Scientists are creating (((The Pill))) for men

This should end well.

From the article:

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The attack on masculinity and the male body continues.


Let me guess. Only white men will use it.

That's the plan!

Also, remember….this shit will end up in our water supply.

Welp I guess I'm buying that water filter I've been delaying

This is a very true statement.

Oops, goyim. The studies now show the effects are permament. (((Who))) would have known?


This is good, it's just equality. Now men will have a little more control over sex and can fuck with less of a chance of getting some sow pregnant by accident. Expect feminists to be mad about this.

this is bad

unless it's designed to break down or something like that

And thanks to a (((completely unexpected coincidence))), this pill will lead to fetal deformities for those who decide to conceive a child. Such tragedy, ehehehe. But I'm sure scientists will get around to fixing this issue within the next twenty years. We promise, goy!

Tough to say. On one hand, if it's bullshit like estrogen, it's a cuck pill.

If it does something else, then it could be useful. No more worrying about spacey girlfriends who can't even manage to take a pill once a day. But more importantly… no more worrying about feminist types setting traps.

This is a very real problem nowadays. These feminist women are finding themselves continually unsatisfied with relationships, leading to serial monogomy. But in the 30s, it starts to turn into a sort of desperation. They want to have their little spawn and indoctrinate it to hate whatever the mother chooses. Their bar starts to get lowered. They start to ponder means to their ends that would not be considered before.

Source: Dated a girl in her early 30s who at first seemed only possibly tumblrina tier. The first night we did it, she got me drunk and made a point to not use a condom when she got on top.

Then afterwards, it became obvious quickly from her increased comfort/candor with me that she was, in fact, a tumblrina tier who was so bad with her shit that facebook had shadow-limited her ability to post on other peoples walls.

She also started asking questions about if things kept going but she got pregnant 'earlier than expected,' yet made sure to point out that she was taking her pill when she did each time we were out.

I also found out that at one point things were so bad she pondered just getting knocked up by a rando, basically just screening for the most basic of crazy.

The worst part is? When they get that desperate they can be the biggest succubi on the planet. I'll never be the same after a month with her, even though I know it was all a big scheme.


It's misogynistic to say the female pill is poisoning the water. Seeing that feminists are misandrists they will protest against the (((male))) pill poisoning the water.

Just once I'd like the UK to lead the world in something useful instead of this shit. The pill is what fucked over our society. Women could just fuck like rabbits with no consequences. The ones who were too lazy or stupid to take it get abortion on demand. It's enough to make you a catholic.

Sounds like it could be a relatively good thing for society IF it has no negative side effects. If we can get women to stop taking birth control and men to take a pill that directly attacks a specific protein in sperm instead of fucking with their hormones, we'll stop altering women's sexuality (specifically how women on the pill are attracted more to beta men then they'd normally be), and we'll stop polluting our water.

Yep, that's what (((they))) told us about the female pill as well. Look at us now.


As time passes, I despise women more and more.

It made me an indepedent fundamental Baptist.

1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

1 Peter 3

1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands…

6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

Under no circumstances should anyone take a pill that fucks up your sperm even if its supposedly temporary. The same reason why you don't stand in front of radar dish at the airport. It will end badly if you eventually want healthy children. …. although I suppose (((they))) will probably launch a feminist campaign to demand men chemically neuter themselves because (((equality)))…. I can already see it.

You do realize if you drink tap water you are drinking water laced with every kind of pill your neighborhood ingests (hormone replacement, depression, etc.). There is no way for the waterworks to get that out of there short of distilling or running through very very expensive filters which they will never do due to cost and the fact that no one give a shit. Remember only conspiracy nuts care about water quality until it sickens niggers and the media sweeps the worst of the chemical runoff in the water under the rug.


Pure coincidence

I've been considering distilling my own water to remove all these lovely poisons, but I cant find any solid information about drinking distilled water longterm. Does anyone know anything about this?

Distilled water ain't good for ya. Your body gets a lot of minerals from water, and these minerals are necessary for it to function properly. And supplements do not help - some of these minerals come in microdoses.

Why would it be a problem?



