Gdje je cro/pol/?


Znate kako glasovati.

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54% clinton
Znam da se Hrvati liberalizuju , al nisam znao da je toliko lose.

Pusi mi kurac

To je jebeni, to je ko socijalni buzzfeed. Pa anketa je zapravo puno bolja od očekivanog.

Op, jebo te index. Kaj ocekujete od Babica i ekipe.


Koji kurac moraš linkat taj govnarski (((index))) mrš v pičku materinu s tim sranjem.

Op je fakat pederčina. Nije ni arhiviro.

Како сте момци?

Dobro, ti?

Dobro inace. Hladno u pizdu materinu zadnjih par dana.


Досадно као и увек, држава пропада а никога не боли дупе. Ваљда ће Вук Јеремић да дође на власт и нешто одради.

Naprijed, Trump!

Ejjj ako je iko iz Sarajeva ima skup u 6 za Donald-a.

Hoce li bit nasih(/pol) ili samo klosari?

Kako stojimo sa izbjeglicama? Kada rušimo vladu?

Neznam za većinu naroda ali s kime god da pričam mogu otvoreno pričati o Hitleru. Što sa ostalom većinom naroda? Kako stojimo sa feminizmom i liberalizmom?

Svi prijatelji su mi postali closet neo-nacisti, i "oy vey" je posta standardni dio grupnog vokabulara.
U vezi EU smo poprilično cucked, zato šta stari oće free gibs a mladi oće šta lakše otić iz države. Svi se smiju feminizmu.

and a cyka blyad to you, young stalker.

Ja se z bilo kim morem otvoreno spominjat o bilo čemu, mojoj mržnji prema židovima se ne bune čak ni ona 2 pederčića koje znam z ffzg-a, najverovatnije zato kaj je opće poznato da su židovi tlačili Slavenske seljake još od kad se taj pustinjski izrod stvoril v Evrope, a i još k tome sam se navčil davat dobre argumente i retoriku. Kaj se tiče feminizma et al., nemamo mi ni dobre razvijenu umnu gimnastiku da većina ljudi prihvati stvari koje je zmislila frankfurtska škola.

Jedini problem je kaj su ljudi preleni i nisu ni male motivirani da naprave nekaj. Istina, ak ima problema v ulice il selu našlo se bu par Hrvoja da prave red, al da bi se s nečim širše pozabavili ma kakvi.

Један, два, па си на врху.


ja i čitam samo cnn, huffpost, index i slično.

možda je 40% antifa portali 60% Holla Forums.

Je li Živi Zid Holla Forums opcija? Kaj vi mislite momci.

Koji ti je kurac kaj si se male preveč marice napušil?

Ne znam zašto je Vilič cuck, ali u programu ŽZ jasno piše da će izbaciti (((strane banke))), napustiti (((NATO))) i (((EU))). Koja stranka može biti bolja?


Samo mladen švarc. Iako je zidov. Kakav hcsp.

The only good thing to come out of Croatia is Serious Sam.

jesu to oni cuckovi koji su zvali jobbik na marš ?


Podsjetnik da je novi ministar znanosti i kulture monarhist koji je među ostalim završio germanistiku i sada larpa 19 stoljeće s Habsburgovcima u Paneurposkoj uniji.

Brate, Hrvatska tone u kurac ima zadnjih 30 godina.

Kad ce nama neki Trump? Da draina onu mocvaru u Zagrebu. Jebo ih bog parazitski, ljudi kopaju po kontejnerima dok oni gore zderu i prodaju zemlju Turcima i Saudijcima.

Slab je.

Podsjetnik da je Plenki briselski potrčko

What about parachutes, Nikola Tesla or maybe the procedure of quarantine in times of plague? Not contemporary enough? Then how about the first mp3 player or just a month ago world's first bone regeneration procedure. I can go on, but you get the point.

Don't forget the HS2000 and the VHS.

Tako Židovi želi da opravdaju srbi tvrdnje da ćemo ih napadati. Moramo pobijediti kroz HDZ kao Trump je uspea kroz Republikanci.
Tko je reka da srbi nisu židovi


Imam kravate zapisane na listi Hrvatskih izuma, ali imaš pravo. Trebao sam ih odmah spomenuti. /fa/ as fuck. Simbol mjeseca i zvijezde su također naši. A onda ih jebeni muslići kurali jebem im majke.

