JAPAN NO: Jap Idols Dress as "Nazis" For Halloween

The nips have done it again. A Jap idol group decided to wear "Nazi" uniforms for Halloween, thus triggering the Western cucks at Kotaku. I say Nazi in quotation marks because there's not even any exclusively Nazi symbol on the uniforms, unless these idiots think that's what the Reichsadler is. They seem to just be military inspired, but that won't stop them from jumping at shadows anyway


I envy them. I'd probably be jailed if I wore something even similar to that

Other urls found in this thread:



Based Japan does it again.

Rather expensive to replicate it with the proper materials too, isn't it?

Now this is something worth doing.

If one is to build a good NatSoc costume, not knowing toooo much about it, what would it look like, and where could I get the costume? Can anyone point me in a NatSoc clothing direction?


lmfao, this is real fear gents

Why do liberals LOVE using this line when they encounter anything outside of their comfort zones?
What if these qt's ARE educated and that's why they love Hitler?

Somebody should educate Kotaku that that shit doesn't fly in Asian countries as they don't give a single fuck about it.

It isn't. It's just a click b8


based nips

t. vid related

It's a rather popular style used by many militaries around the world. Ashcroft is a retarded faggot.


1:12 is probably the best thing that ever happened to Japan

Our camps will be run by Japanese idols.
Tremble before their Mitsubishi masturbation machines!

If you were to use something like actual feldgrau wool, yeah, it would probably be expensive as all fuck

Just search for re-enactment stuff, there's a million different websites.
Personally, I can recommend panther-store.cz and sofmilitary.co.uk , but those are evidently both in Yurop, but I'm sure there's even more American sites


also, the sheer conviction of the kid to literally stab the guy to death with a samurai blade


Just dress up like M. Bison.

thought they were babymetal for a second there

God damn

Where did these idol groups get in trouble for it before? Just from them kvetching about it? Is that their idea of people getting in trouble.



The irony of calling others uneducated but not even knowing it's called "Wehrmacht Uniform".

Implying nazi "horrors" even come close to what the nips do when they get riled up. Six million gassings (that never happened; but should have) and a bit of starvation probably seems charming, and quaint, by their standard.

the only Western nations ive ever seen japs show respect were America, Britain, France and Germany and even then they portray american woman as whores and the french as uptight and weird

Literally, pretty sure I can be arrested in the cucked shithole of a nation im in currently

In some ways we deserve what's happening to us as none of us have acted as this man did to stop it. Myself included.

That would be bad. Half of Holla Forums would claim to be Jewish, and the other half would claim to be communist.

the jew will never pass up an opportunity to kvetch about the holocaust

i bet jidf constantly sifts through foreign websites to find stuff like this and kvetch about it

Even that is a piss poor example when communism/marxism and all the horrors they did is endorsed on college campus' all over the Western world.

Someone should've done this to Merkel when she let in those "refugees".

A single word from their God-Emperor and they'd strap AT mines on themselves to throw themselves under American/Korean/Chinese/Russian tanks.
Seriously, it's hard for a Westerner to imagine how much the Japanese still revere their Tenno, he calls for total war and they'll obey without second thought.

Well, they're not wrong. America is filled to the brim with whores. I'm not sure how much of that problem would still remain if non-whites were to be expelled

That's a bad thing user.

sacrificing oneself for the good of the nation deserves only the highest praise, but unfotunately the west has almost been cucked into submission

a lot of people need this done to them atm

You can say what you want about the Nazis but they were the best dressed force to ever exist. Hugo Boss was truly a genius.

Nor do westerners know or if they do care about the horrible things allied uniforms represent.

Gawker's primary function is telling us what year it is. No wonder they went bankrupt.

with america at this point you should just consider dropping a shit tonne of fuel air bombs over all the capital cities

heres a vid from the group cant embed

This thwart forgot that the allies nuked the shit out the japs.

And they had the best marching music. How could you not be pumped up to fight for the Fuhrer dressed like that and singing Erika with your comrades

I doubt that tbh
the artificial values of american flavoured democracy imposed on them have royally fucked up that sentiment

These gooks literally go to extra cram schools until it's like 10pm after their regular schools and score the highest on every single international standardised test. Americans are blissfully retarded to the point some of them still believe in the soap and lampshades lies.



Like fucking clockwork.

Got it, thanks user.


Looks like ((someone)) is sniffing for an apology culture in time for the Olympics that people might actually want to go to.

Yeah right, that's why oldfags wanted to shovel gravel onto the Fukushima NPP until they die?

Just think about it, the NEETs are an entire modern Kamikaze caste

I think they would be very sympathetic to Germany since both of their countries got blown up by kikes.

Blame German kollectivschuld for that. Decades of cucking and shaming the German people ultimately lead to its situation now and it makes me weep

Japans fallen behind other city states in that regard ever since the government took steps to try and curtail the suicide epidemic
although if you remove all the foreigners from scores in northern Europe they total to slightly above Japan

thats the older generation, who feel they have a sense of duty to their community, to their nation and their people
the younger the generation the more pozzed it gets

wew lad

Japan truly is our greatest ally.

Blame education and media that was taken over by (((Americans))) after the war. Thankfully more and more people in Germany start to get immune to it though, it's mostly german leftists and woman who easily fall for the guilt trip and cry "muh nazi" 24/7.

looking for a video of this. This is the closest I found, called "silent majority"

Except a wakizashi to the gut wouldnt have that distinctive german flavour
needs more zweihander

That's a big broadsword.

well heres the non spic version


A big sword for a big cunt

A katzbalger would be much more convenient.

