A Nation Of Whores: Record High Rates Of Big Three STDs

NEW YORK (AP) — Infections from three sexually spread diseases have hit another record high.

Chlamydia (kluh-MID'-ee-uh) was the most common. More than 1.5 million cases were reported in the U.S. last year, up 6 percent from the year before.

Nearly 400,000 gonorrhea (gah-nuh-REE'-uh) cases were reported, up 13 percent. And there were about 24,000 cases of the most contagious forms of syphilis, up 19 percent.

The three infections are treatable with antibiotics.

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say part of the growth may be due to better testing and diagnosis, but much of it is a real increase. They're not sure why.

The CDC released the new numbers Wednesday.

An estimated 20 million cases of sexually transmitted infections occur each year in the US


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Yes, we have to kill all niggers and all faggots. And?

The Tinder effect. Since the birth of these hook-up apps, STDS have been rising quite quickly.

thank you for reminding me to go out and jog today

The one good thing to come out of all this shit, is that once antibiotics stop working. All these fucktards will slowly become sterile. And considering most of these people are shitskins and faggots it will only be good for us in the long run.

They dun fucked up

This, Tinder has really caused a massive epidemic in terms of drug resistant STDs

And spics and kikes and ?

Good goyim. Keep watching porn, using tinder, and letting rapefugees in.

Jogging fucks up your knees. Do bicycle instead, that way instead of ending up in a wheelchair at 50, you can be 75 and go do your groceries using a bicycle.

God damn, I found out from my girlfriend that one of her friends has genital warts and sleeps around quite a bit. He gave it to his current girlfriend without telling her about it who broke up with him earlier because of it and posted a status about it on facebook but got back together. The dude is a total cuck but is 35 years old and a lawyer. Fuck today's culture.

I have to ask since I am no burger:

How is the condom culture over there? Around here, no one ever fucks without condoms except for the dumbest niggers or muslims and migrants. Every women I ever hooked up with and talked about this issue said they wouldnt have unprotected sex with people they just stay with for a few fucks. Are burgers thinking the pill is all they need to whore around? Disgusting.

There is a lot of unprotected sex going on… That's all I have to say speaking from experience. Luckily I have no stds and I'm in a committed relationship now having unprotected sex with gf who is on the pill.

(((The Pill))) is poison to a woman's body.

Yeah, it's only faggots and niggers. Precious white women are pure Aryan princesses.

I was in your position and my gf cheated on me and got herpes and gave it to me. Don't trust em when they're on the pill man… That shit isn't curable either

Yeah, I know. Trying to talk her out of it but she is keen on the pros of using the pill to fight off menstrual cramps.

Wouldn't you notice that shit before having sex?


Tinder and hook up culture has been a nightmare for the current and upcoming generation

If you think white hetero people aren't getting these diseases, you're fucking delusional. Getting rid of the non-whites is half the battle of nationalism, the other half is cleaning up the white race in general. Unless you want to have a country where all the guys are like Eminem and all the girls are like Iggy Azalea


Whiggers are indeed a huge problem for the white race.

Having an STD doesn't mean you're a whore.

For example, is this guy a whore? He has herpes.

The deck is stacked against decent hardworking men.
One more reason to go MGTOW

Either means you are a whore or you have low standards. In the end, it doesn't equate to anything good on your part.

Some people get them through no fault of their own, such as when their SO cheats, but the cheating/hook-up culture of whoredom is what got us to this stage.

This sexual looseness is the reason, why I believe that the western world has no chance against Russia, I read somewhere, that during the WW2, Germans found out that almost 100% of Russian girls were virgins, and in that finding they realized, that it's impossible to beat a nation that keeps their women so pure. The situation there nowadays has of course unfortunately degenerated, but it's still better than the West. The soldiers will have no moral to continue fighting in difficult conditions, because there is nothing they deserve to protect.

This is one of the most retarded posts I have ever read.

Might want to check race stats first.

There is no way to tell if someone is a virgin or if they have an STD - well, most STDs anyway. Obviously if there's huge open sores and green drainage when the panties come off, then yeah, you should run the hell out of there; but a lot of STDs (like HPV) have no physical symptoms.

You guys should read Hitler's chapter on syphilis. Basically the government applied half-measures that don't solve the root of the problem, much like today with these antibiotics. Or that their "solution" to heroin is more money for "treatment centers" and shit, instead of closing the border.

Hitler said that prostitution was a major cause of the spread of syphilis, so therefore you have to prevent young men from using prostitutes. This means encouraging marriage at a younger age and keeping the men busy with physical work so that their sexual desires don't surface.

But more importantly, he said how the state would have to convince the public, over the course of many years if necessary, that the problem of venereal disease is of utmost importance and is a matter of their very existence. This method is not taken today because politicians don't want to risk not being re-elected or even worse, insulted!

As long as our politicians use half-measures to solve such critical problems, they will never be solved. Expect to see more and more videos of strung-out white parents and death by heroin overdose skyrocket.

Genital warts? Yeah you can definitely tell if someone has genital warts. I think the problem is a lot of people when they get that far don't bother turning back and instead want to finish what they started and go all the way.

I used to be MGTOW but grew out of it. It's a great intro-redpill but dude, you're not all the way there yet.

Do even know what post ww2 Russia is you dumb fuck? They have more abortions than any single European country ffs.

HPV doesn't always manifest in condyloma. Most people with HPV don't even know they have it.

The very first girl i ever fucked mentioned he had syphilis after we already had sex. A Catholic girl with no tattoos who prayed before eating her food at dinner. This is RARITY many parts of New Jersey. Later i learned through her brothers friend that she's a party girl who go's to the casinos every other night. I never got any stds thankfully.
Girls here will pretend to be christian

Dude I live in LA, so you can understand my position.

I used to be a believer, but honestly, there is a risk associated with it that is too hard to mitigate in this toxic environment (the west). While I could move away from this area, and away from my family, that would be at best a wash. I don't want to say the ideal is impossible, but it's unlikely. For every guy who achieves the ideal, how many don't.

I know, but the reason I used a White woman with a perfect body dressed slutty was to elicit a feeling of ambiguity on the topic of STDs.

Isn't that shit spread through direct contact with the outbreak though?

depends on the HPV strain, a lot of them you can't tell you're infected until it's too late and you end up with cancer

I hope you aren't living there anymore and I'm glad you got lucky. Seriously, fuck sluts these days. Everyone can pretty much count on getting cheated on in just about every type relationship now.

I thought you wanted us to start breathing funny.

Yeah but from my understanding and from the last time I got tested is that they don't test for HPV and there isn't a way to test for that.

I've got some news for you user….

just a reminder that most white women are too far gone. Fucked up sluts with daddy issues, std's, inability to pair bond long term, and most are radical feminists anyways.

That is complete bullshit.

unless this is talking about non Hispanic Caucasian women then we dont need to worry
the STD problem is something the niggers, spics, natives, and fags have to worry about.

Men can also get it through licking pussy and end up with shit like throat cancer.

RIDF everyone

Takes like 2 weeks to be "noticed" and sometimes doesn't show any symptoms at all. Pretty shitty

It all depends. It's also a hell of a lot harder for men to contract it than women because of the way our plumbing is built. However, all I'm sayin' is that you can't always tell when someone's infected nor is there any realistic way to confirm virginity.

I met a girl once who contracted gonorrhea when her uncle raped her. That certainly doesn't make her a whore. It's one of those magical gray areas between "pure perfect virgin" and "grotesquely diseased whore".

Well the nigger and spic populations are growing

There are exceptions for everything user. I mean those are just rotten situations but they happen.

They have a vaccine for HPV now, but it doesn't matter in an age where people are refusing to get their kids vaccinated. Eventually, over time, the human body will learn to adapt to it. The Spanish flu killed 20 million people in the late 19th century, but now we just take some Tylenol and lay around in bed for a day or two.

I almost forgot about the porn ban, thanks for remembering me. That's a little bit silly to try to ban porn in today's internet age, but at least he's trying. Maybe it really is in preparation for war to get the purity of their women up again. He did the holohoax law just to get the kikes off his back and to get in their good favors, I think there has been nobody punished because of that law yet.

That is fucked, I don't get it because my friend has been in relationship for like a half a year with a girl who had herpes and he somehow doesn't have it. He says he avoided the break out periods.

What did your ex do when you brought it up?

And people wonder why MGTOW exists.

Unfortunately when it comes to STDs, mud problems are our problems, because of miscegenation.

As a result of decades of schools and neighborhoods being forcibly integrated by the federal government, combined with a parallel media campaign to desensitize White children to the effects of it, there is now an epidemic of young White girls miscegenating with muds prone to carrying these diseases.