Dečki, kaj niste bili na prosvjedu za zadržavanje Hasanbegovića kao ministra? Bilo jedva pedeset sijedih starkelja. Ništa od mladih.
Sjećam se kad smo isto imali i za zatvaranje granice migrantima, pa opet bilo deset ljudi. Što izvodite? Znam da demokracija nevalja, ali barem se možemo naći na takvim eventima.

Give me some reading material about Croatia's history or contribution, then. I will gladly read it.

Maybe some other user has, but I don't know any good English books. I do patriotic reading in my own language.

If you want history, I can give a short summary.
It starts with the claim that Croats (and Bosnians) have the oldest native European genes. Our ancestors were farmers from western Balkans.
We wuz Illyrians. After Rome became powerful, ours were among the last European provinces conquered. As Rome declined, we got "enriched" by Goths and had to fend off various invaders for centuries.

In the 7th century the last big addition to our genepool happened. Slavic people from White Croatia which was somewhere around Czech came and integrated, bringing a new language with them. By this time our people were predominantly Christian, which culminated in a Catholic monarchy. We were a big deal for a century or so, being probably the strongest European country.
As they always do, things go worse and by the 12th century we lost our last king and entered a union with Hungary and later Austria.

We spent hundreds of years fighting bloody wars with Hungary against Turks. Croatia never fell.

After the disasterous 1st world war and Austro-Hungary fell, we didn't know what to do and tried a union with other south Slavs. It turned out to be a Serbian trap, trying to destroy traditions of all other nations that joined. We got pissed off and sided with Hitler, establishing a state that Serbs milk to this day as their own holocaust. We fought to the bitter end and were forced into communism, which fell after Serbs tried to sieze all power once again.

Now we're a post-communist country with an uncertain future as the communist elite changed side and still runs shit (into the ground).

I can list some Croatian contributions to civilization and will in the next post.
Just take from this that we bled and got our heads chopped off for centuries defendeding western civilization so you can live comfy.

Croats are EVIL NAZIS
Actually, Croatia don't real goy we're all south slavic serbs!
Yes we migrated to Croatia in the 18th century, running from turks, but it's our land now biggot!

Top jew.

I thought that tesla was a serb

He was, but was born in Croatia and spent his childhood here. He aslo carried 1/4th Croatian genes.

As for some Croatian contributions to the world, here's a list of some important people. It's by no means comprehensive or complete.

Herman Dalmatin (1100 – 1160)
Most important translator of Arabic astronomical works of 12th century. First to translate Qur'an and works of Euclid and Ptolomy.

Benedikt Kotruljević (1416 – 1469)
Wrote the first systematic European work on trade (On Trade and the Perfect Trader), and the first to write about double-entry bookkeeping.

Frane Petrić (1529 – 1597)
Philosopher and a polymath. Taught philosophy as a Neo-Platonist. He had a significant influence on the emergence of new Western European branches of science and philosophy.

Faust Vrančić (1551 – 1617)
A polymath and an inventor. His most important achievement is invention of a first working parachute, which he tested himself.

Marin Getaldić (1568 – 1626)
Influenced the developement of applied algebra in geometry, constructed the first parabolic mirror and cooperated with François Viète in France and Galileo Galilei in Italy.

Ruđer Josip Bošković (1711 - 1787)
Physicist, astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, diplomat, poet, theologian, Jesuit priest, and a polymath. Produced a precursor of atomic theory and made many contributions to astronomy, including the first geometric procedure for determining the equator of a rotating planet and it's orbit from three observation points. In 1753 he also discovered the absence of atmosphere on the Moon.

Ivan Blaž Lupis (1813 – 1875)
Navy officer and inventor of the torpedo.

Antun Lučić (1855 – 1921)
Organized the drilling of an oil well near Beaumont, Texas that became known as Spindletop. This led to the widespread exploitation of oil and the start of the petroleum age.

