Why are Ethan and Hila so loveable when they are jews?

Why are Ethan and Hila so loveable when they are jews?

They're not loveable, the dude is ok and the woman just seems dumb in front of the cameras (and creepy tbh with those teeth).

They're perfected the art of deception. Keep in mind they are still happy merchants.

Ignore tbe reddipol memes. Jews are just predispossed towards being happy healthy people.

Only thing Jews love are money and other Jews.


Ethan was mildly amusing when he was making fun of retarded youtube clickbaiters, pick up artists and other scammers and retards, it reminded me a lot of Kickstarter TV, now he invites them on his show and he thinks of himself as some kind of youtube police squad who has to insert himself into drama through videos all the time. The very moment he went from okay to cancerous was the reddit-tier Vape Nation video, from that video on he went to pure shit, from before that there were some amusing videos, plus before he sounded genuinely pissed off at those faggots in the early vids instead of trying to be everyone's friend.
Hila is uncharismatic and awkward and Ethan putting her in front of the camera was another huge mistake that led this channel into the ground.


Say that to my facefucker, not online, and see what comes about.

Vape Nation was very funny. I watched that multiple itmes.

Oh, you're a memer too? That's great, because I too am a memer.

Gentlemen, you can't meme here. This is the Holla Forums imageboard!




But why?

to dispel the waifufags

God's work

abs strained from laughing

Their mental JewJitsu is powerful.

Sage negated. Have a (You), shitskin.

It would be worth having the fucked up dick.

Used to be funny but now they are Reddit tier plebs