Could always use pic related if a military guy does it.

But using one of those wont feel as good when you proclaim you have slayed the dragon right before the security forces fill you with bullets will it
cleaving merkel into two sloppy halves would feel magnificent

They refuse to be goyim

I do like the lyrics too

vid related when it comes to that lizard queen though

picked up.

>extending the Abstandsrohr our for soft targets

I think the second pic might be cosplay for Persona/Shin megami tensei
anyway heres some relevant vids

I think it would be funny.

In my experience nips generally respect white nations, but doesn't respect any non-white ones except themselves. I'm scandinavian and used to be married to a nip waifu. Her family was very warm and accepting of me, but would constantly talk shit about bindis, chinks and gooks.

für dich

oh yeah
I've seen jap children cry in the presence of a nigger because they're scared of them
not in the presence of a white though
and as for other asians? well vid related Kek


Daily reminder.

and hispanics as fat skanks, or the occasional sexy ladies.

Why do so many (((journalists))) treat articles as their personal blog?

Where could a burger get a quality SS uniform?

I'm asking for a friend….

They're paid to be shitty people.

Every fucking time. It's like *asterisk action* in an article


I don't know about SS uniforms specifically, just general WWII-era Wehrmacht uniforms made of either similar wool or leather spread around various online stores. They're expensive as hell though. One of the leather ones I saw was 600 burger bucks

Sounds accurate. Hot until 16, then suddenly they gain 200 pounds.

Human babies and dogs hate niggers. It takes literal brainwashing for it to go away.

That's because they've had 3 kids by 20

If only we had patriots like that, wouldn't hurt our gun laws, either.


This girl is literally wearing those cat ear things while talking about massacreing an ethnic enclave. I have to visit that island sometime.

Yamaguchi Otoya is my favorite Nip of modern times. I love his last words before committing seppuku.

Actually does hanging yourself count as seppuku since I assume he didn't have a blade to do it properly?

Otoya-sama will live forever in our hearts.

there's the cuck right here

God damn it, and everyone who dares wear blackface here in the US always gets shit on for it


Nah, Seppuku is specifically suicide by disembowelment with a blade


I don't think you know what that means, son.

Its a great island
after what the commies did to China, Japan is the only worthwhile destination to visit in the Orient

I recall those loyalist militia that attempted to have the Emperor reinstated as the supreme head of the nation attempted seppuku when they realized they'd failed
slashing their bellies open with another member acting as their second to decapitate them

the Sino-Japanese word 切腹 literally means "cut stomach"

Japanese word "harakiri" with the exact same meaning consists of the same Chinese characters but in another order. 腹切り "stomach cutting"

theres some english guy selling Otoya Yamaguchi print sweaters if you guys are interested

They know that red/white are literally god tier colors.


I dont even view race mixing as all that bad tbh
as long as you have white kids in a previous marriage, its probably beneficial for your children to have half-siblings who are half another race and can speak another language
help them get jobs/travel and all that
pretty much the rule for all men of european stock
sire many sons and daughters and outbreed the shitskins with our kin

Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu are the "home islands"

Decent suits cost around 3000 bucks.

yeah I know dont get pedantic lad
and the kurils unless Russia intends to impose

Woahwoahwoah, easy user. The nips are our greatest ally, but we need to preserve the white race, not start racemixing again. All that'll do is lead us back to where we are now.

The only time when I don't have a problem with race-mixing is if the White population isn't in any danger numbers wise. The only other population I care about is the Nips and we're both stagnating. I'd love to marry a traditional nip girl but with all good conscience, we both need to have babies of our respective races

most disgusting dubs i've ever seen

I wouldn't mind an other Russo-Japanese war, I just hope they'd accept volunteers, kek

Video only peripherally related

Hitler dubs confirm mixing is bad even with honorary Aryans

Oh gosh, so cute.
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Those numbers say it all. Respect diversity.

lads read my post
I'd only ever feel ok marrying a japanese woman who already has had kids and her husband died/fucked off after I've had my own white children and my own wife has died/ran off to ride the cock carousel
I may have yellow fever but im not an immoral degenerate with no regard for the future

brit/pol/ was a mistake


Japan and Italy are best allies.



and the shills descend…

my dubs say otherwise

Imagine, being jailed for wearing a costume because a small but powerful (((group))) made that law.

Why would such a (((group))) need laws from critiquing said (((group)))?

Strange world we live in, indeed.

Have you ever SEEN a jap, user?
I could see a white-japanese hybrid ruling the world in the far, far future. Better than everyone being shitskinned.

I've heard Taiwan is an alright place. Kuomintang is still one of their main political parties. Also they banned dog eating not that long ago.

What's the source for this? I searched for "anime 'soul sister'" and turned up nothing useful.have some tiddies

Both Europeans and Japanese are in demographic declines so mixing is damaging to both populations.

Fuck me, forgot to spoiler. Sorry, guys.

he didn't specifiy japs, he said 'other race', but not even japs qualify tbh
let every people preserve its own race and culture

Checked. Best non-germanics, imho.


Happas are no joke. Stop.

Yeah Taiwans not too bad
its where ancient china fled to from the commies

I dont hate japs but they're still asian
I have a more stringent genetic filter than even americans, ideally i dont want to reproduce with anyone who doesnt carry my haplogroup

its called Love Lab

all ive seen from your ID's is shitposting and pessimism
back to >>>Holla Forums with you

Japanese nationalists say otherwise.

hello, cuckchan.

Perhaps if you weren't wanting to raise your children to be good little civic nationalists instead of caring about race I wouldn't be shitting on you.