Andrija Mohorovičić (1857 – 1936)
Discovered the Mohorovičić discontinuity (Moho) in Earth's core, which leads to an acceleration in the spread of shock waves. His discovery enabled the epicentres of earthquakes to be located precisely. Considered one of the fathers of modern seismology.

Ivan Vučetić (1858 - 1925)
Pioneered the use of fingerprinting and the father of dactyloscopy.

Franjo Hanaman (1878 - 1941)
Engineer, chemist and the inventor of the tungsten light bulb.

Lavoslav Ružička (1887 – 1976)
Renown for his research into many organic syntheses and his work on steroids and sex hormones. Winner of the 1939 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.

Marcel Kiepach (1894 – 1915)
A child prodigy, created a dynamo for vehicle lighting and maritime compass that indicates north regardless of the presence of iron or magnetic forces.

Vladimir Prelog (1906 – 1998)
Successor to Lavoslav Ružička and the first person to synthesise adamantane. Won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1975.

Mario Puratić (1917 – 1972)
Inventor of puretic power block.

Zlata Bartl (1920 - 2008)
Inventor of Vegeta seasoning.

Ante Maglica (1930 - )
Inventor of the maglite flashlight, standard issue gear of US police officers.

Tomislav Uzelac ( - )
Inventor of the first mp3 player.

Quarantine - State of Dubrovnik (Dubrovačka Republika) was the first state to introduce the institution of quarantine, strictly imposed on all visitors (14th century)

Necktie – Croatian Military Frontier soldiers during the Thirty Years' War (1618 – 1648)

Azithromycin antibiotic - One of the most essential and commonly used antibiotics in the world (1981)

David Švarc (1852 – 1897)
Croatian aviation architect of uncertain, origin. Made the first steerable airship with a metal frame. Due to his sudden death, the credit for the invention went to Ferdinand Zeppelin, who built his airship on the basis of Schwarz’s project.

Slavoljub Penkala (1871 - 1922)
Croatian engineer and inventor of Dutch-Polish-Jewish descent. Inventor of the ballpoint pen.

Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943)
Croatian Serb, a mathematician, physicist, futurist and an inventor with over 700 patents under his belt. Some of the most notable inventions include alternating current and x-rays.

Hi Croatia. I didn't know Croatia was so cool. Cheers!

Koliko si jadan… Ispran ti mozak, a ti umislio da si najpametniji.

0.1 shekels were deposited onto your account.

Call me once they remove the names of still living people from the list of people killed.

Ispran mozak 100%… A ako sam zaradio nešto, daj.

Imam prijatelje Srbe čiji su dede ubijeni u Jasenovcu ali su danas doma živi i zdravi kolko mogu biti zbog svojih godina.

Šiptars are even lower than serbs

ma napuši se kurca OP


This place will give you a decent understanding of everything:

Red Croatia was pretty much all of Bohemia. White Croatia was at first roughly around the territory of modern Slovakia, Lower Poland, the Western Carpathians and Northern half of the Eastern Carpatians.
pic somewhat related.

Wrong. The legitimate Sabor never accepted the agreement. The idea of a union had it's origins during the AH Empire but ended up being used by the (((Allies))) to reward their pets at the end of the war. Yugoslavia was an illegitimate state.

Croatia didn't use gas. Only Germany could afford those kind of bills.

He was a Serb from Krajina, but retard revisionist Croats like to claim he's a Croat. Croats are turbocucks and will never be that smart.

I'd be angry too if I was a serb like you

stop with the virtual yugoslavian shitposting war

Who's angry?

Says the Serbian dirt farmer

Says what? That you're 1.) a turbocuck, 2.) retarded, and 3.) revisionist?

It seems the Serb is the retarded revisionist.

At least my cities aren't full of street-shitting Pakis

Says the retarded Croat who thinks I'm a Serb and not just an agitator

Can you cucks just stop with this standard pleb-tier shit?

So you're not only a Serb, but a migrant larping an American now?

Oh man, there's that nigger tier anger coming out. Didn't know those EU migrant poz loads could affect your brain so quickly.

Wasn't Yugoslavia basically a Serb pipedream that was contolled by Serbs and benefitting mostly Serbs?
Didn't the Yugoslavian war start because everyone else than Serbs wanted to get out of it while Serbs wanted the to stay? I hardly remember that time, only that Serbs and Croats went for eachothers throat and there were heavy fighting in Bosnia.

