Whose the worst: Neolibs, Fascists, Socdems, Leftcoms, Reformists, Market Socialists, or LibSocs/Anarchists?

Whose the worst: Neolibs, Fascists, Socdems, Leftcoms, Reformists, Market Socialists, or LibSocs/Anarchists?

shit threads


All of them

Socialism > liberalism > conservative

Whatever Clintonites are

Anarchists tbh



neolibs only because of how obnoxiously smug they are about not understanding politics.

SocDems>Titoists>Mutualists/libertarian socialists>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>all others


Go easy on socdems and reformists, they mean well

Rolled 1, 1 + 2 = 4 (2d5)anarchists for sure


They're all bad in their own way. Generic neo-liberals may unapologetically uphold plutocracy but social-democrats and market socialists also play a part in maintaining it. Left-communism is a sick distortion of Marxism but it's too irrelevant to consider, even they know they're pretty much fucked. Fascism is by far the most naive ideology ever generated by humanity but it will always play second fiddle to liberalism so I'm not too concerned. Ultimately I'd say the greatest enemies of scientific socialism can be found in reformism of all types as well as anarchism. Or maybe I just hate them the most, not sure. It's just impossible to read Kropotkin or Bernstein and not realize we're dealing with actual crazy people here.

Among the "left", Marxist-Leninists (this goes for Maoists, tankies, Stalinists)

Among the "right", Fascists and associated nationalists and traditionalists.

we have a winner


On the left reformists/socdem.

On the right I personally hate neocons the most.

This and social liberals

You must enjoy niggers fucking your wife

ITT: tankies thinking they're not social democracy with extra slavery

Nazbol egoism

My wife is a nigger, and I fuck her. Who's the cuck here? I'm interested.

Everyone is a nigger, a fag, a retard, a cunt, including me and if you don't like us for our negative impact on society rather than our positive contributions then you're just a racist, ableist, homophobic piece of shit


Use protestant esoterica, as each person is able to be their own pope they can also be their own dictator to spread hate amongst one another

market socialists, libsocs, anarchists and leftcoms are all alright and i would proudly fight side with them in a revolutionary scenario

neolibs and fascists (and some socdems) belong in the gulag


You fucking heard me

Leftcoms>LibSocs/Anarchists>Market Socialists>Reformists>Socdems>Fascists>Neolibs

ok fag

This is an image board. We communicate through text. We don't hear anything.

So you're making fun of deaf people you ableist sinner


To paraphrase Uncle Joe, all of them are the worst.


y u mad tho?