This is not exactly relevant news...

This is not exactly relevant news, it's more about my personal standing with Holla Forums and how what I've been seeing lately is rather disheartening.

I am a Spaniard, I live up north near the french border, my great grandfather fought alongside the Axis in Stalingrad as part of the Blue Legion, my grandfather was one of the few who made it back alive, I take pride in that fact, and the same way he fought for the west, I'd like doing the same, but on the meantime, Holla Forums is where it's at, as I also just simply like following the news for a more truthful and honest perspective.

But what's been bothering me is this rise of these who are hellbent in pushing for this narrative that "X is white and Y is not" in all these years I've known better not to take part in these discussions as they are often shills trying to D&C. But I am seeing this narrative being adopted by honest to god Holla Forums users who further spread this propaganda about X not being white, and as a Spaniard, I have found hard to speak of my heritage without being accused of a "shitskin" but you know, stick and stones etc etc. But it gets worse when "my people's history" is not even "my people's" but theirs "we wuz" style. It's obvious that I'm not saying names nor pointing fingers, as I honestly don't know if they're shills or misinformed people, I have mentioned I know a few honestly misinformed people but they might just be a drop in the bucket.

I am open about any discussion, even if it's accusing me of "not being white". But I'm not sure if this is just a passing trend, a phase, or if it's something I am going to have to put up with as long as I'm here, I could just not speak of what I am, but seeing as we have much discussion about history, race, etc… It's hard not to. I hope we can find an answer to this. I am sorry for having created a thread based on such a menial thread, but I needed to get this out.

I know your pain.
For me the endgame has always been to eradicate the jews and making the World great.
Race has not bothered me as much as the purification of the races is a very long process.
Therefore i proclaim that if you are of good moral standing and share my ideals i will fight alongside you no matter race (except the jewish rats and niggers ofc)
What generations after us do is something we have little to no control over, the best we can do is lay the foundations and start the war. Everything after that is in the hands of our children and grandchildren.
We should consider ourselves lucky in regard that when history looks back it will be our generation (sounds really fucked up but praise upon kek) that saved the world.
So my spaniard brother
I will fight by your side

Those are either stormfags or shills pretending to be national socialists, ignore them.

We don't have anything to prove to anyone.

It's either D&C as you point out, or actual sad people who are insecure about their ethnicity.

White is not Nordic either. Ánimo, venga.

Spain is White, and Spanish blood is the only reason Latin America is even semi-functional on any level.

This. As shit as Latin America is, it is still better than Africa.

I'm one quarter Spanish on my mother's side. My Spanish family never indentified as white. They identified as Hispanic or Spanish above all else.

That's because they are "spanish" from Mexico.

Half Spanish here. I have pale as fuck skin that burns easily and will not tan and red hair. Fuck anyone who says the Spanish are not white, shills or genuine WNs alike. The people of Spain are largely Celt-Iberian and contain the highest amount of the R1b (Celtic) haplogroup in Europe, higher than Ireland and Scotland.

Ignore these people or tell them to fuck off and move on. Either they're shills, or or too stupid of weak minded. They have no place in our struggle if they insist on being imbeciles.

Half Spanish here, as I've said above. My family has only ever identified as white as far as race goes. Never Hispanic.

They were from Northern Spain.

*Either they're shills, or are too stupid or weak minded.

How many generations lived outside of Spain?

Living in Barcelona atm op, while most of the people here are socialist faggots, I have seen white cops fucking with poo-in-loos and mudslimes so that's nice.

What do you think of the catalunya independence movement?

t. slavic-burger

p.s. I get why some people may not consider slavs to be white, but we are natural kebab removers

The term White is mostly used by Americans, to distinguish European-Americans from everyone else. It's a useful and convenient Term to propagate in the current conflict.
Anyways, you are Eurpean, a Spaniard, be proud of that. National Socialism is about being proud of your Nation and your heritage, it's not an ideology just for Europeans or Whites, it is an Ideology for anyone who loves his home and nation. You shouldn't call yourself White anyways, just call yourself Spanish.

As long as you don't behave like a Beaner, you are not a Beaner.

One in Hawaii (pre-statehood). Two in California.

That's why. They've taken on the American way of labeling the Spanish. I'm the first gen born here and my family explicitly identifies as white and Spanish.

If you fight for white people and are of European stock, then you're white. There is an abyss of a difference between Spaniards and Mestizo shitskins however. Unfortunately Moorish invasion was not kind to your people.


Does Holla Forums consider celts (irish and scottish) white?

Whether or not you're "white" is a lot less important than holding and protecting your ancestral homeland and taking pride in that heritage. Spain for the Spaniards.

I remember the Gallician OMLT group in Afghanistan. Spaniards with a scottish accent. Hilarious group of real men. They fought hard, played hard, and didn't take any shit from anyone. I remember seeing pictures of one who's family had a vineyard back in Gallicia and his very white, beautiful family.

These guys were legit and I'd be honored to fight amongst them any day. My only complaint with Spaniards, as a whole, is their love of rice-burning motorcycles. But that has fuck all to do with purging kikes and niggers off the face of the planet.

Ostia, puta! Hasta la muerte!

Let's just say it's a blurred interface and there is no 100% pure aryan genetic prototype.

I don't think anyone has suggested actual Spanish are not some variety of white. Just because some of your people went to South America and fucked shit skins, doesn't somehow make the rest of you mongrels.

Aside from that, I don't know why people are trying to dissuade help from anyone who isn't obviously a jewish tool.

You're still well off, OP.
Imagine being a South Brazilian with a 86% white State. You're ostracized by your nation as "european neonazi descendants", yet everyone else will just
I'm spanish/west german. A lot of my friends are of italian\german families and very traditional.

Finn here.

Just embrace the meme, brother.

