So we all agree she's worst emma?

So we all agree she's worst emma?

posting best emma


She is disqualified and doesn't even get counted desu

But otherwise yes the frog is ugly

what the fuck is this

nigga you high

I hope y'all are kidding tfw all my Best Emma pics are rotated for fapping

but she's best Emma

I shiggy diggy

Really? That's your Best Emma? Shit taste

thats best emma

She's pure reddit, I suggest you go back there.



You actually like this fucking ugly ass
waste of space and you think you can talk about others like you know them? KEK


Yes, Stone has herpes is more fake than plastic. Look at the reaction video of her talking about moonlight.

find me an emma that hasn't burned coal in this day and age.

you can find an ugly picture of any celebrity you cunt

found one

best Emma coming through
inb4 she looks like a two grands a night Ukrainian hooker… that's the exact reason why

every year Emma
you mean gorgeous
mra bot spotted
how is it her fault?

you're just bitter cause you know you'll never be on her level

there's literally nothing wrong with nepotism if it gave us best emma

so, best emmas?

literally who/10


Literally cumslut/10

Don't feed the troll user, only Emma is a living godess

so? she knows how to negotiate


What the fuck

it's like you don't love your Goddess enough

Nigger this isn't negotiating, this is her nu-male coworkers taking smaller checks because otherwise she'd pull a Jlaw

I don't believe you're this retarded on a film board to not know how film budgets work

that's how actor'spay works when they're A-list. They only have so much money to spend on the film, Emma is a big dra while her costars might not be



Look who's >>>/new/

I don't get it>>799144