Thanks, user. Have some pepes.


You might be right, but it is unhealthy to spend so much time and effort mimicking the thing that you despise.
Something of it tends to stick.

Italian nationalist say otherwise.

Not really, its easier to destroy an enemy that you understand.

Can we just admit that everyone loves Hitler?

Fucking based

that swastika on the thumbnail has the wrong direction though. Unless it's an asian swastika of some sort.

Watch the webm.

the oven dodgers might not

is this sabagebu?

If one was to go to Japan and dress up in this what would happen?

Embedded is a song from the group


That is why the Jew fears the Samurai.

Sony kikes blocked the video in the US evidently. Are they an offshoot of AKB48?

Not sure what generation you are talking about here, but the Japanese boomers are as selfish as boomers anywhere. They don't care about the misery and depredations they inflict on the younger generations, all they care about is gibs. They are selfish and vulgar. In a different time they would have all engaged in ubasuteyama.

One example was around the time of Fukushima when the old folks worked in groups to buy all of the bottled drinking water on sale first thing in the morning when younger people had to go to work or school.

The older generation in Japan is a huge drain on resources and now they want cheap SE Asian nurses to enter Japan so they can spend another decade or two in nursing homes sucking every last yen out of young Japanese taxpayers.

Your dubs are full Hitler, his only half as much. Kek has spoken.


Probably the second, Nips usually give people their space. Exception to this if you're blonde, they're obsessed with blonde hair.

Fuck, at least say oppai instead of using nigger normalfag nomenclature.

Probably ignored. If you used the traditional Magatama on your armband you might get a few smiles, depending on where you are

I would generally agree with both of you.
They do seem, as a whole, very reserved in social settings.
However I doubt that they would recognise that on an arm band.

But without him, how would they claim to have a place in 'their' holy land?

Hitler picked his allies well. They may have been on the other side of the planet, but he knew what the Jews fear most.

My new Waifu(s)

The National Socialists used it in both directions. The other one was the standard but not exclusive.

I gotta start finding some Jap historical figures to study, but I've had a blast reading about Yukio Mishima.

His only problem was he was gay, but the guy was brilliant nonetheless

If you haven't watched this yet you should.

So what's it like being totally historically ignorant? Italy is the worst ally to have.


I heard that Italian soldiers that served under German officers did fine and it was just the Italian officers who were shit. Anyone know if there is any truth to that?

No you fucktard. Italians were horrible soldiers that only fought hard when SS threatened them after the invasion of Salerno. Italy changed sides in WW1 and WW2. The italian forces in north africa were a joke and 3/4 of their tank forces were tankettes. Their "proper" tanks were still riveted pieces of shit.

Open a goddamn history book nigger.

Italy gets a bad reputation because of the Rommel myth, that's pretty much all.

Man, I love those banners, I tried making similar ones in high school to advertise our classical literature club, just doesn't work in English though :/

Jesus Christ calm down I know about Italy bumbling around in places like Yugoslavia, Greece, and North Africa. I was asking if there was any truth to the claim that the Italian soldiers fought better when under the command of German officers than they did under Italian officers.

Let's not even talk about the martial incompetence of individual soldiers
>Make no attempt at seizing MALTA, which was not only right at their proverbial doorstep, a major allied air base from which the Italian peninsula was getting bombed but also instrumental in the invasion of Italy

I could go on, but I feel like I'm about to have stroke

All valid points I was just wondering if the Italians in general were shit or if it was just their incompetent leaders.

i still don't get how they failed to conquer greece
it's not like we're back in ancient times when melee warfare is the only option, you just have to send a few planes to bomb the greeks and they'd be fucked


The Loli Master Race!

On the subject of niggers, go read up what French Moroccan troops did during the battle of Monte Cassino if you want to piss yourself off

Kek. The more they pitch a tantrum over it, the less 'evil' the uniform itself appears to be by normies.

Though fun fact: The Wermacht German military uniform itself is actually an early Dutch inspiration.

Nice. So you like Masa-P too?

Sank you Noodles and Nips.

I'm reading Sun and Steel. It's a good book, and really short.

Masa-P is pretty damn good.
But he's no Pinocchio-P.

there needs to be a really strong sentiment about that conviction, otherwise everyone will just brush it off as a crazy man killing someone. there needs to be some backing in what they are doing.




lel I dress like a nazi most days. This is just plain funny.

ATF has what you need.

About 4 monts ago an user posted on here he had a shit ton from his dads business and was wanting to sell all of them.
Anyone remember how to get a hold of him or the thread?

The Nazis hired some of the best fashion designers at the time, no blaming them for picking a costume that was aesthetically pleasing.


Remember the Italians fought the Ethiopians (Abyssinians) some of whom were literally armed with spears and they almost lost.

That is some fresh OC.

to be fair, fighting a bunch of spear wielding ethiopians is hard when you sleep 18 hours day

I'd like to visit japan some day, but I'd be afraid of race mixing with those crooked teeth ball busting souless qt3.14 honorary pseudo aryan rice calculators.
do nip men hate tall blonde white guys like we see black guys muh dikking our coal burners?
what is the correct term for asian women that bang white guys? gold diggers? chinky citizenship covetors? magnesium burners?

Just its just the shitskin women that whore? Have you been outside? Oh the number of whores would drop by a nice % once you remove niggers, but there are still more than enough white whores left to go around.

bratwurst burners


fyi NatSoc =/= NSDAP
larping is fun, but nationalist attire should stem from one's traditional cultural uniform relevant to a specific role

Go back to what ever hole you crawled out of faggot.

quality alliteration, quality meme, will apropriate

Old school Chinese have something against Indians. I've seen it in front of me.