South american fucked up your identity to the rest of the world. Met one to many mexicans aztecs claiming to be pure spaniards

Sage for days faggot

This. Everyone gives the finns the same amount of shit but they own it and make everyone else look like fags

Heh. I guess it's kind of hypocritical of me to laugh at the finn mongolian memes everytime and complain about being labeled a monkey everywhere on the internet while being called a shitlord inside your borders.

It's only the burgerclaps who push white vs darkies, whereas true national socialist europeans know that there are shades of white. this still does mean that you're a shitskin :^)

Some of the best meme btw

Checking one's own dubs is bad form, but I just can't let this go.


You are literally a spic. You are not white. Your nation is communist in all but name. You are also likely a homosexual because that is one of those things spaniards are into. Kill yourself you reddit spacing monkey.

JFYI, you can ask the "Archivo General Militar de Avila" (General Military Archive of Avila) for a copy of his papers.

Costs a few euros, will tell you a bunch of info you may not now. For instance, my grandpa contracted "Paludismo" (Malaria) and was evacuated. Not even my mother knew that was why he came back.

If you don't like burgers, get the fuck out of my country.

OP here, thank you everyone for the answers, truly I was wrong for doubting you people.

classic D&C thread. Trying to get people to say stuff like "but X realy isnt white" etc.

it's all banter dont take it serious and ignore it if it triggers you /thread

The problem with countries like Spain, Greece and so on is that they are at the front facing the non-european world. And so for a very long time there has been some mixing/mingling (has speed up in the recent time). A real Spaniard is white (god i hate that term), but there are a lot of "Spaniard" that aren't really spaniard.
A country is never tied to a border, but always its race. So if the race gets mixed up the country disappears. Just because a different race move to a certain and lives there for a number of generation doesnt mean that they are from that country. Extreme example is pic related.
I have no numbers but every "spaniard" I have seen is certainly not white.
Like I said, countries like spain is geographical in the front of the white genocide war. And therefore will soon cease to exist as a "white country" (if we dont stop it). The process has been going on for quite som time and and you can clearly see the result and thats why alot of people say that countries like spain isnt white anymore. But a real spaniard will always be white.

Nice asSpain blogpost

I can clap to this sentiment.

And also you should know that europeans always talk shit about eachother (and rightfully so) and should take every thing seriously.

You have some dank tunes

Don't be such a fucking faggot.
Spaniards aren't white, they're Spaniards.

Finns = mongols is the funniest meme I've ever seen tbh fam.


Have some more traditional Mongolian music

I suggest anyone saying that to watch vid related.
The music is a bit emo for my taste but still some good truths in there.


Metal is shit.



Hey if it's any comfort, atleast you aren't half shitskin in a nordic country.

t. Ass blasted yuropoor

yes but they are the niggers of white people. just kidding, slavs are. and southern italians.

Even the (((official))) estimate has it at two.

As long as Holla Forums has been around, there have been d&c shills and Americlaps who automatically associate Spanish with muds.
Same holds true for Slavs, and Poles in particular. The sad truth is that Holla Forums, just like any other major message board, has always been and will always be dominated by cancer. You have to take the same approach to this place as you would to any other board, accept that 90% of the what's posted here is shit-tier and focus on the discussions that actually matter.

Welcome to imageboard culture, newfag.


This is a slide/D&C thread.

Meh, let's turn it into Spain/pol/ #2.

American 1/2 Anglo 1/2 Galician here. I feel your pain. The worst is when mestizos and indio-Americans are labeled as racially Hispanic. Many people hear my last name and say, "WOW I DID NOT EVEN KNOW." as if I am some white crypto spic. Other people assume I am Italian or French. Spaniards are Europeans period. The ignorance is absolutely disgusting. Furthermore, we have protecting mother Europa for centuries at the front lines. If anything we are celebrated for slaughtering Islamic invaders and kikes.


It's time for the rest of the europeans to have their own reconquista.

Why do you worry about this shit. A lot of the people who say the stuff that bothers you are idiots anyways. This is an open forum, it doesn't require an aptitude test to post on this forum.

Amen. May it be swift and decisive.

Another Spaniard here. From Andalucía. If you disregard gypsies and the few mongrels that tend to associate with them we are even whiter than up north. If someone defines us as non whites then we weren't white before the Muslim rule* either. Basques are the most pure Iberian peoples and they are very swarthy. Add up Phoenician blood in the Mediterranean region.

Almost all the remaining Muslim population that stayed before the Reconquista was either killed or expelled. A minority converted and funnily enough they were sent to disperse over Northern Spain so they couldn't go back to their roots.

*There are Nasrid paintings depicting their kings redheaded. Muslims here were a mix of 80 percent Iberian converts, 15% Berbers and 5 % ruling elite with Arab roots that mixed with Iberian women.

Who here likes #CineDeBarrio?

It isn't. Grey means no data. There are more Muslims than in Spain but less than France, according to other sources.

Shit. I was planning to retire there in a comfy little cabin in the north.

That's because the further south, the more people who where expelled. Some cities were left empty.

Look up "Carta Puebla". Basically, very favorable legal conditions were given to the people who would brave living in the frontier.

So a bunch of people from up north moved down.

Charles III of Spain filled Sierra Morena with German settlers, even today there are villagers with German surnames.

We wuz

Spain and Portugal were visigoth kingdoms too and visigoths were a germanic people + gallaecia which was the kingdom of the Suebi which we also a germanic people. Portugal is basically the Suebi expanding south to reconquest the ancestral lands of the Lusitanians and other celt-iberians and ruling them as a single kingdom (germanic + celt-iberians), so it was indo-europeans vs north africans. Plus Iberia is a name that sounds like it came out of a Robert E Howard story.

Albanians, user. Albanians are the true niggers of Europe.