Women’s mate selection changes when their body is flooded with synthetic progesterone. A well-adjusted fertile woman will seek men who have a tribal–but not familial–similarity to herself. This reduces the chance of inbreeding, even among more distantly related individuals. This attraction is based on three major factors: appearance, pheromones, and antibody signaling.
For anyone who isn’t familiar, one of the main evolutionary benefits of kissing is that it allows the exchange of antibodies through saliva, which in turn allows an individual to determine the relative intersection of antibody distribution between themselves and a potential mate. A more robust cross-section of antibodies will generally improve the immune system of offspring by giving them a greater statistical resistance to pathogenic threats.
Physical appearance signals both health and fertility. In addition to intelligence (more attractive people are more intelligent, on the whole) This is another reason the “dumb blonde” and similar stereotypes are so effective at skewing the mate selection process and encouraging miscegenation: if individuals can be put into a false dilemma when choosing potential mates, they are more likely to make poor decisions based on a fallacious “least bad” calculus instead of simply choosing the person that, in purely instinctual terms, is the most attractive), but it also signals genetic relation. If someone looks just like one of your parents, they probably are more closely related to you than someone who simply bears a racial resemblance. Note that oxytocin, the bonding hormone, causes women to favor people who have a closer racial resemblance to themselves. In other words, another risk from hormonal BC is that because it undermines deeper emotional bonding between women and potential mates, it erodes their natural tendency to seek mates from their own ethnic group.
Pheromones signal both social dominance and hormonal disposition, both of which are pivotal when evaluating the social status, social disposition, and overall health of mates. It also signals nearness of relation–just like appearance, if someone smells just like your family, they’re probably more nearly related to you than someone who does not.
When a woman is pregnant, she becomes more drawn toward family members–this is a way to encourage her to seek support and resources from a reliable source and to maximize the chances of carrying the child to term. Anyone who has had a pregnant wife will probably remember that she wanted to spend more time around her parents or siblings than she otherwise would.
When a woman is on hormonal BC, this perverts her mate selection process (it also fucks up mate selection for single pregnant women, but that’s not as important to this discussion) by causing her to be drawn to men for whom she would otherwise have no attraction at all, as they remind her of her immediate family, particularly in terms of scent.
There is a well-known phenomenon that when women who have been on BC since they started dating go off it to have kids, there are often cases where she suddenly finds her husband repulsive, or stops being capable of seeing him as a sexual object, even if they had a semi-healthy sex life beforehand. They often describe the smell of their husbands as intolerable, even if they previously found it comforting. This causes BC to have a “double protection” effect, since women on BC are physically incapable of reproducing, but women off BC will not be attracted to their current mate. This can result in either cuckoldry, since her reproductive impulses will be stronger with no acceptable outlet, or simple divorce.


Sounds like hearsay to me

idk i see it as pure H2o but I've read that it can leech minerals from your body

There's your problem. If a girl is not married by then, she has major issues.

That doesn't make any sense.



Who did you steal your laptop from?


What the fuck are you even doing on Holla Forums?

you guys need to lighten up a bit


only reason im not trying to have a kid right now is because i see the happening as imminent. id like to have at least 4 kids.

posting nigger, sorry my lifestyle of choice is so triggering.

when it does happen they're going to weigh you down unless they're adults themselves

This. Perpetually single women are perpetually single for a reason.

read up on osmosis. ions and minerals have a desire across biological membranes to achieve an equilibrium. The reason drinking sea water is bad for you is because it's so high in salts and minerals, it sucks the water out of your body. Distilled water is the opposite - it lacks all of the minerals your body has, so they will diffuse out of your body's cells and into the water…that you will then excrete. It will lead to a net loss of electrolytes and ions.
TL;DR - it's dumb, unless you add back known concentrations of essential minerals when you're done distilling.

well fuck me running! Distill and drink your own water

my apparatus idea:pressure cooker, copper coil, water, heat.


I expected better of you, Holla Forums.

Sprinking in high quality sea salt or rock salt would probably work.

Bad idea. Maybe try a bronze coil? Copper without zinc is feminizing

*brass not bronze



Fuck that. I'd rather just get that shot in my balls that coats your sperm tubes with spermicide. Can be reversed with another shot anytime, or wears off on its own in a few years. Better that than having to always use condoms with your girl or worse yet, have her on the pill.



Haven't feminists been crying out against this for years? Who's jewing who?

I know osmosis is a big word for our American pals but I believe in you guys keep it up ur doing great.

Feminists cry because there's a feeling that this would be beneficial for men. A feeling.

it is, it would give us power over whether or not we reproduce while still letting us fuck as much as we want. No more baby trap.



Get off Holla Forums.

don't do it, you are going to kill yourself. Pure water drains your body of salt and minerals. there is a reason injections always contain salt.


