BERKLEY AND STANFORD STUDIES CONCLUDE THAT, WITHOUT VOTER FRAUD, THE ODDS HRC WON THE PRIMARIES IS 1 IN 77,000,000,000! “Clinton’s win was only possible through widespread vote fraud”

Other urls found in this thread:

Doesn't matter. Everyone else conceded and it's over. Can't recall the Primary when everyone else dropped out. There's no "undo" button on concession.

We already know it was rigged. The probability that it was legit is 0 because we know for certain that it wasn't.


Shill this hard to bernie people. Make them stay home at the very least.

Whole point is to show that it's probably as statistically likely that Hillary won fairly, as it is a shark swimming up to you and sucking you off with the right amount of gusto whilst getting struck by lightning while they call your winning power ball numbers on shore.


SICK BURN on a dirty old, Commie Jew. Fuck the Democrats.

We Trump nao.



No shit. The bernfags on plebbit even knew this. before CTR took action

Spread this around. Don't let it happen again

Bump ^_^

Spread this.

All the machines are fucking rigged. I have no idea why Trump voters are reporting that they're fucking up their votes. Why are they even using them in the first place?

There won't be another Presidential primary for 4 years. People will have forgotten by then.


a lot of them still have faith in the basic structure of government
It's why this is going to devolve into a civil war in the next year or so

If she did this in the primaries, she'll do this for the real thing. Spread it around.

The point it to reignite the hatred Bernie people have for her. Maybe some this will dissuade some of them for voting for Hillary.

Will there even be an America in 4 years?

shitty site. not even sure if this is real or not. look at the footer:

"InvestmentWatch © 2016. All Rights Reserved.
Powered by WordPress. Theme by Press Customizr."

The point isn't to hit any reset button, but to provide yet more evidence of voter fraud to the still sleeping normalfags.

Every piece of ammo helps.

final bump

If we get the spite for from bernouts they will have no hope in hell of rigging the election. It would trigger too many red alerts.

PDF summary of study linked from article:

Data spreadsheet linked from summary:

Very nice. Bump.



Same voting machines used in general election? If so, then that's a clear cause for investigating electronic voting fraud.

Send this to reporters.

Isn't this an old story? It's a paper by two students that hasn't been peer reviewed last I checked, not a stanford/berkley study.

Peer review is usually just kike politics anyway. Yawn.

What if I told you Bernie was always a lie, a way to keep away any potential "Naders" from cropping up since millennials, especially females have gone so far to the left that a true sensation could've happened, so they contained the excitement with an old kike that always intended to throw the fight.

I actually TRIED to warn berniebros that he had no chance because hillary likely had locked up the superdelegates right before she conceded defeate to Obama.

Think about this: There were only 3 democrats running for a vacant POTUS seat. THREE. The republicans had how many? Upwards of 12? And the only three democrats were Hillary, Bernie and some dude that lasted only one trimester. THIS was pretty much a tell that the DNC superdelegates were already in the hillary camp. The other guy that ran was just a willing facade hillary plant because it would raise flags if she was running unapposed for POTUS on the democrat side. Bernie was actually running but didn't get the memo the fix was in like every other democrat did. In fact, they probably had people push bernie to run because they thought Bernie was too weak willed, old, communist/socialist to gain a following. EXACTLY like the way Bill talked Trump into winning.

They had NO clue that ANYONE who isn't a flat out crook was going to get far more popularity than the Clinton Cartel boss. Democrats are likely no longer going to choose extreme candidates in the future to run against the selected candidate. They are going to pick a straight up puppet like Kaisich and that Democrat guy.

The problem is instead of causing an uproar like they did at the DNC convention every day and causing a ruckus, huge swaths of bernie supporters who supported him simply because they are nerd virgin followers who picked him because their friends thought he was "cool", …..went FULL CUCK and went to go work for CTR who were fucking bernie's campaign with blaming violence on his campaign.


Their cucked levels are absolutely off the charts.

A little foretaste of what is to come on November 8th.

