Pics that show the similarity between sjws and poltards

pics that show the similarity between sjws and poltards.

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lel, you lefties crack me up. You see, unlike you cucks, Holla Forums doesn't derail every single topic with its idpol bullshit and is capable of holding an argument without devolving into strawmen and buzzwords

insert symbols

That's because idpol is always the topic. Bait harder.

is this satire?


Idpol is Holla Forums.

t. Bizarro

Motion to refer to SJWs as "alt-left"

Even the worst SJWs don't come close to the social cancer that is Holla Forums.

This is now a 9/11 joke thread

Quick guys, we need more masturbation threads, only half the board is wanking material.



cant remember which is the 9/11 one, whatever, thumbnails are broken



im not sure man, pol does splash their happy merchant memes every where.

but sjws have real power

only you two are obsessed with identities.

It does though.
Look what they've done to OWS.

Muh white race shit is the original definition of idpol.

Does anyone have the original of this one?

Yeah, it's on the leftybooru.

bush did 9/11 jokes will never not be funny to me

No. The "alt-left" should never be a thing.


That meme pic really proved a lot of things


Threads like these are more common than feminism in which you bitch, and are identity politics


Here have a present.

got yer back comrade

I don't know how to make webms



Ayy fam can you do this one too?

"counterrevolutionary liberal dipshits"


I just hate Holla Forums can I share my anti Holla Forums images?



Literally all you are is idpol



Everyone is a hypocrite, they are just trying to further their own side. The difference between the left and right getting triggered is that Holla Forums gets mad is they don't create blocklists and wordfilters and hide from the things that trigger them. In fact they do the opposite, they spend more time wallowing in the rage and spreading it to others. This is why they will win, they are not triggered as you so say, they are angry, but not triggered to a point of retreat, they have nowhere left to retreat anyway, it's just poking a cornered animal and making it angrier until it lashes out.



Flat out wrong.
They are perpetually triggered


You're welcome to keep thinking that any board on Holla Forums actually makes a difference in the "culture war". What will happen is that we're going to continue laughing at you, and you're going to stay mad.