Fucking without the intent of making babies is just masturbation. It's degeneracy and completely useless.



I think you would fit in better on reddit. Why don't you go there now? Here is a link:

Please don't come back.

You're too kind. You should have given (((him))) the non-SSL secured link.

Stopped reading there.

I think I'm going to do it, but just buy a glass condensing tube. I thought we used copper lines in our homes because it was safe.

I wasn't thinking. Adding the "s" is just natural these days.

you aren't getting rid of me


go back to twitter faggot


I think I have bad news for you.

Take a guess, which hormone(s) will be eliminated from male body?

I still remember when my chemistry teacher told us that the "Pill" side effect, aside hormonal imbalance to the user, was polluting the water supply with hormones that hardly can be filtered by major stations since it would be too costly. Too bad giving such info nowadays is looked as "problematic" and a way to suppress female "freedoms".
Filterman was spot on in this topic.

if I keep replying will you keep reporting?

Jokes on you, Chaim, I don't need contraceptives for my fleshlight.

found the jew


fuck that degenerate shit faggot

How are you gonna interact with real women retard?

So does my latina gf like me because of the pill or because I'm aryan masterrace?

Stop having sex with disgusting creatures you wouldn't want to impregnate.

That's excessive and just as crazy as the degenerates that care not for reproduction. The correct stance is that you shouldn't be fucking someone you wouldn't want to reproduce with, you should honor your oaths to this person, and that's it.

There's nothing wrong with recreational fucking. It's not the same thing as whoredom. It doesn't mean (((recreation))) with literally everyone.

Fucking spergs, I swear…

Sure is christcuck in here.

Hello shillmo.




Except the part where you'll die of dehydration it's perfectly fine

If distilled water was good for you, the elites would be drinking it by the gallon. They aren't.


Do you know where you are?

not /r9k/ fag. You can't save the white race by being an incel degenerate.

Aside from the fact that this is basically more human insecticide, there is also the factor of removing more responsibility from people and takes self-control out of their minds. I practise sexual control in that I manually refuse to ejaculate to erase lust and desire to do so from the mind and to increase my mastery over myself, it also helps to place a lot less emphasis on ejaculation and more on the sexual act. As such, porn does nothing for me anymore and I have much less desire to masturbate to ejaculate but my libido is still high and more focused – it's like taming a feral mustang.

Things like abortions, birth control pills, condoms etc. have an effect beyond stifling populations: they also alter the mentality of people. It makes people more wild so that they more easily become slaves to their base desires to engage sexually and all the focus is placed on ejaculation rather than everything before and during the sexual act, and so you have people who are sexually frustrated whether a virgin or not.

Can you imagine a spoiled, irresponsible hunter who simply demands the meat to just appear on his dinner table already cooked, rather than one who has honed his hunting abilities and takes the hunt itself much more seriously, like a ritual? Birth control basically puts all the emphasis on putting the meal in one's stomach (ejaculation) rather than on the hunt itself. The hunt is what has been revered throughout time just like the sexual act itself for purposes beyond ejaculation (Kama Sutra and Tantra for example), not the meal or "cumming."

Man has little control over himself in these times and even more is being taken from him. Man is increasingly becoming more domesticated: he thinks a salary, material possession, and sex is all that is required for happiness. Meanwhile he is used as a cog in a machine as the parasite keeps him placated with hollow pursuits and constant distractions. All things of a more ethereal nature (including virtues and ideals) are actively hidden from him as he pays more and more attention to the fake world they put in front of him which he subsequently calls "reality." He loses control of himself and forgets to dream of a greater world as everything he thinks he needs (what he is told he needs) is provided for him. That's the spiritual/psychological death Communism brings.



I am a genetically inferior fuck that should never spread his genes(white, but retarded low IQ as fuck) and have done a good amount of research into male birth control, anything (((Pill))) based it to be avoided at all costs.

Right in the feels.

Here's some music to cheer you up, fam:

The pill makes women's bodies think they are pregnant. When a woman is pregnant she instinctively tends to be close to her family (the people who will help raise the child) as opposed to strangers.

Here is what a 30 second google search pulled up for me

The pill.
Wants better genes for her kids. Better chance of high IQ.

They'd been trying to do that for ages. A major roadblock to development of a male birth control pill has been feminist groups due to their fear that men would then have control on whether or not they could impregnate a woman.

