People who are widely viewed as heroes/evil but shouldn't be

Adolf Hitler, the man who is world-renowned for being a genocidal maniac, even though the Red Cross estimated that less than 300,000 people had died in his concentration camps, mostly because of diseases and starvation.

Winston Churchill, who used to write articles on how communist Jews had destroyed Russia, specifically targeted civilian areas in a series of aggressive carpet bombing campaigns on multiple German cities. He saw the expulsion of approximately 15 million Germans from their ancestral homelands in Eastern Europe, of which 2 million never arrived in Germany, as they had been brutally murdered, hung from trees, literally raped to death, and crushed by tanks, as "satisfactory and lasting". Up to this day, he is widely regarded as a hero, not a war criminal.

Nelson Mandela was a communist terrorist who had many of his political opponents killed. Instead of being viewed as a terrorist, he is now seen as some kind of hero and "freedom fighter" for turning South Africa into a third-world shithole.

Ronald Reagan, who first introduced no-fault divorce laws in California, went on to grant amnesty to approximately 3 million illegal aliens (mostly Hispanics) in 1986 as President of the United States, for which they rewarded him by giving George H.W. Bush only 30% of their vote in 1988. Reagan's amnesty turned California and New Mexico into permanent blue states, paved the way to two presidential terms of Obama, yet cuckservatives widely view him as a conservative icon.

Any other people you guys can think of who really should be viewed differently than most people do?

Other urls found in this thread: Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews.pdf

In all fairness to reagan, the people wich he granted amnesty to were mostly white southern americans. If you want to atack him on solid stuff, point out how much money he was wasting on Star Wars.

Yeah, I could name a few.

Cool thread, have a bump

Well how about you actually tell us what they did/didnt do?

Even if that's true, and I doubt it is, mostly doesn't cut it

FDR ruled the US as a quasi-dictator, having political opponents killed or exiled with assistance from his (((wall street))) friends, even looking at the presidential elections during his rule, it was basically a one party state

How about you go back to cuckchan?

Strange. Why do the liberals attack bush for the war but not this guy?

Are you stupid or just wasting our time?

bump, post moar

Commie jews run America, this is nothing new.


Villainized as a tyrannical witch hunter, yet records show that if anything he underestimated how far the communists actually infiltrated the US system.

This faggot.

Ran a strafing mission in ww2 against civilians and was quoted saying this "If we are going to do things like this, we sure as hell better make sure we are on the winning side."

Apparently he's a cunt in real life to this day

Abraham Lincoln destroyed white tribalism in America and unleashed muh-niggas on us.

Pic related for sure wasn't a hero. He was at minimum a Commie/Jew sympathizer; if not an outright full-fledged fucking Communist.

Winston Churchill was a piece of shit Jew puppet

Reagan was a cheesehead and Bush basically controlled him.
Yes, he may thought well but in the end he was a puppet.

Tito. Said fuck you to Stalin. He jewed the jews from the West and East and established his own club. With hookers and blackjack.
Included the separation clause into the Yugoslavian constitution just before his death becouse he knew that Yugoslavia was a joke.

A dirty commie, but a smart one nonetheless.

Could you recommended me any videos or books about him?

This guy is a total asshole. Has a celebrity complex and considers himself a living god. Also thinks that USA should be paid forever by the rest of the world for stopping da ebil natzees.
The textbook definition of an Americunt.


This guy tbh.


Check his political party, retard.

The only socialist I will ever respect. Rest in peace, ace pilot.

Abe fought against the (((Confederacy))) and wanted to deport the nogs back to Africa. Plus he used Greenbacks to beat the fiat money system. He wasn't assassinated for no reason, you know.

learn to history

Don't you shit me nigger

what's with the fucking blogposting?
cuckchan thing?

Truth be told, the Confederates were all about bringing in more nogs for easy labor. Eventually the nogs would rebel.

Haha this guy doesn't know that Jews ran the slave trade, and at the peak legal slavery in the US less than 1% of regular citizens owned slaves, but 40% of all Jews owned slaves.

Sorry, but owning slaves is 100% Semitic, Cleetus.

Check (((who))) ran the slave trade and wanted us to keep breeding more niggers.



CSA was Jewish. Live with it.

Reddit awaits.

Yes, but importing slaves was outlawed in 1807. We grew our own from then on.

google the videos of his speeches and hearings in congress

Rockwell is so photogenic. Aesthetic as heck.

((Confederacy)) took a loan from the ((Bank of England)) to finance their war.

You tell me. He was a great speaker, too.

fuck you central int

Reagan also signed in FOPA, which banned automatic weapons made after 1986 and changed the definition of silencers.
Hes a liberal piece of shit.


Fuck off Chicago boy, I have absolutely no idea why lolbergtarians are worshiping that Zogbot

These two are obvious tbh.

Too obvious, kike.

Obligatory kebeb removal people.

I view Assad as necessary evil, just as Kaddafi and Putin. Some people cannot exist under any system aside from brutal dictatorship without descending into anarchy. Someone needs to keep the animals in line.

Assad is actually a great man, just as Gaddafi was. Not perfect, but certainly great, leagues better than our weaklings we call leaders. He's certainly not evil, viewing him this way is only a step above what the Jews want you to believe.


Literally every problem facing Croatia today can be traced back to this asshole. We'd probably be in better shape if we had just endured 50 years of Soviet occupation instead of Titoslavia.

Like I said, he is a necessary evil. He does what is needed to keep his shitskins in line, which involves a lot of brutality.
I have no problem with him, just as I had no problem with Saddam. However, I would not tolerate such a ruler or such methods in my country.

you do realize that's just a meme, serb military was incredibly incompetent.

the only thing they removed was their dignity

I do understand what you're saying, and you're not wrong.

The bit I have an issue with is this:
Believe me, Assad is far more popular in Syria than Obama is in the US or May in the UK, or any Western leader. I'd love him as leader here in the UK (if he was British obviously) because people live well. The war in Syria is not a civil war, it's Assad and the Syrian people fighting outside forces.

Yeah I know, but at least they tried, huh?

You're an idiot if you believe this. Even disregarding the holocaust, millions of Soviet POWs died in German camps. Something like a 50% mortality rate, compared to


I agree that a heavy-handed ruler is necessary to set our stuff straight. Kindness must come with fists, as they say.
But heavy-handed does not mean Middle Eastern heavy-handed. Nerve gassing your enemies or crushing them by road rollers like Saddam did is pure Asiatic barbarism that has no place in any White country. In their home deserts, however, they can do whatever thay want.

He did nothing wrong.

History will only remember him as being the bad goy that killed Hamilton and later died in obscurity. Most history books completely ignore what he did between the duel and coming back to the US to be a lawyer.

What a shame

Too obvious, kike.

What are you disputing exactly?

True, but remember that this wouldn't need to be done in a white country. Saddam was dealing with Kurds, remember. We don't have Kurds here (we do, but you know what I mean). Assad is far better than our leaders, not prefect, but he cares about his country. Put him in a white country and we'd be a lot better off.

You're implying the Holohoax happened, kike.


I said disregarding it. Whether or not it happened is irrespective of my point. And anyone who actually believes that Hitler din do nuffin to the Jews has an IQ below 90.

What is Generaplan Ost. Oh, just more Jewish fiction with fake documents. A big conspiracy, my bad. Hitler din do nuffin!

JIDF detected. You must have come with the cuckchan refugees.
Thus, no copies of the plan have ever been found after the war among the documents in German archives.

You know you're retarded if even Wikipedia admits that

He also cares about retaining his power. And that's the problem, you do not know how far such a ruler can go to keep the throne.

Anyone can rule with an iron fist. I, for one, would like a ruler who would institute a SYSTEM that would allow for peace and order to reign even after his rule is ended. A system that prevents and discourages, not punishes. A system that establishes pillars that cannot be bent, broken or circumvented. A system that does not crumble once its creator steps down. Idealistic, I know, but worth striving for. Hitler had a similar thing in mind - instilling enough honor and discipline into people that they themselves would disallow anything underhanded from taking place.



Surely everyone who isn't a brainwashed low IQ Hitler worshipper is JIDF.

And yet that very same article provides ample evidence for its existence. Not to even speak of the 20+ million civilian deaths in Eastern Europe, again, disregarding the holocaust.

He turned the people who would inherit a noble empire into a mob of streetshitting subhumans who venerate him to this day.

