"immigrants cause economic growth"

Do any of you have sources backing up that immigrants in fact don't cause economic growth, or at least are more of a burden then they are an asset? Got into an argument on a different forum and this was their response:

"immigration continues to boost our economic growth, even though we're allegedly a 'welfare state'. I don't really know what to tell you here - the consensus among pretty much all economists is that immigration boosts economic growth. Even nativist economists should tell you this, even if they cite imaginary stories about roving bands of refugees raping white women as a reason why we should keep immigrants out. "

Other urls found in this thread:

oecd.org/migration/OECD Migration Policy Debates Numero 2.pdf

Imagine if America had half the population it has, it would not be as economically powerful. So there is some relation between quantity of people in an nation and their potential to create a valuable economy, but quality of people is required as well.

The thing is, illegal immigrants likely hurt in ways (the ways Trump claims), and they likely help (those who benefit from this help) in ways (cheap under the table labor)

The guy is also arguing for importing syrian refugees in the argument as well. I need actual sources that say they are a liability or the people there will just dismiss what I say

Immigrants through gibs and credit can continue propping up the debt hyper-consumerist economy even as the native population ages, withers and is too burdened by obligations to sustain the pyramid scheme.

It's pure broken windows, or broken borders in this case.

Oh, importing various types of nigger and giving them gibs and having them spend it increases GDP which means absolutely fuck all and doesn't tell you anything useful? Ok. What is GDP alone a measurement of in actual terms? Not much.

How's the GDP per capita? What are the living standards like? How much do these people COST the system i.e. are they a net gain or drain (spoiler: they're a fucking net drain by a lot in every country with mass immigration of muds occurring).

So cui bono? Who benefits? The (((international capitalist))) type. They socialize the costs off onto the public purse (and fiat money which eventually devalues the currency Zimbabwe style) and privatize the profits. There are a lot of costs–these mud people use more welfare, social services, cause lots more crime, property damage, etc. But the people profiting don't really pay for any of this.

The final analysis is that the country gets poorer and poorer while more real wealth is concentrated into fewer rubbing hands.

Most countries have no need of immigration. Japan, China, and Korea have economic growth rates between 5% and 15%. Nations with heavy immigration have near 0%, or even negative growth rates, leading to economic collapse. Under the guise of “enrichment”, we have allowed our cultures to be destroyed, such as Christmas concerts banned in favor of “holiday” celebrations. Under the lie of “tolerance” we must accept high immigrant crime rates with daughters being killed because they would not wear a veil. Why do we really have immigration? A Liberal Cabinet Minister stated, “The only reason we have immigration is because they vote 80% for the political party that let them into the country; that’s why we have immigration!” Common immigration myths include:
Immigrants are honest, not criminally inclined.
“What criminal or terrorist problems do immigrants and refugees visit upon Canada? … This information … is kept under lock and key by the Government.” [1] A retired Vice Chairman of the Immigration Board says, “Since Canada opposes capital punishment… …an invitation is extended to all the criminals of the world to take advantage of our generosity and in the process the destruction of Canadian lives is tolerated by the Canadian government.” It is clear that nearly 80% of drug dealing and prostitution is controlled by immigrants and so called “refugees.” For many ethnic communities, crime rates are 5 times or more the normal rate for Canadians. Yet this information is forbidden to examine and discuss! You would be called an intolerant racist, an uncaring right-wing extremist, or an evil doer. Socialists think it’s acceptable for immigrants to deal drugs tolerantly to little kids, provide beatings to enrich teenaged prostitutes, or otherwise criminalize innocent people. The German Chancellor says, “…we must accept the high crime rate of immigrant youth.” No, Chancellor, we mustn’t. There is simply no excuse for any politician defending foreign murderers, rapists and drug dealers brutalizing our populations.
Immigrants are hard-working.
In the late 1970s, immigration priorities changed from being directly economic related to humanitarian third world (poor) and family reunification (don’t have jobs.) Western nations also developed a pampering, bankrupt government welfare state well known to the rest of the world. Before then, people had the incentive to work or go hungry. Margaret Thatcher pointed out, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” According to a Citizenship and Immigration Canada Report [2], nearly 30% of adult immigrants, “told officials that they did not intend to work in Canada.” Presumably these freeloaders expected to be babied with handouts from people who actually do work and get to pay taxes. What percentage were simply too lazy to work, or simply intended to deal drugs or commit other crimes wasn't stated. Is drug dealing considered to be working? Another 30% or so required racist and illegal affirmative action laws to get (steal?) jobs for which they were unqualified.

We carefully screen immigrants for diseases and crime.
Nonsense. Exemptions are routinely given to family reunification, humanitarian cases, and all refugees! According to the World Health Organization, nearly 40% of the entire world is infected with tuberculosis alone and 30% of Central Africans have AIDS. 63% of TB cases are from immigrants. Canada hasn’t managed to shake the disease… …due to it being brought over from countries where drug treatments for TB are not readily available.” [3} It is ridiculously foolish to rely on corrupt or uncaring Third World medical personnel to accurately tell us who is healthy or criminal.
Canada actually gave two complete general amnesties, allowing 200,000 totally unknown refugee claimants immediate entry with no screening at all, because of a huge case backlog. We have only 32 RCMP Embassy officers trying to perform criminal checks on 500,000 immigrant hopefuls. When immigrants are convicted here, they can appeal dozens of times, then apply for refugee status and go to Federal Appeal Court. 75% of all Federal Court (appeal) cases are immigration related. In other words, a massive $5 billion make-work project for immigration lawyers. Rwandan genocide advocate Leon Mugesera’s deportation trail took an unbelievable 10 years. Sadly, that’s normal! An Immigration Board ruled Bangladeshi fugitive Noor Chowdhury won’t be deported because he faces a death sentence for murdering his country’s Prime Minister, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and 15 members of his family in a bloody coup. He filed a refugee claim to stay in Canada in 1997. [4] Our Auditor General reports 40,000 immigrants ordered deported from the country, usually for violent crimes and after many appeals, have simply disappeared.
Immigrants contribute to society.
The recent Fraser Report informs us that immigrants are in fact, a $23 billion a year drain on our economy. That means each newcomer family now needs over $150,000 in extra support every year. Regrettably, the study did not factor in crime damage and a host of other supports and costs such as lawyers or MoneyGram transfers. When all costs are added, the drain is over $100 billion a year. Or a $15,000 cost to all other families in the country. The Canadian Council on Social Development notes that, “After 1991, 52.1% of all immigrants in Canada were impoverished.” Translated, that means they require massive amounts of social support, medical services, and welfare. They will receive huge benefits but not pay any taxes. The Council also reports a significant income drop for other Canadian families. Factoring taxation, family incomes have dropped 10% in 20 years. Roughly 80% of federal government expenses (taxes) are in: Social Services, Social Assistance, transfers and debt, about half going to “newcomers.” The same is true around the world. In the United States, “nearly half of California's immigrants… … had been on welfare for years.” [5]

Immigration provides us skilled labour.
Supposedly, officially (*snicker* they count children) 23% of immigrants are skilled. Even still, according to Statistics Canada, about 43% can't speak an official language of the country, so they immediately require $3 billion in language training and more billions in support until they can integrate. Pray your hospital doesn’t hire nurses or doctors who can’t read what medicine to give to which patient. This might be why 5,000 Canadians die every year in hospitals because of “mistakes.” Foreign “skilled” labour also ensures that our young people will have trouble getting hired, because they don’t have “enough experience,” a common excuse used by businesses. Additionally, it’s irresponsible to steal from the Third World the very talent they need to get out of being Third World.
Immigrants create, not steal our jobs.
One could argue that drug dealers and assorted criminals employ herds of lawyers and armies of immigration officials. Immigration directly causes unemployment when more immigrants are brought into the country than the economy can create. Jobs are stolen in the following cases. Consider a National Post front page headline story, Public Works Department Totally Banned the Hiring of all White Males Across Canada. If this law was directed against Jews or blacks, it would be reviled as the most racist law ever enacted in the world. But Liberal Affirmative Action racism against whites is legal and good. The Public Service revealed that white people, not minorities, are subject to intense racism. Maria Barrodos (President of the Public Service Commission) told the Senate Human Rights Committee that 17.3% of all new hires were “visible minorities.” About 3 times what it should be. CBC reports [6] “Sara Landriault… …applied online for an administrative assistant job with Citizenship and Immigration Canada and was asked by the online application if she was white, aboriginal, or a visible minority. When she answered white, she said a message informed her she did not meet the criteria and could no longer proceed.” The Employer Wage Subsidy program [7] aims at “encouraging the hiring of Priority Groups (Visible Minorities and Newcomers.) will pay “70% of the hourly wage.” Ontario Premier McGuinty recently offered to pay companies $10,000 to hire foreign workers, but not Canadians. (The Canadian Press) Western Governments are so racist against white peoples it can only be called treason and genocide.
Immigrants do the dirty jobs.
It is perfectly normal for anyone entering the job market to work at a menial service job. But working at your uncle’s brother’s third cousin’s ethnic restaurant as a kitchen helper is just an immigration scam for entry. No Canadian could even apply for that job because we don’t speak Rakahovian. Our economy is thus mired in a myriad of low wage service jobs which cannot support families without taxpayer support. Consider our last two immigrant/ refugee Governor Generals, not quite a “dirty job.” One was so stupid she thought she was actually the Head of State of Canada, hence her nickname, “la reine noir.” (Black Queen) The Prime Minister had to rebuke her, informing her, she was merely the Queen’s Representative here. The girls’ constant frivolous “partying,” often in Europe, cost taxpayers $10s of millions.

