(((Crash Course)) unironically attempts to refute environmental determinism

Environmental determinism is the idea that human cultures are strongly influenced by the geography around them (eg. nations near the ocean are more likely to have a powerful navy).

Now point and laugh as this woman attempts to refute that idea.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's hardly even funny anymore. Leftists honestly just deserve to be killed and nothing more.

Not going to watch that video.
Environmental determinism is false though, faggot.

uh, wouldn't those be the only nations to fucking have a Navy? that isn't even an appropriate example of Environmental Determinism

also Environmental Determinism is literally a historically ignorant left wing apologist ideology that attempts to explain away the race problem

Im assuming this is a slide thread or OP is legitimately retarded

Yes, I used it as the most obvious possible case.
Also, environmental determinism is not mutually exclusive from divergent evolution.

Where is the woman?


that book used to be their bible when it comes to explaining the idiocy of niggers

She needs to wash her hair

>it's super racist to believe that only europeans can create civilizations

then why didnt anyone else other than east asians do it?

It's PMS Skrillex

Could this video get any more SJW?


The whole "noble savage" narrative is probably what inspired this video.
There are some real lunatics out there. vid related:

probly more like 100,000 or so, probly less than a million.
they will evolve to match their surroundings (assuming they don't destroy them) and progress fairly similarly to the way we have. Give it enough time and they may BECOME white.

Obviously, this would entail undoing literally everything white people accomplished before putting the niggers there. But seeing as we're talking about niggers here it would probly only take a century or so before it becomes a harsh, disease ridden swamp like the whites man's ancestors found it.

WebM because OP is a fag for not doing it himself.

It is actually the best way to prove races exist and there are differences between them

Hence why leftists like in OP's video are against it nowadays.

Every animal on the face of this planet has adapted to suit the circumstances of its natural environment. They must adapt, and humans have never been unique in this regard.

Yeah, niggers would have a seriously bad time without air conditioning, heating, free clothes, free food, free medicine, and free housing.


Believe it or not, there would be a handful that figure out how to survive. It's those niggers that would end up breeding a sustainable population. Especially those who find themselves in places like Switzerland where a community can easily defend itself from invaders and their only adversaries are the cold and food scarcity.

Go for it. Break down all your hospitals and power plants and ship them back to the west. Drop us a line in a couple thousand years when you discover gravity and want to talk about it.

For sure. It would be an interesting experiment. I'd rather exterminate them all, though.

Nigga what? It perfectly explains why niggers are dumb. There's wild game everywhere to eat in Africa and every other weed is edible. There's no selective pressures for intelligence. Meanwhile in Europe you have to be able to plan for cold winters and shore up food stocks. The unprepared die in Europe.

But hang on, Jared Diamond's book gives an explanation for white success that isn't nasty and racist and nazi, but if that's not good enough, then what's left?

Denying that whites ever had power at all?

Sweet. When do I get my oppressed minority check?

I am enjoying this far more than I should.


No arguments that actually talk about target the Ideas stipulations only beating around the bush.Typical leftist trash arguing skills.

I don't know too many academics that still support Environmental Determinism
They might support the idea that cultures or institutions determine the behavior of the individual, but E.D. is something no one takes that seriously nowadays, because it's not sufficient to explain the reasons X country is like that. It can be part of the explanation, but only that.
Also, it's pseudo-scientific if you consider science to be important.

well, if someone found evidence and data, I'm pretty sure there would be modern theories that support E.D. Not all of them are biased, a portion might be, but that wouldn't mean that almost no one respectable supports Environmental Determinism.

This is the real horshoe theory. It's not the centrist retard crap about the extreme left and right being the same. It's that eventually leftists become so anti-white they end up believing that the idea that any theory about whites having advantages is itself racist causing them to not be able to coherently defend privilege theory and white guilt anymore, thus making way for widespread white nationalism.

In a perverse sick way, we are their children.