This sort of logical inconsistency and cognitive dissonance is only found on the extreme left and the extreme right. Both sides are full of irrational zealots who believe in fairy tales and fictional accounts of history.

It isn't inconsistent, dumbass.

Sure thing hue nigger

Well as I said, he's not prefect. He's not another Hitler, that's for sure, but he's the best you can hope for in that part of the world. And I cannot overstate just how great he is. The Syrian government pays for it's people medication, for example. the US clearly does no such thing.

That's exactly what I was saying. Where did we disagree again?

You're too stupid to even see it so I'll spell it out for you. If Hitler should have exterminated all the Jews, and he had the opportunity, but he didn't, then he did do something wrong, didn't he…in fact according to you faggots, that should be considered the gravest sin of all - allowing 6 million Jews to live.

Slavery was racial as a convenience. It was always about the money. Eventually there would be white slaves from race mixing that slave owners carried out.

By the 80s, the Soviet Union were the good guys.

it's from a movie ya dip

Reagan also destroyed the mental health industry, by shutting down almost every single psychiatric hospital/ asylum. This left an immense amount of nurses and doctors without jobs, and all the patients with severe mental illnesses were left to fend for themselves on the street, eventually getting hooked on drugs and committing crimes.

He is credited for winning the Cold War by merely outspending them, causing massive economic issues.

Let's not forget the lran-Contra scandal either.

It's possible to believe that they could have been spared in the 40s but that they should be exterminated now. You are retarded.

Let me hold your hand with the thought process retard.

The Holocaust - as it is depicted by Jewish media - did not happen. 6 million did not die, they were not burned in ovens or gassed in giant rooms with unsealed wood doors.

Hitler was right when he rounded up the Jews (for containment, not for extermination) that controlled their banks, controlled their media, and controlled their government. They were parasites that destroyed their nation, economy, and identity. Money in the Weimar republic was so inflated that children used to play with stacks of it like they were toys.

Today, in the US and Europe, the Jews that control the banks, the government, and the media, have created a new "Weimar Republic" and thus we need to do what Hitler did. Get them the fuck out, before it is too late.


Not sure tbh, maybe we just misunderstood each other. I think I have might have a higher opinion of him than you, but it's not worth arguing about.

And yet what Hitler did was still tantamount to genocide under the legal definition - that is to say, attempted destruction in whole or in part of the Jewish people. So the Holocaust did in fact happen, even though it may have gone down significantly different from Jewish media depictions.

Ergo the Holocaust did happen.

Imprisonment and mass deportation is not genocide, you snake-tongued heeb.

No, the Holocaust is a specific claim. It is not some vague desire to destroy Jews.

He said AS THE JEWISH MEDIA portrayed it, he never denied that the holocaust itself happened

Look on the bright side, Aaron Burr is barely mentioned in history so he isn't touched by (((revisionists))), but Hamilton on the other hand, now has a broadway musical where he's a nigger.

Everyone on this board denies the holocaust happened. Don't be obtuse.

"The Holocaust" is as the media portrays it. There is no other definition. If you deny any of that, in whole or in part, you deny the Holocaust.

It is if the intention is to destroy a people, which this clearly was.

Because it didn't.

Wasn't Reagans Wife and some other Presidents have wives take over?

Not true. The intention was to expel a people.

Sure you did, Shlomo. (((You))) don't do shit except steal, and literally the whole world knows your shenanigans in the CURRENT_YEAR.

Probably the worst Prime Minster Australia has ever had. At least in my lifetime. He increased national gun laws and reduced gun ownership because one deranged man killed people in the middle of nowhere.

He deregulated the entire media and press, making it near to America in terms of its extreme left circlejerk it now is. He also cut funding and mandated Australian TV programming which ended up causing many shows that had run for 30+ years to be axed.

And he sold off most of the public health telco and power infrastructure.

And yet this man is viewed as a hero still to this day.

Not to defend Howard, but worst is a bit of a stretch.

This man was your worst Prime Minister.

Idi Amin wasn't evil until he threw the jews out of his country because they were stealing the nations wealth.

How is attempting to liberate 3-5 million Germans from Polish persecution a genocide? Why are you blaming the Germans for the pogroms?

Oh that's why: you're a filthy lying kikel. The holocaust never happened. What did actually happen though is Russia and Poland persecuting the fuck out of you rat fink Juden the point of rounding you up in internment camps. What also actually happened after that was the Reich roflstomped Poland and liberated the Germans from said camps; leaving everyone else imprisoned. That includes you rat Jews, criminals, homosexuals, retards, and other degenerates. Then you kikels got the US involved, which you then used to plan one of the world's biggest hoaxes. You put the blame of your persecution and internment solely on the Germans.

You deserve infinite gas.

What did he do?

t. not an expert on Oz politics

Amin was completely fucking deranged, tbh.

What gave that away? The melanin? I bet it was the melanin.

I heard he did this, someone give me all the redpills on Idi Amin. I'm wary of embracing him since he's still a nigger and you can't say he drastically improved Uganda's standard of living, though I could be wrong.

Ended the White Australia policy.

Jesus Christ I can't fathom why anybody would ever have a problem with you kikes

Really only one redpill was allowing some hijackers to land their plane full of Jews in Uganda, and then releasing all the non-Jews while holding the kikels as hostages:

Well, he was a soldier who ooga booga'ed his way almost to the top and then usurped the president (a decent guy, for a nigger at least) while he was out on a visit to another country. Things he did then include:
This isn't even 10% of the list.

Pinochet was a puppet of kikes. Go fall out of a helicopter.


So basically he's still a nigger who went bix nood on his country. And I thought I'd stumbled on some new great man who was slandered by the world. At least he liked Hitler and hated Israel though.

That doesn't make a person instantly good, y'know.
Fun fact: Uganda was considered the richest of all African colonies after receiving independence and was predicted to actually climb its way out of niggery and into prosperity. Ugandans actually lived decently by African standards before Amin's coup. Funny how that worked out.

Double checked!

Daffi did nothing wrong!

I remember one article where they claimed Amin was a canibal, they knew this because a diplomat went into the kitchen and opened a freezer for ice cream.

Where he found human heads and remains!

They managed to fight off the whole fucking NATO for months while maintaining vast majority of their armed forces intact.

From an anthropological standpoint everyone is better off avoiding Bantu peoples (which is just about everyone from sub-Saharan Africa with the major caveat being the Khoi-san tribes). I'm not 100% sure, but basing Uganda's proximity to the Congo I would guess they are mostly or wholly Bantu.

If you're looking for white-tier Africans you're pretty much going to have to exclude everyone but the Ethiopians. Personally I find Kenyans to be generally top-tier Africans too.

[citation needed].

That's just Jewish propaganda. No different from "Saddam threw newborn babies out the window" or "Assad used chemical weapons on his own people."

I'm well aware of that, it's just after a while, you become too suspicious of Jewish propaganda, and start trying to uncover the truth about any leader who's been slandered, even they're legit bad.

Bantu are the worst. Especially in ZA (though Coloureds are alright). Kenyans have a good reputation, not sure about the Ethiopians, since they're different.

Nigger, Idi Amin murdered so many people that local crocodiles didn't even bother to hunt anymore - they just opened their mouths and meat floated in. The only one who out-nigged him was Bokassa.

I nominate the vastly over-rated Abraham Lincoln. The man is deified beyond belief, as if what he did was not only good, but sacred. Yankees and niggers put him next to Jesus.

Besides the following, he was the first man fully backed by the merchants, money, and industry. He vastly increased the power of the Federal government, centralizing more than any previous president ever thought about, and made it easy for the Jews to take over and control later.

This list is not all-inclusive. It's just what comes to mind.

Arrested and imprisoned more than half of the Maryland legislature, and many member of the Kentucky legislature as well.

Has the original JIDF returned to us or is it the alt-cucks from TRS being good goyim again?

Goyim who willingly go along with Jewish globalism tend to be rewarded, and those who resist tend to have their nations destroyed. It's only because of Jewish control that it ends like that.

Nothing wrong with killing niggers who deserve it.




They're not even really African as far as DNA goes.

How about you two read up on Amin's history and history of Uganda in particular first? The guy was a typical nigger with a random set of beliefs and crazy about power, hardly different from nigs who sacrifice people for Jesus today.

That's so absurd you convinced me it's juden propaganda and the actual kang dindu nuffin.

I know but if their current situation is anything to go by they're not top-tier people. Maybe if they brought back the monarchy things would improved, they did used to be communist after all.

Think Jesus would be happy for the extra dead niggers.