Immigrants cannot get jobs because of racism.
This is such an all-purpose so overused nonsense excuse. White people have actually been banned from employment, which is pure racism. Language and qualification are the real issues for immigrants. Since 43% of immigrants do not speak an official language of the country, it would, and should be, very difficult to get a job as a teacher not being able to speak a language students would understand. In parts of Africa, the witch doctor’s “medical treatment” for AIDS is to have sex with a baby or virgin. Not necessarily willingly, either. No matter how qualified that witch doctor is, they are is still unqualified for us and would not pass the medical exams required to perform open heart surgery in any hospital.
We have a population shortfall [not enough children] and need immigration to pay for pensions.
The Fraser Report actually reported that immigrants only pay half the taxes of all other Canadians. So immigration will actually make the problem worse. In the last 30 years, we have seen massive unqualified and humanitarian immigration directly causing a 600% increase in our taxes to pay the resultant needed supports, welfares and crime damage. Perversely, our women are forced to “work” solely to provide economic and social support for immigrant families and their children. In fact, the number of children we have murdered by abortion and birth control, equals the number of immigrants brought into the country. We killed our own babies to make room for other people’s children. Government-directed genocide or gross stupidity?
Refugees are poor unfortunate souls needing our protection.
Normally, the Western world accepts about 10% of applicants as being genuine refugees. (60% in Canada) The other 90% are considered be fakes, freeloaders and frauds. Applicants are not even required to show any identification at all. In other words, a fast track for every criminal in the world is provided. A free hotel room and living allowance for two years are pretty appealing perks. Still, 77% of “refugees” are on permanent welfare, costing billions. In Montreal, a sample of “refugees” were monitored for crime. Within 5 years, 30% were actually of major crimes such as drug dealing. (Those awaiting trial or still being investigated by police were not counted in the study.) Tens of thousands of Portuguese demanded refugee status claiming religious persecution against Jehovah’s Witnesses. Church records show there are only 1,000 actual members in the whole of Portugal, and all were accounted for, and happy! According to QMI News, 71% of the several hundred thousand accepted Tamil “refugees” had returned home for holidays, after claiming inhuman oppression in that country. Such travel is solid legal grounds for immediate deportation as fakes, but none are.
Lawyer Ms. Dodd says, “I never, ever saw anyone who met the definition of the refugee in the hearing room. These people are just plain liars.” She continues, citing many Iranian cases. “We called them the lipstick and littering cases… They would arrive, asking me what was the best tennis club to join.” The entire refugee industry is clearly a total, wholesale fraud. The industry scam costs Canadians $30 billion every year to reward criminals (and accept damage), support welfare lazies and pay parasite immigration lawyers. The obvious solution is to defund the whole fraudulent bunch, and to whip and deport the cheats immediately as is done in Malaysia. (Whip the lawyers, too!) A general policy of: 1 LAWYER, 1 TRIAL, 1 WEEK should be enforced, for all legal cases and hearings. Not 25 years, 15 lawyers and $700 million cost, as in the Air India Terrorist Trial. [8]

1: Immigration, the economic case, Dianne Francis
2: Facts and Figures 2000
3: CBC (News) In Depth Health
4: (Toronto Sun)
5: Ibid.
6: CBC: Federal affirmative action policy faces review.
7: Employer Wage Subsidy program

Heres the conversation for context. Don't really care if you know my username or not.

Technically, yes.

But this isn't fully correct since nothing exists in a void.
Sure, if you have near 100% employment and near 0% welfare, mathematically the economy grows bigger than an economy of half the size; society, however, is fucked.

Any article which shows that an incredible percentage of them are uneducated, unemployed fucks. Sure, the gibs they spend goes into the economy but it puts a strain on the welfare and makes it top-heavy; more people are taking out of it than those paying in. The multicultural pipedream that immigrants are going to pay for the aging baby boomers ain't going to happen.

Translation: White people have maxed out their credit cards

Its not TECHNICALLY wrong.

Vast immigration means the new immigrants need loans to set up apartments, get transportation, food, etc. And by people getting a ton of loan you raise the GDP because you've created more money out of nothing. Of course I don't think I need to explain the ramifications of just creating money out of nothing and what happens when the people who get loans don't get jobs. But on paper it looks like growth when its literally just destroying the economy like its 2008.

immigrants cause cancer

My argument:
(((Economic Growth)))
But seriously, economic growth isn't as important as your people, who are your nation.

America isn't a "country of immigrants" as much as it is a set of former european colonies who staged a revolution against King George.

It shouldn't be Pablo and his Armenian buddy open up a Kebab shop at a strip mall where some revolutionary conflict took place.

Major Countries Accepting Immigrants:

Major Countries Denying Immigrants:
Saudi Arabia

Which ones have been in decline these past few decades?

Russia (Vulnerable oil economy)
Japan (At carrying capacity)

Prosperity is the pay off of excellent people working through hardship.

The ones in a shit situation didn't put the work in to get through the hardship, obviously. Leeches.

Theoretically, it's correct, in the same way Marxism is theoretically correct. In a closed system, without any other variables, adding more workers and job creators to a system is a net positive. Unfortunately, we aren't living in the mind of an autistic retard, so 50%< of spics are net tax burdens. No matter your opinion on him, Stefan Molyneux has some good videos about this topic.

Of course they cause growth.
More mouths to feed = more products sold = more jobs.
In fact it is this effect on commerce that is used to determine the REAL number of immigrants in the UK.
Supermarket chains perform their own population studies because the government has no true idea how many people have entered the country (or if they do, the information is classified.)
UK official population: 60 million.
UK population as determined by supermarket studies into consumption: 80 million +.

All of this homo economicus shit assumes all "human capital" is equal and we know it's not. An 85 IQ population is not equal to and will not create the same kinds of prosperity at 100-105 IQ population will.

It's not so much the mean that matters.
85, 100, not that much difference functionally.
The sting in the tail with a lower mean is that the outliers really take a knock.
Maybe 1% of an IQ 100 mean population will be genius level but drop that mean to 85 and the outliers disappear, no geniuses therefore no one to instruct, direct and make use of the bulk of manpower.

*(forgot to add) this is why a handful of Whites can transform a nigger country into a productive breadbasket and the same reason that it collapses back into the dust when they are kicked out.

IQ 85-115 are just tools for the more intelligent.

I have a PhD in economics, and my views on economics are very mainstream, so much so that I don't really post/browse Holla Forums much (e.g. I think that modern capitalism, including free trade, and the Fed, is good). But I do think that immigrants (at least from the third world) don't cause economics growth.

There are 3 things to consider from a theoretical standpoint.

First, immigrants may bring rare skills. Suppose there is a certain kind of brain surgeon that is very rare in the US, but very common in Kenya. Then bringing in these people would be good for the economy because this scarce resource would become more common. Some would say that this is a mixed blessing because the brain surgeons will now be paid less. But in mainstream economics we believe that the benefit outweighs the cost, because this is what classical economics states. However, this is all irrelevant because if immigrants had rare skills, they would get paid more than locals, which of course they don't.

This brings me to the second point. The first point was about how immigrants affect the economy by their participation in the labor market. But immigrants also affect the economy by paying taxes and consuming services. In this case it also seems unlikely that third worlders pay more in taxes than they consume in services. After all, people in the bottom rung of the economy pay very little taxes. Some biased economists do a flawed calculation where they compare the tax that immigrants pay with direct welfare payments, but don't include other consumption of services (e.g. education, healthcare) e.g. see [1].

The final point is really part of the second point, which is that immigrants tend to be younger and hence will work for longer before they retire. This is one point where I think conventional economics is wrong, because in my view we should consider the total contribution of taxes and total consumption of services over a person's lifetime, and judge their net contribution like that. But economists believe in this thing called "intergenerational economics" which they don't even deny is a ponzi scheme. In intergenerational economics, we can borrow from the future indefinitely, e.g. by continuing to import young bucks from other countries at an exponential rate. So when the current crop of immigrants retire, we import even more. The basic assumption behind this is that the net present value of all production that will ever occur, is infinite, and so we can safely borrow a finite amount from the future without making any generation worse off.

[1] oecd.org/migration/OECD Migration Policy Debates Numero 2.pdf

not of those immigrants are skilled or live a lifestyle that stimulates the economy, they cost twice as many resources than the actual fucking citizens that pay your salary

the threat of self-detonation should be enough of a counter argument tbqh

Look, it's pretty simple:

the Austrian government paid 2 bn € this year (jan 1 - october 14th) for the refugee arrivals from the past 3 years (2016-2014). This is a mass of people somewhere on the 250 000 scale.

If I remember the statistics right, less than 5% of those have gotten any form of economic employment. Those 2 bn € spent on that parasitic mass of people have not been repaid. This is in addition to the regular socialist shit going on here, I think 50% of Austrian welfare resources are consumed by non-whites and their 2nd/3rd generation children.

