find the sociopaths, you need psychologists to find them and get them the diagnosis in the first place

There should be strictly enforced neutrality policies for teachers.

I remember this one guy in religion class, he always refused to comment on anything and never said which, if any, religion he followed. If we only had that level of neutrality in all fields, and in the literature as well, there wouldn't even be any pozz as all these worthless social marxist 68'ers would be fired the moment they tried to brainwash kids with their vitriol.

Feels good man

RE: Zero
Worth watching, it's the Dark Souls equivalent of anime but worse

Trump should defund every and all needless cuck indoctrination centers.

The only degrees that should get a single tax shekel should be engineering and other USEFUL things.

Not leftist circle jerks that results in them getting brainwashed and then working off their 100k debt at starbucks.

The numbers don't lie.

You're the cancer.

No, that's Obama's redefinition of university as glorified trade school. If only there was some place I could point you towards where you could get an actual education in your history, culture and people. You'll have to rely on autodidactatism and your local library, though if you fell for the uni is for jobs meme, you probably don't have the IQ to handle it.


Harvey Mudd requires all STEM majors to take a full third of their coursework in their esteemed liberal arts program, and they consistently produce the US' top scientists and mathmetacians, be it by the metric of patents, citations or nobel prizes. It's no coincidence every classical scientist was highly learned in the liberal arts, and the most venerated of modern scientists - Tesla, Nash, etc. - all express great appreciation for the classical arts.

"STEM" cuckoldry is reserved for teenagers and bachelor's degree holding, FAFSA indebted poorfags who abuse higher education as an attempt to ride up in class via a exorbitant startup salary. If you actually stayed in academia like scientists and mathematicians are meant to, using a bachelors as nothing less than a stepping stone to greater degrees where your real educatiok begins, you'd know it's pozzed inside and out regardless of your field. If you actually think anyone obtains a real "education" in CS, in physics, in chemistry, etc. through your UG program, you're either braindead, slept through all your classes or underage. It's not the indoctrination you'll find in Marxist libarts, but it's certainly not an education. If you actually think the institution of science remains remotely uncorrupted, you've got a harsh wake up call waiting for you. Enjoy your joke of a sysadmin job you know very well you could've handled just as well back when you were in highschool.

Im glad the inevitable pushback is starting. Hardly surprising its in east asia given how meritocratic they are.

The problem isn't the programs and departments. You have to get rid of the marxists. They fuck up every field. If they're gone, then we can have sociology without Queer Indigenous Studies majors.

Well said

Kek has marked the cucks to be exterminated by the alt right.



well, this thread went places

Go make something right then tough guy. You're stronger than the kikes and all their plans right? Go and save the white race.

Psychology is a field for best goyim and dumb women. Neuroscience is the actual science and I'm currently watching psych majors drop out of my neuro class like flies.

t. cell and molec. bio major/neuro minor

wow can't argue with that though

All those things existed before government funded universities and were more excellent without government money corrupting them.

Threads like this remind me of how contrarian this board can be
Let me ask all of you a question:
Would you nuke Hollywood?

If you say yes you have no room to attack these actions.
The study of humanities, soft sciences, universities in general are a cancer on culture second only to Hollywood.
The university institution does not exist for the pursuit of knowledge it exists for indoctrination of the driven and intelligent of our society and as a paper mill that politicians and propagandists can cite.
There is no artist today who does not believe in the basic indoctrination taught on campuses. Maybe they MIGHT disagree with modernist and post modernists but they believe in the same basic social justice truths.

The university system needs a collapse before it can become anything else
But do you really (((They))) would let that happen? Do you really think universities will ever be anything other than indoctrination in exchange for, at most, knowledge?