They start running with the niggers in middle school. They go home with Tyrone after school for white guilt blowjobs and get introduced to Tyrone's 25-year-old pot-dealing brother who has gonorrhea.


Russia has the highest rate of aids, abortions, drug use and pedofilia in europe.

Kill yourselves.


Becuase she told him she has it and they avoided breakouts.

My ex didn't know she had it (from cheating) and slept with me within the two week window and then we both got symptoms. She obviously had to come clean to me and we are no longer together.

Its not just them.

Whites have been infected with nigger deseases too.

So if any purging is to happen do blood tests too.


Whoever brought up the "purity" of Russia is fucking delusional. STDs are running rampant world wide now.

That is fucked. Does she know who she got it from?

Did she at least apologize?


This retard must have gypsy tier IQ.

All women must be kept in chastity belts until marriage. This is disgusting.

Only the lowest beta cucks eat pussy.

It's not even an equality issue. Pussies are inherently dirtier than dicks because of modern fashion.

Women were not meant to wear underwear and pants because they trap all the bacteria in there, creating a stinky mess.

Our ancestors were wise in developing dresses because they kept the legs covered and there was plenty of airflow.

Men get STDs too, you know. It's not just a woman problem.

Do your duty to the white race. You need to man up and marry these sluts (pure Aryan princesses).

Pregnancy is the solution to periods.

Yeah, she was only "seeing" one guy and we no longer talk to each other at all.
Tainted now

by this logic russia is nothing but gays and niggers

Not if women had their pussy locked away. It takes two to tango.


Sorry to hear, that really isn't fair to you. Are you stuck dating people who also have herpes or are you just honest and avoid having sex during the out breaks?

out of the 13 partners I've been with, I've only used a condom w/5 of them…pls no h8.

We can see through your D&C bullshit faggot. Go try it on the Red Pill or something. No one's falling for it.

Normies are degenerate, and most women are normies, but niggers, spics and especially fags are far more degenerate than the average normie. I have a friend who worked in a free clinic for three months, and he said at least 80% of the STD cases he was dealing with were gay men.

Thanks to the sexual revolution we are now at the point where 80% of women sleep with the 20% of alpha Chads. They give up their most prized possession, their virginity, often well before they are of legal age, often to nonwhites, like it's nothing.

Then, once they finally dismount the rainbow-colored cock carousel, why no self-respecting White man wants to put half his assets on the line by marrying them, and take care of their little obamas.

That is correct. You really shouldn't even do anal with a woman. It was a meme that was pushed hard by (((porn producers))) in the 90s. In the 80s, around 8% of women had done anal. Today it's over 30%.

It's an exit, not an entrance.

Really? I recall reading an article that broke shit down by race and it showed that niggers out numbers new STD cases of all others combined. Are you telling me niggers are also the worse faggots?


Sodomy laws should be enforced. It is a sick act that spreads disease.

Women don't have prostates, anal sex would be shitty (literally) for them to say the least. Some belts with a small hole for pooping don't even allow that to happen.


Women these days consider other women and people weak if they don't eat ass.

Not that many niggers in my country

Hi sinead.

I had an ex girlfriend who orgasmed from anal and was an extreme anal slut. She was also really into bdsm and hated herself. That are women out there that legitimately enjoy it.

There are no more sodomy laws. All anti-sodomy laws were stricken down by SCOTUS in 2003. Lawrence v Texas.

Well, whatever man. Good luck convincing your wife (and the courts) that you somehow have the right to shackle your daughter up. Maybe instead of demanding slave chains, you should learn to fucking raise your daughter right.

Laws are still on the books, though. I'm saying the Lawrence decision should be ignored because the SCOTUS does not have a way to enforce its rulings.

Already, there has been a lot of pushback against Roe v. Wade, for example. There are no longer any abortion facilities in Mississippi.

there are faggots on the video as well in the comments and generally americuckland is cancer everybody deserve nukes.

Technically SCOTUS can enforce its rulings through Congress, who controls the National Guard. Like when schools were integrated by SCOTUS, the NG enforced it.

I've got one of them, it's alright


Enjoy it while you can. I think most women who legitimately enjoy that shit are pretty fucked in the head and are probably damaged goods. I'm afraid there is no fixing damaged goods either.

The SCOTUS does not control the police or National Guard, that's the point. It's the prerogative of the executive branch to enforce its rulings. I'm not making this up, it's how the government is configured.

There has been a lot of chipping away at Roe in spite of the SCOTUS unequivocally declaring abortion is a fundamental right. The God-Emperor can theoretically disregard Roe v. Wade and send abortion regulation back to the states completely.

Keep pretending like you are better than him even though you get off to shitty anime porn

Sometimes the pro-russian propaganda on this site reaches truly surreal heights.

Jogging is bad for your knees and back if it's on concrete and wearing bad shoes.

Hiking>Biking>Jogging>(((Power Walking)))


Swimming is best for you, hands down.


Oh yeah, I don't expect it to last long if I'm being honest but I might luck out hopefully
she told me after the fact that she started falling in love with me when I was fucking her ass, but I don't wanna blogpost

Was there really much running involved in hunting game, though?

Hunters crept up on prey with stealth more often than not. Our ancestors ate more fish and produce anyway.

Have you ever went hunting before with a bow? Usually the arrows don't kill your prey and they end up running away and bleeding to death somewhere further away.

I'd like a source on that. The persistence hunting meme is a really cool meme.

Kill yourself.

Reported, then. Roast in hell, faglover.

I was talking way back, before the development of projectile weapons for hunting.

What would stop a woman from sucking dick though?

Spears are even more work.

Perhaps. But a whore is certainly indicated somewhere in the line of loose pairings friend.

I'd recommend investing into some toys then and stretching that ass hole as much as you can before you have to say goodbye. Make her your personal butt slut and act like she is special for it even though you intend to dump her. Make sure her butt hole is irreversibly loose for the next guy. Work her up to dragon dildo status for her anus.

That's what I did in the end and I'm glad I did it while I could.

That entire fucking story, just had this going through my head (doubt anyone has ever seen it before or even cares):

"At the violet hour, when the eyes and back
Turn upward from the desk, when the human engine waits
Like a taxi throbbing waiting,
I Tiresias, though blind, throbbing between two lives,
Old man with wrinkled female breasts, can see
At the violet hour, the evening hour that strives
Homeward, and brings the sailor home from sea,
The typist home at teatime, clears her breakfast, lights
Her stove, and lays out food in tins.
Out of the window perilously spread
Her drying combinations touched by the sun’s last rays,
On the divan are piled (at night her bed)
Stockings, slippers, camisoles, and stays.
I Tiresias, old man with wrinkled dugs
Perceived the scene, and foretold the rest—
I too awaited the expected guest.
He, the young man carbuncular, arrives,
A small house agent’s clerk, with one bold stare,
One of the low on whom assurance sits
As a silk hat on a Bradford millionaire.
The time is now propitious, as he guesses,
The meal is ended, she is bored and tired,
Endeavours to engage her in caresses
Which still are unreproved, if undesired.
Flushed and decided, he assaults at once;
Exploring hands encounter no defence;
His vanity requires no response,
And makes a welcome of indifference.
(And I Tiresias have foresuffered all
Enacted on this same divan or bed;
I who have sat by Thebes below the wall
And walked among the lowest of the dead.)
Bestows one final patronising kiss,
And gropes his way, finding the stairs unlit . . .

She turns and looks a moment in the glass,
Hardly aware of her departed lover;
Her brain allows one half-formed thought to pass:
“Well now that’s done: and I’m glad it’s over.”
When lovely woman stoops to folly and
Paces about her room again, alone,
She smoothes her hair with automatic hand,
And puts a record on the gramophone."

A man with self respect.

It's estimated that within the next 5-10 years over half of all gay black men in the US will have HIV.

Lad, you should've paid attention to Frank on this topic.

Let's go over what happened;

White women are whores.
Anons here point it out.
You white knight for white women because you're the Right wing version of a beta cuck.
I point out how retarded you are.
You then proceed to throw your autism at me in the hopes that you've said something with meaning, which you did not.

On the bright side, if Trump doesn't win, the nuclear world war will cure the earth of this degeneracy.


Ladies and gents, a larper.

I keep myself isolated from that sort of degeneracy, the last girl I fucked was about 2 years ago, I'm fine with that.
fucking humans literally treating dating like auctioning on cattle. The Jews have already won, I want off this ride. Not pretending to be "above it," I just could never get into that, it's fucking poison for the soul. Thanks, Jews.

Hi, Common Filth.

Haven't dated since.

I'll be honest with whoever I meet eventually

(I already know without looking, if I searched the people behind tinder, it would be larded with Jews. Notice, they keep themselves away from it, quick to create "j-date" to keep themselves from the degeneracy and insular as always.)


