For those of you with the related the fuck did people manage to hack this day one...

for those of you with the related the fuck did people manage to hack this day one? i know it isn't just skids using cheat engine. these people must be using c++ to make injectable dlls. is it easy or are these people godly programmers?

Maybe try not making such a shit OP by posting info about the game, who cracked it, if it uses Denuvo, etc

It has no anti-cheat and it's free to play. Also why don't you just fucking google it?


i'm sorry i didnt make a LOL INSTALL GENTOO or LOOK AT MY SCREENFETCH thread. this is a technology board and i posted about technology.

Jesus Christ and you're a huge whiny faggot on top.
Post on the questions thread and delete this embarrassment of a thread.

i'm glad i can say i never use this shit site. i'm leaving now, have fun stroking your e-peen in front of the niche audience that still uses cripplechan

Thanks. Bye, don't come back.

This is an interesting thread and you can all suck my shit.

As someone that's not a gaymur, I'm kind of interested in this.

The subject's not bad, OP's just as gay as all of San Francisco.

i don't even understand what makes you say this....and now i'll be called gay too

It's customary to contribute something if you're going to make a thread, not just dump a question and fuck off. If you just want to ask a question, there's a pinned thread for that. If you have an interesting subject to discuss, then start by posting some info, at least.
Anyway hopefully someone can contribute.

This thread is pretty low-quality, and I don't know what drove OP to create such a horrid thread, but I'll try to answer;

The answer isn't that simple, because the question itself is vague, people make cheats for these games fairly fast because if you know what you're looking for it isn't that fucking hard. All it takes is probing around memory maps for values that are 1:1 with changing values on screen (getting a power-up raises points by 1 for example, so with this knowledge you can find on the memory map what values increase by 1 as you gain a power up, then you can use a memory editor to artificially raise this value yourself) and there are also cheat programs like Cheat Engine that can generate modules for you and automate the process

Now please OP, try and make a more quality post next time, this community is running low enough on brain cells as it is and now it has to read these embarrassing posts

>calling Holla Forums cripplechan
It's obvious OP's from cuckchan. That's why.

they both fit because one was made by a cuck and the other a cripple

It's indicative because nobody calls it that here, and he explicitly said he doesn't browse here often

People have always called Holla Forums cripplechan. You're like the guy who spegs out about calling the site 8ch/

I literally haven't even seen that word in ages, but sure

there is already a game hacking thread in the catalog allthough that one is full of spergs and not about gamehacking at all


did you just soil your diaper in your mom's basement? lol fucking nerd

what game is this?

Are you fucking retarded?

Is that a series? I've never heard of it.

No wonder you stayed on 4cuck in the first place.


Most shit is server sided ingame so gl using cheat engine to get no spread or whatever. If you're really interested in game hacking then just go to and read wiki about the unreal engine and the "Other FPS Games" section aswell.