Crash Course started this series because Human Geography is a new AP high school course. AP is the same company which is in charge of Common Core. Unsurprisingly, Crash Course is making money off of national education's dilution.


In other words, they're coming round to our position by accident. Once you remove environmental determinism (and we've been arguing against diamond for years), then the only thing left is that genes get some interplay.

This woman is an inadvertent white nationalist. Thanks.

The video says whites conquered because it's "the nature of colonialism."
So no, you're still privileged somehow. Not sure what she meant by that though.

How is it pseudo-science? It's the natural result of people adapting to an environment. Of course ideas spread and cultures are influenced by them, but the ideas they adopt necessarily need to be logistically consistent with where they live.

So the correct explanation is now "nobody knows what causes these things. To look into it at all is simply too racist."

You're taking environmental determinism to be what it sounds like, but that's wrong. Environmental determinism is (((Jared Diamond))) (an ornithologist)'s view that race is irrelevant to the development of different types of society. Diamond is a race creationist. He says, among other things, that there are not enough easily domesticable creatures or crops native to sub-Saharan Africa to support such civilizations as developed in Mesopotamia, Europe, India, and China. He implies the races are not unequal, only the geographic circumstances in which they found themselves.

The only thing left is genes. It's getting easy and easier for people to read between the lines. If the magic nature of colonialism isn't caused by the environment then what is it caused by? Could it be that whites are natural colonists by nature? Hmm.

chose the wrong time to be a youngfag

Yup, John Green and his bullshit propaganda was taught in my US history class.

Huh. I took AP Human Geography almost ten years ago and it wasn't pozzed at all, aside from a little too much emphasis on economics.

Environment has had a MASSIVE impact on human development. That's not so much the case now as it used to be, now that we've got globalisation and so on, but back in the day, of course people's surroundings influenced their societies.

That's why there are people who can live in high altitudes far better than we can, and why some people are nomads like the Tuaregs or the Mongol tribes - because of the environment they live in, it's better to move around than to stay in one place.

The harsher the environment, the more time one has to spend fighting to stay alive. So unlike Africa, Europe is not a desert nor a jungle filled with all kinds of gnarly animals out to kill you, it has fertile lands which were sought after by many people which brought about the meeting and mixing of various groups of people which lead to the exchange of ideas which lead to the civilisation we see today. Meanwhile somewhere out there, there is some poor African fucker fighting off a gorilla with a stick whilst a hippopotamus eats his family.

Environmental Determinism isn't evolution, it's the theory that all humans evolved to look different and all differences between civiizations are due to differences in climate and availability of resources, but nothing to do with race.

*humans only evolved to look different

Which is funny, because the logical next step to considering the environment is considering its impact on the population itself. Then again, the left likes stopping before an obvious conclusion to whatever it is they are postulating.

Reminds me of some (((anthropologist))) unironically invoking Richard Lynn and that fingol dude as modern equivalents to Lysenkoism. A race denialist. Comparing race realists to Lysenkoists.

You got it backwards, Africa has more natural resources than almost any other continent, hence why colonialism was far more prevalent and widespread there than america, where really only the British and french got around to it since they were way behind the dutch in Africa.

Sure, tons of people die in Africa to the native fauna and hunger and shit, but all you have to do is have tons of babies and human reproduction outpaces natural death. Its easy enough to limp along in Africa with almost nothing yet still survive because its, in general, an incredibly friendly geographically speaking.

In Europe, the winter will fucking kill you. Not just you, but your entire stupid fuck family. There's no "limping along" there. Not only that but you would be surprised at how un-fertile European land is. Europeans invented the plow remember, that was out of necessity, not just cause they felt like it.

Europe kills anything stupid enough to not adapt to it. From hardship our ancestors grew strength and intelligence. Reading personal testimonies of aid workers to modern Africa confirms that there is a stark genetic difference when it comes to survival.

If society collapses before Fimbulwinter, we wont need RWDS, mother earth will do the purging for us.