I kek'd.


I forgot to mention he got a vasectomy so he can't have kids and spends his money practically being an adult man child. He just plays a lot of video games in the spare time, watches anime, and fucks his girlfriend with his dick with genital warts, shooting blanks.

You're a larper because you come to Holla Forums to larp about being a nazi but in real life you're a faggot who'd be put into an oven immediatly.

Stop watching Common Filth.

Look up the dictionary definition of a cuck.

Someone's mad

Women like to get dominated and disciplined like daddy's little girl

Oy Vey

Dont reproduce with White women, user

Before there were rocks user?


I still don't see a problem here in calling him a cuck.

All you know how to do is deflect criticism, the only thing that could make you more of a cliche is if you were to post a smug anime.

He wasn't criticizing me, I was partially shitposting as well as highlighting the fact that most of these blackpills come from Common Filth. Welcome to Holla Forums.

Filtered, reported.

Imagine if this generation lives to be old? A bunch of heavily tattooed, childless, impoverished random people put into basically storage lockers/nursing homes to wait to die and if lucky given their meds 2x a day by a fat mulatto or spic nurse?

and yet no one will fuck me

I must be doing something wrong

Hitler coming back in December do not worry about that my friend

What the fuck is Chlamydia? This thread is the first time I've heard about it and you goys are talking about it like its common.

Because modern men are low test faggots.

You have no idea, that's the long run. That's not even mentioning the phase of having to put up with an epidemic of single middle aged women that no one will fucking want and who have thrown their youth and lives away thanks to feminism. It will be like the whining of a thousand cats in a shitty smelly alleyway.

No, the suicide rate is going to go wayyy up.

and modern women are high test whores.

In a way I am glad most of them will die rather then grow old far more dignified. I have similar feelings about european states, its good prussia died with the second world war far more nobility to die in hellfire then to watch your daughters fuck niggers and paki cunts steal your identity.

Implying it already hasnt

even higher idiot, can you not read?

How the fuck does him saying "the suicide rate is going to go up" translate to you as "the suicide rate has been at a steady rate for all of history and it will rise soon but not right now"

Well hello, my fellow goyim!

why are u so mad lmao

Tinder doesn't sound bad if you're the type of guy who can smash a lot.

I have changed my ways man. I stick to vagina sex instead of fucking women up the ass nowadays. I repent you ass hole!

I had no idea the "tinder" shit was that popular, I try to stay oblivious. How are these people going to deal with middle and old age and spending Christmas alone? Does Christmas even mean anything anymore to the average person?
Sometimes I wonder if I died a long time ago and this is actually hell, my punishment.

This autism anger is great

When going through hell keep going.

Running is for niggers.


Never jog or do any kind of cardio, if you are man you are supposed to be lifting. There is no better way to get in shape and be strong for hard times to come.

This shit should be banned.

Did you know there is a tinder exclusively for people age 55 and up

Poe's Law. I honestly can't tell if sarcasm or Holla Forums whiteknight virgin.


Too much running is bad a little bit every now and then is fine. All long distance runners have terrible health.

Lifting and the like is important but you think the Waffen SS was not doing running exercises? You need to be able to move you ass.

oh, even better. how about 70+? Can people send pictures of colostomy bags? This is…they say every society says this, but we are Rome in the final stages.
What forms of degeneracy are left? I'm a gym autist and could probably get laid on tinder, maybe at least until after blowing my load and I turned on the news and started ranting about the Jews and the media or whatever is going on.
I don't see how any of this lasts very long. WW 3 can't come soon enough.

Haha, Russian women are some of the biggest whores around.

Because only the top 10% of men even have a chance with online dating unless you're going after the women who no one wants, even then they have plenty of choices to get fucked by over some random loser due to their false sense of self worth.

Really sums it up, everyone mentioned here are your top % attractive rich folks you have hundreds of options all ready and d2f. Rest of us are completely SoL and just along for the ride. Pretty much why cucking has become the most dominate fetish of the last few years


what will we do with all of these useless vats of excrement? (modern women)

All women are fucking whores. If anything, smart kikes would pretend that women are influenced to be whores by an outside force, in order to undermine the natural instinct of men to dominate and put women in their place.

I agree that in society this shit doesn't work and anything outside of the "family unit" (sexual socialism/communism) is unfeasible.

But for the successful individual, these days are great as you can lay hundreds of girls in a lifetime without suffering the stress of

Casual sex is how White women end up single with little obamas.

Its been happening for all of human history.

Either you are not afraid of STD or you already have everything there is to catch.

aka the chivalry myth


The women who choose casual sex and a career instead of marriage and a part-time job would end up being sluts anyway, the question is: will YOU fuck those women or will Tyrone?

u need cardio dude

lifting is dangerous if you dont have a fit circulatory system

youll catch yourself an aneurysm if you are lifting hard with high blood pressure

At this point, we probably deserve to fucking conquered by Islam. Maybe it would bring some morals back to the whores.
Were it not for all the priceless art and architecture they'd destroy, it might even be desirable. Put them all in burkas, stone all the queers.
there's a line in "Table Talk" where Hitler mentions this, although if you have someone writing down every thought you have, who knows if he meant it, I'm just thinking aloud (i.e., on a screen) right now.

The kikes were very clever at making the West go into such destructive direction, by enabling "muh dick" in men and giving "equality" to women.
Now a good chunk of the fertile population is or prone to be literally pozzed, fucks sake, not counting psychological damage along paranoia and brain programing that sabotages long term relations.
With marriage sinking and divorce skyrocketing, nobody is managing to keep a healthy and united house to parent their kids.
All of (((their))) freedoms always had a destructive purpose, we're seeing the result in first the class.
Sexual Revolution was biggest goyim trap of all time.

sure thing ahmed

Pick one.

wow, you're edgy. you found me out chaim. I'm triggered now.

idk about all that. Hitler quote seems spurious


Ahmed isn't a insult sandnigger

I'm discussing a line from Hitler's "Table Talk." I have no idea if it would bring morals, but what I do know is that our birth rate is something like 1.2 and between the shitskin birthrate and the 5,000 they bring by water taxi from Libya every day, Europe is done very soon.

That much is true. I'm preferring WW3 at this point to slowing dying out.

When I was a kid my mother always told me to not worry about how all the girls want the "bad" boys because they end up with the nice ones in the end. So after they're young and got all their slutting out of the system they go back to the quiet nice boy to marry. Straight up telling me to just take them in after they're used goods and have more baggage thats worth it. Its setting up for failure/taking care of someone else kids.

Most women will be taken care of either by men with no self worth who just want a family or by the government to take care of them while they do their thing. Aging population is already a huge fucking issue to deal with in my country (Canada), lord knows how it'll be 50 years down the line. The lack of family units will come back and bite a LOT of people as they get older and need long term care assuming the live a long live.

Its great on a materialistic instant gratification level but its completely hollow. The more mindless fucking you do the more diluted the act becomes, it just ends up becoming glorified masturbation with the same empty feeling afterwords, except on just one person its on two. That will eat away at you like a drug addiction. What matters is true unconditional love, which is super rare.

Fuck even in the archived article all of the women said they've never reach orgasm having sex with the tinder fuckboys. They're banging strangers with no emotional connection not only to not have a loving partner but they don't even get off. Its a sickness that masquerades as some fucked up form of "sexual freedom".

Men are just as guilty though for having it go this way but its really a join in or fuck off scenario.

You can do full body lifting with small breaks between sets and exercises. Your heart rate should be around 140 for the entire session. Think about that, you get strong and cardio for over an hour.

Though you couldn't do this at a high intensity every day.

I like to lift like this every other day and swim on the in between days.

Needless to say it works.

actually we need some good white christian crusaders to put all of our enemies to the sword. Don't let the muslims do what we could do our selves.

Irving thinks it's real. He was somewhat reliable before he got too old, poor, and senile from the constant Jewish abuse.
I also landed on some sort of "list" for having bought tickets to one of Irving's lectures. I don't even give a shit anymore.

WTF is it with these people

good on ya, lad. cheers.


Nothing left but to burn it all to the ground.

At least when The Happening™ happens, the Holla Forumsacks that prepared will have their pick of literally any woman they want.


I'll be going for a qt like pic related

This is also true. If you look at the most corrupt places in "Europe," they are all the traitors who submitted rather than die:"kosovo" (Serbia), albania, soon to be france and sweden.
Something about white evolution can never accept islam, which is a good thing, but at the same time we let the Jews undermine any form of Christian authority that kept us united.

….and the pedos/hebephiles are here. Wonderful.

These 30 year old whores are so used up and polluted with radical feminism.

