Haha Holla Forums nazis, watch this professor explain, scientifically...

Haha Holla Forums nazis, watch this professor explain, scientifically, just how alike you are to far leftists (left authoritarians):


Other urls found in this thread:



interesting but i dont watch it


The difference is we are right and our goals are actually reality based.

Wow, he also literally says (around 11:00 mark) that normy lefties psychologically view minorities as infants, as in a mothering instinct. MY BABY DINDU NOTHING WRONG. This explains so much.



only quality post in this shitty bait thread

You're comparing an SJW far lefty to a normie conservative… Need to reach a bit further on the horseshoe there.

Gotta sage.

Yeah you said that already.

(cont'd) The far left guy is obsessed with equality, but the far right guy should be obsessed with purity. i.e., JUST ONE DROP, etc.


You must be new here.



But none of this includes me.

I write for a living.
I'm a parent. Confronted with undue complexity, I mostly just back away and allow to be.
I want genocide. The survivors, perpetrators, and their children can be as diverse as they like, as long as whites have more children. In fact, the world of 1900 seems about right. About 40 percent white, genuine cultural diversity, minimum kike shills clogging up message boards.

Try again, Avram.

they'd never let one of us get on the air
by all means the extreme far left efalist you are the voice of the modern youth

for our opposition lets have a vanilla aging part-senile cuckservative with a background in being a landowner and having a trustfund

I fucking hate american media

Oh look, one of those pseudointellectual buzzwords that tie nicely into the false left-right wing dichotomy
A preference for authoritarianism is not exclusive to people with low verbal intelligence, unless you put the intelligence of people like Kant, Hobbes, Machiavelli and many others into question
There are rational arguments for authoritarian systems over those that favor a more egalitarian or free approach, and visa versa

This is an amazing picture



No wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even more


We can all be the same by removing what is different.
Or we can all be the same by changing what is different.

So two dykes talk to some faggot in a log cabin with red nigger art and that's supposed to mean something? If that's the best you could find OP, suicide, rather trolling might be your forte.