It also explains why Russia took so long to even form. Kind of hard to tax and levy and draft folks when they can just walk off into a vast nothing.

And zo when Russia finally formed, it wasnt from the maritime Greek outpost around the Black Sea, or even Kievan Rus. No, it finally formed in the only way it could, a central power that itself was fairly remote, and thus through its conquest of even its closer nwighbors acquired a taste for long distance land action.

Russia was like nothing before it, Muscovy arus anyways. It existed as almost a purely military entity, held together, built and expanded purely by and purely for force of arms. And the consequences were immense. Even without gunpowder, the formation of Muscovy Russia and its conquest of its neighbors meant an inevitable annexations of a massive chunk of the Steppes, both cutting of anymore hordes, and controlling the movement of its internal people.

Are we defending Jared Diamond?

Because if you are…

….no, YOU got it backwards. Nobody in Rapefrica had the sparetime for agriculture, so nobody had the spare time to think up shit beyond hard they should nigger it up that day.

All they did face was mostly the environment.

He was not completely retarded. He also sets up the foundations for intellectual ly shitting on niggers.



This argument is retarded

Dangerous animals would be an incentive to community development anyway. It's easier to defend yourself when you don't have to move. Besides, Africans had farming too, they just get by at being far less efficient at it cause they don't have to worry about harvests through winter, they can still effectively scavenge through the dry season.

She looks like she got hit in the face with a hot shovel.

Diamond sets up the foundation that whites only dominated because they had horses and trees.

Yeah no.

The environment of sub-Saharan Africa is not particularly hostile. It's always warm and nearly every plant is edible. Niggers didn't develop agriculture because they could simply walk into the forest/jungle and grab food at any time. They didn't develop clothing or advanced shelter because it was always nice out. They didn't develop advanced weapons or armor because there was room to run away and the lack of agriculture meant populations rarely grew large enough to necessitate wars of any significance. There used to be abundant elephants, wolves, lions, bears, bison, and rhinoceroses in Europe before the local humans killed nearly all of them.

Evolution is sufficient. Diamond is full of shit.

They really hate whites on every level of their thinking.
They are trying to subvert even MY GEOGRAPHY?
Now it's personal, kikes.

So she tried to debunk a theory as to why European societies were so technologically and socially dominant throughout history without providing an alternate theory her buzzwords don't explain how Europe gained the advantage in the first place. I'll fill the vacuum with racialism.

Don't forget that pretty much everything east of the Urals is still more-or-less pristine wilderness for all intents and purposes. You might have a mine here or a gas field there but apart from that there's nothing out there that even vaguely resembles civilization.

Her only argument is at the start with "French Americans buried their dead above ground" which is a non-sequitur since the colonization of the new world is just a blink of an eye in historical time. After that it's 9 minutes of "das raycis and feels > reals"

The most hilarious part was that Jews in contrast with European immigrants buried them under ground, polluting the ground water with their decomposing corpses.
Confirming many middle age stories of Jews poisoning the wells.
She unknowingly dispensed redpills.

It's incredible how disjointed the minds of ideologues can become. Cultural and technological advancement just sprang out of nothing with no external stimuli because it would make her feel bad if it did.

Little correction to add

Even waiting for that long wouldn't make them like white people. It would require at least thousands of decades of uninterrupted and ruthless eugenics. If you just 'wait' with niggers placed in a different continent, all you get is another Africa.

So what exactly determines our differences now? How oppressed people were by whitey?

Evolution only happens when it is advantageous to do so.

No other empire would have bothered taking the Siberian Hinterland. Literally every other empire of note that was of a conquering nature only went after bits that were immediately lootable or taxable. Beyond that they never bothered. Meanwhile if you look at the history of Russia, the real early historic, all the way through to the Rurikids crowning the Romanovs, its strange. At first what happens is Norse expansion inot building Novgorod, and holding Kiev and other formerly Scythian territory a d doing the usual mercantile, only war when we need to shit.