I'm actually warming up to this idea of marrying a barely legal girl that has been corrupted less and forming her mind the right way. Ideally having enough cash flow from my own small business to make her a housewife who never goes in to the workplace and just raises children.

Was your father around?

What the hell are they doing? Are they chasing some high that doesn't exist? Are they just doing it for the attention from big league men? The world has gone insane.

Dr. Pierce said in one of his broadcasts that when America finally breaks up, the only forms of currency will be liquor, food, gasoline, and women.
does anyone else notice that Mormons seem happy? But then you hear a lot of horror stories from people who have left. Also, unless you are born into, doubt the converts are treated well.

HPV And Trig not mentioned. Guess who's really spreading disease Holla Forums

How many are white OP?
Most blacks have higher STD rates. STILL fucked up though.

but with so many White girls now burning coal, does it matter anymore?

Get yourself redpilled on women, THEN reread what you posted.

I've lived in Independence MO, which has a large number of LDS. About 1/3 of my neighborhood was LDS (aka Church of Christ). Most of the women were on anti-depressants and were shitty mothers. Daughters that ran away and became actual crack/heroin whores. Incest.

They were more dysfunctional on average than non-LDS families, and by a decent margin at that.


could there be another factor at work here?

i've learned to view claims of dysfunction in traditionalistic families, as suspect.



well, I don't know what you're implying. This wasn't some study funded by an (((NGO))), this was my personal experience.

Mormonism is a cult, period. Being surprised that in inflicts psychological wounds on it's members is unsurprising.

And I wouldn't describe them as "traditional".

is that the guy from "marching to zion?" That's the only form of Christianity I think I could really get into. I figured he must have saudi money behind him to have gotten access to the princeton jew and all the others and then fucked them.

Your a savage materalist unable to grasp the true beauty of what was western civilzation, just another symptom of the decline.

*That it inflicts psychological wounds on it's members is unsurprising.

As you can see she's got tits m8

You deserve everything you get.

Why wouldn't you just find a 12 year old and raise a wife? You don't have to have sex until shes older dummy.

I got the same plan. I am worried, about society pressuring her into narratives. You don't work, stay at home mom. That is so sad. You only had one sexual partner, you never lived etc….

It is all so fucked.

yeah im sure men 3000, 2000, 1000 and 500 years ago considered women

i am a ephebophilia. I think most men are. That is a bit on the young side. Do you know why you are attracted to such young girls? Do you prefer them 15-16+ or 11-15? She probably had her period though, which in my book makes her fair game.


GTFO Mohammed.

A pure materialistic view of things is what leaded us into this shit, in less than 200 years.
Pure materialism is juden whisper to trick the goyim into self-destruction.

If she can have children, than yes. I don't see why it would be okay for all of humanity, and now it is wrong all of a sudden?

Is that your plan? Because I kinda doubt that a guy that keeps 12 year old "loli" photos at the ready isn't planning on violating the 12 year old child in question.

I don't know why I'm because I'm not really interested in what you have to say. You fucks are all the same and you've come on here many times making the same cases for your paraphilia.

*I don't know why I'm responding

You still dont get it even in the slightest regard. Thats why you are a nigger

My parents worked together, mom got knocked up by a friend who ditched. Both of them came from absolute SHIT environments with horrible families. I'm his son, but older sister is of another man who straight up left the country. Parents are happily married and the family unit is stronger then most. From his perspective its was more of a "I'm saving this child from a horrible life as my own" and not "my wifes daughter" type deal.

To be fair the only true unconditional love that really exists is between two males, which is hilarious in its own right.

Women are women, they need to be guided from a young age to have the proper values or they go full whore on their own/society influence. A man can guide a women into a healthy family unit if he is able to satisfy her to a point she doesn't need to go else ware along with committing to actually creating and raising healthy children. Although with how hard it is to even live day to day without making bad choices, lack of stable economy, a corrupt governing body that hates the family unit and the influence of other men clawing at the women. You have a fucked up mess.

I'm redpilled more then most, women are worthless unless a man goes out of his way to put value into her but even then if you're not careful they'll still fuck you over in a chase of short term pleasure over long term satisfaction. I think at this point if you really do want a family you need to be sure as fuck you have your own land, financial security AND find a decent women in her early 20s to latch to so she never needs to go else where for support physically or emotionally. Few men can actually do this, at least in their early years, its a great thing men can still have kids late into life at least.

Its completely fucked that you need to have complete control over all the variables to have a chance at a successful family but again it is what it is. Cheating is too easy and impossible to fully prevent when you can find a fuck buddy in 15 minutes but it only takes one bad choice on the wife's side to destroy everything. Also this goes both ways, tons of men will destroy their own handy work and ruin families but corruption knows no bounds.

Personally I've given up, but its totally possible to get a decent family going if you put in the work, debatable if its worth it though

I'm not sure if we're talking about polygamous Mormons or non-polygamous Mormons. I think polygamy's bad for white society since it contributes to white demographic decline. But as for the non-polygamous Mormons, don't they basically adhere to traditional norms (setting aside the idiosyncratic theology)?

Everything in your post is wrong.

pic related

And God willing, this will happen in horrible circumstances. Maybe in my naive hope, once whites see that we are on the verge of extinction we will wake up and start fucking like Rabbits? Does Holla Forums think this is likely? Only when a greater threat arises, do we come together. Look at Jews, they hate each other in Israel but since all of the middle-east wants them dead, they put their differences aside for now to fight the rest. Maybe whites will do the same?!?

Have you been with a lot of women? I wonder what kind of experience spurs that statement?

Pick one

You're a fucking idiot
No, I'm not even a Christian

You may as well be with a retarded opinion as this

Biking juggles your balls and messes with your hormones, especially if it's mountain biking.

I get the message and frustration. Ultimately, I think the human female, in her subconscious desires to be controlled, hence why all countries that are led by women, import them. I am looking to Japan and East Asia on how they are dealing with the population crisis. They are a few years ahead on this issue.

They seem to be heading in the same direction as we. Import humans.


I made a typo
*Import subhumans

The first volume is real, Irving interviewed the guy who would sit near AH and write it down. Second volume is not. Guy actually said "well, you can imagine this is the kind of thing AH might have said, can you not?"
IDK. Irving clearly had/has a mental illness, but I guess you'd have to in order to take on the Jews as he did alone.
They ruined him, he's old and in poverty.

Only if you are a nigger

Apparently anons on here were saying that Hitler's Table Talk was written post-war and presented as "gathered evidence from during the war" so it's apparently 90% fake.
There's a lot of stuff in there that sounds weird and I also don't know who the fuck would write 3000 pages just typing up word for word what Hitler said during dinner and lunch.

Search it nigger.

I just observe and go off what others have expressed, the archived article posted earlier on in the thread. Young people who are fucking different people throughout the week just kind of becomes dazed to it, they don't even have eye contact with each other. Sure sex feels good but without the emotional connection it just like eating shit food non stop. You feel like shit but its hard to stop once you get on the habit. The pump and dump technique where only one person even gets off just seems absolutely retarded to me and can't be healthy long term.

I'll admit I'm completely full of shit for the most part and every relationship I've been in I've been cheated on so I'm fairly biased already. But if you're seeing mutiple women and you don't actually care about any of them past pleasure it seems degrading more then enlightening. The more you expose yourself to "degenerate" life styles for lack of a better term the worse it seems/

Or maybe I'm just salty I don't involved myself in that culture and get no action like a good little cuck

Look into changing her diet etc.

Yeah, get her off that ASAP.

I agree with this redpilled post, this Christcuck "Gd" is merley a lie. I only follow the true gods of Norse Paganism and kek.


video related. explain the jewish connection.


there are 2 volumes. there was a guy whose job it was to sit near AH as he ate lunch and write down what he said. There's one real one, one fake (or at least heavily embellished).
there is so, so much bullshit and propaganda with anything related to WW 2 that 80% of it is just deciding what sources you can trust.
One AH quote I see often is "my sprit will rise from the grave and people will know I was right.." that's horseshit.
the closest thing to it is his last will: "centuries will pass, but from the ashes of our monuments, hatred will always arise anew for those we have to thanks for all of this; international jewry and their henchmen."


CIA Black Ops are financed by drug trade A comic told me so


You can get people to do any vile act if they're exposed to a point it seems like just normal behavior.

next example. Women adopt animals from verious shelters to mutilate them. Including but not limited to: gouging eyes out, burning while alive, ripping out tails, biting (!) off ears, suffocating.

don't view if you are weak


Humans were not meant to eat as much meat as we eat in a typical western diet.

We evolved to be bipeds to reach fruits from trees. We suck at running compared with other primates.