Estrogen would prevent a man from getting an erection which would defeat the purpose of a male birth control pill. So no it isn't something like that. I remember there was the Brazilian(?) scientists that spoke about how he was doing research on a pill based on cotton seeds due to seeing the effects it had on cattle and how feminists stymied his ability to get a pill developed. The issue scientists have to deal with is making something that allows people to have sex and yet not become pregnant which is much harder to do for a man than a woman.

If such a thing is able to be produced it would be pretty nice as it would allow many more men to avoid becoming trapped by women that are just looking for easy money in the form of child support (which happens surprisingly often).

This just proves you're a nigger, how goddamn stupid can you be.

It will make you sterile 100%

No, he is right. Distilled water can fuck you up after a long enough time because you are washing minerals out of your body without replacing them.
t.Science fag


This is a good thing, dumbass.

Actually, a male pill should be introduced and simultaneously the female pill and abortion should be banned. Also give men/fathers default custody. Put men back in total control of reproduction.

what if we could convince nigs and spics to take it so they'd no longer be at risk of having to pay child support for the kids that inevitably result from their degeneracy?

Why don't we just add it to menthol cigarettes and tacos?

that could work too

It already exists, called American women.

Somewhat related but do pills make girls more irritated and antsy?

Chad thundercock approves

This sounds like a divide and conquer thread. Get the muhdickers and the common cucks to argue with each other. But I'll take the bait once anyway.

It could be a good thing for this reason. Retarded niggers won't use condoms because muhdick and either trust their whores to use birth control or think they can escape the law. Meanwhile retarded niggresses want kids for the welfare, for the the child support payments, and as a way of fucking with men ("he cheated on me, I'll make him get me pregnant so he can never leave me again.") A male birth control pill would, by giving control back to the nigger men without requiring them to degrade the quality of their sex, greatly reduce the number unnecessary niglets.

At the same time, they will stop using condoms, and further the spread of STDs among the niggers. The "niggers carry STDs" narrative will be part of our push to counteract Jewish media racemixing propaganda. It will also help with branding coalburners.

Lastly, much as female birth control makes women insane with hormones, I would not be surprised we end up learning in a few years that this drug has lasting consequences on male fertility and possibly testosterone levels. All the better to thin their herds with.

Just don't take it yourself.

I never would and I'd tell all the hwite guys I knew not to

If it was not for the jew behind it, I could like it.

This would ensure some bitch can't make holes on your condom or lie about using the pill, you can make sure you are nor not making a child with the woman.

however, the best way to ensure not having children before marriage is still not having sex before marriage

only if the jews manage to make niggers immune to it, otherwise it would go against their objectives

Oy vey goyim!

European birthrates are so low, why aren't you having sex goy?

We'll need to import some Africans so you don't go extinct!

although everyone could just go to the unsecured pumpstation and throw poison in it, effectively killing 300+ people including me

must be doing something right if you are on Holla Forums user

Only niggers are stupid enough to not see the consequences this type of behavior has on society, retard. If you were smart enough to see the price for your actions you wouldn't be willing to pay it.

While this shit is stupid, I can only see the kind of degenerates who would willingly take this for 'muh dick' that you wouldn't want breeding anyway. Too bad it'll be forced upon everyone else as well.

I want society to burn.

This has been around for a while

Do we really need more jaded and broken people who don't have the ability to bond to a mate and have kids?

Get a full time job (easy if you make a genuine commitment), stop fapping and watching porn, lose weight and start exercising so you don't look like utter trash, get a haircut and some decent clothes and join a church, there are plenty of average to decent girls willing to settle down and the best part is that monogamy is enforced by their parents/social group.

Also, a male contraceptive isn't some sort of positive step, it only reinforces hookup culture.

smuggle some into the kfc spice mix

b-but I work on Sundays and Wednesdays

Sweet digits, checked.

Guys, just talk to people and be yourself.

Every generation before you has successfully procreated and here you are being a faggot. Have fun settling down with a broken 35 year old ex-feminist who'll leave you and fuck up your kids for life, because that's the way you're headed.

Be yourself is female advice, because that's literally all they have to do. Men are expected to compete for women, some fat bloke working retail isn't a catch.

I was just being facetious, my dude (checked btw).


This is a meme
https ://


that's okay goy, hehe just take a viagra too hehe


Funny thing is that the (((fda))) wont approve pills made of a plant found in india i think that has been used by the local natives for generations as a tea that does the same exact thing. For much cheaper.
Who woulda thought.

i know.