Niggers (and White women no less) consume and don't give anything back.

That example is so fucking bad that i am not sure if you are trolling or not.

The average matters a lot. Rhodesia and SA may have been a net food exporters and kind of prosperous for the region but the eventuality of being overrun by gibsmedat hordes directed by (((outside and inside forces))) did them in.

If the average and cohesiveness didn't matter a whit then all of these shitbird mystery meats could do something with their right end of the bell curve minorities of their own population. They can't.

What, don't you believe that Kenyan brain surgeons and pyramid pilots are real?

If you bring up how they can be potential terrorists then these faggots pull up the "98% of terrorists in the U.S. were born there" statistic

Sorry for being white.

I assume you're working in the context of Europe where American style domestic terrorism does not exist.

mudslimes are literally a public security threat.

Why do you need a source? If it causes economic growth why don't we just import THE ENTIRE CONTINENT OF AFRICA into this country and grow our economy to the moon?

Just think goy, if Denmark imported the entire population of Bangladesh, their GDP would increase by 65%! Sure there might be a slight decline in the quality of life in Denmark, but the stock market will go through the roof!

A study of all the U.S. PhD recipients in 1958 reported an average IQ of 123. You're a pleb.

That's what merchants said when they promoted integration in Rome too,

Well they were kangs


Sent your response in the thread. Now we wait

The problem with that is that the liberals changed the immigration system.

Our current immigration system is a replacement system.
The same people who refuse to secure the border & push for Amnesty are the same people who gloat that America won't be White & Christian any more.

If I were to send that pic to any libshit with half a brain, and who wasn't completely retarded, they might tell me that the picture is shopped. That car looks like it was set on fire, so how could the sticker survive?
Then again, the tires make it seem like the car was not actually on fire.
wtf is going on in this picture?

Why does she always call it the "Kennedy Act"? It was called the Hart-(((Celler))) Act.

Depends if we're talking legal calm immigration and not illegal immigration and or desperate fucked migrant "rescues".
Legal immigration can be beneficial, the other two are usually not.

It doesn't take much digging to find the growth they cause is to corporations and the expense they cause is to the government.
It's simply employee subsidies to artificially expand large corporations beyond their natural means, leaving wages low, costs and debt high, and education useless while destroying and devaluing smaller companies that can't afford the employment loopholes available to the superwealthy.

Also, Commoncore is a means to artificially inflate the number of low skill workers coming right out of highschool, but combined with mass immigration, it will decimate the middle class and create the massive class divide seen mostly in poorer, low tech countries.


How many of your professors were not jewish? I''ll wait…


Yuri was right, their conditioning is simply too strong.

re: italy richer due to immigrants

1. does taking skilled and educated people away from broken countries help those broken countries?
2. is cheap labor and ethnic food worth forfeiting your national security, public safety, cultural liberties, sovereign freedoms, heritage and identity?

Trey Gowdy educates President Obama on Syrian refugees & national security

Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - NumbersUSA.com

Illegals Costing US TaxpayersMore Than Iraq War

Immigrants cost $23B a year: Fraser Institute report

Too lazy to archive.

"Immigrants cause economic growth"

"Then why are 75% of them on welfare"

wew lad because they need a step up of course
and outnumber hwhite men who are the only ones standing up to corruption

There are several problems with this. As others have pointed out many immigrants are on welfare and do nothing but leach off of our prosperity.

Beyond this, the biggest problem with immigration in western countries is that we have debt driven consumer economies. With every year that passes more of our production jobs go overseas to countries like China. This is because (due to our laws and regulations) it is cheaper to produce goods in other countries than it is to produce them in our own countries. Importing immigrants does nothing to rectify this.

So, immigration into western countries does not result in more production jobs in those countries. it just results in more service jobs.

Those service jobs arise because importing extra people creates a need to service those extra people. More hospital staff jobs will be created because there will be more people getting sick. More McDonalds jobs will be created, because there will be more people who need to eat.

These kinds of service jobs don't produce a damn thing, and so they're not making us wealthier and more prosperous.

They literally add nothing of value

Why are you arguing with someone who is literally disconnected with reality

Low birth rates→less available workers→higher wages-→birthrates boost

There is not a problem to solve. Not for the people, at least. But the establishment wants slaves. Civilized people have standarts and education, you can't fuck with them. But third worlders are both stupid and poor, they'd do anything for a piece of bread. The perfect tool.
Or so they think, in reality, third worlders are worthless. They wouldn't live in shitholes if they could and wanted to work. But the powerful ones are as stupid as arrogant. They see white and third worlders like numbers with the same value. They are destroying the best world for a profit they'll never achieve.

Well I tell you this: once all the Europeans have disappeared there is no "economy". Apart from maybe China, every single warm place will be full of primitive mudhuts.

You only have to look at Sweden to know that only migrants from civilised western country's, and east Asia ( India, china Japan ( yes I know Asians are a problem to but still better than niggers or arabs ) promote economic growth. Sweden has taken so much nigger dick the UN have predicted it to become a third world country


The best he could do is provide commentary on your sources, not post his. He's still got to make a full argument of his own, so it's meaningless to respond with a counter-argument (assuming he values honesty and actually wants to debate).

Pic strongly related.

So much truth.

You're wasting your time, OP. Just move on.

That's not how the burden of proof works

When talking to the average person it's better to explain how a large influx of unskilled workers willing to work below average wage in poor conditions could impact them or people they know.

For people that aren't entrenched leftists, but just feeling guilty due to consuming msm propaganda embed related can explain to even the dumbest people how unlimited immigration would achieve basically nothing in terms of reducing global levels of suffering. You can make yourself appear more sympathetic by pretending to be concerned that immigration damaging your own country will reduce future ability to provide aid to those in distress as opposed to localized refugee camps in war/disaster areas.

If you're arguing with a real sjw it's pointless, none of their arguments are in good faith or cohesive, they're starting at the conclusion of western society/white people are bad and then they work backwards from there. Most are communistic or critical of capitalism in some form, they don't care about the economy in reality and will just switch tactics if you could successfully prove it.

Search for their education rates and you will see how low it is. That should be more than enough. Even in Syria it is so low the majority are useless even for working in McDonald's.

This was his response in the thread

"I mean, to give this post a fair rebuttal would mean that I'd have to address all of his cited sources, which takes a lot more effort than what the person spent writing it, and I'm not willing to expend that kind of effort to defend what's basically just established economic fact.

As far as I know, there are absolutely no documented instances of terrorism among refugees living in Canada, and there are no published figures showing that they're disproportionately violent either. Of course Canadian racists are desperate for something to pin on refugees, so the current rumor they're spreading is that Syrian refugee schoolkids are bullying the innocent little Canadians. Which again, comes from anecdotes that are completely unconfirmed and probably made up."

The devil is in the detail, most of the studies made about immigration use high skilled immigrants - so when you get a chemical engineer with a skill your country lacks the result is growth because he is adding value.

When they add other migrant groups, they tend to go back to the 1960's and oversample middle-class Cubans and Asians (Japs/Koreans/Chinese/Viets) which do better than the latin americans (which are the vast majority of the new immigrants).

Oh, and when someone points to the negatives of immigrations people go retard and say "hurr-durr the source is conservative" while quoting shit from clearly liberal sources to advocate for it.

Anyway, some studies:
http: //npg.org/library/forum-series/the-negative-economic-impact-of-immigration-on-american-workers-2.html
http: //www.fairus.org/publications/immigration-poverty-and-low-wage-earners-the-harmful-effects-of-unskilled-immigrants-on-american-wor
https: //www.migrationwatchuk.org/briefing-paper/235

Immigrants in Norway are a net loss to the economy


Immigrants in Sweden are a net loss to the economy


Denmark saved billions by restricting immigration:



Diversity experiments in Germany end in disaster


Increases in diversity correlate with problems worldwide, and the downsides of diversity effect everyone, it's a universal human problem:


More diversity in police departments correlates with more abuse, poorer performance and less trust:


Increased diversity correlates sharply with decreased community spirit, decreased altruism, and depressed social capital, less ethical behavior, more crime, fear, isolation and depression:


Harvard study proving diversity doesn't work and is disastrous


Also, a nice little study from Cornell University about how segregation creates peace:


Multiculturalism doesn't work:




Modern economists are (((Keynesian))), the most thoroughly debunked economic theory since communism. This system of economics basically just assumes that the government will never go away, weaken, or lose the support of the people and thus what they print and pass off as money will always be valuable. Fiat money is only as valuable as much as the people trust the governments economic policy, similar to how you can only get a loan from a friend up to an amount they trust you to pay it back.

Because they assume the currency and government will be stable as a rule, then if the government just injects capital, material, and workers into the market then the economy will grow They don't worry that immigrants all use more government money than the natives because government money is infinite. Of course we understand that there is a curve to the effectiveness of that, eventually the increase in immigration puts too many native people out of work, the increase of materials causes prices to drop and so production slows, the decrease in business and jobs means savings drop and then there is no capital to work with.

The strategy depends on a closed system but their policies necessarily open it up, further increasing the dependance on the state to provide those things. If the government is required to keep pumping so many workers into the system they stop being able to be choosy, they're scraping the bottom of the barrel-They already took all the white people who wanted to live here, first the Asians came, then the Hispanics, then the Negroes, and finally the dangerously uncontrollable Arabs.