The the Mongols arrived and smashed that. Now these people had known of civilization. They knew it existed, hell whatever Steppe tribe controled the Volga or Dnieper had an easy trade route to the Black Sea. But with the wide open expanse you could have entire peoples ru. Through back and forth and have little impact. So what happened?

Subutai happened and smashed the latest iteration of Kiev as somebodies golden egg.

Bt the Mongols didnt just llot and leave, no they kept coming around. One of the early Ivans was a tax collector, and THEY COULDNT JUST FUCK OFF AND WALK AWAY.

But other than mass enslavement, the only thing the area made of worth was furs and food.

So they threw the Golden Horde out and began fighting amongst themselves. Now there was little to be gained except being king shit of a mountainless land. But it had been impressed, finalky, into the people that that itself was worth it.

So began the conflicts, with Poland playing the Reminder of the omnipresent foraign threat, yes they Muh Rodinad them out then too.

And see thats the thing. The early core of Muscovy Russia? Built and held purely for military security and anger at foreigners taking their shit. No wealth to be gained, no great grainary, nothing. Just military security and control.

They conquered a million acres of worthless land just so they knew who had it and nobody else could use it to invade them with.

Its the purest military state ever concieved.

Problem is, it means it can only maintain itself through those means. Russia does not have the option of not having secret police and a massive gendarmie. Otherwise some random fucker out in the middle of nowhere could assemble an army and go fucking shit up.. Which happened a few time s.

It will never change, it cant.

Its like North America being trade wealthy. Cant help itself

Evolution happens constantly, but it's true that there was little pressure on nogs to be able to think long term or do much besides run fast. The fact remains that Diamond's theory is both factually wrong on many points and not necessary to explain any observed phenomena.

Why do we let women out of the house again? I keep forgetting.

She didn't attempt to refute shit her only "arguments" are

Either its geography that got the ball rolling, or the only explanation left….is pursly based on race

Iirc, there is a red cross salvation army story about some nigger in africa who acquired a baking thingy to make bread.

He had the idea to i invest in it for future profit. Guess what happened? His dad came over, said his family needed bread now, and just took it.

Said baker nigger never bothered again.

The base stock is there, its just that there isnt any point.

Non-Holla Forumsack here. So, I'm already ready to call bullshit on this for two reasons. 1. She never directly challenges the logic of the theory she's attacking, she just nibbles around it and 2. She never proposes another, superior reason to contend with the perfectly logical one she is trying to refute.

Finally, the sheer idea that location has no effect on a civilization is absolute idiocy. The swiss embraced neutrality so early and so hard because their nation is so defensible. The English realized that navy was the only way they would survive. On and on.

You could argue that environmental factors are LESS important to the growth of a civilization, but to attempt to discard them entirely is the absolute height of retardation.

Oh God, the stupid, it burns. Who is she even anyway? Fucking nobody.

the frame still accepts linguistic manipulation by LARPing meek theives.

environmental determinism is, if anything was a thing here: the environment determines animals and plants. but that's not what they want. they want the profit from might and civilization –with– determinism-as-an-excuse for the purpose of excusing/releasing responsibility. so on one hand we're talking children/animals/plants, there's not much to excuse. but-but-but oh wait, they want to be people too! but not… er… wait what? what selective two-faced linguistic salad will they come up with next? it's crazy talk. period. it reads like crazy to talk about it, because that is what it is.

these words are not right, they are not wrong (eg the opposite isn't right either), they are just plain crazy. they were made by the meek to rationalize meekness as superior and simultaneously lie, thieve, and manipulate. they always include an element of self-anointment-pious-feelz with an inverted element of some failed-wrong-action getting profit (or release from debntz).