What is setting precedent Alex?

Actually the USSR was already on the brink of collapse, largely due to being ran by geriatrics who refused to transfer power to a younger, less senile generation

Amin fucked up a bunch, but he kicked out the kikes, and that's what earned him shrunken heads and lampshade level propaganda.

This. Looking back, it looks like Osama and Al Qaeda were the only thing stopping ISIS and I'd even argue they were the only thing preventing mudslimes from over-running Europe. None of this extreme terrorism shit happened until Osama died.

Thank you.

And Hitler did a lot wrong. Like not waiting a year to iron out the deficiencies of German Industries before invading the USSR, miscalculating exactly how hard a fight it would have been.

No, it was for expulsion. And then he started having issues feeding everyone, so he starved them.

There was no future for Jews in Nazi Europe, dead or alive.

Oh shit, Bibi's brother


Is that why American universities are full of marxists?

White South American who fixed his country is now seen as evil now that multiracial drug dealers own the government.

Daily reminder that the subhuman poles and Jewtin have the more reasons to keep the Holohoax narrative alive than the fucking kikes themselves.

It is called a war, janunsz/iwan. Maybe you subhumans shouldnt have charged the MG posts or do human waves bullshit.


Prove me wrong

If cuckservatives like Reagan, they give me reason to despise him.

J-just give him a chance guys.


Franco was no hero, he betrayed the falange who were major players in him getting into power, so he could because another US puppet despot. Primo de Rivera is the real hero of the Spanish revolution, he stared down the Bolshevik firing squad and yelled "long live Spain!" yet most people have never even heard of the guy. Even on here I rarely see him mentioned

Why his head so big.

Big heads are sexy.

TRS pls go



That has three reasons:

Mos of these could be evaded if

Franco is more or less like Pinochet, a necessary, or at least the lesser evil.

They were both shit, in fact had the republic won, Spain would be in a better state today like east europe (aware that leftists are trash) Same goes for US puppet pinoshit

That's because there were no gas chambers or ovens used to kill people. Also the camps weren't death camps, they were labor camps used to make military ammunition and the like. They were industrial complexes.
Most deaths happened because the lack of food and lack of medicine. When people are crowded into a small place they get ill very fast. That's why typhus killed so many Jews. The ovens were used to cremate the bodies.

Can I have full documents on Reagan I've heard many mixed things about him and these little tidbits aren't coherent enough for debating a faggot on it.

Funny, I'm watching this right now. Amin is funny as a meme but this fat nigger was fucking insane and hated anyone not black. That fat nigger bit off more than he could chew.

As a Chilean I'm pretty aware that Pinochet wasn't perfect, but he wasn't as bad as the leaders we have today, probably the best president we've had, which is quite sad.

Thing is, most of our country is suffering the effects of extreme economic liberalisation now, since he privatised pensions.

The best remaining legacy we have from him is patriotism, which we are now losing because of nigger Colombians flooding our country, but that (immigration) was a measure taken by socialists after Pinochet lost the plebiscite.

Good night sweet prince.

You kidding me? Hue hue?

Osama Bin Laden was in the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Taliban were equalizers and probably the only good large group of Sunnis.

This man will go down in history as a fool, a traitor, and just generally a terrible and incompetent leader.

t. Muhammed al-Shlomo

Did a liberal write this?

Fuck off kikes. The North were eternal Jews, only concerned with keeping their trading cabal intact. The first American Revolution was called the "American Insurrection" by the British. The rest of the world called the American Civil War the "Southern Insurrection", and the South called it the "Second American Revolution".

There's certainly some bullshit in it (even more than you mentioned), but people tend to ignore the actual shit things he's done and try to preserve the "best president evar xD" stale meme.

Our last great president. No wonder the (((Press))) was out to get him.

Oh, and before you Jews try and scream "lol southerner, lol redneck, lol slaves!", my family arrived in the colonies in the early 1600s, I am a son of the revolution 13 times, and descended from two Northern/frontier folk heroes, and there are multiple towns named in the North East after my ancestors. And yet my entire family left to fight for the South when the war broke out, just like all the true Americans did.

Oh shit. Did he describe it?

Not so much, he did many things wrong (But not like the maisntream wants to say)

As an Australian I believe that Winston Churchkike should have been executed for warcrimes
The faggot was Directly Responsible for the war, For Gallipoli, For the First Bombing of Civilians and for a dozen other fucking crimes

Literally Worse than Hitler in everyway the kikes made him out to be

Guess the actual quote is "It is the most faggy goddamn thing you could ever imagine."



How can you hate that smile?

Goebbels was the fucking man.

I'm well aware that Primo de Rivera was better, by far. It's just that Franco gets all the hate (since he's the only one people know) which he doesn't deserve. Since nobody's heard of PdR, he doesn't really belong in this thread.

Also tbh Franco was alright, not the best Spain could've ended up with, but the best option after PdR's death.

To be clear, I support a state's right to secede. But to deny that the Confederacy was under Jewish control and that Jews ran the slave trade is retarded.

Implying the starvation had nothing to do with the Allies bombing Axis infrastructure to stop supply routes. Implying the supply routes weren't the same routes that supplied the camps with food/supplies. Implying Hitler starved them on purpose just because.

I don't deny that kikes were the undisputed champions of slave-running, but the war wasn't about slavery, or a state's specific right to have slaves. It was about maintaining the power balance between "federal" government and state.

Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson both personally released their slaves multiple years before the war even started. I mean, even Lincoln himself admits in a letter that slavery was basically only being used as propaganda for the war, not because he actually gave a fuck.

From a letter Lincoln wrote to Horaces Greeley:

Civil war wasn't about slavery. It was about keeping the Union intact so that the South's economy could be continually taxed for the benefit of (((bankers))). It was a banker war, just like all modern wars.

I agree that the war wasn't about slavery, I'm not arguing with that.

The problem is, the Confederacy was under Jewish control from the start. Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews.pdf

The Jewish plan was to keep breeding niggers until the population grew so large it outnumbered the whites. Lincoln wanted to deport them back to Africa. Additionally he used Greenbacks to beat the fiat money system.

I'm not saying Lincoln dindu nuffin though. He did lie, and and was hypocritical in not allowing the South to secede. But it's important to know that the CSA was Jewish controlled.

"You know what, that's something we have to consider closely, something we gotta look at, because we have to make America great again folks. We don't win anymore.

Now you look at some of these tough cookies… I say "nationalists" because they wanted a strong country, they want a strong nation. We all want a strong country right? You look at these guys in their early days, like, let's say Franco. They don't want to say it because it's not PC, but he was a winner. He made good deals for Spain. They didn't win towards the end because they made a whole bunch of mistakes. But I wouldn't. I make good deals. In fact, a lot of times I take a bad deal and I get together with people and I make it a good deal. But ok, Franco. He had a country. He had borders. He put up a wall between Morocco and Spain and you know what? Morocco paid for it, 100%

And Franco took care of his vets! He was very strong in military. So strong on military. And our wounded warriors, how about them folks, we have wounded vets all over the place, who I love. We don't take care of our vets. We need to build hospitals, and we need to do it QUICKLY. It's a disgrace how we treat our veterans.

But Franco was very strong on military. And I'm the most militaristic guy in this room, except that guy right there in the front row, stand up! He's the only one in this room maybe more militaristic than Trump.

But these guys understood the importance of values. With all the politically correct stuff going on now, we're losing that. They don't even say Merry Christmas anymore! By the way, when I'm elected, we're going to be saying Merry Christmas again. I think we need a little more of the Bible. You know my pastor, the great Norman Vincent Peale. He was a tremendous man. I would love listening to him at church. I know sometimes we wish we could leave church a little early even though we're good Christians, but he was a great man. But the Bible, it's the best book. You know what the second best book is? That guy has it right there, THE ART OF THE DEAL! Go ahead and hold it up. You know, a lot of these guys had a lot of great books. And they understood how bad communism was.

Now listen, nobody hates communism more than Trump. You know, I don't get enough credit for it, but I spoke out against the Soviets in he eighties. No I did. But those media back there, they won't write about it. THEY WONT WRITE ABOUT IT. I know. They're so dishonest. So dishonest. I think at least 60% of the press is completely dishonest. I know a few good ones, but there aren't many.