They can't acknowledge the failure or else the whole economic system collapses, we have to deport millions of people or dissolve the government which nobody in power wants.

If there are 11million illegals (which is a number that has been around a decade and they haven't changed it, cause nobody knows how many illegals are there)
Cost of illegal immigrants to taxpayers (welfare, healthcare, education, housing, etc) = more than 100billion dollars
Amount of taxes payed by illegals = around 10billion dollars, and now, thanks to Obama, they can even get TAX RETURNS

So, it costs 10 times more to keep illegals inside the US


The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers (2013) $113b/yr

The Fiscal Cost of Unlawful Immigrants and Amnesty to the U.S. Taxpayer $54.3b/yr

Educating illegal immigrants costs $44.5b Annually

The cost to educate unaccompanied minor illegal immigrants over $761 million

How Illegal Immigrants Can Pay for College $32m Federal Scholarships, In State Tuitions

$4.3b/yr Care Costs for Undocumented Immigrants Absorbed by Hospitals

Illegal Immigrants Account for $10.7 Billion of Nation’s Health Care Costs, Data Show

Immigrant Labor:
Mass Migration Driving Down Wages

Increasing the Supply of Labor Through Immigration: Measuring the Impact on Native-born Workers -4%wages/yr

All Employment Growth Since 2000 Went to Immigrants

Immigrant Entrepeneurs: 1/4 of new business hire 1/2 as many employees as Native Entrepeneurs

Keynes was a noble Aryan man you fool. And it hasn't at all be debunked. Go back to Jewish mises site you kike.

Keynes wasn't a Jew, learn some history


Economic relativism and debt slavery is just as Jewish as moral relativism. Keynesian economics is the tool of every modern Jewish banker, economist and politician.

Furthermore, this economic argument does not take into account the social costs of immigration, which also have a soft negative economic effect. This includes dramatic reductions in average IQ of society, quality of life and human development index. For example, Muslims make up 5% of the population, but occupy 45% of the high security prison population. And it's not because the police are racist.

State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron

Immigration from EU costs British taxpayers £3 million A DAY

Multiculturalism is a sham, says Angela Merkel

Nicolas Sarkozy declares multiculturalism had failed

Societal trust is negatively affected by ethnic diversity

High trust societies are characterised by ethnic homogeneity.

In longitudinal perspective, an increase in immigration is related to a decrease in social trust.

Good fences make good neighbours. The case of Switzerland as an example of 'workable' multiculturalism.

The results show that heterogeneity hampers between-group cooperation at the dyadic level.

img.4plebs.org/boards/pol/image/1409/97/1409979695906.gif (problems uploading images for some reason, CM what did you do?

BERLIN—The tidal wave of refugees that crashed through Germany’s doors last year has long turned to a trickle, but the costs of the inflow will remain a burden on the country for years, budget figures released on Friday showed.

The German finance ministry expects to spend €77.6 billion ($86.2 billion) over the next four years feeding, housing and training refugees as well as helping their home countries to stem the flow, according to updated budget estimates for the period from 2017 to 2020. Adding budgeted costs for the current year would bring the total to €93.6 billion between by 2020.

Yearly cost estimates are set to remain broadly stable over the years even though arrivals have slowed considerably—a testament to the government’s low expectations about its ability to integrate the newcomers, most of them from the Middle-East and poorly trained, into its economy.

For German taxpayers, the most expensive aspect of the crisis—coming at a cost of €24 billion between 2017 and 2020—will be to cover for the social benefits granted to migrants after they obtain asylum, This cost will nearly double from €4.2 billion in 2017 to €8.2 in 2020. This is because the government expects asylum seekers to continue coming to Germany—for instance via family reunification—and because those granted asylum are entitled to higher benefits than applicants.

Government officials sought to put the figures in a positive light, saying that the country’s prudent fiscal course in recent years meant it now had ample reserves to tackle the immigration challenge. The data released on Friday showed Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble aimed to maintain a balanced budget in coming years despite the additional financial burden.


Over £64 billion+ on rapefugees. Poor Germany.


The amount allocated will rise to 50 billion crowns, around $6.2bn in 2016

The amount is a huge increase on earlier estimates which totaled 19 billion crowns.

The increased spending on immigration will cover higher costs related to existing measures, such as housing and benefits.

Sweden now thinks migration will cost the country 56bn Swedish crowns (€6.1bn) per year until 2020. The previous estimate was 15bn crowns (€1.6bn).

I can tell you what the Police Chief (ret.) of Malmo, Torsten Elofsson says about immigrants and how well they're integrating. With 42 years of policing experience, he has some perspective on the question.

“Living here you can see a lot of the crimes are committed by people originating abroad. Look at the unemployment here – you have 15 per cent in Malmo, which is twice the rest of Sweden”.

“Of the number of people arrested and dragged into police stations, the majority are of foreign origin to be honest. There is an over-representation of violent crimes committed by people from other countries”.

“There is a debate happening, you see all of the refugees coming… but we don’t have apartments, housing for them. How do we provide schooling for them? And then you see the costs. There is a feeling we can’t afford an influx of immigrants”.

“We have a number of no-go-zones in Sweden and they are expanding… police can go to these places, but you have to take precautions.

“Years ago you could go with two officers, no problem. Now you have to send four officers and two cars – if the fire brigade want to go, they have to take a police escort. They throw stones and try to stop the fireman from putting out fires.

“They sabotage the police cars. You can’t leave them unguarded – when you come back to it you find the windows smashed and the tyres deflated."

“We have a lot of children coming to Sweden alone. Most of them are actually teenagers, between 15 and 18, and that is worrying. If we can’t get them integrated into Swedish society, that is a huge recruitment base for criminal gangs and ISIS [The Islamic State]. I am concerned with the lack of integration, we have not succeeded to well at this”.


The economic growth of a state doesn't matter at all if it comes at the expense of the existance of the nation. Obsessing over the economy is patriotism for the braindead slaves of the globalists.

It found that migrants from OUTSIDE the European Economic Area, largely made up of immigration from countries such as India, Pakistan and African Commonwealth countries, made a negative contribution to the public purse of £117.9 billion because they consumed more in public expenditure – including NHS costs, welfare hand-outs and education – than they contributed in taxes.

The non-EEA population grew from 2.8 million to 4.6 million during the period.

Of those, in 2011, just over two million, 43% were not working, either because they were unemployed or for other reasons such as retirement or childcare.

6 million Pakistanis & Africans contributed negative £117.9 billion.


Exactly. The lives of the citizenry do not matter, all human beings are only a dollar sign. This is what leftists are totting around now? Really?

It costs $64,370 to take 1 child refugee from Syria and raise it over the next 5 years in the US, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. Costs include processing, assistance, etc. (91% of Middle Eastern refugees are on food stamps and 68% get cash assistance.)
It costs ~1/12th of that to settle a refugee child in the neighbouring Middle Eastern countries, according to UN figures.
'''So for every 1 child refugee taken by the US, 12 could have been provided for in the Middle East.
Keep child refugees out to help refugees.'''


Social services and healthcare system will running out of capacity
- The more people are arriving, the more they are straining the critical infrastructure in Sweden and it will only get worse according the report.


"Police sounds the alarm: we don't stand a chance against terrorists"
- The police is lacking equipment and weapons to deal with terrorists.


"Government is ready to close the Öresund bridge"
- Because of the economic importance of the bridge between Sweden and Denmark and some people already coming by boat, I'm a bit skeptic about this.


"Immigration costs 250 billion SEK per year"
- Economist Jan Tullberg's book from 2014 estimates that immigration costs actually 4-5 times more than the 45-60 billion SEK government is claiming.


the Cost for Germany's Migrant Crisis has doubled to 20 Billion Euros for this year alone, and with no end in sight the cost is due to increase exponentially.

German politicians have said that these costs are only in the short term and the country is looking at the long term benefits of mass-immigration

in 30 years the investments into the immigrant schooling and integration is set to produce a positive rate of return on the German economy, with each of the migrants set to be in the work force for 40-50 years

Economists are also pushing to suspend the minimum wage of 8.5 Euros for migrant workers as a means to make them more appealing to employers stating that the minimum wage is a barrier to gaining employment and therefore successfully integrating.

German lawmakers are also pushing for quotas to be put in place to assure that the immigrants will be assured jobs on arrival

Well, they were right. Germany is literally importing a slave caste, nevermind that the predictions are done based on native German work standard and productivity and that Turkish immigrants would be a more effective population to model on.



It shouldn't take a genius to figure out the globalist elite want a new slave caste and cheap labour, this is all the realm of their psycho greed. But it is backfiring because the native citizens know they are the ones who get fucked the most. Young people in Western countries have enough trouble as it is finding careers. Imagine what it must be like for them to compete with immigrants who will do it for literally 1 quid an hour.

77 percent of rapes in Sweden committed by Muslim males. Much more if Somalis and Africans are added.

Sweden Opened Its Doors To Muslim Immigration, Today It’s The Rape Capital Of The West. Japan Didn’t.