another linguistic machination is 'evolution' (which this video is stepped in). any one mentioning aristotle-bad-mmmkay —but!— darwin-is-oh-so-awesome-we-lubz-him is a fucking cunt, a god damn hipster fluidity seeking lying liar, and is prone to whims of 'evolved' thinking: crediting piety while acting like a wetware-fucked child so that they get to play mightier-than-thou by literal spam. every second of the vid demonstrates this fiction-duality, chosen-mentality, and self-granted-credit-feelz.

also, this girl (man?) is ugly, which doesn't help. at all.

aside: 'evolution'. again, if ever a thing to be defined: evolution is the indepdendent iteration of the self-deselection of the least fit. what (((evolutionists))) claim is 'evolution' is not a thing. (1) you don't have to ace the test to pass, you have to not fail to pass. [ace the test](+sigma-3) and the opposite [not ace the test](-sigma-3..+sigma-2) have nothing to do with [not failing the test](-sigma-3). entirely different sigma selection statements. for evolution-as-survival-fittest, +sigma-3 would live and the rest would die – but this doesn't happen. nor does the opposite happen: +sigma-3 doesn't die and the rest live. what happens is that -sigma-3 dies by their own hand: literally, the self-de-selection of the least fit. piety/holiness/gods-chosen does not apply to nature; +sigma-3 does not earn bonus points, and the least-fit test changes every time.

the worst part is the origin of the heart of darkness: (2) the population curve is not guassian (blue, independent nth samples leading to central limit theorem bell curve). rather, it is poisson (black/red, dependent repetitions that are clones and do not have differential – you are not a unique snowflake). (3) the average is still defined as 50%, but it actually doesn't matter. i used sigma above, but the fitless test is usually independent of the population. that is, the population distribution is applied –over– the fitless test: thus the majority of the population curve is usually below the fitless pass/fail line. (3) taken further, if you clone what doesn't pass, you don't magically get guassian distribution ftw, you change nothing: the majority of the indepentent samples still can't pass (depdendent samples don't change the curve). worst of all, it usually changes nothing of the fitless point.

evolution, as the concept propagated by a cucked hobo self-hating university pleb (darwin), the concept is not right, nor not wrong (neither it, nor the opposite are true). it's just plain crazy. darwin was a lunatic, and a liar, and he self-anointed good-feelz onto himself while drawing sketches of bird beaks. he couldn't do math, yet was somehow selected. this should sound quite familiar by now.

Blabla she goes on a tirade of strawmen like evolutionists, right?
To argue semantics rather then ideas to prove her point. That an evolutionist argue against "if A, then B arose" instead of the long drawn out "if A, then the random occurance of B in some individuals had a statistical higher chance to be more fit in a random event and thus by chance ended up having feature B in the next generations".

But aren't we all from Africa anyway, or is that not cool any more? And wouldn't environment affect how you live? If you live in stormy land, you wont build tall houses. And doesn't the environment affect how individuals react (not only in humans)?
She's going the whole "blank slate"-route and that we're just lucky to live in the West, and lucky that we were born "western-like"?

because cucks.

oh shit I forgot to listen and believe instead of listening to the argument and making my own assessment.
So sick of this "its bad because I said so but cannot provide anything that makes it appear" line they keep using while they act like intellectuals.


Give it time. You know we're right.

Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think this is a woman: thick neck, adams apple, huge hands, flat chest lives in NYC.

Jared Diamond just tried to cover up the truth of whitey stealing all the technology from ancient African kangs.

This shit is even more dangerous that communism.

This is messy because she conflates valid aspects of racial theory that relates to the environment, with outright Environmental Determinism which Jared Diamond subscribes to.