All I ever wanted was a cute girl who was sweet, loyal, and a good mother. and can cook

Thanks Schlomo, you are truly our greatest ally


The context of this video is: we torture an old innocent man (not a gang member) by cutting off his ears and his dick while stabbing and ripping his guts out. The full version of this video shows them pulling out the intestines while he is still alive, holding them in their hands and making funny jokes. Not all of the women in the video are drug cunts.

A. you are a spic, opinions discarded.
B. Explain Jewish connection? See "The International Jew; the World's foremost Problem" volumes I-IV by Henry Ford.

No I asked, because I have a very similar world view, and I got my nuts off. After so many women, it just feels very much so like masturbation, into a human. Except better, than with my hand (most of the time) I can't help but notice, men who have fucked a lot usually share this view. It grows dull, after X pussies, because I think it bad for the soul, to fuck and fuck and have no children. It sends the subconscious into distress because it believes you are infertile.

I still fuck the sluts, as I am weak willed, and can't resist my own flesh. Too many triggers, I mean the bitches are walking out in molded skin pants. I tried to fight it, but I just end up fucking them. I feel great for the rest of the day. But the next day I feel so horrible, as something is missing. I am hungry for more, and it never ends. I wonder if I had children would this never ending lust stop? I want children too, but it seems to be a lost cause unless you can line up your ducks right.

I am almost of the verge, of fucking a girl with good genetics to try and get 2 -3 out of her and then accept divorce as the price to pay. I don't know, this is heavy on my heart, because I don't want my children to have to live with divorced parents and thus a broken family. I am divided in between what to expect and what I desire.

Theur hiwever is a difference between stranger rape and frind rape. Stranger rape is actually rare. Like rare as duck. And you must also distiquish between "Forced Sex" and "Torturous Rape" one involves a wet vagina and minimal injuries, the other can often lead to a ICU stay.

you're a bad hombre, user. Can't handle the truth.


porn and massive fucking is Pandora's box for men there is no end to the thirst

why do people use this bald jew's face so much, even here? did it begin at leddit? I fucing hared that show before I was even old enough to understand Jews, just their faces made me cringe. It was never funny, just kikes.
A good way to weed out potential girlfriends is any who has any affinity for Jerry "jew swine" seinfeld or "friends" reruns is out.

STDS rise when Jews introduce them.

STD. The tiny Jew.

Enjoy your fluoride goy



I like "the promiscuity jew" better.

you're trying to extrapolate from a sample a favela trash (I guess honduras since you are a spic, no idea what those slums are called) to actual White women. It doesn't work that way.
I hate even the word "spic" since it's a slur on Spaniards, who hare South America and mexico more than anyone.

You erroneously imply that this has something to do with white women, in fact this is simply the result of our changing demographics. In fact, heterosexual white men have higher std rates than heterosexual white women,

Those are spics, a subhuman population which we will eventually have to exterminate to the last man, woman and child in order to expand the lebensraum of our people. How does this video of spics being spics influence our assessment of actual human women?

people act as if it's a mark of pride to have wasted years of their lives here. It's not reddit friend, you don't get little points or stars for number of nights wasted here.
Unfortunately, I've been here..longer than I even admit, but I have never had any interest in understanding why people think a Jew's face (unless it's smashed in with a hammer) is amusing.

There is no exclusivity, I am attracted to all women that are hot. Anyone who isn't a hebe or ephebo I think are deluding themselves and are still stuck in their jewish mindjail. Theres nothing wrong with finding a pubescent girl attractive but also understanding that having intercourse would be dangerous. This "anything-under-18" pedo hysteria is killing birthrates. Why would you wait until a girl is 18 before society deems it acceptable to even start dating? Then you waste 2 years making sure you are a good fit and get married at 20 or even later. 4-6 years of good baby making years down the drain. Why not start getting to know a girl when she is 14? Oh wait its because every man is a pedo creep super predator looking to rape anything with a pulse. This is the last type of kikery Holla Forums cant seem to see.

No I was telling him he can wait until shes 18 or whatever instead of gambling on a possible whore when its unnecessary.

I don't know what a normal 12 year old looks like (because american hormones) I just threw out a number.

Yes I would probably do sexual things with the types of girls that I am posting in the pics though, but only if she were my wife. Of course I wouldnt have intercourse unless her body was able to handle a baby. What kind of man would want to risk his wifes life for some hole?

Go find me any instance in history of a 12 year old being referred to or considered a "child". I don't know if these girls are 12. Here's another pic anyway.

And you are trying to deduce from a seemingly innocent random women who you don't even know.

Yeah, who cares about proportions. user over here is trying to look smart.

Holy shit, capped.

How fucking dumb are you user? Do you still believe in the Easter Bunny too?

Funny how this idea of "equality" saturates our society and we're all taught to hate rich people, but the only thing it influences in sexual terms is that fat ugly chicks should get Chads too. Classic slave morality.

In the past this was called "marriage".

what could it mean

I know spic garbage when I see and hear it. I was raised in Jew Snake City. thanks though.

Who ever said it was a good thing? all I can say is that you're trying to hard to fit in, CTR.

ok, so you say that only spic women are retarded. What about (russians) and video related?

women are evil. Only the white man was made in the image and likeness of God. all of the other races don't have souls, including women.

you're reaching now. It's almost bedtime Kevin.

You will never become human, pedro.

I think hookup culture is part of it, but people for some reason don't want to use condoms as much anymore. It's risky as hell and I wrap my shit but the attitude is out there. I guess cause almost all women are on birth control.

What about them?


user, your gf's friend is a 'he'? Afraid i've got some bad news for you. Do you want me to tell you, or would you prefer your girlfriend's son do it.

This is why poor people can never handle being rich. Put a bit of pocket change on them and they think they are now living it large. Also, she's not mentally tough enough to survive as a whore.

Pedophiles are getting thrown in the oven too fam

In his defense; it really is though and most men are it. Although in our times there could be an increase due to girls maturing faster than they used to.

Do you live in DC?

lol that niglet snug af

the internet should have been destroyed and shut off permanently (or made far more complex) after goybook began to allow anyone access to the internet.
you used to need a dedicated phone line and the time to sit alone and nigger rig a cheap computer and just learn by doing.
when this sort of technology is put into the hands of the masses, only bad can come of it. No 12 year old setting up a computer in his room 13 years ago ever imagined that the internet would morph into what it has.
it's a walking fucking shekels machine and everything is monetized/commercialized, even the process of getting laid. At this point, it would be best for all of society if the internet could be turned off somehow and never allowed back on.
The internet was a place for loners and tech nerds, not random college girls looking to get dick.

i have to agree with you anonbro

I heard that french kissing gets you pregnant, so almost 0% are virgins. Where do you think kids come from? There is no way in hell near 100% are virgins unless the lord is cucking them or ayys are cloning them

Very sad but happens every day in this odd hell. Its interesting to be at a point where its hard to even be effected by this stuff since its so desensitized. It shouldn't get easier.

Internet porn probably did the most damage to me, day in day out non stop content that will never end. Its kind of insane. You can fap a day away and not even blink an eye at the missed opportunities, it feels like garbage but it keeps your mind off lack of relationships I suppose.

If you can find a decent women to connect with you should hold onto dear life, but its hard when they have so many meat logs to stuff themselves with, why would they commit any more then a guy unless they want a family? Do women even want families or is it all career and fucking now?

The whole deal just seems like a hell of a lot of work for not much reward that can blow up in your face anyway. Rather just buy land out in the wilderness, build a cabin and live the rest of my life in solitude. Probably more fox and the grapes then not though

Internet is the only reason we can expose everything we can about this corrupt shit whole of a society. Its up to people to build off of that or to be be crushed under the weight of it all. Rather this over pure ignorance and being a fuckboy

Good luck, user, once she goes off of it she's going to blow up like a house.

It is up for the courts to decide. All it would take is a good group of judges to hear a different, but similar premise case and to rule in favor of sodomy laws.

They are of their father the devil, and the lusts of their father they will do.

what even is a pedophile anymore (other than the really obvious) and who is to decide when the Jews now let 8 year olds cut off their dick?
No, I don't want to find out and have the jews throw me in jail. I do know that ty cobb's mother married at 12 (and they were Southern aristocrats) and Dante's Beatrice was 13 or 14.

If I were in charge and I thought it could get birth rates up, maybe you change the law but now "muh career wommenz" have ruined the world.
you have men competing for jobs with womeynz now and with the Jews enforcing it to where it has to be a 50% split. So you marry, maybe you see your "wife" 3 hours a day, then a miserable weekend.
this current model surely does not work. women who have kids in their 30s (even 40s now) give birth to kids with far more problems. The ideal age for a healthy pregnancy is about 20.