And this isn't even mentioning the Rotherham rapes or Germany and France's statistics. Thousands of little kids raped by these savages with all the coverup and it's a myth now? Hell, I'll just include some just to be on the safe side

Muslims make up ~6% of Belgium yet account for over 45% of incarcerations:
Muslims make up ~8% of France yet account for over 70% of incarcerations: telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/11352268/What-is-going-wrong-in-Frances-prisons.html
Muslims make up ~5% of the UK yet account for 44% of high security prisons: muslimstatistics.wordpress.com/2016/01/28/uk-up-to-44-of-max-security-prison-population-is-muslim-out-of-a-5-total-muslim-population/
Muslims from North Africa are 3000% (THREE THOUSAND PERCENT) more likely to rape swedish women than the general population: dailycaller.com/2015/10/23/sweden-opened-its-doors-to-muslim-immigration-today-its-the-rape-capital-of-the-west-japan-didnt/
Muslims make up 77% of rapists in Sweden (THEY ARE 2% OF THE POPULATION)

Muslim crimes in Gemany increased by 79% in 2015 (208,344 incidents)

And keep in mind this isn't even including all the niggers.

if they worked it would cause economic growth.
However, sadly, they dont work.
In sweden it takes on average 8 years before a shitskin gets it first 'job'


Sweden has imported huge numbers of Muslim immigrants with catastrophic effect.

Sweden now has the second highest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000 is six times higher than the United States. Statistics now suggest that 1 out of every 4 Swedish women will be raped.

In 2003, Sweden’s rape statistics were higher than average at 9.24, but in 2005 they shot up to 36.8 and by 2008 were up to 53.2. Now they are almost certainly even higher as Muslim immigrants continue forming a larger percentage of the population.

With Muslims represented in as many as 77 percent of the rape cases and a major increase in rape cases paralleling a major increase in Muslim immigration, the wages of Muslim immigration are proving to be a sexual assault epidemic by a misogynistic ideology.

The statistics are skewed by urban centers where the Islamic colonists cluster. In Stockholm this summer there was an average of 5 rapes a day. Stockholm has gone from a Swedish city to a city that is one-third immigrant and is between a fifth and a quarter Muslim.

Sweden, like the rest of the West, will have to come to terms with the fact that it can either have female equality or Muslim immigration. It cannot have both.


Muslims raped over 300 Swedish children and 700 women in first 7 months of 2013 TIP OF THE ICEBERG as 90 percent of them go unreported
In the first seven months of 2013, over 1,000 Swedish women reported being raped by Muslim immigrants in the capital city of Stockholm. Over 300 of those were under the age of 15. The number of rapes is up 16% so far this year compared to 2012 numbers. A large proportion of the increase include rape of young [pre-teen] girls.

Sweden now has the second highest number of rapes in the world, after South Africa, which at 53.2 per 100,000 is 600% higher than the United States. Statistics now suggest that 1 out of every 4 Swedish women will be raped.

But you know what? I give up. White women are voting them in to begin with. White men are the only ones voting majorly properly as their last ditch attempt to try and protect white women. But if white women want to import them all in and play a Russian roulette game of where 1/4th to 1/3rd of them will be either raped, beaten, or murdered by the roving shitskin savages, be my guest. Just remember you did this to yourselves and they don't respond kindly to feminists or any woman talking down on them. You will be stoned to death for you insolence, as they say.

somebody make harold into a renaissance style painting

What do you think? They are parasites on our social systems.
And boi, don't try to throw them out since dat is racis!

The bank runs off the motto of the Jews. Life feeds on life.

So in order to grow the economy, you have to do one of 3 things.

1. High birth rate.
2. High immigration rate
3. Invade and take over another countries resources (militarily or financially) or expand territory.

Absent one of those and your banking and economy stagnates, and the Jews can't lose any sheckeles.

The fact that this person chose to not refute the points in that other user's post shows that he did not read your post entirely or realized he cannot argue against it and just posted that lame response to excuse himself from debunking what you said.

Well, that little dichotomy should tell you everything you need to know about this "Immigration boosts the economy" claim.


That's an old canard, and has been disproven many times by now.


How does one define "Economic Growth?"
If one defines it as simply GDP going up, then yes, immigrants indisputably contribute to economic growth as they boost population size. This is usually what (((economists))) are pointing to. Each immigrant, no matter how shitty or nonproducing, is worth X amount of money, added directly to GDP.

Let's think of how this effects the nation in reality, though. Mainly, labor's value is undercut, as there's more labor supply around. This cuts spending and leads to recessions. Generally, they must be supported, which leads to tax hikes as well, also cutting spending/disposable income. This is how it can be claimed that it grows the economy whilst simultaneously making life shittier for everyone. The end result, of course, is India - a mass swathe of shit-tier laborers working for sustenance wages, and an elite living in untold splendor. This is why most free traders are retarded: If one has free trade on goods, they will also naturally have free trade on labor at some point, and after that what the fuck is the point of having nations in the first place.

The most horrifying thing, is the last line is exactly what normies end up thinking is a good thing. I live with two genius level layabouts, that outside of vidya, and low paying jobs, are mostly content with their lives.

Both of them are hugely in favor of globalism and the death of nations. They think a globally trading, fully open world is a bright shining future. I can never articulate to them the horror and suffering such a system like that would bring to billions of lives. Both of them see it as a place where they're as bad off as a person can be. They don't understand the disparity of wealth, and the callousness of those who have, vs the rest.

Because of how smart they are, and how smart they both know/think they are, they're comfortable knowing and thinking "any time I want, I could join the billionaires."

Meanwhile, the world tetters on the brink of utter darkness, a borderless, "leaderless" world where people can't get together to decide their own fate, because they're so trapped inside a system. And government doing the anthisis of its purpose of aiding the people.

This is only true in the most basic, pure natural anarchy of things, sense. As people would flock to jobs and the corrupt and weak would simply be purged. If you have, welfare, citizenship, a repubic, a nation, and the sate and unions making the market restrained, then mass immigration could mean societal colapse. What trump proposes is the only sane way of doing it in current America, just look at Japan, if mass immigration would solve their problems they would have already done it, the leftist "Japan is juss raysiss" is easily dismissed by anyone who knows first-hand about their pragmatism.

I'm not doing your leg work for you. Search Jeff Rense's (among others…) archives for Jewish and CIA complicity in promoting economic growth with immigration. (((As if increasing the pop is the only way to grow an economy.))) They feed that bullshit to new congressmen, too, like it's some big secret.

Truth is, if immigration were good for the economy, America and Europe would be booming, and the economies of China, India, Brazil, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and ISRAEL would be stagnant. Does anybody see that happening?

The Jews push non-Aryan immigration into Western lands for any reason whatsoever. Those genocidal fucks are trying to destroy the white race utterly, finally, for all time.

Until America starts manufacturing and exporting shit, it's basically a welfare drain on the rest of the global economy. Goddamn it we were all born into a nigger deadbeat nation and it pisses me off

It's retarded.
They don't. They reap more in benefits than they give back.
the above is what they get for free. but somehow them giving us pocket change is a Net grow?

The whole claim of how immigration boosts the economy is somewhat true. Taxpayer money is spent on things like translators, housing, etc. So it does produce some kind of economic growth, albeit it's very negligible.

The problem is the glut caused in the budget from spending. Canada spends an average of $35 billion on immigration and welfare for them annually. If they cut out those payments in their entirety, Canada's debt could be paid off in two decades tops from those savings alone.

Paying for immigrants is a net negative to the economy, and a nation's overall health.

I'll do you one better: Here is proof that making the economy the prime motivator of political activity is cultural and national suicide.


65% of non-European immigrants that arrived in Holland during the 90's are still on welfare.

OP, these shitskins have 80-85IQs and don't speak the language. WTF are they going to do but rape and steal? Just laugh in the face of any dummy suggesting otherwise.

Don't try and debunk it it's much easier to play their emotions. Pretend like it's true and then call them out for the evil fuckers they are as followed:

Well if your friend just loves the brown people just tell them that if we are getting all the good hard working people then the country where they are coming from are losing all the good hard working people. Meaning our economic growth is only at the expense of the country where the immigrants are coming from. To a liberal this thought must be appalling since it is similar to imperialism or slavery or whatever other buzzword they use to signal oppression. A true world citizen will see that economic growth for one country at the expense of one country is not economic growth at all since the net economic growth of the world would be zero.

The fixation on "GDP growth" is a by-product of the current debt-based monetary system:

Without constant expansion, the interest can't be paid, and the Ponzi scheme collapses, thus the financial oligarchy that sponsors political parties NEEDS some growth, any kind of growth to avoid losing money, even if they import a slave class in the process.

Ditto with mortgages: they need a constant influx of immigrants to keep inflating the price of housing, or else, the mortgages become toxic assets.

(((Michael Kosterlitz)))

The question one really should be asking is whether or not the standard of living for the average citizen increases with third world immigration, and whether or not a possible increase is sustainable.

look out your window

I live in a town that's nearly completely white. There is a singular Jamaican that lives here but thats it.

The thing is most Libtards live in a similar fashion. They are fine with rapefugees because they've never met one and never had to deal with one.

of course they cause economic growth.
All the niggers and kebabs come to your cuntry, get free gibs from your tax money that you would have saved and they spend it on nike shoes, plasma tvs and consumerist shit.
I wonder (((who))) might benefit from this scheme

Holy fuck, half of America's Nobel Prize winning scientists are non-white!