Bernie is too busy prepping his wife's bull at his summer house to care.

That happened to me once too.

Thanks for letting us know Satan

I had almost all of that happen EXCEPT for the gusto. It was definitely the wrong amount.


So the more voter machines we get pulled the more likely she gets fucking destroyed.
This is likely why Soros shifted his position on Clinton losing the popular vote but still winning through the electoral college as his plan to use the voting machines to cheat were gradually being defeated across the country.
Dirty as fuck.

Oh look…a comment from a Torfag that isn't absolute shit.

Trump talked Trump into running. He's run before, as an Independent.

Interesting side note here: Trump was beat by Pat Buchanan when he ran for the Reform party's nomination in 2000.

So Pat Buchanan is the only human being ever to beat Trump.

millions of funding for Berkley and Stanford research will somehow go missing while the African studies departments will get a completely coincidental private donation equaling the same amount.

Some statistician said the odds against Hillary's profits from cattle futures trading were like 2 billion to 1. Nobody cared. One issue voters (wymyns, minorities) don't cate about corruption. They want her to cheat.

He didn't beat him. Trump withdrew because the Reform Party was too small and too fractured by infighting for him to have ever stood a chance at winning the Presidency. He actually won two primaries though, which were both held after he'd already withdrawn

this just in: water wet!

To put that in perspective if you were to say "all life will go extinct in x year" you have a 1 in 100,000,000 chance of being correct


does the world make life preservation saving throws with a 100m sided dice every year? how is this calculated?


I am referring to the emails in regards to Trumps case as it was the strategy employed by hillary.

As has already been pointed out its to establish precedent. If you can convince people that she rigged the primary the idea that she'll rig the general becomes far more acceptable to most people.

The emails never said that. The emails said that the media should promote Trump, Cruz, Carson to push Rubio/Bush further right because at the time they thought they'd be facing Rubio/Bush and it would make it easier on them in the general. I'm getting really tired of having to explain this to people that obviously never actually read the email in question.


This is from June, and is about the Democratic Primary


You are triggering my autism, fam.


the record has been corrected


You should know better than that. It's graduates that wrote up the paper, the actual college faculty weren't involved, which is why it wasn't shut down.

your reasoning resembles that of a 3rd grade bully. just making up arbitrary technical rules as if it changes the wrongdoing. why are Hillary supporters such bullies?

generally when you present evidence of clinton's crimes to her supporters, their response is: when you get so much power, you get to do things that other people dont; why dont you have that much power? (ive been talking to women of course)

Keep doing the Legate's work and you're make Centurion in no time.

Interesting, I haven't heard that take on it from anyone, but you'd have to be very uneducated and morally bankrupt to actually think this about a politician, let alone say it out loud to someone in real life. Hopefully they can realize someday that they are trash people. I could understand thinking that way in regard to yourself (power has a tendency to corrupt that manifests in this way of thinking about yourself) but to be cucked into thinking that way for Hillary is beyond me. Do these people have any education or political memory?

Sounds about right.

He was either a shill right from the start, or he was threatened.

I'm going to go with threatened, there is really no other explanation.

Why cant I stop laughing?

Either way, if Trump went Rogue, means he outplayed Bill Clinton. He wins in either case.


Martin O'Malley, former MD governor. Poor guy… a cuck, obviously, but by objective standards his resume would've blown Hillary out of the swamp. I daresay he could've mounted a good fight against the god emperor. But there's no way of a cis white center-left male getting the Democrat Party's nomination. When will all the white guys in the party realize it's a dead-end career as far as presidential aspirations go? Kaine's the closest anyone will ever get in a long time.

I am referring to the email that Bill Clinton talked Trump into running. Before the primary. Holla Forums posted the thread

Yeah, after they threatened Bernie's life and punched him in the face so hard makeup couldn't hide the bruise.

How will this affect her jail sentence?


Those are decided through superdelegates, not votes in the DNC, idiot

t. actually statistically improbable; highly improbable

Compiled for easy sharing. Get it out there lads