That'll just get you some ions and maybe some minerals if it aint washed salt
You need to find the exact quantities to become the best waterman out there. Which is hard.
Springwater is best


Friendly reminder there will be a lots of cucked white males to just LOVE the idea.

Probably not that hard. You could calculate the approximate ion concentration of the human body, source your ions and produce a special mixture, then sprinkle that into your water at a specified amount (ie 1 teaspoon per gallon). Usually minerals are pretty cheap. The whole set up might end up costing a hundred bucks but it would probably last at least a year.

I'm not sure why everyone is upset this is excellent news if you don't like getting alimony raped

You still have to pay alimony if you don't have children.

Child support raped I guess, sorry its hard to keep track of all the female entitlements

That's true, I speak portuguese and once watched a interview with those guys, they say the feminist stabilishment didn't want to give the power of choice to men, with a narrative similar to:

Couldn't you "make your own tap water" by mixing mineral salts in distilled water?

I'd say you are a lot more "cucked" trusting a women

We're surprisingly close to this being somewhat viable tech too, they've already created viable artificial egg cells

I thought you wanted a white only space, user

Reminder that melanin is the most expensive substance on Earth. Cops kill niggers to harvest it.

10-20 years from now, they will say "sorry, apparently it renders you infertile for life, we didn't foresee these side effects and our 3 month pre-release testing couldn't have foreseen this. No refunds tho".

stick to the redpill tbh fam

So let me get this straight, you are so braindead and vapid, so addicted to orgasms, that you must get those cummies even if it means nailing stupid and/or evil people? You are hollow.

You are not a man.

At least he's getting kids, unlike 99% of this place

Chances are that white kids will identify with you so much that they will become meth addicted homosexual marxists.
You can't expect your offspring to magically grow right simply because of genes, like wise, being a mongrel doesn't mean shit if the father leads the family correctly, besides, latinos are 50% to 90% white, which is why the term "white hispanic" exist.

Kill yourself common cuck.

Also note this same hormone is released during sex and orgasms for women. Being that BC inhibits hormones, this is another genetic argument against BC as it directly inhibits bonding and trust during sex.

Nah, dude
Can't fucking believe it.


What the fuck.

Still the issue of the water supply.

Nigger delusions. Their dead ass is worth nothing. In fact it's a net loss because people have to get rid of the corpse before the smell makes everything in a 5 mile radius become a biohazard.

She woke as fuck nigga.

It's negligible compared to the net loss if he lived.

You ought to look into ozoned water. I have recently, and will try some ozoned products, not water, yet.

Fluorine in water has only like five to ten degrees celsius higher boiling point than water, take that into consideration when you decide to simply distill it to get rid of that shit because in the end you will end up getting shit water AND fluorine.

That would be fluoride, retard, not fluorine.

No idea why I mixed it up

Probably because free fluorine is really cool shit.



Who would be stupid enough to take this though?

Fluoride is an ion, not an allotrope

Why would she waste money on a nasal spray that prevents her from getting alimony?

Majority of men. Most are full on MUH DIK.

The only upside of the pill is that the ball would be in the men's court, so women would have to adapt.

My MUH DIK levels are pretty high, I have to admit. I still wouldn't take this pill. It's a ball nuker.

What type of latina? White skinned like pic related or mestizo subhuman?

I didn't even fucking catch that, holy shit.
Should I be proud that my brain automatically corrected her mistake?

Welcome to the latest tasty additive in africa's food aid.

Wait this dumb nigger thinks they are made up of 100% Melanin? I bet even a 300lb sheboon doesn't even have 6oz of Melanin in their whole body. And niggers why everyone laughs at them.

Africans do not have any problems breeding whatsoever.

because the birth in litters. More than enough survive to adulthood thanks to western aid

That's why they will get this in their food.

What's the source for this?

You seriously underesimate how paranoid Africans are. They would burn the food aid and walk to Europe



The memes are getting too real


are you from ohio?

"free cookie?"

The absolute truth, especially when Whitey's involved. Niggers in Africa refuse to use condoms because they have a widespread belief that condoms will actually GIVE YOU AIDS. Instead, they prove that they're too smart for the White Man's evil plot by fucking whores and other men and getting AIDS that way, as well as ebola and syphilis.

This is a continent where the average IQ is lower than 75.

They've had this thing for more than 30 years. I read about it in old Newsweek magazine from the 90s. I'm pretty sure the side-effects include impotence, death and cancer.

yes yes good stupid goyim, distilled is bad, read our news articles!
buy our bottled water instead!