WTF I'm anti-racist now!

He echoed Keynesian economics, not Keynes. Marxism would still be jewish even if Marx wasn't a hyper jew.

Was waiting for this dump. OP has more than enough to BTFO the shifty kike. Just reply to him with the entire pasta and post his response.

there are immigrants and (((immigrants))).
european, japanese, chinese immigrants are proven to be cause of economic growth.
niggers, sandniggers and the likes of them are just a burden and they do not contribute in any meaningful way to the advancement of a civilized society

You can never post this one enough, doing god's work user.

Scroll up to you nigger

Immigrants do give more "economic growth" through numbers, this much is true.

We all know it's not actual beneficial growth, it's just numbers. That's the game we've been forced to play in a lot of Western countries.

That's pretty much it for Finland for example, and for what it's worth I think it's fine, I doubt the vast majority are scumbags, but the amount of kebab shop tenders I've seen by their shit by the bulk in Lidl doesn't really make me at all suspicious, no. Problem with Finns when it comes to food establishments is that most people are too lazy to run a food joint, while kebab runs their whole fucking family to the bone with it, and once every couple of years they shut down the shop, apply for a new grant from the government that we give for "new entrepreneurs" that is over ten thousan euros, and it's their brother/mother/cousin running it now with a different name. Crazy shit but no one does anything about it because our favorite pastime is getting drunk and our second favorite is being hungover and ordeing pizza/kebab.

It increases meaningless numbers in a spreadsheet.
Literally "looks good on paper", by design.

The reality is you are importing the worst do-no-gooders from do-no-good-lands, and burdening the productive population with them, so that they are less able to prosper.

So you tell me.

Falacy: Appeal to Authority

Also, look at what kind of people (((economists))) are. They are an interested party and can't be trusted.

Also, this either is a shill thread or OP needs to

The kebab pizzerias are good for the clan taking turn being "employed" so they aren't cut off from welfare money for being unemployed for too long. I also like the part where all the public sector immigrant servants count as new jobs fighting the unemployment rate. Massive value for the society generated right there.

That said, I've known a few kebabbers for almost twenty years now, they're definitely not all bad. Lots of good, hardworking established joints in the mix. But still, the numbers are used to obfuscate.


Depends on which half. Take the lowest productive and highest psychotic half, do some Steven Spielberg, Hollywood style, seriously fucked up shit to them, and see your country bloom.

They aren't all bad. You can quite easily spot which ones are ther to make food and which ones to generate welfare money for the family. I still prefer paying more for food made by natives when ever I don't bother making some myself.


Recapture that shit and make it so that there is between 10 and 15 words maximum per line.

The horizontal resolution should be around 1000 pixels.

God, that place needs to be nuked.

It is.
At the very least, a composite.

But they be poor and shit that's why they don't have an education. They can get it here and you will pay for it, goy.

Immigrants cause economic growth.
Illegals, however, do not.

lol this shit argument

be smug about it and explain that the hun, the mongol and the ottoman invasions also heralded periods unprecedented economic growth, plenty and prosperity


The idea that immigrants cause economic growth is non-economical.

It's propaganda for globalist kikes.
There are records of nations experience wage increase after a DROP in population.

Extreme example is the black plague in europe.

They really don't.

Just where the fuck did you get that PhD? Do they have a no refunds policy? You should try and get that tuition money back.

Immigrants can contribute to GDP by working, simple as that. Sudden immigration can raise unemployment in the short run as the labor market adapts, and constant immigration will probably keep the unemployment rate higher than it would be otherwise for as long as it goes on. But, so long as money is changing hands and people are optimistic, firms will hire as much people as they possibly can. So everyone will get a job.

The problems are: a) recent immigrants don't want to work. Rather, they want to mooch off welfare, mug stupid white kaffirs and bomb churches; b) business are still in a slump after all these years, so if any immigrant perchance decides to actually get a job, they'll just be taking someone else's job.

if someone tells you well it helps the economy. ask them if the 1 billion Africans would move to America and the demographics of every town would resemble Detroit, with this increase the GDP of the country? Then ask them what the GDP per person living in the country be higher or lower? Then ask them if the standard of living for the average American would resemble what we have or would it look more like what the standard of living for an average African would look like? Then you can tell them the 1% loves a bigger economy, wages are cheaper and they can make more money. But for you and me it's the standard of living that matters. China has a bigger economy than the United States of America but I would never go live their.


Ted Kennedy was the one who pitched it to the goyim, claiming that it wouldn't disturb anything. I hope that faggot's death from brain cancer was painful.

This is an anoymous imageboard. No one should believe your title. You could be well a paid shill for pro-immigration biz who didn't attend a single semester.

So you bothered to get a Ph.D (assuming you're not lying) to never realize something above and beyond what mainstream lugenpress parrots to you?


You can also look at the dutch importation of morrocans. Most can't speak ducth after being there for 2-3 generations, most are on wellfare, it only lasts because they are a minority.

You may as well got a PHD in religious studies, because that is all economics is

There is no proof of this, it's only parroted because when industry is booming and workers are required immigrants can help in a labour shortage. But there is no industrial boom going on in the West as our industries have been exported to Asia. Even considering this it would still be more beneficial to encourage your current population to produce more children than it is to import immigrants. A 15 year labour shortage isn't as bad as cultural and ethnic division caused by mass immigration.

This. Economics is voodoo + statistics

Immigrants caused economic growth back in the 1800s because there were practically no labor laws, unions, welfare, or benefits, and were treated as second class citizens.
They work when they're treated as slaves.

Just look at the industrial revolution in England, or post 60s immigration in France. In the latter case, the speeches of the industrial elites like the biggest telecom provider (Martin Bouygues) says "We're looking for north african people because they come here to work" (meaning they can pay them to a much lower rate and don't go on strike).
That being said, the recent migrant crisis is just the blind pursuit of the ideology which unfolded according to this essential economic logic, and now it essentially has one function : to promote social chaos in order to impede a proper insurrection against the people who brought them here; in one word : diversion. It divides people ethnically, culturally and linguistically, so it also divide them philosophically. No revolution is possible without social cohesion. Divide and conquer.

To sum up, migrants:
* can be paid much cheaper
* don't revolt or go on strike
* nowadays, essentially create a social chaos that still benefits the elites

You're welcome.

Tbh it isn't. Most "expert economists" are journalist shills saying that mass immigration is good.

The actual good economists go help to create models for Big Banks and the such.

There is no discernible difference between economics and voodoo magiks besides the statistical analysis done. I have no financial or emotional investment into the subject, my view was reached objectively through study of economics. I can see where someone who has the emotional and financial investment into it would see it otherwise, but they're wrong and self-deluded.

To put it in other words:
The crap goes to newspapers as sold opinions "trust us, mass imigration is good, we are economists".

The skilled ones go to big banks such as JP Morgan, UBS and Goldman Sachs, and the prediction models they create easily become Industrial Secrets.

Their sophisticatedness become effective to the point of being (understandeably so) target of all conspiracy theories.
In 2007-8 how many non-economists or non-financers understood wtf was a Derivative?

And those who did understand didn't want to say in front of the camera for good reason. Their derivative tools had become way too effective.

The pro immigrant stats that people frequently cite in defense of the "refugees" refer to traditional immigrants. Traditional immigrants are people that passed immigration standards and have something to contribute to their new host countries.

However, illegal immigrants and "refugees" are not described by these stats because they are unskilled and often fuckin illiterate. They meet no standards and have nothing to contribute.

Of course immigrants cause economic growth. Observe Camden, New Jersey in 1940, 89.3% White, what a hellhole………….and now Camden 2014, 4% White, 48% black, and 47% hispanic, a thriving metropolis

Read this:


The increase in GDP is small since most of the increase goes to the immigrants themselves. The whole thing is an income redistribution scheme.

Here's a neat trick for causing economic growth:
Force your workers to work longer hours and underpay them. The market value of your stock, and the national GDP will skyrocket!
Doing something like using cheap immigrant labor, increasing the supply, and decreasing the value of labor is a perfect way to exploit your workers and seem like a humanitarian at the same time.
It's not exploitation, folks, it's growth! I'm exploiting you for the good of the country!

Immigration causes lower wages. Which in turn increases competitiveness.

Which makes competitior having to take mass immigration. And the next one. And the next one.

Then we are all a bunch of underpaid rootless individuals.

imagine if every unemployed person on welfare, food stamps, cash assistance, or other optional government support and every retired person in the USA suddenly moved to canada and/or mexico on their own OP

would there be economic growth? you tell me OP

would the economy be better? of course it would be better

are those people's skulls so thick that they don't realize that islam will literally never integrate into the european population without >70% of the population including >~85% of the government being openly islamic?

do they think that theres a difference between america and black america?