This is a troll account, right? Someone should make a fake account and see what's the absolute vilest thing you can say to a woman and still have her 100% down for it.

But that's exactly what they loners and tech nerds wanted it to be!


Well b8ed my friend.

These are non-polygamous LDS Mormons I'm talking about. There's nothing particularly traditional about them apart from a higher percentage of wives staying home instead of working, which didn't translate into an idyllic 50s household in most cases - many women were slobs who did no housework and slept half the day because they were depressed. Most of the men were decent people but honestly they act a bit like jews. They borrow lawn equipment instead of buying it. They guilt people into helping them around there home while never returning the favor. They're tightwads and shitty tippers when you go out to lunch with them. They network and do business strictly with other Mormons. They have weird personality quips that seem to be traceable back to the fears of excommunication, shame and general nosiness that is ubiquitous in the LDS church experience (other mormon's are constantly up in their business, and know far too much about each others lives creating weird paranoia, etc).

As told from Will's perspective:
Went to this NYE party last night. Saw some people I knew, but it was pretty lame. Then went home with my gf for netflix and chill.

at least post the good stuff you dense faggot. In video related a master slav sent his pitpull to eat grandma's face. slav police chill out and record. lel.

eh? the early people who built internet sites, there was no money in it, it was a fun hobby to make a website like "Mr. t. ate my Balls."
then you had sort of a golden age where wimmenz were not yet comfortable with it and they kept to AOL and shutting off cookies was relatively easy (before companies like JEwggle came along) and it wasn't all about shekels.

not sure what I think about Snowden overall, but in that documentary he talks about the internet before it became a shekels machine and feminists looking to track down a joke you made 10 years ago and shame you with a bunch of teenagers, and that's the internet I miss and is never coming back.

they are speaking Spanish you moron

oh, damn, wrong vid. This one is in spic land. Can't find the slav one in my pitbull-just-wanna-have-fun collection

fuck you

The more liberal a country becomes the more whore like it acts…..thus the disease problem.
Canada is a STD hot spot. Sweden is probably the same.

That's not even it. Posting Will's story at part two only is just disingenuous. Part one casts her as a person who goes from "My ex was a slob" to "Oh shit turn the gold digging on" in about 10 seconds flat then the second post she tries to act all emotionally connected to Will.

Woops meant to quote

does anyone remember when you could never even tell who was a tennager on the internet? Because you needed a high IQ to even figure out the basics of getting a connection and keeping it. the jew normies who used it stuck to AOL.

I don't think younger people can even imagine it, but the entire "internet" as you know it now was like "the darkweb." People found it scary and mysterious and stayed to their AOL. It was all for people like us.

You're an idiot

Give me one good reason why marrying your wife when shes 20 is better than marrying her at 14

but if you took away the internet, would there even be anywhere near as much corruption to expose?
Taken overall, do you not agree the negatives of the internet as it is now outweigh the positives?
I like…getting live streams of news from across the world, but on the other hand, read about tinder and what the Jews are doing to women.
and no, women are not virginal and perfect, but like toddlers they will test boundaries and turn out badly if society as a whole doesn't control them.

I want a girlfriend and it seems like in the modern US its impossible

I'm a virgin and I want a chick that I can be best friends with and do everything with and yes of course have her deal with my problem

Yeah (technically) I can get laid if i am extremely barebones technical about it but it requires going to random parties/clubs/bars and getting with drunk/promiscious/both chicks its highly illegal either way (one is legally rape and the other is false identity and both at the same time is both) and if i wanna do it raw i risk getting (insert STD here)

I want a girlfriend on pills
I dont want to have to subsist off of hookers, or tinder, or party chicks

I don' want to have to constantly worry about cops or std's or money

I just want a girl in my life

I never understood this, all i wanted was one woman. A woman i could get along with and start a family with.

If i voice that amongst common people, i'm a loser. According to media i'm a loser for wanting a family.

Well fuck them. I'm going to find myself a woman and bring some damn beauty into the world.

1. Find a decent woman.
2. Date said woman (no sex).
3. Get "married" as in not legally but a promise under god and to both our families to stay together until death do us apart.
4. Have sex per the intended fucking reason, create kids.
5, Have a family.

I'll shoot anyone who tries to interfere.

I think it's about equal. We need to do like the Koreans and the Russians and at least attempt to ban pornography, and sites facilitating casual sex like Tinder.

What a lot of people don't realize is that pornography is technically illegal in the US under state and federal obscenity laws. These laws were never overturned, but the jews are allowed to operate these businesses with impunity because ZOG.

Thank your local STD for afflicting degenerates when you get the chance. They work so hard and receive so little praise.

You just went full retard

And i say we throw the sluts and the chads into the bog.

The niggers, sandniggers and spics we hang.

The kikes we kill slowly.

Sucking dick is almost always a pre-cursor to a real dicking, and it requires the woman seek out guys to fuck. Chaste women will not seek out fuckboys with their restrictive cold, hard steel predicament on their waist always reminding them they are unable to have sex or a release. It will just make them more frustrated and lose their cool.

Either way, penetrative sex is out of the question.

We are advanced enough in this day and age to do what civilizations once could only dream about; effectively controlling sexual behavior, and it is one of the most beautiful goals and aims.

Absolutely wrong. Being bipedal is a result of moving onto the plains, where we have to stand upright to see over the gras for prey and predators. At least thats the theory because evolution is 100% guesswork and self congratulation.

looks like it's inquisition time

We evolved from eating man you undernourished cuck

*eating meat


A bit off. Obligatory read, guy survived one year in the wrong patch of Bosnia to be in:


My personal take on it:

At city home (work):

Funs and leaded food for the funs.

Tobacco seeds:
Grows almost without care.
Can grow it on a paint bucket filled with earth.
Easy to harvest, can do it at any time.
Even if you do not smoke and don't want to sell/give it away now, you can boil the leaves and use the result as insecticide.

If/when SHTF, it will be valuable AF.

A single plant will produce over a million viable seeds, which are smaller than a grain of sand.

Food for six months. Nothing fancy, but things that last and can be prepared easily.

Rice, beans, canned meat, dry crackers.

Chewing gum, because flavor and I don't want my teeth to rot away.

Water, and lots of it.
25 liter containers with a spoonful of bleach, 10.

Relatively near the city:

A patch of land with a masonry house.
More food.
Masonry chicken coop with some chickens.
Garden, all kinds of seeds.
A open well with a pump.
Solar panel.
A few like minded neighbors.

That's another likely reason but I still say it's partly due to picking fruits from trees, given how we are biologically omnivorous leaning herbivorous.

Why wont any of you respond

Wait, haven't shitlibs been crowing that rates of these diseases are going down and therefore people should be exposed to sex younger and younger? Who would've ever suspected that the complete casualization of sex and rise of hook up culture would have negative effects?

You're willing to wait a life time for the right woman and you can't wait more than 15 minutes for an user to maybe write a meaningful post instead of shitposting at you? You may have problems yourself that needs weeding first user.

not sure what you are trying to say…are you not 21 so going into bars is illegal for you?
you seem to be thinking like a girl, waiting to lose your virginity to a perfect girl. In reality, most guys lose it in a south American brothel, which isn't a bad thing because you will blow way too quick with the first "real" girl you touch if you don't have prior experience.

how do you resolve having sex with someone who doesnt' want to have your children?

natural selection ?
isn't most transmitted by blacks and homosexuals?

Samefag but I already see the shitlibs are spinning it as EVIL REGRESSIVE CHRISTIANS attacking "health centers" and Planned Parenthood. Because that's the main reason and surely our fall into self-absorbed libertinism has nothing to do with it.


Not exclusive to slavs, to treat people like shit. Some white degenerates do it as well.

You are a fucking hypocrite. You talk about waiting for the girl to be 18 but have pictures of clearly underage children saved on your computer. You even went and admitted you'd 'do sexual things to them'. That's pretty much the textbook definition of a pedophile.

Reminder that the sexualization of children is practiced and supported by literal kikes. Individuals who display or admit to pedophile behavior will be beaten to death on sight.


Kill yourself for enjoying that type of shit faggot. Or wait until we get to you, worthless subhuman.

I’m 30 and from Bongland. I feel the same way, I’m not a virgin but neither have I lived a promiscuous life. Compared to almost everyone else I am a monk, most of my life has been spent celibate.

I am in a minority of one in my views and whilst I have convinced a few of my friends of the importance of having a family (imagine such a thing, I have had to CONVINCE people that having a family is an important thing) not one of my peers is married (we are late 20’s to mid 30’s) and only one has a child (out of wedlock and he is separated from the Mother).