You're clearly from >reddit spacing

I am tracking you, son. Quite the trail of reddit spacing posts you are leaving.

Distilled water is water that is boiled and the steam is collected as condensation, and then the water is drank. It is fine in a survival situation, but user was right, it lacks minerals. Why don't you look shit up instead of being a useless retard?

We all know how this works. There's fucking 100% that something is in that. I don't know what it does and I don't want to know.

It works just like vaccines but I wouldn't know for a fact. Some of them are important, yes, but some of them have fucked up shit in them. If you pair this poison with things you need then it makes it harder to avoid and lends "legitimacy" to it, it's been their tactic for a long time. Like education and brain washing classes or the internet and tumblr.

C.S. Lewis' The Abolition of Man is becoming more and more prophetic and poignant as time marches on.

"In order to understand fully what Man's power over Nature, and therefore the power of some men over other men, really means, we must picture the race extended in time from the date of its emergence to that of its extinction. Each generation exercises power over its successors: and each, in so far as it modifies the environment bequeathed to it and rebels against tradition, resists and limits the power of its predecessors. This modifies the picture which is sometimes painted of a progressive emancipation from tradition and a progressive control of natural processes resulting in a continual increase of human power. In reality, of course, if any one age really attains, by eugenics and scientific education, the power to make its descendants what it pleases, all men who live after it are the patients of that power. They are weaker, not stronger: for though we may have put wonderful machines in their hands we have pre-ordained how they are to use them. And if, as is almost certain, the age which had thus attained maximum power over posterity were also the age most emancipated from tradition, it would be engaged in reducing the power of its predecessors almost as drastically as that of its successors. And we must also remember that, quite apart from this, the later a generation comes—the nearer it lives to that date at which the species becomes extinct—the less power it will have in the forward direction, because its subjects will be so few. There is therefore no question of a power vested in the race as a whole steadily growing as long as the race survives. The last men, far from being the heirs of power, will be of all men most subject to the dead hand of the great planners and conditioners and will themselves exercise least power upon the future."

I recommend reading from the beginning. One of Lewis's greatest and most profound works. Navigate through The original has been taken offline.

Why not just link to Infogalactic?

Fucking kill yourself, goon.

I've listened to a broadcast of the lefty radiostation (((Fritz))) in Germany a while ago. The moderator invited her listeners to discuss the pro and cons of a recently presented contraceptive method for men. A (((doctor))) injects some kind of superglue in the spermatic cords like a sort of temporary vasectomy, which was declared removable at any time without side effects. Needlessly to say the hostess and their leftist scum which called in defended this shit aganist all critics.

M8, attractive Hispanics tend to look at least half white. Kids with a full white and a light skin half white 99% look full white.

Piece of plastic wrapped in copper

Tens years of no babies


No chemicals

It's as if they keep suggesting pills to girls for a reason

Big deal. And thus completing the profecy where smart manly, right winged men will inherit the earth.

it's not like minerals are that essential, you can do months if not years without them, hell, if you have a well ballanced diet you'll get them from other sources

You shouldn't believe me when I say this, but I wrote it. Source is a crapload of information I've collated across years of reading; most of it is fairly easy to find on Google or in various Holla Forums threads that may or may not be screencapped.

Funny, because I was just talking to my wife about writing this post two days ago…

Have them anyway. Dark times are when contributing to the future becomes most important.

You just proved your worthiness to this 154 iq worthless anonymous faggot.

Now go find a woman, marry her, and breed the fuck out of her.

My gf is on it m8 and she takes it because she has some fucked up period or something that comes like 3 weeks out of a month so she takes it to keep it down to 1 week. Does anyone know what this is called?

Bloody quads


these types of pharmacuticals have a limited lifespan. And besides they are gonna bind to the flagelum of bacteria which operates in nearly the same manner as the tail of the sperm. Alternatively you can fap until it's out of your system.

are jew doctors going to recommend it for men who are not sexually active but have other problems? such as overly frequent wet dreams or accidental boners?

referencing the idiocy of doctors who prescribe the pill for women who have unusually long/painful periods.

Yes, goyim. Take this pill that your friends the Jews made. We guarantee there will be no side effects we "forgot" to tell you about! :^)

I know you were using this as a metaphor, but you also described the attitude most normies in 1st world countries have about food.

top kek

You could become a Seventh Day Adventist or a jew :^)


wait, thread filter or water filter?

This sounds like a fucking awful, awful idea.

that's the joke, you fucking retard