In the short; the truth is that the rise of civilizations coincide with both aspects of internal biology and the environment. Otherwise any creature within an environment would end up with the same culture and behavioral patterns no matter where they start. Environmental Determinism is more like a weird assumption that humans (and it would logically have to follow that all organism too) are tabula rasa that is molded entirely by the environment, which the very fact that there are all sorts of different organisms within the same environment contradicts that. This is a large part why Jared Diamond's ideas are wrong. He thinks if Africans happened to make it up to Europe instead of whites then they would have become KANGZ just like how White people ended up, because the environment is the ultimate factor. He misses that internal biology is the other acting force that is major in determining how a culture and civilization is formed. What both he and the OP's video ignores is the more recent genetic revelations regarding how Europeans and Asians are both hybrids of Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens, while Africans are purely Homo Sapiens. And even between Europeans and Asians, the admixture is different in varying degrees. With an uneven biological starting point, even putting environmental factors aside, of course each race would still produce different civilizations of greater and lesser quality. Of course they would create different cultures, some better in perpetuating civilization that others.

As an aside, the other major problem with Jared Diamond's ideas is that he factually gets many things wrong about the environments he is talking about. He thinks Africa is too harsh of an environment to ever give enough leeway for Africans to create a civilization while Europe was easy fields of resources that the white people just happened to be lucky enough to run into. But in truth a harsh environment would necessitate that sort of organization than anything, and an easy environment would give an incentive to not work hard in creating civilizations since all the resources one needs is so easily available. He doesn't even understand what drives civilizations because as other anons point out, Africa was actually rich in resources and far easier climate to live in, while Europe is less rich in resources and a much more challenging environment to live in.

This starts to tie into the other half of OP's video addresses and conflates with Jared Diamond's incorrect idea. The truth that certain environmental factors come into play which partially determines the rise of a civilization. There are certain pressures that happen that result in certain behaviors that result in organizing and building civilizations the way we see it today. A better explanation for that is in embedded related; basically taking Spengler perspectives of civilizations and testing it through a theory of genetics and epigenetics. It acknowledges biology while looking at how the environment shapes it, which then how biology can shape the environment (in cultural and technological ways) which then works its way back again to affecting the biology. This perpetual cycle of biology -→ environment -→ biology -→(etc) is a better way of understanding what drives civilization.

Bullshit. Human culture is largely determined by genetics. Sure a nation near the ocean is more likely to have a strong navy, but a nigger nation near the ocean will have no navy whatsoever.

Theres truth to environmental determinism but racial determinism is much stronger

Also I'm pretty sure that's a dude in the video

And what determines genetics, genious?

I thought liberals were Fedora tippers that believed in (((evolution))) though.

Not that I'm implying that environmental determinism isn't real.

i don't understand, wasn't environmental determinism a left wing idea to explain how europe managed to build the most productive and succesful civilization without resorting to genetic reasons? why is it all of a sudden a racist ideology? do they want to push the overton window even further to the left? but then what would be their explaination for european history? will they just deny our achievements?

this bitch literally has no argument
and i'm not exaggerating, she literally presents no argument other than
without even trying to explain why
this must be THE most retarded shit i've seen in a while

What the fuck are you even doing here then?

That's already in progress. I remember reading a book that attributed the invention of calculus to arabs.

But I think the bigger thing here is the noble savage narrative:

This kike can't seem to comprehend it's a mix of both culture and geography as manifested in the memes and genes of a people.

Memeplex/Geneplex: they are one.

So what do Marxists think of Occam's Razor? Too Eurocentric?

It's a deadly weapon that only the government should be allowed to posses.

no way that's not a tranny

Even numerals attributed to Arabs is a stretch. Since the Arabs merely plagiarized the Indians to begin with and then act like they claim all the credit.

leftism: the video



t. former leftist

Story time, user.

rate my OC


So what is their anwser to the fact that europeans developed high culture? Do they not realize that niggers are and have always been living in mud huts?
I cant comprehend this Holla Forums, is there any former leftist that can explain this to me?
Is pic related gonna be taught at schools now?

If I get this right :
Environmental determinism is the idea that environment shaped us biologically via natural selection, so different environments lead to differents biologies( ie races aren't equal)

The SJW in the video want the conclusion to be that "all races are equals", so decide to change some facts and say the premises of the theory is false, wich mean environment is a non-factor, but since an individual is the product of it's genes and environment, the conclusion remains that the dominance of the White race can only be explained by Whites genetic superiority.