And to all the weaklings who say 'this wouldn't change anything:

It sets new rules.

It shows that the people will be defending their country, their rights.

No traitor will be safe anymore.



Wew these spicy numerals

Source: archive.is/s3j4V
I disagree with you, the pensioners have the same Japanese spirit, a quest for suicide. Just banter

I'm from TRS you google


Was thinking about the same thread and no, don't have the info.

I hope somewhere Otoya-sama is appreciating the fact that he inspired dank memes when they were needed most.

(fucking checked)
What movie is this from?


Digits say that the meme will make it to 2ch and the present incarnation of Otoya will get a herty kek

Chinese film about 6 gorillion in nanjing.


Honestly, I fucking love the Japanese language. It's Kike and Nigger proof because of how complex it is

Pretty much this, but at least they have a better case than the South (our prostitutes were forced to whore themselves) Koreans. Also I can't help but notice Kek has been generous to me in this thread.

haha, whenever those spahgetti eating faggots flew over on a bombing run the local maltese mechanics would eat their sandwiches under the allied warplanes.

Chinks/gooks do all the subversion for them instead.
Also gooks literally believe they could become top jew.

It's a montante you stupid cunt.

Sage for politely shilling a brand new /a/ alternative, /a4pol/

Differences between /a/ and /a4pol/:
/a4pol/ has a public board log viewable at 8ch.net/log.php?board=a4pol
/a4pol/ is open to meta discussion.
/a4pol/ explicitly allows "Holla Forums opinions" and discussion of real world topics related to anime, manga, and other weeb interests.
No commies or thin-skinned faggots allowed.
Porn is not required to be spoilered. Go nuts.
Otherwise, it is just /a/. You can talk about anything /a/-related you want, Holla Forums-relevance is not required.

If you have ever had a post deleted or been banned from /a/ just because you called someone a nigger, mentioned a real world issue, or otherwise upset the tranny mods, this might be the place for you.

Maybe Mokou can become a dangerous symbol of the far right too.

Mokou is a race realist!

There's an island down near Hiroshima that's been turned into a giant art installation exploring Mishima's life and thinking. I'll tell you Anons about it because it impacted me a lot.

It's all done in the ruins of an old copper processing plant and the facility carefully makes sure you're put through the different parts alone, so you can be impacted by the art without being distracted by other visitors.

The first installation is a dark twisting corridor rigged with mirrors to appear straight. At the end, you can see what appears to be a window, a patch of sky. As you carefully make your way down it, you start to feel choked because of the care you must take to avoid the walls. When you reach the end, you realise that the sky view is just another mirror leading up into an old furnace chimney and the sky is out of reach.

You're then let through a sealed door into a cold stone room which used to be a smelting chamber. The floor is rough and uneven natural stone and there's a huge rock in the middle of the room that has a bowl with water carved into it, above which a room floats, each of its components separated out kind of like an exploded blueprint. The reflection in the water is mirror clear and you can see up into the exploded room but the room itself still feels tiny and claustrophobic compared to the cold expanse of the rock room. There's a window through which you can see a kind of two-story semi-outdoor installation, where parts of a two-story house like staircase and toilet exist in the midst of a zen-style rock garden. There are some small items scattered around, things like the crude postwar-manufactured batteries. If you look closely you can see their labels are incoherent mashups of Japanese and English concepts.

After that, you enter a tiny room with two Japanese-style cupboard doors. One door is slid across to reveal a mirror and then laser-projected letters appear dripping down the mirror as though they are rainwater, from Mishima's work on the Emperor and how he hated him for giving up the divinity for which so many Japanese soldiers died. The second door is slid back and the room turns into an infinite corridor between two mirrors, the words gradually fading with every new reflection.

Finally, you enter the final room. It's a glass-walled greenhouse open to the outside, so you can see the ocean. But because it's effectively a greenhouse, it's sweltering hot and the air is difficult to breathe. Every minute you spend in there makes you more and more uncomfortable. In the middle of the room is another frame-room, but it's made of aged wood and enclosed fully instead of exploded out. The floor of the room is strewn with rocks and there's an old-fashioned soldier's chest in the middle. From the roof of the room hang chains of rusted characters, which upon closer examination are the words of his final manifesto in which he laments the death of the Japanese warrior spirit.

It's very modern installation art but somehow utterly nondegenerate. Japs take their art seriously, 'cause they take everything seriously.

I think the grammar is really cool and I don't care how weeb it makes me

Can you give me a name of the island? I would like to go to Japan one day and I'd definitely check it out. (god willing Trump will make the world a place safe from nuclear war again)

It's even better when you realise that the gooks massively simplified their own writing system because they couldn't handle the old system's complexity, and the mainland chinks did the same with so-called "Simplified Chinese" (as opposed to Traditional Chinese which is what Taiwan still uses).

The nips meanwhile adopted Chinese writing because it was useful and then made it even more complex by adding their own scripts and new readings (kind of like how Saxon words and Latin words coexist in our language with different shades). But once they re-opened their borders in the 18th century they didn't like all the Confucian ideas that the language permitted infiltration of, so what did they do?

They performed 国学, literally National Study, to identify and purge Chinese thought (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kokugaku):


Yeah that's a pretty badass rain poncho cover they got. Anyone know what's its called?

Ok you've got my attention. How do I get a Cute Japanese Nazi Waifu?

