Literal facescan

>(((augmented reality)))
can't wait till they force you to wear this on your face and They Live becomes real


How is this considered even remotely secure?

It's Apple playing catch-up to Samsung. OLEDs, wrap around screens, wireless charging, etc. are nothing new in Android land.
While it's copypaste design, Apple doesn't have the s-s-stuttering lag problem of Lagdroid, so maybe it will be a good phone despite being a knockoff.

Mash the power button 5 times to enable panic mode.

that requires too much interaction and probably won't work. what we need is laws mandating phones record audio 24/7 and then the phone company to use computers to detect when "police" or "help" is said on the phone and then send help. Naturally this audio will be deleted after 2 weeks.

Biometrics are passwords you can never change. They're a terrible idea, but it's not like the facebook generation gives a single shit about security past keeping family remembers from noticing how degenerate they are.

If we're gonna do audio, why not use the camera? Ideally it should scan the user's face every tenth of a second and if it detects a key facial distress configuration it calls the police.
Even more, why don't we have an internal "credit" system where users are rated for criminal activity and wrongthink. Just log a user's keystrokes and have neural network rate them on their "toxicity" levels. More toxicity = a lower credit score. Maybe you could even connect this account to a person's criminal record.
Having a higher credit score could give users certain priveleges, for example a faster wireless connection, access to applications, or "verified" social media accounts. You could even track the phone's location and automatically adjust someone's score based on how long they're near others of higher/lower scores.

Natural selection.

I want off this ride now





I'm cringing now at how people will look back in 20 years and wonder why companies invested so much money into what will ultimately be a really shitty and dates internet fad.
Unicode was a mistake

with neural implants you could just embed a secure bitstring coupled with a mechanism for you to willfully choose when to unlock the device

not to mention false positives and false negatives

Just...stop. You may not use emoji yourself, but for those who do they're a bit of fun when you're having fun chats with people. So what if we may not need them in 20 years? All that matters is that they're being used now.


I already browse reddit, 8ch, 4chan, etc. If that was meant as an insult, it backfired.

They're the same shit as emoticons and smilies and every other way to convey an expression through symbols. Are you underage or just a retarded nigger trying to fit in too hard?

No you fucking nigger. Emojis are tacky as fuck and half of them are completely useless like the shitface ones that only exit to have a laugh. Emoticons never dies and have existed since forever since they just use a combination of standard glyphs. Emojis are a bunch of contrived images because the Unicode consortium needed to do something other than sit on their fatasses all day. Fuck you

that's great and all but emojis are only 0.000001% of the cancer that is unicode

lol wut

Thumbnail pic looks like a tranny. Dancing emoji face feature of some sort and lighting modes for selfies.


Fuck off back to MSN Messenger, faggot.

Damn I wish I could

Wouldn't he need a time machine for that.

what's wrong with unicode now?

Funny thing is people will put themselves into debt to own this trash. I have a family member who went out and had to buy 3 iphones for her and her kids and is most likely soon going to lose her house because of her fiscal irresponsibility. Most people are basically just tax/consumer cows. Just keep shoveling the shit and dumping the feed and everyone is happy. They don't have to force anything at this point

Whenever I hear that kind of accent and tone of voice in a tech demo, all I can think about is this.



Great priorities there, little boy. You're definitely worried about the stuff that really matters.

All that matters to who? To you, and people like you? Or even to a majority? So what? It may matter as a bunch of retards want it, but fuck it. It doesn't matter for anything concerning actual technology, its real functions and its future development and capabilities. So fuck it, and you and other who worry about these meaningless things.
They are irrelevant to the reality of technology, and to anything that concerns getting serious things done. Your winning becsuse you are a shallow person won't make you and your interests less of a childish waste.

wtf does "bionic chip" mean?

Wonder if this would work if biometric unlocks are ever required by law in some dystopian future.



Two-factor authentication:
1. something you know (a password)
2. something you have (a file of randomness)

Wave 1, Wish-it-was-two-factor-authentication:
1. something you know (a password)
2. something family or friends know about you (your mother's maiden name, your favorite niggerball team)

Wave 2, Oh Fuck It Security Is Hard, You Are All Moronic Sheep Anyway:
1. Something you have (your fingers, your eyes, your entire fucking face)

By 2020 someone will rediscover two-factor authentication, will do his PHD on "what the fuck is this dongle that Blizzard is selling?", and then it'll get a cool name that forces adoption. Auth 2.0.


Don't let your memes be dreams however. Even if kikes don't want it.

they arent any different than the horrible smileys on forums and IM programs, or, as you said, obnoxious emoticons.
Theres no reason to disdain them any more than those, its nothing new. Whats worthy of more disdain is the hipster "tech nerds" and pop culture journalist fucks who talk abou them like they're some fascinating, unprecedented, hip, awesome cultural phenomenon. I think its because these people are bootlicking human trash who embrace whatever their boss/their bosses marketing team come up with as their new ideology, and corps and marketing scum hav mistaken/misrepresented emoji being prolific(because people use them as communication aids in exaclty the same way as smiley sand emoticons) for them being universally beloved and wildly 'popular.' So they seem like a beloved, friendly for everyone, non-copywrited brand to cash in on. And thats how we get the emoji movie, and bootlicking webshits acting like they're novel and interesting and EPIC.

>there's no reason to disdain shit that is forcibly shown everywhere in the digital world where text exists because there used to be images that only existed in IM programs

fug :DDD
woah, today normies can take better photos with their phones than specially-trained photographers with professional cameras 10 years ago