And she is dumb enough to not realize this.

Believe me, females that study humanities are sometimes just that ugly and lazy.

That's evolution. Environmental determinism is the idea that all races are the same but for cosmetic differences and civilizations developed due to geographical differences alone. She's saying that isn't good enough.


You would think so if you were a normal person.

But this is a millennial college going leftist, to her the most logical explanation is that white people were evil, mean and bullies while blacks were good, peaceful and submissive, which allowed whites to take advantage of them despite both races being equally capable of creating an inventive and prosperous high trust society.

Sunlight is the cheapest source of vitamin D, and fresh air is good for them too. Don't want your womenfolk getting sick unnecessarily.


Reminder the faggot that started this series, John Green, writes Teen Romance/Drama novels

If it wasn't for the voice and neck, I'd fucking swear this was a tranny.

Okay, whoever is curating the Day of the Rope list, please add her retarded lesbian ass to it. Although maybe she'd be salvageable if some beta could lower his standards and give a bit of the ol' Day of the Cock.

Da whitey gun be put on their rightful place nigguh.

Pic related

thanks for the webm user

the likeness in jawline and neck is uncanny




It was bound to happen.

Even liberals were calling on her bullshit since the imbecile didn't even read ((( Jared Diamond ))) enough to find out the obvious fact that he is a liberal Jew trying "fight racism" too.

Perfect faggot for NPR

Did we actually get them to admit that they're full of shit?

Diamond is a kike who thinks that sense his city-dwelling yid ass couldn't survive a week in africa all niggers are amazing.

it's been a long day

So is she arguing for environmental relativism?



Stupid fuck.

I stopped watching when they called GG a hate movement. Glad to see them with egg on their faces.

shitlib: "I'm gonna debunk this once and for all"

Does anyone have an archive of the comments? I want to read the backlash.

Also, a previously lefty friend claims that this is like the second or third time they've tried to debunk environmental determinism and taken the video down afterwards.

>go to 4chan I know I shouldn't but our /r9k/ and /fit/ is so slow

How the fuck we aren't a popular site is beyond me. We are objectively better in every way. What exactly keeps us afloat anyhow? The only advertiser I see is the penis pump one.

Holy shit they even >muh dik in their creation myths
fucking niggers

I never saw them mention GG other than a few minor eastereggs, was there a video or is this some social media post somewhere?

I never saw them mention GG other than a few minor eastereggs, was there a video or is this some social media post somewhere?

B-but to say otherwise implies that humans have no agency. Yet somehow Whites were compelled to colonize the world. B- because they're evil and PoC were peace-loving, of course. Die cishet scum.

meant for

I thought this is already accepted fact in all of biology and zoology?

science racis


social science skeet skeet

it's because we are the far, dark reaches of the internet and reddit goons are scared of us

Everyone knows this is bullshit cuz Africans superior genetics are why they made it to space and shiet.

Once a Jewish cultural anthropologist pondered:

But recently the field has discovered that it was bigoted to even give credence to the concept of "American culture." White people have no culture besides exploitation. The only way prejudicial assumptions against vibrancy can be eliminated is by eliminating White people. Shitskins of the world, unite!


…with even more quotes from people no one ever heard of!

so, for example, Malaysia, the Phillipines, and Indonesia have more powerful navies than Russia or Poland, and Italy and Greece have more powerful navies than Germany?

Well atleast he has seen his mistake.Let's hope it doesen't replace the series with something even more dumb.

What do you guys thinks about John Green's video, regarding the election and soros?

also, the caspian report made a video related.
polite sage beacuse triple post

They even had boomerangs that were shaped like dicks, "MUH DICK" is an integral part of their culture.

They did for most of recorded history.


Just wait dude, the only mistake is going to be that these idiots didn't knew that (((Jared Diamond))) was on their side.