Inujima. It's part of a few islands that revitalised themselves by developing huge art complexes, the most famous of which is Naoshima. It's a little difficult to get to, so I recommend you devote a couple of days so you don't have all your time eaten up by the travel in and out.

And for God's sake, behave yourself. The Japanese attitude to foreigners suddenly made complete and utter sense when I saw the way most foreigners act.

Rain cape, maybe? They're kind of like cloaks when they're buttoned though. Hitler had one and it looked stylish as fuck

Thanks I'll look in to it.

Also I agree when you are in someone else's lands you obey by their rules.

They seem like they'd be easy as fuck to redpill, since most of them are at least already halfway to Moonman status anyway. Just show them some videos and articles of Nigs being Nigs or Paki rape gangs getting away with crimes in Europe because Jews allow them to and they'd probably be singing Erika with a Wehrmacht helmet on and a Stielhandgranate in their ass

Good. Study how the Japanese act and copy them. Speak softly to any companions you may have. (If you are American, be aware that your accent is very penetrating and you probably speak loudly by habit, so you will have to take extra care.) Go out of your way to not trouble people, even in ways you probably wouldn't think about at home. And try to learn at least a little Japanese, including "I'm sorry, is it okay to speak in English?". The foreigners that walk up to Japanese and just start talking in LOUD. SLOW. ACCENTED. FOREIGN. LANGUAGES. piss everyone off like you wouldn't believe. You won't be able to tell if they're pissed off but believe me, starting the conversation in Japanese opens them up like crazy and they go out of their way to help what they've identified as a "respectful foreigner".

Thank you for the advice. How long did you stay in Japan? Sage for off topic.


Just be white. Asians are slaves to white cock. You're better off keeping one as a pet though.

>reddit spacing

Are you even trying ?

i guess being a kraut prepared me for all manner of fucked up grammar rules

I live here.

Subhumans won ww2, user. The "greatest generation" was entirely composed of pieces of shit too. Except for the Axis, of course.

Then I'll assume you know what you are talking about. I sincerely thank you for letting me know about that island. I'll mark it down and make sure to visit it if I ever get enough money to travel to the orient.

This is true. The Japanese Boomers are pieces of shit. Their own parents (those who are still alive, which is a few) can scarcely believe what they're like.

At least Japan's research into robotic nursing and empathy-based AI might be the groundwork for the glorious robowaifu revolution.

I've been wanting to learn German, how fucked is the grammar?

Grorious Nippon does it again. Their flag is a red pill for a reason.

This. They literally teach the Talmud in their grade schools.

Its honestly not too bad. I took a couple years of it in high school.

Sentence structure isn't so hard but from what i understand they have a completely different way of conveying present/past/future tenses.

Very free word order, and there are generally more exceptions than rules. If you are used to english it can be tough, but its not too bad

I would be really interested to live in Japan but I heard it's a local costume that you must work yourself to death.

you disgust me motherfucker, that kind of thought is pure degeneracy, into the ovens you will go

Someone needs to red pill Yuko on the Jews. Just explain to her that they just like the South Koreans and she should understand

I like this…

Depends on where you work and in what industry. Many older style Japanese corporations suffer heavily from presenteeism, which some are trying to change. The so-called Black Companies are nightmares to work in for more than just the work hours, but they're relatively rare. As a foreigner, you're unlikely to be subject to these same requirements which are largely based on fucked-up customs because you're likely to be in a heavily foreign industry (which has its own problems) or a very high-demand industry (in which case a company will not want to lose you by treating you badly).

The labour law is actually extremely strong (e.g. if you're classified a full-time regular employee you cannot be fired for any reason except committing a crime), but the Japanese system of law discourages litigation of any kind so it's difficult to enforce if a company does decide to force you out.

Also, unless you have a university degree in an industry the Japanese have deemed foreign workers to be necessary for, they will not permit you to reside in Japan.

How easy is it to open an ethnic food canteen, small restaurant or beach house?

Is there a demand for traditional European fast food there?

Have a bachelor's but I doubt it will be in demand.

Very easy, provided you speak Japanese well enough to get the necessary affordances from the local government and already have a permit to reside that permits you to engage in such activity (this is the hard part).

There is much demand for international food of all kinds. You will, however, find that the Japanese have already cornered the market on most foods because they are absolutely obsessed with cuisine of all types. If a nation does not produce something they can put in their mouth and declare delicious, they don't want to know about it.

The immigration authorities tend to leave such determinations up to the market. If a Japanese corporation of good standing (i.e. not a paper corporation - they check) wants to hire you on full-time with enough pay that you won't be a problem to the social safety net, Immigration will process you without complaint.

If you want to have a crack at living in Japan without the requirement to work (but the ability to do so), look into a Working Holiday visa. They'll do a lot of vetting on you first but it's worth doing and provides your best chance of getting a foot in the door.

What is he suggesting then? We've harnessed meme magic to reshape reality & I STILL don't fully understand this.

He is suggesting that the Jew wants to fool us into believing that we exist only as material beings in order to prevent our awakening to higher levels of reality, so that we may be more easily manipulated and controlled as cattle. There is a reason we refer to the process of awakening as "redpilling", user. Meme magic is one facet of the awakening he refers to. The Jew fears the awakened warrior (the samurai ideal) precisely because he is a threat on multiple axis of reality.

He's saying you are falling for the Jewish illusion that our world is only 3D.
This is why you will never be able to play nD chess for n > 3, because you are not fully awoke.
Trump is and whenever they catch up with him, he just raises the dimension by 1.
He's always one dimension ahead.