Nigger, I know what you're talking about that. They are still just spouting voodoo magicks except they have a much larger impact on the world around us. Your entire argument is falling on its face because you're insisting that these institutions are doing anything of value. They aren't. Just because the better voodoo witchdoctors get picked up by (((banks))) doesn't absolve "economics" from being anything more than voodoo magicks. I'm pretty sure you're a kike with your defense of this nonsense. Are you an Austrian?

you know

i think it'd be easier to increase the GDP by printing 5 million bucks and spending it on hiring some unemployed non-job-seeking homeless guy to write the letter A on a piece of paper, then repeating the process a million times with other homeless people every year than it is to cause a war via prox(ies) in islamic countries and then paying them with freshly printed money AND taxpayer money to live in your country even though most of them are gonna be and stay unemployed

from some casual googling of GDP I found this:

GDP=consumer spending+investment by businesses+government spending+exports-imports

think it is this easy to increase GDP after also googling investment:

1: create a single business consisting of a government employee
2: get that business to invest in the government
3: government prints trillions of dollars
4: government gives all of the printed money to the business mentioned in step 1, causing not only the business to turn up a profit from the investmentplease spoonfeed me if it doesn't work that way, but the government to have spent alot of money

just avoid the middleman of the citizen's spending and print out money and have the government spend it on a business that they secretly own, and actually, does the government even have to own it?

seriously what does GDP even MEAN?

also, would it affect the GDP at all if there was a step 5 where the business then burned all of the freshly-printed money given to them by the government?

Media is feeding us the official US democratic party's point of view in finland since the start of election including all harrasment stories and such, possibly because our foreign policy is made with the assumption democrat's win. Beside english internet there is local alternative MV-lehti, whose editor is possibly facing 13 years of jail time, either due to criminal activity or negative stance on immigration.

US news are immensely biased being pure outlets for political message, which is finally called out there. This is starting to happen here too (earlier it used to be more fair with multiple viewpoints). it's like every news story is about Dillon the 14 year old black transgender woman, the same that happened in Sweden. I'm interested to see whether Trump winning changes the allowed opinion or continues with the gospel of multiculturalism.

wait nevermind it would… unless maybe they voluntarily dissolved the business after the addition to the GDP THEN burned the money

but would dissolving the business after the GDP goes up cause the GDP to go down?

Neither Austrian nor Kike.

Nice Strawman. I simply intended to say they have very powerful tools. Do they not? If not entire Holla Forums collective of ideas is garbage.

Economists are instrumental in doing maintenence of their financial weaponry. Whether you consider that good or bad, it's Power son, that's power.

You think NDSAP after coming into power didn't have Economical Advisors? Because if you don't, you're being taken for a ride.

Also this is Holla Forums. Things such as Thule Occultism, Kek and Meme Magic and even Molochism are taken as things with influence here.
I get that with "vodoo magic" you intend to take a pejorative, but by Holla Forums standards to use such as a pejorative sort of reeks as new.

Freudian psychoanalysis is also a powerful tool, that doesn't mean it's a legit study.

ps - by "they" I mean big banks of course. Do you really think Big Banks routinely get such a gigantic amount of power relying on simply vodoo+statistics?

Don't believe your own slander propaganda, it will backfire.

The Power of International Bankers is a Behemoth compared to Freudian psychoanalysis.

In fact one could wager that Freud gets promoted because it is in the interests of said International Banking Clique…

Yes nigger I do. Your argument that meme magic is taken seriously here doesn't make mine null, it just means that kikes too use various forms of magic. That doesn't make it a legit study.

Duh? Economics is not a legit field of study, it's voodoo magicks.

Are you a shill telling the goyim to stop digging on International Banking Clique, by any chance?

I mean…


Its a shit metric for a lot of reasons, the elite can merely move money around without actually producing anything and it counts as GDP "growth" 90 percent of GDP growth under King Nigger has been parasitic Wall Street speculation fueled by ZIRP and Fed Cronyism, the "real" economy of people trading goods and services with other people has been absolute shit for years, we still haven't recovered from 2008. A more accurate measure of economic growth is actually energy consumption, physical energy underpins nearly all productive economic activity, and the strongest indicators of growth is the increases in electricity use over time. This is also why alternative energy sources are artificially suppressed, viable alternative energy sources would completely undermine the artificial scarcity that our predatory global system of banking and finance depends on.

No? International Finance is a cancer on the world, it must be destroyed. I'm simply stating that economics, and certainly modern kike-influenced economics, is voodoo magicks. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be aware of it and also take it upon ourselves to learn about it, just that we shouldn't make it a focus of our studies. No one should pay to get an economics degree.

I never claimed meme magic wasn't real, I just have a different view of it. Wave function collapse and human pattern recognition are real things, we just call it meme magic.

Economic growth for the owners because if mudslimes will work themselves to death for no pay if they're imams tell them to and no that is not an over exaggeration.

no no even "better"
instead of burning the money after dissolving the business, spend the money on a 10 trillion dollar toothpick sold by the government

then the dissolved buisness who becomes a consumer also spends money
and the government gets back the money that they spent so they can do it all over again

so to reiterate with a little modifcation:

1: create a single business consisting of a single government employee near the border of canada

2: get that business to invest in the government

3: the government prints 10 trillion bucks

4: the government gives those 10 trillion bucks to the business mentioned in step 1, causing not only the business to turn up a profit from the investmentplease spoonfeed me if it doesn't work that way, but the government to have spent alot of moneygovernment spends 10 trillion, business makes 10 trillion from investment?

5: the business voluntarily dissolves itself after the new GDP is recorded

6: the citizen who owned the business spends 10 trillion bucks buying an imported canadian toothpick sold by the government, then the government exports 10 trillion bucks to africa citizen spends 10 trillion, imported toothpick costs maybe $0.03 since they import it from across the canadian border, government exports 10 trillion bucks

7: repeat steps 1-6 until you stop being a country

again, please tell me if it doesn't work like this; I have little understanding of some economic terms and interpret it as consumer spending+business investment+government spending+exports-imports, and following steps 1-6 would increase the GDP by $9,999,999,999,999.97

So International Banking System routinely keeps themselves in the 0.01% by "doing vodoo"?

wait my mistake, it'd actually be a $39,999,999,999,999.97 increase of the GDP

CTR pls. Did you forget to tally in the social, criminal, health, infrastructure, jobs, and economics costs?

can i get a source on that?

are the islamics in europe really working for no pay?

they do, but for all the wrong reasons

mainly welfare spending, and displacing whites forcing them to build and buy new houses, which generates economic growth.

more people means more currency circulating throughout the system and more money being loaned. This is "growth", but in the same way that breaking your own windows simply to buy more windows creates "growth"

The immigrants cause economic growth argument is used to argue for refugees by conflating refugees and immigrants. It's not even worth counter-arguing in any other way than smacking them in the fucking face and telling them how stupid they are.

there's a difference between controlled immigration and ayy lmaos going through the border everyday without accountability. With the latter, you don't have the necessary data to control your resources. This could either lead to unnecessary expenses or decrease in wages could lead to a decrease in purchasing power within the country. There's also the lack of coordination within the workplace because one honcho can't speak English (Yeah, I'm having a hard time with one of my co-worker because he doesn't understand me without having to play charade to him everytime).

TL;DR ayy lmaos are bad for the economy unless it's controlled.

Welfare is their pay. I wouldn't be surprised.

Nah, you fucking cuck. Go back to r/the_donald.
Any amount of non-white immigration is destructive and needs to be stopped outright

Despite this, Christopher Hitchens fully supported the invasion of Iraq and bolstered many other neocon talking points.

It's outrageous for me to believe that these kikes use voodoo magicks to keep their position, but it's not outrageous to believe this board is influencing an election using meme magic? Come on now user… My argument is that no one should get an economics degree, you can learn all you need to learn on the subject matter on your own time. Get a degree of value to your fellow man, not one that enriches kikes.

You're starting to believe your own smear propaganda though.

If it's vodoo what keeps one in the 0.01% power/wealth strate of the society, then what utterly complex and difficult to grasp vodoo it must be, surely a very very very special kind and different brand of vodoo!

since you reek of new, at least learn the word "kabbalism" to not sound like Rick Wilson banking version

It's not utterly complex or difficult to grasp, the statistical aspect of it makes it seem that way. Kikes use the illusion of such to insulate themselves and only allow those who practice in the way they do into their inner circles. You can be the greatest economist in the world, but if the kikes won't let you into their cabal you're not going to make much money or have much influence. Magic is always more powerful when groups do it together.

Mate you have contradicted yourself several times already. This is anonymous posting, no need to be prideful.

If the system that allows a small group to control most of the world's wealth and power is not "utterly complex or difficult to grasp", then how come it has come unchallenged since Waterloo (except for NSDAP, who also employed Economists, their works avaliable on /pdf/)?

How have I contradicted myself? Also, it isn't solely economics that allows the kikes to control the worlds wealth and power. They utilize various methods in collaboration to do so. The world and trying to measure human interaction is complex, the magic utilized by kikes is not so much.

Economy is an unfolding contradiction in process. It objectifies Nature and naturalizes objects. It enslave all the spaces of your social landscape until you feel so compressed you need to free yourself.
It tends towards an upside down world, where trade and value are kings, and needs and usefullness are slaves.
It creates a mediated relationship between Man and Nature. It changes everything to objects of values, including men.

You can't rewind it, you can only break it all or change nothing, and that's why The Happening is upon us. The Happening is not a change, it's the Revolution, an actual revolution, where men meets Man again.