No. I like stirring up shit in these threads

Tito was of faggot origins, so no.

Sorry, we're 99.6% white & 90+% Croat. We closed our borders and sent all the rapefugees into Germany.

Pretty much. Slovenia first decided to go out after Serbia decided to basically absorb Kosovo and Vojvodina, effectively holding majority of the country. Croatia hopped on the train and Serbia decided that Croatia is too valuable to lose. Shit escalated and everyone else decided to bail, too. Except Montenegro which left ten years later anyway.

Anyway, thanks for bombing them, even if the bombing was pretty limp dicked and you only did it because of Jews. At least now they can finally whine about atrocities that actually happened.

You mean you snuck them into Slovenia, and you're still being pozzed by migrants right?


There are no migrants in Croatia as of right now.


Like I said: turbocucks

This one is good too:

Omg what is this site?

They'll have some fun on the leftover minefields I suppose.

I know of a second on on the border with Bosnia, but these are small isolated cases for now.

That's nice to know.
Well, yeah - politics are a mess here, nobody claimed to the contrary. We didn't have a legitimate government for months and the last one fell apart. There's nobody to do necessary reforms.
Yet people have enough money to buy new smartphones and more and more people have two cars per family. I'd hardly call life poor as these sensational statistics paint it as.

These results aren't right. But there is a ring of truth to it. We often live in multigenerational households be it tradition or pure economic reasons. Nothing wrong with that.
Again, similar results not only in the region but wider.

What are these supposed to prove? You're googling for any statistics looking bad. That's no way to troll. Put some more effort into it fam.

shitloads of rapefugees are stuck in Serbia right now iirc

Sum1 lives with mommy still. Flipped ips now I'm taking my dog for a walk

Several thousand, but even if they all crossed the border tomorrow, this is really not much of an issue. We'd put them in camps, let them shit on Orthodox graves and someone would take them from our hands eventually. Just like last time.

just don't send them through dalmatia

There's no point in taking them through Dalmatia, unless we're sending them into the sea. Even if we did, it's really not that bad. I traveled through Slavonski brod a lot when the migrant crisis was at it's peak and I've never even seen one of them.

it's honestly not that bad of an idea, perhaps the Italians can shoot down one of their boats, but I just don't want them harassing me when i'm fishing

Good joke m8.

The origin of the idea was with the bishop Josip Juraj Strossmayer (Protestants would like him. He's a Roman Catholic bishop that gave a speech against the dogma of papal infallibility in the 1869/70 Vatican synod) but it was later picked up by the Serbs and the Allies in WW1 and warped to suit the Serbs.
The first Yugoslavia was pure Serbian imperialism facilitated by the Allies of WW1. The second Yugoslavia was supposed to be Tito's communist dream land. Before WW2 the Serb expansionists wouldn't GTFO his sekrit club so he had to permaban them. Then when WW2 came to the Balkans Tito and friends started accepting all applicants. Everyone they banned was now free to shit up Tito and (((Pijade)))'s Marxist utopian dream. The Serbs eventually flooded the formerly sekrit club and took most of the key leadership positions within Tito's glorious republic and made sure the Serbs were more equal than any republic. They told Tito that everyone was happy because everyone was equal. Then whenever a nationalistic group was found to be on the rise they were reported to Tito for upsetting the glorious equality that had been achieved. It was a bloodbath even before the war began. Whole villages are known to have been liquidated.

A very simplified but generally accurate way of putting it. The breakup was like ripping a band-aid off an infected wound. It had to be done no matter how unpleasant.

return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo

so if god is a serb, but croats removed serbs in 1995, therefore croats are mightier than the god?

Well, EXCUSE ME, but I live with my dad.

Treba više Cro thredova a manje srba


Nešto o srbima i vrbama xdd

Vid related

There is no such thing as Croatian turbofolk.
What you posted is not turbofolk. You should consider yourself lucky for not knowing what turbofolk actually is or sounds like.

Толико о том вашем хрватском поносу кад сте толико очајни да вам је пола вокабулара буквално енглески.
Патетични сте, одувек били.


