Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton. Epic Rap Battles of History

So a few youtubers made a rap battle debate between Trump and Hillary with an obvious bias for Hillary. So I propose we mass dislike the video and comment bomb them.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sage for complete cancer


Holy fuck, I didn't know it was still 2009

No Hiram, we will not give you shekels.
The rope is free though

Sage this garbage, I'm not even clicking on jewtube to downvote


ERB was started September 26, 2010

Wow I had no idea this could happen.

Nice try goy

Man, those butthurt comments. Who the fuck watches this garbage anyways?

Ha, thomas jefferson vs some nigger, makes the nigger look good. What a disgusting thing.

Small children and liberals.

Close enough

The only people who care about it being bias are normies. I live, eat and breathe bias every single second the electric Jew is on. I'm conditioned to it.

That being said, the Trump verses were the ideal Holla Forums version of Trump. This makes it seem biased to normies, but I fucking loved it because I wish Trump actually talked like that.

I know this is supposed to turn off normies, but I can't but help love the shit out of it.


Honestly I agree with you what bothered me was when their fictional version of Abraham Lincoln said that the Republican party should give up and that if Hillary wins we shouldn't go to civil war.

Don't even mess around OP. You can die cringing from this shit. It's not a joke.

It's so nauseating coming to Holla Forums after these constant cuck raids, the top 30 threads are nothing but tripe and absolute garbage day in and day out.

Where the fuck are the mods ay?

Actually that part convinced me that the Jews at Disney had a part in this. If you didn't know, ERB is owned by Disney. It's such an insanely out of place line and it's something that the media has been pushing HARD. This almost 100% confirms that the (((globalists))) are planning on rigging the election and trying to convince whites to not chimp out before it even happens.

sanctimonious cuck lincoln showed up in the 2012 one too

with the exact same "both of these guys really suck but i'm only going to tell you not to vote for the republican" message

you're you ignorant nigger

stop making your race look bad you fucking worthless cunt


Thank you CTR for correcting his record.