Nothing has changed since we were teenagers. Is this what has become of modern European man? Is this how it ends? And am I any better, by all extents and purposes I am the same albeit that I have the desire to start a family.

The only advice I am ever given is:

Oh fuck off. It's only wrong if the girl is prepubescent and they aren't married.

I didn't say I was willing to wait, my patience is running out fast and soon I'll resort to that stuff


They say to join tinder but you don't get shit that arent landwhales unless you look like an ancient greek statue


If the internet didn't exist as it did we wouldn't have the slightest idea of how fucked up everything is, yeah people on average are tainted. The power that be really have a strangle hold on information which is why we are the way we are. Heavily misinformed and ignorant to a damning point. Just look at americas current election where your average person is debating between red and blue like its a real choice that matters when the whole deal is a giant circus show to entertain people. People LOVE talking about stupid shit and few will question outside of it. We're all very focused on the materialistic side of things and ignore the emotional and spiritual, this is completely by design of TBTB.

Right now society is a mixed bag with varying levels of ignorance. Good people are indeed out there and work towards a better world instead of wasting time on foolishness. The rabbit hole goes very deep into a lot of subject matters from a misunderstood history, technology and past societies. If we didn't have the internet we'd be even worse off since there would be no way to go against those corrupt with power. We'd be cows lined up to slaughter with no idea how fucked things actually are. From the entertainment you consume, the education you receive to the water you drink. All fucked with to a varying degree

What reality actually is and what we're told by mainstream are two very different things. Without the internet you'd still be in the bubble of false reality. Everything is connected, magic is real, ect.

Don't know what you want us to say as most of us are in similar positions/avoid them all together. There are decent ones out there but you need to work for it and actually find them. I have heard success stories of normal decent people finding good relationships through stuff like okcupid but your mileage may very. Just be honest and protect yourself. Never stop self improvement, the good thing about men is that they can age like a fine wine if your lifestyle is good.

Healthy activities in groups can help you meet like minded people. Probably something local

Tinder just seems completely fucked. I never used it since I only had a facebook briefly in the early years

If you are already 18 or 19 and you haven't had your hole, obviously your not the confident sort who is good with women.
I can't stand the "I'm fat and don't look like a chad" people. If you want it bad enough, you can get obsessed with a gym. Just find one without fucking girls, they are a distraction at gym.
If it's really weighing on you that much, you probably are better off getting it over with a whore (see Octavian in HBO "Rome"– yes, that's fiction but in this cases it carries over to real life). Once you've fucked a whore, maybe you'll be more confident to approach normal girls.

In my weaker moments I may MAY (but probably not) have joined but there is nothing on Gods green earth that would have me sign up for a Facebook or any social media account.

You'll never keep a woman if you expect them to "deal with your problems". Keep your insecurities, your worries, your doubts to yourself or share them with male friends. Women will drop you faster than you can sneeze when you show weakness, and that's not just a fucking meme. It's a guaranteed attraction killer.

No such thing as a fucking "soul mate", lad.

No idiot I said he himself can wait if he wants to adhere to his jewish brainvirus morality. I think waiting until 18 is fucking stupid and serves no purpose but for the jews to have an inside laugh at how stupid the goyim are.


There's literally nothing wrong with marrying a pubescent girl and fingerbanging her. Prove me wrong.

Absolutely this.

Read "Way of the Superior Man".

If there were no jews you'd have no internet to begin with:


I don't know why you guys hate them so much :^)


Add to that the fact that mudpeople by-and-large have no qualms about violating the AOC.

Pic related is insane but true
But even after reading it i still can
't figure out why is it so much easier to get a girl to fuck around with me if she doesnt even know my name like at a party or something, than it is to get a girl to want to go eat food with me and we've already talked for an hour or something in person and she knows a good amount about me

Every day Tom Lehrer is still relevant, 50 years later.

well, I'm a step ahead of you guys
i was a wizard until 24, when I met my german wife (Im burger; you're right, it's impossible to find good ones here if you're not chad)
but she fell into my lap 4 years ago and now we're married

annnnnd I'm sick of her half the time
don't get me wrong, I do love her and I definitely want her in my life, but it absolutely is not this end-all be-all fix you think it is

as soon as you're around her on a normal basis, you'll get used to it and be frustrated about some other thing

That one's minor though user. That's more like us calling each other nigger faggots than the modern examples of your wife divorcing you for half your money to go ride the cock carousel with your money.

Is it her character that annoys you? You think if she were Muslim-tier submissive and shut up most of the time she would bother you?

Stop using "muh manly lifting" as an excuse not to do cardio. Running is a part of any good fitness routine.


Most retarded comment of the day


Well, at least I don't have to worry about this.


Where do you think they got the STDs to begin with?

But don't worry Schlomo, there will be plenty of your fellow jewish children for you to bang in the oven.

how do we bring back slutshaming?

not at all
she's already very submissive and while she often talks passed the point of annoying, that's not really a problem for me
what bothers me is her lack of a concept of haste/time awareness, her inability to ever accept responsibility for her own failures, her shit memory, and her inability to think without feels

but that's specific to her
if it were another women, I'd have another set of characteristics to be annoyed about

my woman is loving, loyal, and moral, and wants a family; she's not a problem

my point was, having a woman will not "fulfill" you the way you think; it's just another thing you'll get bored/annoyed with in time, and you'll come back around to wishing for some other thing you don't yet have

And you faggots have something against islam

I'm with ISIS all the way because yknow what? They doin it for a reason.

Yeah man, just let them ride cock until 18 and waste their prime fertility and behavioral molding years.

Yeah, ISIS is doing it because they're funded by the leftist machine.


cmon user, how new are you?



Where's the children faggot?

judge judy is a kike

Any what excuse do you have for not perpetuating the race and having white babies yet user?

National Cyber Security Center Employee Suspended After ‘Revealing’ that “ISIS Is A Zionist Plot”archive.is/yjzQs

The Silence of the Israelis on ISIS

Israel and the Origins of the Islamic State

Fighting ‘Islamic State’ is Not the Israeli Priority

Why Does ISIS only Fight Israel's Enemies? And why do they have so much in Common?


haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.623717 — West making big mistake in fighting ISIS, says senior Israeli officer

UN reveals Israeli Links with Syrian Rebels

UN reports Israeli Support for Syria Rebels

IDF Medics seen Treating Syrian Rebels in New Video

Syrian Rebels thank Netanyahu for Israel's Compassion

Exclusive: Israel is Tending to Wounded Syrian Rebels

Moderate Syrian Rebels say they Protect Israeli Border

New UN Report reveals Collaboration between Israel and Syrian Rebels

Israeli Analyst confirms Link between Israel, “Moderate” Syrian Rebels

Israeli DM: We’re aiding Syrian Rebels to keep Al-Qaeda away from Border

Revealed: How Syrian Rebels seek Medical help from an Unlikely Source in Israel

Syrian General accuses Israel of Collaborating with ISIS, Al Qaeda-Linked Rebels

Israel is Cautiously Arming Syria's Rebels — and has a Fragile Unspoken Truce with an Al Qaeda Affiliate

Proof of US training ISIS - reuters.com/article/2013/03/10/us-syria-crisis-rebels-usa-idUSBRE9290FI20130310


Die in a fire Ahmed/Schlomo.

Excuse me friend, but I live in the middle of fucking nowhere. I'm not civilized enough to know what sort of meta shit was in that comment.




This discussion was about sex within marriage not promiscuity.

The only damaging thing about a 13 year old having sex is that the guy leaves her high and dry.

NY is probably the most promiscuous state in the country.

t. native NY'er virgin

Isn't CF a anti-white cuck?

They should be married off at that age instead of losing their virginity to niggers in the schools.

Without separating by race this isn't really telling because niggers have stds by half/two thirds so to say the there's been a rise, the real question has yet to be answered where, and the only one I'm interested in, White females.

Its funny how they lack self-awareness and are stuck into their own world, were nobody needs to follow rules and consequences are inexistent.
They flip their shit at anyone that tries to bring order back to the house, after people start to realize that liberalism is bringing more issues than benefits and how it risky for the future.
These people are doomed into only following their basic needs, while opposing anyone that thinks beyond that in thanks to innate crab mentality.
Funny how promiscuity is looked at as a "infantile" type of relationship, since one cant or is incapable of creating a solid relationship.

How much does this have to with an increasing mudskin population?
Probably 1/3 of the Pavement Ape species has STDs of one type or another.

/virgin/ here and STDs scare me

Thus the increase in sexual diseases.
Truly the fruits of decades of 'Anything-Goes' sexuality and "Women's Liberation"!

Nah fam, every single girl I know who lost her virginity at that age became an emotional train-wreck, even more than the college whores I see every day. Though unlike your degenerate porn would have you believe, most white 12-14 year olds only see sex as something to giggle about.