Now check out this character Bernie Sanders. Can you believe this guy? He says he's a socialist, I say socialist slash communist, because you really don't know. And he wants free college and free healthcare for everybody! And he's going to do that by taxing you people at 90%. Can you imagine that? That's full blown communism. And I say it, look at the Soviets. Look at Stalin. You know, Franco stopped the healthcare mess they had in Spain too. You could almost say it was like Spain's Obamacare, and he stopped it. By the way, DAY ONE, Obamacare–gone. Spain only started getting into the mess they're in now when they switched to this big liberal government they have now. It's true. I hate to say it, but it's true. We need a strong country folks, we need people working again, and now look at them. They're poor. They have 40 percent unemployment. It's a mess. They don't win anymore.

But early on, Franco made great deals. Imagine what he could've done if he read The Art of The Deal. John Kerry and Obama, believe me, they have not read The Art of the Deal. Especially with this Iran deal. 150 BILLION dollars, and the self-inspections, it's a scam. 10 years ago we didn't even say a billion, now we say billions. And we don't even get our prisoners back. They get 5 killers and we get Bergdahl, a dirty rotten traitor.

So now look at Spain, when he was there, Franco got Germany to bomb the hell out of the rebels. Paid nothing. It was a great deal. It was a great deal for him. And then, he stayed out of World War 2! He stayed out of it! He let Hitler and Stalin tear each other apart! And, by the way, I'm just fine with letting Russia bomb ISIS. I've been saying it for a long time. Bomb the oilfields. I said, bomb the oil, then take the oil. This guy knows what I'm talking about. And now after Paris they started doing that. Why are we worried about Russia doing it? If Russia wants to knock the hell out of ISIS I say let 'em.

So you know, people talk about nationalism like its a bad thing. They say nationalism or fasc–whatever. It's not politically correct. It's all about tone now. Like Hillary Clinton, she says "I don't like his tone", folks I'm not worried about tone. We need tone. So let them write whatever they want because they don't know what they're talking about. Alright, next question."

Nice work though user, I like it. I'm hoping for a get to meme this into existence.

Pls no

This bong agrees tbh.

Actually, we supported the South, except we couldn't get over the slavery thing.

Again, cause of the slavery. Otherwise we would've joined.

No, because the North said (admittedly wrongly) that states couldn't secede.

They were. Go back to >>>/reddit/

damn Trump can convince America to gas the kikes by playing the fool and making them feel proud of it if he wanted with that style


So which one was it then?

No. A lot of Brits enlisted in the Union Army because immigration between Britain and the North remained open during the war.

Interesting, because the world market was completely fine trading with the Dutch who had slaves in their colonies in until the late 1840s, the Spanish who had slaves in some of their colonies until the 1870s and with the French who had slaves in some of their colonies until the 1890s. I guess the slaves in the South were just more important?

And why do you think they did that? So that the South, which produced an insane amount of material goods, could continue to be under the control of the federal (((banks))).

Nice argument.

You're misunderstanding me. I agree that slavery was not the cause of the war. I'm just saying that nations like the UK refused to join the South because we hated slavery. Otherwise we'd have joined.

Some did, yes. But our government and most Brits supported the South.

The world market was essentially the UK at this point, and we were a bit hypocritical, because those nations you listed were allies, so we were fine with them. We didn't want to support a nation like the CSA who were basically founded on slavery. Plus, the popular perception was that the war was about slavery because of Lincoln's propaganda.

I understand how this is a natural reaction, since the Jews are going after white and Southern identity, but let me drill this into your head - the South was the Jewish controlled side here. Lincoln bypassed the banks with the Greenbacks, why do you think he was assassinated? It was the South that had the Jews in the government, and the South who had large numbers of Jews fighting for them. And it was Jews who ran the slave trade, which they used to try and create a Brazil/ZA situation in America.

See links here

Because it's true.


The world market was essentially the UK at this point, and we were a bit hypocritical, because those nations you listed were allies, so we were fine with them. We didn't want to support a nation like the CSA who were basically founded on slavery. Plus, the popular perception was that the war was about slavery because of Lincoln's propaganda.
So you agree that globalist kikes made a point to not trade with the South via doublethink. Good to know

Like I said in this post I don't have any Southern roots, and my family was about as Northern as you could be.

Sound logic, friend. Are you projecting? Maybe just a little?

please excuse my shit formatting, I'm drunk and on mobile

Does anybody have that pro Amin webm showing off the Ugandan military under his government? I need it to show normies what we can learn from the simple genius of indigenous African living.

What Chile too?
Argie here, we need a wall and stop the (((tratado del mercosur))), niggers from all south america are invading my country

That was about the slavery. We would've joined the South otherwise. It was simply better for our image to maintain relations with the North. Also remember that the South was not a recognised nation.

Because of the slavery. Also a reminder that Russia supported the North, this is why they were chosen for the first Communist revolution.

Even so, seeing white identity under attack can still lead one to identify with the CSA.

safe fam

i can tell your a newfag from your reddit spacing.



better luck next time CTR but i deleted a quote :^)

Well shit fam, guess you're right that he was only partially Right-Wing. Shame, he killed a lot of subhumans like drugdealers and whores, no wonder the jews don't know wheather to hate the badgoy anti-degeneracy stances or praise his philosemitism good goy.

You may want to check my post history before you head back to >>>/cuckchan/

Doesn't matter what the war was about fucknuts. The confederacy had to go. If the confederacy didn't get crushed nogs would have outnumbered us by now. Livestock always outnumber people.

man you guys are getting good at this. $0.05 has been deposited into your account. ty for correcting the record.

You know CTR never used to be mentioned much until you cuckchanners started arriving and calling everybody CTR? They were here, but we knew them. Now you just call anyone you don't like CTR.

Check my post history, faggot. A CTR shill would be elsewhere trying to hurt Trump. I'm just looking fro political and historical discussion.


I understand that, but my point is that if you had truly supported the South you would have negated that and continued trading with them anyways, like you did with Spain, France, ect. Even if they supported the South in spirit, it doesn't really matter because in policy they acted in the exact opposite and that is what had real world effects on the war.

Again, that is exactly my point. It had nothing to do with teh actual morality of slavery, because world market had other nations with slaves that were not excluded like the South was. Slavery was just a convenient excuse to cut the South of economically to aid the North and their (((masters))).

This isn't really related to what we're talking about, but Russia is a whole different beast in itself. Even though they were the first to fall to Communism, they were actually one of the last European powers to fall to Jews. I don't remember his name off the top of my head, but there is a German philosopher who wrote about the Russian Czars in the mid 1800s, and talked about how their monarchy was the last true European nation to survive total infiltration by Jews. He also predicted the monarchy would fall to Jews sometime in the early 1900s..

I'll give you that. I get relatively triggered anytime I see any sort of European identity attacked.

Kill yourselves.

Pretty cool tbh, now if we could just get those pesky Russians out too it would be even better.

If you still support him, you're probably a Cuckservative.

Anyways, the general rule is this:
If the (((media))) relentlessly attacks them, they're probably good. (bad for the Jews)
See: Saddam, Assad, Qaddafi, Putin, Chavez (?), etc.

If the (((media))) heaps praise upon them, they're probably bad (good for the Jews).
See: Reagan, Roosevelt, Churchill, Mandela, MLK Jr., etc.

Check my post history, faggot.

Our government didn't 'truly' support the South, we only saw it as a means to get back at the North for rebelling in the first place.

It did though. People here were disgusted by it. We tolerated in other nations because it wasn't our business, but to actively support a nation founded on slavery like the CSA was unacceptable.

This is true. It was because the Tsars were so resistant to the Jews (which they showed in supporting the North) that they were picked as the first target for communism.

It's tough, I know. Even though I'm a Brit, I still used to support the South when the Civil War came up. Wasn't until I took the final redpill that I saw the truth of things. It's strange, because is Lincoln is deified by liberals, which would leave you to believe that he was in fact the bad guy. But if all historical leaders were in fact the opposite of their reputations, it'd be too easy for us to find out the truth. So the Jews have muddied the waters by mixing things up.

He literally destroyed Chinese culture and replaced it with worshiping his obese, mouth disease ridden ass.

He is actually the major reason why Chinks have now embraced capitalism and christianity so willingly as they have no connection to their ancestors or cultural history anymore.

I'm glad we can agree. What they did support is open trade agreements to the North and open immigration to bolster the North's fighting force.

I think calling the CSA a nation funded on slavery is a bit of a stretch, it was a nation founded on a State's right to self-govern, the slavery shit was just a meme for the masses to get emotionally riled up about. The people actually making policies would've known the difference.