These things need to be purged from society
Even if we have to get rid of the redeeming qualities we can't be sure the disease is gone until it is all destroyed
For every one good professor, for every one good piece of literature or art, there are hundreds of pieces of cancer and a system that is built on generating more

See this is what I'm talking about
You know why they make you take all those courses? It's not to make the students more well rounded
It's because it's an indoctrination for the intelligent of society
Marxists push it because it gives them a chance to indoctrinate everyone

If you can't see this and you're on Holla Forums I just don't know anymore man

I don't know how Holla Forums can ever defend the university system
It pushes everything that is antithetical to Holla Forums on a daily basis

Anthropology and Sociology were real sciences until (((someone))) subverted them.

Education should not receive any governmental funding, there should be no scholarships, and no grants. Then and only then would college be actually affordable.

For every nigger and gook whom you give a scholarship to, a goy must make up for that money somehow. If you cannot afford something then you should not buy it. Simple as that.

I addressed this
If you think full reboot is the only solution, then take "STEM" with you. It's as cancerous and beyond saving. Academia is jewed inside and out.

But reboot is different from throwing it out altogether, the institution of higher education is very much worth preserving/reviving, it's far more essential to European civilization and healthy culture than industrial technology ever was, which is why actual Holla Forumslacks rail against STEM cancer every time it comes up. Note that it's not the fields that are cancerous, but the "STEM" concept that tries to separate deparments based on financial prospects. Disgusting.

Anyway, nuking universities won't solve anything. You have to trace the source all the way. You know where it leads.

If you can't afford to be in college, you don't belong in college. IQ is strongly correlated to wealth. Scholarships were meant to be for the rare freak exceptions, autist savants etc.

How to fix university:
1. Remove non-whites, which includes the kikes
2. Remove women
3. Remove the poor

Third-level education is unaffordable because the Jew wants it that way to get the goyim into the student loan trap. Scholarships become a drop in the pond when you stop paying for nigs to get in for being black and able to tie their own shoelaces, and apply serious academic standards to them and possibly to the university system as a whole, rather than having two classes of "elite" institutions and degree mills.

Cutting out the poor, and possibly even the middle class depending on cost, on the basis cost alone is counterproductive in every way unless what you want is to destroy class mobility, like the commie and reactionary cryptos.


there is a difference better researchers and social policy advocates who apply research and the fact that you don't know this alludes to your undergraduate status and the fact that I should give absolutely zero fucks about your opinions regarding the social power of "soft sciences"


What about stem needs to be rebooted? Please enlighten me

I'm not putting the humanities down you dumb fuck
Are you incapable of reading?

All I'm saying is that they are indoctrination centers which you AGREE with and that we shouldn't defend them

I don't disagree that the university can be beneficial it's just that in its current form specifically the humanities it's all fucking cancer
You recognize i recognize this everyone recognizes this
There's no movement to change the system either as any of the people who push for change within the heart of the cancer (humanities) believes in the same basic social justice truths
It's only gonna get worse honestly (especially if they go free education) which is why it has to be destroyed

The people on a university campus are just as big of subversion to society as media journalists

Tokyo land made the right decision and you can't deny it

Stop being such a faggot about this
And don't pull "this is why actual Holla Forumslacks believe xyz" bullshit

You didnt address anything though
My point is the reason they make you take those liberal arts classes is because that's where the propaganda is
There's no other reason

They don't do it to make you more culturally aware they do it because it's where you get indoctrinated

It has nothing to do with appreciation like you seem to be implying
It has to do with indoctrination

Youre eating into their propaganda and their rationalization for making students take more classes to line their pockets and indoctrinate students into social justice

The truth is that you should only have to take your field of interest studies at the university level
The reason for this is that the type of classes you take like intro to black women literature are on the level of high school and that's precisely where they belong

The reason people tend hate taking that shit isn't because they hate or books or literature or music
It's because it's just pure propaganda
You seem to have created a fictional stem character who genuinely hates the arts but that's just not the case
They just hate art degrees

You don't have to tell me that, I won't date psych majors.


This raging hardon for "STEM" is one of the dumbest American memes.

When universities aren't bloated with millions of people who shouldn't be there, you can afford to teach the humanities properly and rigorously.