The 3d universe is an illusion created by Jews. The truly redpilled can see through these lies and ascend to the true 2d reality. This is why the Jews hate anime, it's a glimpse into the true reality.

This is possible too.

It's how communists frame a narrative where they are the intellectually superior.

You men are gentlemen & scholars.

Ironic redditposting is still redditposting. kys.

I can't say thank you? I'm being completely sincere about this. It's easy to shitpost but actually putting meme magic & the nature of reality into words is another thing entirely. Holla Forums underestimates it's own competency & every once & awhile needs to be reminded about how well well it conveys these things.

That was beautiful

Also, these are merely Wehrmacht uniforms. Ashcraft would have an aneurism if he ever saw the qts in full SS officer regalia that wander around from time to time at doujin events.

Hell, one of the artists that does a lot of work for the various otaku culture outreach programs has named his circle Einsatz Gruppe, after the SS death squads. Cool guy even though I HATE the way he draws mouths.

Yeah. Sister group launched last year.

Japan NO!

You can't be national socialist and racemix at the same time.

I'm pretty sure this dance isn't historically accurate. Seen no evidence to see that such a thing has ever been done. Fucking catchy, though.

Expats, not even once.

Literally Holla Forums-tier.

Where are the armbands?


That 3D is PD.

I don't even think they wore armbands. They had the cloaks, the caps, military uniform underneath, and then I think their usual uniform which is like a cross between school/military, so like a marching band kind of thing.

I'm pretty sure the Jew author saw the Reichsadler and freaked the fuck out

That's pretty cute though. Hitler would be proud.

It makes me imagine a little Japanese girl lovingly clinging to Uncle Hitler as he tells them a story about how her castrated the Rhineland Bastards and united his people before tucking her into bed


assuming they are the nips from babymetal they normally wear this kind of thing for their gigs, usually at the start and kick the first song off with a big swing unfurl of the cape.
I vaguely remember seeing some stuff on them having quite fashy leanings though so it may be a little of both columns

Sounds like late 30's/early 40's military police, especially the cloak.

Never before had I felt so proud over my ancestors destroying their entire race.

Italy thought we had literally no Air Force and sent their bombers unassisted, giving our hardly-a-dozen Spitfire pilots ace status overnight. :^)

It is the duty of every able-bodied white man to colonize Jap pussy with white seed.



I understand Kraut, Dutch and English. Suppose I need to get on Nipponese too. However, I have no idea where to start.

Most of the time there is a japanese learning thread up on Holla Forums, that one is a good start.


Please stay the fuck away from Asia. We have enough trouble with the newly introduced surge of niggers. We don't need some white fucks come over and taint the gene pool of both continent.
Though if you're gonna sex China or South Korea to extinction, then be my guest.

Thanks, will check it out.

Definitely find one of the Nip learning threads on Holla Forums

Most people start with learning to read Hiragana and Katakana. I think they both have 46 characters, which may seem like a lot, but you'll get used to it once you practice and start seeing them often.

I can already recognize almost every Hiragana character and several dozen kanji, and I haven't written any of that shit down. I just got it from reading mango and looking things up on Jisho.

It's a top tier language, both spoken and written. Though the Subject Object Verb structure, honorifics, particles, insane amount of homonyms, identical kanji with different meanings, and different readings of the kanji may prove to be a few obstacles in the way.

It's also a good language if you're a writer. Wordplay in Japanese is unlike anything else I've ever tried before. All the aforementioned problems make creating puns and riddles with kanji stupidly fun

I guess Anime is real.
Nips need to learn how to spell Hitler for fucks sake. tbh fam

Waarom? Ik snap het niet.

Dancing processions are a thing in Japan though but this one is supposed be a part of the Imperial cult at the time of WWII. I have no idea if it is in any way accurate.

user, a white-japanese hybrid is the forefather of modern multiculturalism


are Holla Forums's nip threads pretty active? the ones on /a/ take months to fill up.
I need to get back into learning it.


One of the best commie removals i have ever seen

I wish it was socially acceptable to wear nazi threads even just for Halloween here :(

just do it faggot

These are their golden rules, you will see (((them))) utter baseless claims like "X is a WELL KNOW Nazi/Fascist/Racist" (notice the WELL KNOW and KNOW) or "Looks like Y is dumb and uneducated, it's not a surprise that he is a ____"

It'd be weirder if they didn't. China and India have been constantly butting heads for like thousands of years.

Let's meme a reverse Kalergi. A racist, nationalist, regal Eliott Rodger, with a will to power and genocide, and a spiritual connection to der Führer and the long line of japanese emperors. Jews will learn to fear the hapa king.

That's a pretty spot on representation though



For some reason Italy has been complete shit at war since Rome fell
If they relight the Vestal Fire they might git gud again


They've got good taste.

Someone posted a link there once. It's hard to navigate. What moon rune is their equivalent of Holla Forums under in the side bar?

Its not that hard to learn Dutch, just learn German, misspell it, and then replace the sounds of the letters with slightly stranger versions of those letters

I can understand dutch fine and ive never taken a single class or even looked up vocabulary.

One of the Godzilla movies has a nigger tribe that is just a bunch of Japanese in blackface.

We need Tila Tequila and Bronze Age Pervert to breed a son. He should be mentored by the great Haku Zynkyoku-sama and trained in the memetic arts by the finest neetsoc wizards.

Just an honest question, what if you accidentally your description? No real reason just wondering


Alright, now I want to watch the source material. Goddamnit.

It's slice of life animu shit. If you are going to watch some anime then watch that one nationalist anime with those 5 qt anime grills reopening that theater.