He forced a war with the South, the South begged for peace before the bloodshed even began. The South sent dozens of peace offerings with only one condition: honor your original agreement that this is a voluntary union. Lincoln would have none of that shit and proceeded to start a war that killed 2% of our population. More Americans died in the Civil War than in WW1, WW2, Korea, and Vietnam combined. Relative to our current population, it would be the same as 6 million (oy vey!) Americans dying today. To call him anything short of a traitor and scum is an insult to the American people.

That's it, thank you. If you ever need an alibi I will lie to the feds for you.

Yep, well we both know our natural wall (Los Andes), but the (((UN))) is bringing niggers from fucking airplanes.

Thank god I live in a white chilean neighborhood.

Pic related

At least palestinians are a little based (though they are communists).

People seem to focus alot on the whole slavery thing, when slavery was still fairly common in the world at large.

Slavery was just a convienent political reason to use for war. Just as the US is currently allied with Saudi Arabia who treats its Women as virtually slaves. It's never EVER about social justice or any of that nonsense. If you are going to start a war you need a return of some sort.

the tsars shot down jew plans for a global currency and banking system like 3 times they were very based.

I already tried explaining that to him in this post but apparently I didn't get through

Ita worth noting Saudi Arabia has literal sex slaves from eastern Europe and work slaves from India

Richer (And whiter) neighbourhoods are still free from niggers though.

Today we had county elections and UDI (National Libertarian Party) won most of the counties. Some with even 78%. Leftist parties are on suicide watch. However the newly elected mayor of Santiago, Alessandri is a cuckservative antiracist

emm… ok.

For real though the holocaust didn't happen. The Germans keep getting blamed for Russia and Poland's pogroms and persecutions. Most of the camps were in fucking Poland for fuck's sake.

Sorry, not sorry.

Well Chile is as white as California imo.


None of them are "white". They are mostly Spanish (who are pretty white), but with a mixing of native blood. You can see it clearly in the broad cheekbones and foreheads. They are probably only 60-70% "white".

shouldnt have been banned for that you cant act like triggered niggers when people say things you dont like

Fuck off

listen fag, normies need to be spoonfed. maybe you should fucking lurk moar if that comes as a fucking revelation to you.


OP confirmed for; simplistic bitch.

Muh sentence or two is all that ever happen and is the totality of their legacy.

The first three, sure, as those were easy ones. But dat Regan spiel, nah, you need to go back. But then, "who first introduced no-fault divorce laws in California," being your first thing and not the spic thing, says you're either the product of divorce, or the first and last piece of ass you ever got just cleared you out.

You can't have anything personal when suggesting the accepted narrative on a historical figure is incorrect.

We all hate Stalin and Lenin but inn mother Russia… so it can't be a matter of perspective. It has to be, this that and another thing were covered up by filthy kikes for such and such a reason. You have something then.

Bless this man for trying to speak to his brethren. His 'allies' made him a fool, but, you know? He had more style and sense than most of them.

The destruction of the family unit is one of the most paramount issues the West faces today. In the late 60s, MLK gave speeches talking about how the rate of fatherless homes in the black community would be the downfall of blacks in America. At that time the rate was 25%.

The rate of WHITE fatherless homes in 2015 was 26%. The destruction of the family unit is one of the most damaging things to happen to our society, aside from mass immigration.

For you to try and act like the destruction of the white American family is something to be negated is disgusting. Fucking degenerate

kill yourselves.

In the words of the man himself "I do not give a damn" when threatened by a western reporter in regards to SF coming in and snatching him.

The Soviets didn't sign the convention until after the Korean War if I recall. The Ostfront was a complete shitshow of two ideologies bashing one another in the head with whatever was at hand.

There is nothing and I mean nothing than can compare to the brutality that went on then.

Thank you for your contribution :^)

What does Holla Forums think of North Korea?

This is just a post, not another thread.

Often excoriated as allowing the rise of Hitler, if Neville Chamberlain had remained in his position as prime minister, WWII would've been a short, albeit brutal conflict against the Soviet Union, resulting in the eradication of Communism. The west would've remained largely nationalistic and 'red pilled,' and the British would've retained their empire, alongside the other great powers of the day. That, in itself, would've stymied the ambitions of the Japanese. Instead, we have Europe being taken over by subhuman filth and King Nigger I reigning over the USA.

It's called 'Best Korea' for a reason, user.

Wasted potential. If a Holla Forumsack could get into power there, it would be like our dream come true.

Only problem is their leader is a fucking retard and Asians are inherently submissive so they won't ever overthrow him. But considering they live complacently under their current government, I would imagine they would be extremely happy living under a true people's leader/government like Hitler's Nazi Germany.

why are we taking in refugees from leddit and cuckchan? can smell from a nigger away.

Really? I always thought he looked a little spergy with that weird smirk and his constant manson lamps.

This. Gaddafi turned Libya from a sand dune into a functional sorta-nationalist socialist society. He pushed for Arab unity and he backed actions against Israel.

The $140 billion in Gold was intended to serve as a reserve for his Pan-African currency, nitwit. Everything he did was in the name of nationalism.

Instead of shitting up a thread without posting anything relative, why don't you present an actual argument about what you disagree with?

Oh, you won't do that, because you are just being edgy and spouting buzzwords so you can feel like you are part of "le super sekrit club".

Anyone on this board who did not at one point use 4/pol/ or 4/news/ doesn't belong here.


mk, refugee == trojan horse.


I wasn't aware having standards was cuckoldry.

Kill yourself

nigger where the fuck do you think you are posting? what do you think you are doing? you enter the thread backing the 100% Jewish CSA slavers, and have done nothing but shitpost since.

at least I started by posting someone considered a hero who shouldn't be.

fucking lel 'rule - cuck' is now filtered into 'Long Live Holla Forums!' hahahaha

good job therealcoonman and imshitskinny

I was going to post Johnny Howard. He's upheld as one of Australia's greatest Prime Ministers despite the fact that he brought mass immigration upon us and consigned us to shitty internet forever and ever. The Port Arthur massacre was a false flag operation committed by a well-trained agent as well. There's no chance a retard with an IQ of 80 could have done what he supposedly did.

What he did do well was distract the derros with his special brand of pretend nationalism, and then give people disabled pensions to cover up the unemployment rate.

No, Gough wasn't that bad. He did a lot of important and necessary shit like officially recognising China. Even Fraser was worse. Hawke was the first to really force neoliberal economic policies onto everyone as well, and was the best friend of G-d's Chosen. Even today he's an unapologetic multiculturalist wanker.
Bismark commented on how the Rothschilds had instigated both sides of the war to subvert the Union and the Confederacy. I don't know if Lincoln knew about the Rothschilds, but he did know about the raw deal the New York (((bankers))) were going to give him. I'd even say that after getting help from the Tsar, Lincoln had an idea of what would happen if he didn't regain control of the situation.

The ovens were used to cremated already dead bodies. They weren't killing people with the ovens. That's just absurd.


Probably saved a good portion of Europe from Islamization.

That's something that always bothers me whenever I hear 'Holocaust'. People make it seem like people were put into ovens alive and burned to death in big ovens.

Putting corpses into ovens to cremate bodies and prevent the spread of disease in camps was not murder.


Truth be told, I have lost all faith in our right-wing parties due to how retarded they are in general, especially the UDI
We need a new right-wing movement here and beat the living shit out of the left

I was taught in American public school that the Germans used the ovens to cremate dead bodies, but also "often" burnt living people too because they couldn't be arsed to properly gas them first. I believe the Holocaust Museum in DC also claims similar my dad took me there when I was a teenager. I think my mother made him do it, because I thought the Nazis were cool and wasn't very diligent about hiding my power level.

It's hard to tell if burning people alive is an official part of the holohoax narrative, but it does seem to be a common part of it.

Nah, fam. That was the kike Walter Lippmann.

Possibly the totality of Eastern Europe, the Ottomans were no fucking joke. Nobody had the numbers or an equally advanced military so Vlad just scared them off with inhuman brutality. From what I understand, he was a great domestic leader too.

I have this weird feeling the reason Daffi always looks so sad is that, like us, he saw just how fucking retarded the average person was. Not even just his own but seeing how blindly fucked the rest of us are in our perpetual infancy.
I always had this idea that his wish to break with the (((World Bank))) was more about just saying fuck the rest of you and going chinese dynasty isolationist than actually sticking it to the heebs.
Seriously, fucking hard as a bitch's cold tits to find a picture of him looking happy.