Read your posts. I'm not spoonfeeding you.

Your message is obvious though. "Goyim don't learn how we operate. It's either crap vodoo or too complex at the same time. It's not noble. Be under our control"

Humanist, pls

Thing is, profit as the reason for existence leads to white genocide and nation genocide, and ultimately civil war.

Profit is a means, not an ends.

Nigger my message is don't waste time paying kikes to learn about something you can do on your own time. It's the same message I push when it comes to retards getting history degrees.

"Know your enemy" - Sun Tzu
(Also Holla Forums entry tier stickies)

You're saying it's not worthy to learn how international bankers operate.

Who would be interested in making such an backstabbing recommendation?

By retards with history degrees do you mean Dr. David Duke by any chance?

oooooooh yeah

why didnt i think of that

the reason they're importing millions of islamics into their country instead of printing 10 trillion dollars to buy an imported canadian toothpick that costed $0.03 is because they want to enslave people

i seem to have forgotten that the bankers and such are evil

No, I never said that. Just like a kike you're inferring that which doesn't exist.

-Unemployment rate is 3 times higher in immigrants than native
-Can't speak the language well
-Ghetto formation in cities
-Muslims cause tension in the workplace, they cannot endure having a woman as a superior, they will also indict everyone and write complaints
-Studies showed that multiculti areas show a reduced confidence in others, in everyone, that is if you read wrong, everyone trusts everyone less, regardless of what race you are. Confidence is key to entrepreneurship, trust is also key in doing business and trade.
-Immigration is seen as a solution to an aging population, while the problem is not having enough babies made, immigration does not fix this baby problem at all, thus, is a temporary fix at best, a timed bomb at worse.

You mean the same David Duke that kikes flip out about and call his history degree bullshit because he didn't gain it from one of their accredited institutions? David Duke didn't need to go to a University to study history, he did so to add it to his resume.

Ok you made a message so cryptic it's hard to understand anything other that you feel uncomfortable with the idea of people learning the machinations of international bankers.

that by ((pure coincidence)) smearing Dr. David Duke is in your interests aswell.

It makes men who would otherwise do unhelpful things actually do helpful things instead of having a job in the government where your salary is obtained at gunpoint through taxes or being a bad artist that leeches off your rich parent's money and then rave about how the government should finance arts more.

If I buy a car, I wanted that car, the guy didn't put a gun to my head, this transfer of money made me happy, I got the car I wanted, while the guy who obtained my money may be happy as well, he might use that money to fund a space program to go to Mars. Now maybe I don't care about Mars, fine, I got my car, all is fair.

Elaborate bls.

Someone needs to make a "Book of Immigration" that summarizes all the numbers behind immigration.

Vox Day may have debunked this. He majored in economics. Check his archives. There was a chapter in Cuckservative about economic bullshit I think. Maybe its in there.

Profit is a key mechanism of the economy, it is the economy.
Profit is the overwork from human labor, which is the only labour which generates value. Profit is the exploitation of human labour and labor is the process of reification and valorization, for it reifies its object just as it reifies its (human) subject.
"Progress" is the progress of this logic throughout time and space, and it is only logic that we go from the polytheism of archaic greek gods to the monotheism of the market and the icons that Apple, Google, luxury cars and whatnot nowadays represent.


We have one in France, it's called "Immigration : la catastrophe" by J-Y. Le Gallou.

no no heres a way to avoid the investment thing in GDP

step 1: the government prints $100,000,000,000,000 dollars
step 2: a citizen, after being secretly told to do so by the government, takes a shingle off of this house and puts a $100,000,000,000,000.00 dollar non-refundable pricetag on it
step 3: the government buys that aforementioned shingle for $100,000,000,000,000.00 dollars, causing the GDP to go up by $100,000,000,000,000.00
step 4: the citizen mentioned in step 2 buys back the aforementioned shingle for $100,000,000,000,000.00 without having to pay taxes because hes buying from the government, causing the GDP to go up by $100,000,000,000,000.00
step 5: repeat steps 3 and 4 until either the citizen dies or the country is dissolved or replace or whatever

id imagine that GDP was thought of based on the assumption that money had actual worth


The trillion dollar toothpick idea is already basically implemented through fed cronyism, the fed prints trillions of dollars and buys securities with money out of thin air to prop up (((chosen))) wall street firms at the detriment of regular jackoffs who are disproportionately affected by the resulting inflation. In any case the idea is the fleece your sheep, not to skin them alive, the trillion dollar toothpick thing would be hyperinflationary, not merely inflationary, and it would kill the host nation prematurely before they could extract as much wealth as possible from it. They want as much human effort, wealth, and resources to be swindled from working folk as possible before the system collapses for maximum kike efficiency, and this is done through cantillion effects in which the (((chosen))) who get freshly printed fed money before inflation sets in buy up solid assets and securities which either retain their value or appreciate, unlike fiat, and by the time it trickles down to the workers and consumers inflation has set in and it is worth less by a couple percent. This means that there is massive, systematic wealth transfer of 2-3 percent at least per year to the planets (((elites))). The stakeholders in the Federal Reserve are confidential, but it is speculated that they have ties to the IMF, Secret Societies, and The Bank of International Settlements and have managed to conceal a racket in which they siphon several percent of the entire planets wealth each and every year. Usury is really, really, fucking evil, no amount of deception which masquerades as "economics" can justify the fact that trillions of dollars are stolen from the worlds poorest people every year causing incalculable suffering among billions.

Where does immigration not solve this baby problem? It provides a massive amounts brand new consumers, what the market is waiting for.

What's wrong with letting white women get raped and murdered? This is their own fault to begin with. Just keep calm and carry on.

Not sure if that post is supposed to be sarcastic, but yes, bankers are in fact evil and seek control and enslavement of the filthy goys as much as they seek to enrich themselves power is as much of a motive as profit if not more of one. They already run shell games which have the same effect as the trillion dollar toothpick scheme with QE and such, and that is not mutually exclusive with the other criminal conspiracy of importing third world hordes to economically exploit them and to use them as pawns for white genocide.

It does not increase fertility rate.

Immigration is just like printing money.

Also immigrants are poor customers, they often have low wage jobs (or none at all) and send their measly salaries to their families outside the country.

The fallacy of the "GDP growth" fetishism is known as "Broken Windows Economy".

were there even 30 of them, by common consent apparently, offered the unfortunate owner this invariable consolation: “It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. Everybody must live, and what would become of the glaziers if panes of glass were never broken?”
greater part of our economical institutions. Suppose it cost six francs to repair the damage, and you say that the accident brings six francs to the glazier’s trade—that it encourages that trade to the amount of six francs—I grant it; I have not a word to say against it; you reason justly. The glazier comes, performs his task, receives his six francs, rubs his hands, and, in his heart, blesses the careless child. All this is that which is seen.
But if, on the other hand, you come to the conclusion, as is too often the case, that it is a good thing to break windows, that it causes money to circulate, and that the encouragement of industry in general will be the result of it, you will oblige me to call out, “Stop there! Your theory is confined to that which is seen; it takes no account of that which is not seen.”
if he had not had a window to replace, he would, perhaps, have replaced his old shoes, or added another book to his library. In short, he would have employed his six francs in some way which this accident has prevented.
Quote from C. F. Bastiat

Financial reductionism is a poison that is killing society.

Economics is one big psyop to justify usury and prop up globalist schemes, even seemingly esoteric schools of economics such as Austrian economics are misdirection from the core machinations of the predatory system of global finance we live under.




Society is not about the markets.

(I'm speaking of Europe btw, idk about the USA really)
They have way more kids than the natives. How does it not increase it?
Immigrants are excellent customers, just look at the young immigrant kids in Europe, you'll see the same pattern everywhere.
They are the sons and daughters of money, and they really do look like money.

If you intend to outright replace the population, that is called a genocide, like what China does to Tibet.

Also second generation and later have lower fertility rate as well, with higher chances of radicalization. I'm saying it's just like printing money because you are not fixing the debt, you are ignoring it and at one point it will because structurally non-workable.

Immigrants are not excellent customers as well.

You know how I know you're a kike?

Mr. Shekelstein decides to open a lawn mowing service. His first client, Mr. Boomer, wants his lawn mowed in a day (8 hr) and will pay $200 for it.
He needs to hire a gardener. His options are Mr. White who demands $12.50/hr, and Mr. Beaner, who'll do the same job for $10/hr.
Theoretically, Mr. Shekelstein can hire Juan and get extra $20 of revenue that he would with Mr. White, and use it to grow his business (hire more Juans), therefore providing more services and generating more GDP.
But what happens on the next step? Mr. White would spend his salary on goods and services, generating more GDP, and those who provided him with these goods will spend it too.
And Mr. Beaner would spend a minimal amount of his salary on life support and SEND THE REST BACK TO FUCKING MEXICO, withdrawing it from the market entirely.

Economy doesn't have feeling.
War is a key part of it.

1. Shekelstein doesn't think like that, he thinks about his own profit and when the country collapses he moves on to greener pasture.
2. M. White saves more money than Juan, so consume generally less (expect when Juan sends it abroad)
3. Immigrants sending money abroad is just not true for most immigrants in Europe. (maybe it is for USA though I'm not at all sure)