Japan and Europe are both facing the same problem with their populations. going for nips will only worsen both situations.

Oh yeah, that one. Let me just google that. I'm sure it will pop up at the top.

Japan Yes.

Come on user, google is idiot proof for a reason.


All hapa boiz must be force-fed Soylent. Mandatory HRT for the hapa "male"


I found it user. But why would I watch this?

How the hell would I know, you were the one asking for it!


This might be it.


Although the board name literally just means "politics", might be our equivalent of /politics/. Having said that, there seems to be a healthy amount of Trump support.

Will keep looking.

Shoah Emperor when?

Yeah, pretty sure that's it.

The lady(boy) prominently featured in the front-page threads is the leader of Japan's largest libcuck party. Used to be a model.


She's also half-Taiwanese.

Much like king nigger, she inherited the citizenship of her father at birth and wasn't technically a Jap citizen 'till an amendment to the constitution let her inherit her mother's. General consensus over on that board is that she isn't actually a Japanese citizen.

You got the meme totally wrong. Japan yes, would be if they invited shitskins in to live off of Japanese taxpayers and rape their wives and daughters.

They're not so different after all. I hope there is a bright and fashy future for us all.


Who cares?
Girls wearing the uniform dishonors it.
Imagine how shit Germany would have been with women in leadership positions.
Imagine if Hitler was that stupid.

It's always either the Koreans or the Jungle Gook half-breeds trying to fuck things up in Nihon

It's not even the uniform the Kike author thinks it is though. I think women should be able to have costumes that match the uniforms, not the uniforms themselves.

At least give them those nice cloaks and /fa/ as fuck Reichsadler caps

Chamber time, Chaim.

What's wrong with you?

Kill yourself mgtow cuck

Do NOT racemix. Regardless of the relation between your race and their, it is important that your race be kept pure, and their race be kept pure as well. Try to find a woman of your own race that is not a degenerate, it might be hard, but if everyone race mixes with the nipponese, there won't be any of them left after a few generations.

Praise Kek. The Japs are alright.

Apparently these faggots have never heard of Unit 731

Reminds me, I've gotta go watch Girls und Panzer

10/10 show


They even have a Nipland version of CTR, libtards shitting up their boards.

inb4 some shill tries to encourage whites to racemix with squat, slanty-eyed nips

It seems like everywhere they're trying to slip halfbreeds and questionable citizens through.

This user knows what's up.

Hopefully there'd be rivers of our enemies blood and mountains of burned corpses.


God bless Japan, hope we both get through this.

Pure coincidence goy!

But seriously, there is a long history of chinks, gooks and even hapas moving to Nipland to funnel shekels out of the country.
For example, the founder of Lotte Co was a gook named Shin Kyuk-Ho, who moved to Nipland right after WWII, gave himself the name Takeo Shigemitsu and began jewing the country.
Now it's one of the largest in Asia that is also rumored to have serious control over the Korean government along with other Korean companies.

Do some searching on Korean chaebols if you want to learn more, they practically are the Korean government at this point.
Anyone who investigates them ends up dead or in prison under bullshit charges like rape/pedo garbage.

annoying and generally obnoxious?
if they've got a darker skin shade or talk with a yank accent expect to get assaulted or raped?
American soldiers act like a pack of rabid niggers when they're not on base

good thing we're all united on the nationalist part and not the socialist part amirite

telling it like it is really isnt it

Looks like Abe is staying power since the opposition party in Japan said they'd bring in 250,000 'migrants' from the middle east and africa to solve their older generation problem and the Japanese people said


Shit taste

This is our problem. We grew scared of hunting out and killing commies before they could subvert our institutions

tell that to Caesar lad
the only good commie is a dead commie

I think they're a copypasta

Abe and his close circle give off a very strong vibe of people who have



Wtf is wrong with you user?

Wtf is wrong with you user?

tfw double post, get consecutive numbered posts but still no dubs.





It ain't gone, just misplaced.
Get Natalia to dress up like Balalaika and you've got your invincible imperial army back.

I love how CTR is too fucking lazy to even throw an avatar on their alts. On jewtube they literally appear to be a formless hivemind.

a big *broad*
c'mon aussies step yo game

The only non-whites they seem to like are genetic oddities like Bob Sapp, whom they treat like circus monkeys.
It even extends to their "US assistants," there was some old memo from 4 years ago being passed around where the 500 nips attached to the US were commanded to capture "The Bulldozer" at all costs to be deported home to "study."

those are called concubines anons. I think kek wants full autocracy.

Always knew furfags were a jew creation.

Ryoichi Sasakawa. Japanese Trump without all the cultural/legal restrictions. He's like one-half of every nationalist movement over there…also more of a "humanitarian" than the (((humanitarians))). Tried so hard to help the groids he even took over one of their countries by proxy. Found out the sad truth that Idi Amin was right, they're fucking retarded and only the Germans could've fixed them.

Somewhat. They're exceptional partisans. They're better defensively or in small raider groups. I reckon a lot of that has to do with Italy dumping a domestic standing army for swiss mercs once they became a trade empire. "The flesh is weak and spongy!" (even their renn-era tactics switched to this, loadsspearsnshields, artillery heavy)
However the various mob wars from the start of industrialisation kept some in shape, it just screwed up how they operate as conventional units.

Even their degeneracy is full on RAHOWA. Shintaro Kago is one amazing fucker.

top lel



o fug
akb48 is really going all out this halloween


I need more spooky gooky in my life.


Kek at 1:38? Anyone else see this?