While he's getting the missile program in motion, he's just kinda useless otherwise.
Nowhere near the mad ph34r his dad evoked.
especially not since this

Even if whites only ran the slave trade, just look at Haiti to see how that worked out.
Coons, never again.

Franco wasn't all that good, it's just that Spain spun off into crazytown and started electing cuckier and cuckier libturds so he looks that much better. He actually fits the "strongman" stereotype better than most ME dictators or the axis. Real blockhead at times.

What part of "It was self-defense" do you not get?
(and this happens only 15 years after the spartakist uprisings begin so you know they thought this was a literal serious declaration after that)

The worst part of the US ME cuckery is that they knocked out one of the best guys first.
Saddam's gibs program was actually envied by even swedecucks for its efficiency (and also served as a semi-warning as you would receive some of those gifts without warning, nyuk nyuk) and produced working people rather that lazy mooks. Granted the implied threat was probably part of that, but sometimes you just need that shit to keep people from becoming as complacent as these blitzed televitzers.
No social welfare program to date matches it.

also yeah that really fugged up the US but I forgot who actually did this. Welp, everyone remember to thank Uncle Ronnie for plebbit and tumblr!

what'd you expect from someone named

ay fuck you m8 I'll wryyyyyy who I want to wanna fite about it


There was something different about him but that was already obvious since he broke away from typical Arab nationalism and isolated himself from them, the dude really had a wider vision and scale than the rest of them.

He tried to remove kikes, which is a big boo-boo in international politics. dis
He was a literal literal brute.
(((West))) intentionally mis-portrayed why he did that so they could give him the label of "Black Hitler" though. They unintentionally made being a heeb a bad thing in all of Africa since these dictators started noticing only (((certain whites))) caused certain kinds of chaos. Nice job fucking it again heebs!
In reality they should all be adopting Stalin as their idol/predecessor. But they were afraid of offending the reds (and some africans were too since they got all their weapons from them) so no one actually called themselves a "Black Stalin"
as this guy points out though, Amin went a little beyond the call.
The weird thing is ultimately he just oppressed people. He didn't get in the way of many development projects so even with all the insane shit going on living conditions were still improving until the last couple years. Maybe he should call himself "Black Hannibal" instead.
However his penchant for knocking off people that offended or trod upon his titles meant they lost a good amount of STEMlords, meaning by the end of his reign there was a lot of good shit nobody knew how to fucking keep working.
you ever have some crazy narcissistic friend (prolly 95% probability for the slavs around here) who devoid of someone with equally woke knowledge of the world around you know would definitely flip the fuck out and murder a schoolbus full of children? Amin is the nog version of that.
The only thing he shares with nazis is delving way too hard into occultism.

Also a literal ironic shitposter. The cannibalism thing was just a joke brah at first to freak out normie westerners like diplomats and reporters. At first.

I feel like he probably wouldn't have killed so goddamn many people if he had the internet to troll other world leaders with in realtime. At least until he found Holla Forums. Then he'd probably start taking dubs requests and deem himself a prophet of kek.
His legacy is actually his shitposting and unique style of bantz. Pretty much every newspaper is Holla Forums tier with hilarious engrish headlines, calling other world/spiritual leaders faggots "Notorious bum drillers" and paedophiles, and postulating if replacing yankee footballs with mortar rounds might make it more exciting.
rating: 5.5/10, okayish, for africa, kinda left a tech hole his predecessor wouldn't, but ridiculously funny. You can't read napalm human catapult and not crack a smile. His brutality started harsh but eventually becomes so bizarre it graduates into comic genius. the aforementioned mortar football for one, and there was one time during a thunderstorm he was trying to replicate the ben franklin experiment. It worked! Really it's like Japanese comedy acted out irl with irl consequences.
I should mention one distinct quality of his Bix nooding is that he's actually there for a majority of the executions. Almost like he wanted to personally break "Hitler's high score" solo. Unless a whole village is getting wiped it's usually not done by indirect order.
also while heavily downplaying the brutality the Forrest Whitaker movie is the most accurate personality-wise. He could easily befriend the person whose family he just murdered, the jovial fat fuck. Some of his most ardent defenders who wanted to put him back in power he actually killed relatives of!

I only ever used /n/

oh bby when we makin' dis shit happen nyucka!

Chavez can go either way. They fucked with his country so much it's hard to tell if it would've failed as badly as it did with just him alone. It's probably one reason LatAm relations are so terrible, they've never actually seen communism fail on its own. (((They))) always icepick the Trotsky before it really goes anywhere. Which only results in martyring them or allowing them to blame the failures on (((Western Capitalist Interference)))

The dude seems like such literal parody at times it's a possibility! Trying to show liberals how retarded they are only to wind up giving them their latest trends.

I put the aids thing in with the lolocaust stuff. If it was intentional, then it was stupid because it's exactly what gave them such leverage later. Do it all, or not at all!

This is true, the point I'm making is that back then, governments still had to listen to the will of the people. Because most Brits were outraged by the slavery thing, we couldn't support the South. I know the slavery thing was just propaganda pushed by Lincoln, but it convinced the masses, which tied our government's hands.

For the record, I agree that the South had the right to secede. But the Confederacy was Jewish controlled, it couldn't endure.

I should point out as well that the were elements of the North that were Jewish too, it was just that Lincoln stopped them from becoming dominant. Until he died, that is. Hence why it would appear that the North winning benefited the Jews, because it did, but only because Lincoln was assassinated. The South winning also would've benefited the Jews.

The Tsars were the last bastion of European sovereignty, the Third Rome. The Bolshevik Revolution was the greatest tragedy to befall the world.

I'm no expert on Aussie politics, I bow down to your superior knowledge.

Saddam was truly based. The Jews will hang.

Franco was alright, I know he wasn't brilliant though. It's just that he fit the description for the thread, someone who doesn't deserve the reputation they have. PdR was far better, though even he wasn't great by Northern European standards.


good thing having an hirearchy of megalomaniacs and cutthroats to execute the revolution fired back on them just 20 years after the revolution


Fuck the Kurds tbh


have you found harold holt yet

Your argument is that the South is jewish because slavery is jewish and the war was fought to preserve slavery, a jewish institution - except the war actually had nothing to do with slavery, that was just northern propaganda. How is the South jewish again?

Nixon was far more redpilled than most people make him out to be. He was probably the only one more hated by the press than Trump.

He had Alzheimer's

This, Reagan was a good man who became a figurehead of the neocons. I'm pretty sure he started getting Alzheimer after him getting nearly assassinated. You can tell by the 1984 debates that he was not all there in the head.

As I feared, you misunderstand me. Yes, slavery is Jewish, and it had to end for Jewish control to be curtailed. The war did that, even if it wasn't really about slavery.

But mostly, it's because the CSA as a country was under Jewish influence from the start:

This is how the CSA was Jewish and had to be destroyed.

Anyone please explain the context of the first picture? Looks pretty awesome.

Pretty sure it was right after Assad won the elections back in '14 or '13


ok rabbi.
pics unrelated

It didn't happen user. I had hard time believing it too, but times changed.

SHILL!!!!! JIDF!!!!!!

this is not the thread to debate that. lol, make a thread and debate it there.
pics unrelated

Exiling foreign elements that have been trying to destroy your country and take it over for generations is not genocide. It's genocide prevention.

What you are claiming is equivalent to when Spain threw out all of the Moorish scum that had been occupying it, then claiming it is genocide to oust an invader.

Go fuck yourself.

requesting meme recreation of Ahnenerbe.png modified to say Holla Forumsnisches Ahnenerbe
pics unrelated

JIDF does far better work than this.

To declare a state as under Jewish control, it's not enough to prove they maintained a jewish population or allowed jewish men in high ranking political positions. You need to demonstrate that their interests and goals were towards Jewish, globalist or central bank interests, or at least that Jewish or Jewish sympathetic men had reached a level of political influence that they could subvert the state towards those ends once the opportunity arose.

As far as I understand the war of secession, and I don't pretend to know it very well, the confederacy defended both national pride and state sovereignty explicitly in rejection of globalist trade. It seems to me that it happened to align with the interests of the Jews who were heavily invested in the slave trade, but the confederate state itself was not by design concerned with their protection. The North's governance and motivations much more explicitly forwarded globalist jewish interests.

I understand the argument that the victory of the southern states would have resulted in further importation of niggers, but it's not their presence in the US that presents a threat to the US as a european nation, but their emancipation. Whether or not the Confederacy would've followed the same path the Union did regarding the negro question is up for debate, but again, their emancipation was in line with Jewish globalist interests which the South explicitly rejected.

