Box Office: 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Suffers MCU's Worst Second-Weekend Drop Ever

Box Office: 'Spider-Man: Homecoming' Suffers MCU's Worst Second-Weekend Drop Ever

The article is blatant shilling and damage control

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john hughes

Ahahaha, the shills were real!

Everything is as i have foreseen

(((Disney))) kikes BTFO

My friends call me A Half Breed Sheboon

reddit wars is just as cancerous as capeshit, if not worse

The movie would've been fine if they hadn't inserted liberal politic bullshit in it

Just as bad as that cringy ass Beyonce scene in Doctor Strange

I still would though

user reread his statement



i keep wondering who's she keeping in this

would hate fuck maybe/10

Probably one of the fat kikes she's fucking

please keep your autism on Holla Forums we don't give a fuck about giving clicks

Now here's the real question, who does she marry

We don't want to give shitty site hits.

triggered kike detected


yes because you're from Holla Forums


/paul/ plz…

take your click autism back to Holla Forums

Joke is on you… I am from Holla Forums

With War of the Planet of the Apes coming, can Homecoming even recover?


nice try Holla Forums

must've not put enough black people in it
should've had Peter Parker get murdered by Miles in a house robbery then its Miles story about how he fought the oppression of the white man

nah fam you're from Holla Forums

But I am not even white!

get out

This website is for whites only


go back to Holla Forums

8ch IS Holla Forums, dumb newfag

that's only because .net/pol/ is shit

The Holocaust is a lie.

It happens when you hire a 12 years old to be Peter Parker


They're trying so fucking hard to make this little munter an It Girl that it's embarrassing.

No problem user, Miles will appear in the animated movie.

I wonder why?could it people don't like seeing fucking sjw/feminism/cultural marxist propaganda or hideous baboons?

I did like the enemy man
Is he the new darth vader or what? he was way better than faggy numale spiderman. If they wanted to show spiderman be strong, fine, but at least give him some muscle. Also the fat samoan was annoying, and the jews in the background were offputting.

Then go back to cuckchan crybaby.

t. cuckchanner

AREN'T WE ALL SICK OF FUCKING SPIDER-MAN MOVIES AT THIS POINT? I mean goddam, how many more ways can they tell this story, young kid, bit by spider, swings from buildings, wants to fuck Mary Jane. Wouldn't be so bad, honestly, if they'd just tell a new story but every fucking time they've gotta reboot the shit.

Can't believe they bumped Black Panther for this horseshit.



I agree. This movie would have done a lot better with a real actual leading lady love interest. They shilled the diversity meme when they could have found an decent white girl with looks and/or acting chops.


Nice plan.

tfw my brother unironically enjoyed this movie because it was, and I quote, "the most accurate depiction of Spiderman from the comics yet". Nevermind the race swapped roles though

You're brother is cattle, m8, just kill him.

Amy Pascal lol!

G-guys… I feel conflicted. Is it gay if I get dominated by her?

no nog > quarter nog

Best if she doesn't have kids.

Agreed. Save the blood as a sacrifice to the gods.

More liek Spider-Flop


How is this the most accurate depiction of Spiderman from the comics anyway? Because of the quips? Is that the most memorable thing about the character according to normies?

My sentiments exactly. That is why I gave it only a shred of attention and that is because of Midnight Edge.

Normalfags don't realize that Spider-Man is a tragic figure and that his most interesting trait is his struggle balancing his life between spider-man and Peter Parker.

What are you referring to? I'm not a child so I don't watch superhero movies.

I've heard that line too many times. Chances are it's a marketing line from Disney mandated to any outlet that covers it. Most normies are parrots, so if they can hear a sentence that sounds like a complete thought and trick themselves into thinking they came up with it, they'll repeat it endlessly.

You fucking racist.

Reported for ban evasion.


I was going to give this film a chance in spite of all of this. I watched a dude's review who hated this movie, and he said that Nig Jane saying that slavery line comes off more as a tool to make her white liberal teacher get embarrassed and leave her alone.

What nobody fucking told me is that this Spider-Man LITERALLY HAS A SUIT AI.

And people will call it

, "the most accurate depiction of Spiderman from the comics yet".

Too much Tony Stark on this film, it was

>>>Holla Forums

This is the saddest thing. when you hear normalfags regurgitate marketing lines.

Here's what I want to know: does your brother read the fucking comics at all?

Murder is illegal user, and reality doesn't work that way…

So he wasn't bitten by a radioactive spider? How can people not just walk out of the theater?

same thing in the Raimi ones though

The organic webbing was stupid anyway, a weapon that shoots funky junk makes much more sense.

No spider bite

Nope he was bitten in both Spiderman and TAS

The organic webbing made sense because he was changed into cellular level and all spides have webs.
Also reported

Nolan will finish this capeshit cashgrab with Dunkirk


Yes. Man's place is to command and woman's place is to obey. Otherwise it's gay.

This is why we call them comicspergs.

Wasn't it retconned to a genetically modified spider?

bitten yes, but it wasn't a radioactive spider in the Raimiverse. it was genetically engineered.

Her boyfriend maybe?

That still doesn't really change much.


Reported for pretending to be retarded


The Andrew Garfield movies were more accurate than the Toby McGuire movies, and we can all agree that it didn't make them better. Almost like accuracy is actually not that important, and a flim maker should focus on making a good movie, not getting everything "right" to appease a minority of autists.


Err, no, newfag detected.
Garfield's were based on NuMale Ultimate shit, while Tobey's were based on the classic run.

Mechanical webshooters.

And? It's a fucking adaptation you dumb nigger faggot, changes are inevitable.

Right. And Raimi changed something hugely fundemental to the character, and it was fine, and no one but a minority of autists complained about it.