Anime tiddies is perfectly acceptable.


I never knew I wanted this

My man.

btw their tv show is called Keya Kitte Kakenai



Where can I read this? I tried hunting it out before but it had been removed.

it might be on bakabt but i cant check for another week


It unfortunately only has 4 volumes. Apparently (((an ambassador))) convinced them to stop making it.


Japanese tend to not care about the alleged atrocities especially since every kid in japan knows the chinese made up alot of shit so why should they believe what the enemies say about their only proper european ally they had in the history of their country.

Actually if you think about it since their self imposed time of isolation Germany had been the only real militsry ally they ever had and fought together with. Everyone else was just periphial (japanese helping brits by sending some supplyy in ww1 in exchang for the german colonies) or have been subject nations (japanese koreans basically just drafted into war for the japanese war efford against their will). Japanese people are pretty loyal and autistic it seems about finally having a friend. For a time only dutch people were allowed to trade with them, so all theor modern science came from dutch books and therefor their word for modern science became literally "dutch studies" or "dutch Learning". When they allied germany the japanese obsessed so much over german technology and campaigns that they literally infused their culture with germanisms. For example is it still a common thing to say "rommel" as a term for victory or success, you can especially hear it in sports, because during ww2 the japanese people regulairly tuned into newsreels about General Rommel's Africa campaigns.
And of course another thing is that the japanese realy dont understand why anyone cares for jews. Just in the sense as noone in the west realy cares about the armenians nor the turkic genocide against them. That jews are so totally overvalued is a result of hollywood and other media.

The japanese side of the world war is extremly interesting, but even more is what happened before. Not only were the japs the only non-western nation to industrialize on their own but also the only ones to come up with a form/their form of fascism independently from the west. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statism_in_Shōwa_Japan
Very interesting development. Things like the military just starting a war in china without asking the liberal democratic goverment, or fascist revolutionaries slaughtering democrats in the league of blood incident and being cheered on by the plublic as they awated trial. It just goes to show that liberalism has proven to be destructive and not in the interest of the people everywhere it was implimented. Another interesting thing is the transformation of shintoism from religion to a goverment civil thing making it possible to have a GOD EMPEROR. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_Shinto)

Isn't their word for "part time job" arbeit?


yea i think so

hWhite strikes again!

They need to rearn how to sperr many other wolds as well.


Seen that already, but still - kek

Not sure if you've read up on the Battle of Tsingtao, but one could say that in some way it was the beginning of the friendship between those two countries despite them fighting each other.

Some notable moments:

That's because they're underbaked.

if you notice the eagle on their hats was carefully crafted to be holding the logo of their idol group instead of a swastika

even more based

That's like the Zabuza arc in Naruto. Even though they were enemies, both sides formed a bond of respect for one another by the end of it. Friendships that start like that are the best

There's a good movie about this.


Has anyone here watch Ghost(Read: Holla Forums) Stories?

This embed should work for Americans

my fucking sides



Just realized this song was called "Silent Majority"

Trump Victory Confirmed By Honorary Aryans

"But now everyone will call them a Naaawtzi!"

/Sargon voice


Unfortunately we all think like you samefag.

This is pretty decent music actually.

Those are made by Hitachi, unless you're referring to the Lancer EVO.

Interesting, this same video was available when we had this thread last week. It honestly is very wholesome for young girls. Really disgusting that kikes try to shame this when they're promoting completely degenerate trash like Ariana Grande and Miley Cyrus to our daughters here, or the k-pop garbage that's been making its way around the globe.

idk how into webm

based kkk46

i thought so too


I'm not a filthy pedo and I require more from my entertainment than cheap titilation.

W-what are they saying about us?

It's right-wing idol death squad time!

Bullets work best for sending niggers to Hell.

für Sie

it hurts really bad but deep down I know I'm doing good

Honorary Aryans are our greatest ally

Here, concerning the Keyakizaka46 "Nazi" costume "controversy" that everyone shat themselves over.

Basically, what this says is that they're sorry for causing offense, did not mean to design costumes reminiscent of Nazis, didn't think the costumes themselves were really all that reminiscent of Nazis, and that it would not occur again.

Also, the design staff is going to be "educated" on what amounts to the sensibilities of the literal Rabbis and Western hipsters that blew this up out of proportion.

You start to notice a pattern where the comments on any of the articles about this point out that there isn't a single Nazi symbol on their outfits, so some of the articles written after Kotaku's just say "Well, they LOOK like Nazi outfits and that's bad!"

The Kike rabbi that complained about this will also be opening up a Holocaust museum/memorial thing in Japan soon. The group's more recent song is all about going against the flow, having the individuality to make your own decisions, and basically just not being a good goy. This all happened right after that.

You can thank Kotaku, actual, literal Rabbis and subversive kikes, and the Western media in general for attacking a bunch of teenage Jap girls and using mob rule to get them to discard their outfits because it kind of sort of vaguely generically looks like it MIGHT be a Nazi outfit
Fuck me.

I remember when someone created a replica of Guts' sword for sale. The swordsmith guy hired a swole as fuck bodybuilder to try to even swing the sword and in the video he could barely lift the damn thing. Wish I could find it again. Was funny as fuck watching him trying to swing it around. As for dealing with niggers, Latino Drug Lord George "Can't FlipFlam" ZimZam knows what to use.

This just pisses me off. These damn Zionist Kikes have so much power.

I just hope the Japanese will wake up and see this Jewish ploy for what it is. They are a smart bunch, and unlike todays "white" people (a total disgrace to their ancestors), the Japs overall have their national pride intact.