It's also worth noting that in the reconstruction period following the war, "anti-semitism" was very common in the South as Jewish northerners flooded southwards to profit off their hurting society - "carpetbaggers" were understood to be uniformly Jewish.

Also note that August Belmon represented a Northern counterpart to Judah Benjamin

I think research into the North would reveal that Jewish politicians played just as strong a hand into pushing for war with the secessionists. It's known that Rotschilds funded both sides of the war. To claim that only the South was jewish influenced is erroneous, but I believe analysis of both government's goals and construction would make it clear that only a Confederate victory would've been a serious bulwark against Jewish domination of the US.

You could argue it would've been better if no secession was attempted at all, as the turmoil was used to heavily solidify jewish interests, but then I'd say it would've been best if the North had allowed for a peaceful secession as was their constitutional obligation. They were the ones swindled into an unjustified war.

The intention was to deport Jews to either Palestine or Madagascar after the war was over, and in the mean time, they were sent to internment/labor camps in order to quarantine a potential Jew fifth column and help with the war effort. One of the officers at Buchenwald was actually executed by the SS for illegally beating, stealing from, and sexually assaulting inmates. This is in no way consistent with any extermination narrative, neither is the face that Germans actually followed Geneva rulings when they captured POWs when no one else did.

Actually, those are good indicators, especially if higher than normal.

They were defending their right to govern themselves. They seceded because they were afraid the North would trample over their rights and abolish slavery (bad for the Jews). The North said secession was illegal, and that's what they fought over, the right to secede. If anything, the Confederacy represented an expansion of global trade, because they controlled large amount of cotton, that they wanted to export, and it's possible they could've restarted the slave trade once in their own country.

The CSA as an institution was infiltrated with Jews from the start. This is false.

This would appear to be so, given how things turned out. Remember though, things only turned out how they did because Lincoln was assassinated and the Jewish controlled Andrew Johnson succeeded him.

Lincoln wanted to send them back to Africa. The South wanted to keep them in America, and was breeding them fast for more livestock. The North winning meant at least that the population remained fairly constant - as a % of the total population, the black population has gone down since the Civil War.

What happened is Northerners moving down, and attacking Jews for their role in the CSA.

This is true. But let me explain, since it's more complex than it appears. Lincoln was not Jewish controlled, and actually went behind the backs of the Jews when he used Greenbacks to finance the war. There were elements of the Northern government that were Jewish controlled, and they took Rothschild money in trying to influence Lincoln. Eventually, after the war, they killed him so they could take control of the whole reunified nation. Hence why the North winning looks bad. But it only turned out that way because Lincoln was assassinated.

The CSA was Jewish controlled, get over it.

The CSA itself was Jewish controlled. And as I've said, a North with Lincoln was not (entirely). The ideal scenario was the North winning and Lincoln surviving.

Again, your only argument is that the Confederacy held a large population of jews (as did the North), preserving the institution of slavery was in the interest of those jews, and preserving the institution of slavery was a byproduct of a Confederate victory. This is not proof they were kiked.

Correlation =/= causation. They're warning signs, but not enough to add echo signs when the Confederacy's overall design is anti-jewish.

Keep telling yourself that.

This is literally your only argument. Why even bother being redpilled on the Jews if you can explain it away like that?

It isn't though, that's what I'm saying. If the CSA succeeded, you would have a much higher nigger population, and the CSA would be Jewish controlled form the start with Jews in key positions. At least the North had Lincoln.

What about Chavez, Kirchner and Peron? I'm curious tbh

You're repeating my exact words back at me, and they don't stick. I'm not even making an argument, I'm refuting yours, so yes it will be restated until fully addressed. Baseless projection isn't the first kike sophistry you've employed in your 36 posts ITT, and before I decided to engage with you, I already counted three tells that make it clear you're not from here. Tread carefully.

The point in my first post still stands. Just because secession aligned with the southern jew's interest in preserving slavery doesn't mean the confederacy was under jewish influence. Just because they had jews in the south who also fought in the war doesn't mean they were under jewish influence.

Yes, it's a warning sign, but when secession stood largely against long term Jewish interests (globalism, zionism, central bank etc.), you'll need a stronger argument. An analysis of CSA policy to demonstrate how a confederate victory would've been beneficial to globalist jewish interests would be convincing. As I've already said, the fact of importing/breeding niggers isn't a threat to America's european nationalism, yankee's desire for emancipation was. Niggers staying cattle isn't a problem. Lincoln did issue greenbacks in the midst of the war, but yankee politics overall favored globalism and central governance. It's pretty obvious the kikes were invested in the south not seceding, and who they had their hopes on winning when the war tried to stop them.

If you're going to argue otherwise, you'll need better points than the south held a jewish population. Also left unstated is General Grant's order to remove jews from the military
which was repudiated by Lincoln.

Also Memen, I'm kind of curious about the rest of South America tbh.

Abraham Lincoln is a bad one in particular. Was elected without a single vote from the south. Destroyed half the country because muh union. Didn't actually give a shit about niggers. Corrupt as fuck.

And what about the Jews involved in the CSA government? Some pretty high profile ones there. By your criteria, you could dismiss the JQ in modern day America as well as Civil War CSA, which is retarded, since that's denying reality.

But it didn't really. It created a war which the Jews benefited from. Peace was never an option realistically. I know Lincoln bears responsibility for it too, but he was still guided by Jewish influence in the North (which did exist, but it was more prevalent in the South). It was only when Lincoln used Greenbacks to beat the fiat monetary system that he had go. Add that to the fact that he wanted to deport the niggers back to Africa (which would have ruined the Jewish plan for the Brazilification of America) and you see why he was good. Not that he was perfect, of course. And yes, things like a central bank came out of the centralisation brought about by the North's victory, but the South winning would've automatically placed half the country under Jewish control, with the other half under partial Jewish control. A Northern victory meant that a strong leader could've stopped the Jews from making any gains. Which is why they got rid of Lincoln.

YES IT WAS. Livestock will always eventually outnumber people. Lincoln didn't just want to free the slaves (which was good because it an anti-Jew measure) he wanted to deport them back to Africa. Even without him, the niggers aren't as numerous as they used be.

It is, that's the point. The slave trade was run by Jews, and it was mostly Jews that owned slaves.

Central governance yes, but I don't see that as a problem, provided you keep the Jews out (which Lincoln did to an extent towards the end of the war). As for globalism, don't think the South would've been isolationist. See the Golden Circle:

It wasn't just their Jewish population. They had high-ranking Jewish politicians, Jews in charge of their money, and Jews owning a hugely disproportionate amount of slaves.

There's several possible reasons for this. I don't think Lincoln was redpilled on the JQ, I believe he just thought the way he did things was best, no matter who it pissed off. It's likely he just wanted as many people fighting for him as possible.

I just want to clarify. Lincoln was not the greatest President ever or anything like that (that would be Jackson). But he did good things, and the CSA was not something people on Holla Forums should be supporting.


(((Academics))) that teach this shit don't care about facts.

Lincoln was such a good goy that Marx himself sent him a thank you letter.

Because Marx wanted to get rid of slavery. The Jews were already planning their next move - socialism. It was the Jews in the CSA who didn't get the memo and wanted to maintain their power in the South that we're talking about.

Aw this is a great post

Aw this is a great post




Vlad the Impaler

Probably actually fairly well viewed on Holla Forums

A man that used fear itself as a weapon to prevent the Ottoman Turks flooding into Europe after the fall of Constantinople.

its not a blog retard read the op

Assad gassed no one, oy vey it's a shoah fuck off kike

Fuck him, he was brainwashed by communist jews and his forcible destruction of tradition Chinese culture is what led to the immoral attitudes that many Chinese people have right now.

Now people are struggling to regain what is lost since the cultural revolution, and that seriously sucks.

Pinocho retards are the worst retards

your stupidity is showing spic

Not true, he was a huge subversive cuck from day one, not only for nigger cock but he loved foreign invaders too

Codreanu in particular is one of my heroes.

Redpill me on J. Edgar Hoover.

Was he a righteous fellow?


What the ever-living fuck are you smoking? The South seceded because it wanted to be even more fucking global, spurning domestic industry for bullshit reasons.

For fuck's sake, they even wrote into their fucking Constitution that Congress could never pass any sort of international trade legislation. They were the biggest free-trade goys the world has ever seen. What part of that, exactly, is "removing itself from the global market"?