We had a nifty kingdom but then we had to fuck it up by signing up with Hungary and pissing on our independance.

Then for centuries we bore the brunt of the turkish atacks, scoring some miracolous victories. Croatia was called "the shield of europe" because of that

Top mastercuckroatian.

Feels good to be serb.

you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you.

Are you well, friend?

Where? Because it's not in the post.
Except that whole part of the post focusing on fighting Turks.
Stop lying.

That's what you call running away from evil Croatian fascists? Because most Serbs left on their own accord after your own media printed lies about a new genocide that didn't happen.
Except that one time Croatia slaughtered muslims deep into Herzegovina during the war.

Fuck it, I don't have the energy to go through all these lies.

look, if we split up bosnia between you and us will you leave us the fuck alone?

Yeah, keep shilling for your jewess Madeleine Albright and her bff Hillary Clinton, EU slave.

I bet you want to stump the Trump because you feel the need to desperately defend Israel and its puppets NATO, EU and Clinton because Serbs of Krajina, Vukovar, RS are obstacles for them in terms of estabilishing American military bases.

Your attempt to be a Cuckroatian nationalist is pathetic and means nothing but only a tool to Israel interests.

Cuckroatian (lack of) logic is funny: In the Serbs still lived in Krajina and Eastern Slavonia, they easily boast about past glories and deeds, such as being the birthplace of Nikola Tesla, an orthodox Serb.

After Serbs of Krajina and Eastern Slavonia did leave the regions, what did Cuckroatia achieve? Nothing but having useless minefields that maimed and killed only Cuckroatians, zero Kebabs, allow sandniggers and legalizes same-sex unions on its constitution.

Such motives to be proud of what is left of a nation. Respect your constitution and go marry some sandnigger rapist in your country, Kebab-lover. At least it helps to prevent the sandnigger to reach Austria or Germany for the purpose of raping teutonic children.

Wipe that foam off your mouth and take your medicine, ffs.

only if you give bak rigthful Krajina and Eastern Slavonia clay

you only get srpska

That busts the Cuckroatian Clinton puppet.

Nice D&C Shlomo, straight off the JIDF playbook.
Ако знаш и умијеш причај на српски да те бре цео свет разуме, сваки јевреј може на енглеском да се разговара


I ain't got Kebab :^)

Of course not. If we don't let them through, how can they torture and murder Serv diaspora in Western Europe?

koji bazirani lik

Jeste morali zasrat thread prepucavanjima opet. Jebo ti bog mater svaki jebeni put isto. Kurac.

What is the word for bump?



Check your dub! Neravnina!

They don't belong there

Wrong, the kebabs hate us and want to take over our part of Herzegovina

Funny, Serbia is much poorer than Croatia. What does that make you?

Wrong. What do you think the war was about, dumbass?

Says the person whose nation was subjugated and conquered by Turks for over 400 years. You also seem to forget we kicked your retarded Serb asses out of our country in 1995 despite the fact you had massive firepower and manpower advantage

Yeah, before all this retarded migrant bullshit started happening. Besides, Servia is currently negotiating to join the EU right now, despite everything thats happening. This makes them turbocucks

Wrong, we had a referendum where the majority of people voted for traditional marriage

What kebab entering Croatia? There is none

Wrong. Croatia is less than a percent muslim.

What does federation of BiH have anything to do with Croatia?

Absolutely meme tier. Serbs can't even save themselves. They're streets are full of paki "migrant" invaders and they lack the competency to do anything about it

Ima pravo. Žene ne znaju da misle za sebe.
Bubnuti = to bump
I'm a go with Bubnut. (bŏŏbnŏŏt)
It's also more fun to say

Neravnina = Not being level/flat (exclusively)
In english 'bumping' a thread comes from the usage of physically bumping things. Because of this I'd have to say it's not a direct translation to 'neravnina'.

I approve of this message


Bomb their homes and irreplaceable cultural heritage sights, loot their priceless treasures to sell to kikes on the black market. You deserve it go- guy, you were also victims of the Holocaust™. Never forget the 700 gorillion and always watch out for those evil croat nazis!