Furthermore, how do you come to this retarded conclusion given:

No, no, they were really against globalists! What have you been hitting?

What trading cabal, genius? Their extensive production of cotton, sugar, and tobacco? Oh, wait, no that was the South. What was the North trading, exactly? Industrial goods that could be bought from Britain more cheaply and easily?

Stop treating political entities like they have agency. Voluntary unions are a myth because a state cannot "volunteer" for things. Furthermore, voluntarism itself is a myth, which is what all this bullshit of a "voluntary union" rests on when you boil it down. No one is ever voluntarily participating in a union at all times, nor is that possible or desirable. It's a stupid premises.

A successful secession would have absolutely fucked over all Americans and removed any sort of check against Jewish power in the New World. Get fucked.

The only time you should ever support secession is when it is in the best interests of whites. Not on some "hurr hurr (((the state))) has voluntarily seceded, goyi––– er… subjects" basis.

There was literally nothing wrong with keeping the Union intact. The only reason the South ended up paying the majority of taxes is because A) most taxes were in the form of tariffs, and B) the South refused to buy domestic. Investing in the country is absolutely sensible, and saying "it isn't distributed evenly" is a non-complaint. If it were distributed evenly (and it would have been more even if the Southern states didn't have a phobia of industrialization) then it would make taxes pointless anyway. Not to mention that half the point of tariffs is to get you to buy less from (((international merchants))).

CSA apologists need to get better talking points.

You have not a single fact to back that up. The primary complaint was that Federal revenue was being spent on 'internal improvements' (railways, infrastructure, and other industrial development), which occurred mainly in the North because the South was trying (stupidly) to stick to their agricultural economy.

Literally none of those things you listed were true. Britain and possibly France were gearing up to support the South, and might have if not for the Russians.

No, He was a lapdog of FDR and communists

By the same logic Mexico is really our ally nowadays because we have (essentially) open immigration and "free trade" with them. Did it ever occur to you that both of those might have been ways to undermine the US? Since when is "free trade" a good thing?

The CSA was essentially founded on "free trade." "States rights" are nonexistent propaganda pieces used to convince dimwits by pretending that supporting a State government is synonymous with supporting your own interests, which is retarded.

Literally nothing wrong with preserving the Union. If he hadn't the US would be in an even worse state than Europe: not only far smaller and much more divided, but utterly swamped with nonwhites and without the current protections we have now. Instead of two hundred million whites stretching from coast to coast with arms, there'd be one hundred million unarmed whites in reduced territory, bordering a far larger Mexico (and probably Indian countries too), and probably under communist rule (since the Soviets would have almost certainly been the world's sole nuclear power).

I have to ask this: why the hell do you think the South's secession should have been peacefully tolerated when you yourself think that they were Jewish-controlled and would have collapsed?

If the CSA was bad for whites its destruction was the right thing to do, regardless of kike propaganda about "states rights."

Sounds pretty Jewish to me.

Section 8 of the CSA Constitution:
>To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises for revenue, necessary to pay the debts, provide for the common defense, and carry on the Government of the Confederate States; but no bounties shall be granted from the Treasury; nor shall any duties or taxes on importations from foreign nations be laid to promote or foster any branch of industry; and all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the Confederate States.
Rejection of globalism, you say?


Ever heard the phrase "prevention is better than the cure"?

The point isn't that the North was Jew-free, but that a victory for the CSA was a much bigger victory for the Jews than the victory of the Union.

How is being under the sway of Jew-dominated Britain and later (almost certainly) communism a bulwark against Jewish domination of the US?

The CSA was thoroughly compromised from the start and, had they won, the Jews would have had immediate control over half the US while still working to gain control over the rest, and it would have been a much easier job, being able to likely crush a weakened US through any number of things, such as Britain or economics.

No, it wouldn't. Any scenario that ends with a competing power in North America is thoroughly Jewish.

Stop this meme please.

Have you even read the CSA Constitution?

It doesn't. Secession facillitates that. In order for the new government to take over, opponents must be as numerous, small, and weak as possible. Why do you think post-colonialism happened? Why do you think literally every European empire has been broken up at the same time as schemes such as the UN were erected?

Nelson Mendella
That peice of fucking trash nigger is hailed as some messiah for SA when he was nothing more than a terrorist. He placed a bomb himself that killed woman and children. He established "peoples courts" that were no better than mob justice. necklacing any white person or black cop they found.
And cucks have the
To put his posters all over schools, communiry centers town halls. Like he's a fucking hero. Every time I see a poster of that nigger or hear anyone speak of him I go all out and bash that uppity nigger. I go so far as demanding poster be taken down I just cannot believe people have had the wool pulled over the eyes about this. It is almost as bad as the feeling when you watch TGSNT and realize you've been lied to your whole life.
I want all jews, libshits, pinkos, "moderates", and cuckservatives exiled from our society. They have only caused our white race pain and suffering

All I said was that states should have the right to secede. I didn't say they should've in this instance, obviously because (((someone))) was behind it.

I don't think they should have seceded, I'm just saying that states should have, in theory, the right to secede. Of course the CSA had to be destroyed.

You're on the money otherwise. Someone people automatically identify with the CSA because they see the Jews attacking white identity, but the final repdill is in fact the opposite.

Kind of goes without saying. He was only a nigger pawn though, we know (((who))) really killed South Africa.


This seems very hectic. I suppose you could have some sort of sense that both secession and forcing states into the Union by conquest are valid, but that seems very bizarre.

The Germans including Hitler have always been subhuman cuck filth hellbent on the destruction of Europe. Once again they are at it.

Given that the US was founded on asserting the independence of the states, it would be hypocritical to force them in a union against their will.

I support secession in theory, but not in this case, given that the Jews instigated it. So reconquest was fine, since it was an act against the Jews, and that can only be good.

Sorry m8, he was a flirting with marxism and had to go. We should've picked someone better than Pahlavi though, maybe one of the military officers.

Nothing will bring your foreskin back :^)

There's a lot of wiggle room there. Obviously the disconnect between propaganda and real actions, but also whether it was independence of the States or independence of the American peoples. Then there's the whole issue of voluntarism and "the will of the people" being a myth, of course. Point is, trying to apply some sort of moral consistency to it seems pretty silly. Personally I go by whether something helps Americans or not, rather than trying to hold up some imaginary moral consistency.

So it's not secession you support but what advances the interests of Americans.

I'm not an American, so I can't presume to know what they'd really want. But if a majority of the people in a state wanted to secede, I'd support it. Unless it's Jews who are manipulating things for their own ends, which is what this was.

I support the right to secede, but it should only be undertaken if it advances the interest of the American people. That's probably the best way of putting it.

For myself I've given up any notions of voluntarism or "pure" populism. Maybe it's conceited, but in the end I don't think there's any conflict: I'd prefer what is in a people's best interests, not what they want. I'm a supporter of voluntarism and populism to the extent that it facilitates this (which is a highly contentious subject).


Largest Jewish military grave outside of Isreal is in Georgia I believe for all the Jewish Confederates.

Also keep in mind, that it was the democrats who promised that "amnesty" would be a one-time thing. It was a verbal promise, and was part of a compromise on another issue relating to the USSR. You can tell how fucked up things had started getting by 1989 when the democrats saw it as a means to flood electoral areas and shift the vote. There's a lot more to this though, and there have been a few books written on it.


My mind is fucking blown.
I might take down my Stars and Bars now.

Honestly, I'd consider a vote a practical way of doing things (gauging opinion) but I know that's not perfect. There never will be a perfect way though.

This redpill can be tough to take, especially in today's context.

I'ts up to. I think the only flag from the South you could use is the Confederate Battle Flag, but that could only be used as a symbol of white identity. I think hostility to CSA symbols is likely counterproductive with regards to entry-level redpill allies (people who read kikebart for example) but people need to know the truth about the CSA.

Same with me. There is literally nothing that Codreanu did which wasn't justified. I hope that in time, he will be venerated as a New Martyr by the Orthodox Church, because he really deserves it.

Communists liked him not the other way around and so what if they like him, he was doing the right thing and was a softhead who would be easily influenced which is why they eternal Anglo kicked him out.


For a closet faggot he was.
Also he denied the presence of the mafia in the US for oh about forever.


If you know who Codreanu is, read "To My Legionaries"
If you don't know who Codreanu is, read "To My Legionaries"

the fuck kind of face is that kid pulling