Filth like you who want to turn children into your own personal cum-dumpsters while trying to mask it as traditionalism deserve to be shot on sight. Your arguments have been very clear in that you only want to marry them at that age so you can use them as sex toys. You are a hedonistic degenerate, and probably Jewish too, since they're the main peddlers of that shit. Every single one of your WILL die, after Trump wins and RWDS become a reality you will be dragged through the streets and hacked to pieces.

And remember, Mordecai: Hell is forever.

Black-or-white fallacy. Not only is racemixing, specially at that age, extremely rare, but the white girl/black guy pairing is the rarest of all. It is quite hilarious that you're basing your conceptions of reality from pornography, it basically tells me you have little life experience and only are into children because of masturbation-induced desensitization.

I wonder what kind of horrors a 2015's one or closer would show us.

Actually, I live in the South so I know a thing or two about the subject.

I think the argument is get them before they are sexually active to ensure they don't go wild and free and ruin themselves. I wouldn't mind marrying someone in the hebe range and abstaining until later.

Omg don't listen to these neets user

If you're on /pol and have a gf you're a God among men.

Yes it does.

He's a dumbass who fucked a whore, just as bad.

Make a point faggot.

Neither would I, arranged marriages tend to be the most successful. The problem are judeo-sandniggers like ID: da4d8d who want to use young girls at sex toys before they're physically AND mentally mature.

Southerner and an imbred pedo color me suprised

I already made my point. I have first-hand observations that miscegenation is a major problem in the younger generation, all you have is your anecdotes from Whitopia.

What are you even arguing? That White men marring adolescent girls, a tradition that dates back centuries prior to feminism, is somehow worse than teeniggers getting first dibs on our women?

Nice D&C. You have already been exposed as a kike.

Is this a d/c thread so red pilled viral young men wont reproduce and have white babies to reset the demographics is it? is it?

Are any of them still with the guys they lost it do? Just kidding. I know the answer. It's NO.

Sex wasn't the problem, promiscuity was.

As for the rest of your post: stop projecting.



My stance is the same as this guys

you really don't. pills are another thing that fucks women up irrepairably.

can you lay off posting your lolita shit or at least spoiler it for the rest of us? some of us like being outside of that particular watchlist

a burqa


Wew lad.

No, that having sexual intercourse with said girls is wrong and degenerate regardless of marriage. And you keep spouting that fallacy like a retard, that a girl waits into adulthood to marry does not make her instantly want to fuck every nigger in the vicinity. Fuck porn-addicted retard.

Except that guy said he would ABSTAIN until she's an adult while you said you wanted to do sexual things to them. Lie and switch arguments all you want kike, those pics you're posting only damn you further. You are going to die and extremely painful and humiliating death and the whole world will cheer as it watches.

It's a good idea to find a 12yo whom you can train to be a good mother. But in a SHTF scenario, all those 12yo will have been prostitutes by the time you can find them. The same could be said for the 6yo too. What you really need is to have active connections in your community, so that there are one or more virgins infatuated with you at any given time. The, when SHTF, maybe things will work out if you can help keep her and her family safe.

Well, they are. You really have no idea what you're talking about if you think miscegenation is a non-issue, particularly among the younger generation. I had to stop going to high school football games long before I was redpilled.

Why is it wrong if they are married? Because ZOG says so?

Have a seat, user.

I don't think was done by a pitbull despite the dog in the background. It's too clean. Her face has been peeled off without any sign of her defending herself and getting torn up arms. The flesh has been peeled away without any bite marks.

I think this is a cartel video. Mexican cartels are notorious for peeling people's faces off with knives. Don't let them into your country.

I have no interest in forcing a young wife to do anything that she isn't ready or willing for. With that said, I don't understand your argument that any type of sexual activity is somehow damaging to a 12+ year old? Obviously sticking my dick in is not a good idea because babies would be a bad idea depending on how developed she was. I need evidence fam.

I consider it to be a moral duty (if you have the surplus) to be taking care of at least one female during the happening. Either take a wife or at least protect just any random virgin girl. Otherwise they are going to end up dead or selling themselves. Not a good base to rekindle civilization on.

GTFO Commie


That is mathematically impossible unless no one breeds.


Russian Girls Twerking In ‘Winnie-The-Pooh’

And now realize that Putin bans those SJW, Soros tier subversion and they are still much more prone to it than the rest of europe.

lol the panel with TAA. 10/10

You can't realistically do that since you are always going to be part of the system.

damn that bitch was still alive

1000% this.

The answer is simple, muslims dont do abortions like yurops, but Russia is still a piece of crap.

Russia is for abortions what Las Vegas is for gambling

Both Russia and western europe have moslems, while Turkey being a mudslime country has even more abortions than many european parts.


So how did you escape your fate?




Not looking for "fulfillment", just looking for a good woman to raise my family. I know all about the ailments of a relationship, i can put up with that.

It's just, fucking hard to find a woman that doesn't get scared the fuck away the moment you let them know upfront you want a wife.


Uncle Rosenberg taught me not to listen to strangers like you.

this is what I would like to do. how did you pull it off being a burger marrying a german women

Must feel so cool and edgy, spic. Your worthless race will be wiped out soon enough.


This is completely false. I'd recommend weighted cardio and climbing exercises over heavy lifting 100%. In RAHOWA that's basically what you will need to do, walk around carrying stuff for long distances and possibly with no food. You will have to climb terrain and generally be mobile. You might have to carry someone who is injured. Getting big without doing cardio will make your body very inefficient, which does not matter now when food is plentiful but you do not want to be the human equivalent of a Hummer when you have to start rationing.
If you don't believe me, check out the workout routines of all special operatives around the world. None of them lift weights, and they look like regular men even though they're in great shape because they go for conditioning and endurance with a fat layer to help in times with less food.

You won't be spared when everything collapses.





My mum bought me 'Way of the superior man' is it any good or just bullshit?

Which episode is this?

They also have by far the lowest IQ in Europe.


Dubdubs checked.

Thanks, I was up to episode 27 before I decided to stop and watch the prequels.

I had already seen it but as a kid back in the 90s and don't remember shit.


The guy got a vasectomy when he was younger and shoots blanks. He has no kids. It's the reason his ex-wife left him because she wanted kids. In less than a year after the divorce she married some other dude and already has a baby. That's pretty cucked.


Women will always go after high status. If you want to change their behavior you must mock and deride manwhores. Women hate them anyway.

Mansluts are equally the problem and deserve shame and abuse.

You know, there is a reason that Russia has such a high rate of STDs, particularly AIDS. Back in the 90s when the epidemic first started they didn't believe that there was a problem brewing, "is of filthy Western disease!" is what they thought. They let their pride get in the way of dealing with the problem.

Are you a heavy porn user? If yes, did you have this attraction to young girls before developing your porn habit? Just curious.

well, its a long story
I actually first met her in person in my house, and she just really liked me
she was here for a month, and we hanged out on the weekends
she's just innately not a whore or degenerate (and neither am I), so we got along
no offense to germanbros, but you guys are very subdued, so she also had the whole "you're not like the guys I grew up with" thing

Maybe if the white man didn't import them by the millions, and then selectively bred them for strength and dull obedience, this wouldn't have happened.

You both have your heads stuck in the sand. Being aware of sexual reproduction and providing health care for it is not a "liberal" thing, it's common sense. Over 90% of Planned Parenthood's function is for things other than abortion.

This whole 18+ shit is new you know, marrying and banging girls that are 13+ has always been considered normal in white countries so fuck of with your bluepill morals

Wrong, our species were once tree-dwelling primates, fruit was already available. When the climate changed and the forests in Africa receded, we evolved to be bipedal in order to see over the savanna better.

I had a girlfriend


speak for yourself, jose lopez


You shame sluts?

And by that I mean "You shame sluts." Period. Dammit.

I remember that shit when it went down. The feminazis supported her while the normal women or moderate feminist shaton her for her own stupidity.

No I am not a heavy porn watcher

Maybe once a day or every 2 days, and no degenerate shit, usually just amateur couples who film themselves.

As I said in my other posts this is not exclusive, I still find older women attractive. I don't consider it abnormal to be attracted to girls who have started puberty. Weren't you attracted to girls your age when you started puberty also? That attraction never leaves, it's just been suppressed and shamed by the jews, and you get called a pedo if you entertain it.

a weeabo?

glad other people from 2013 pol are still here, americucks ruined this place.

you might as well be a marxist, being this bluepilled about the facts.

you can't ignore the fact that divorce rates go lower the younger they marry.

child rape is bad, but marriage is the truth. get real you idiot.

the protein diet was what allowed humans to grow the brain you dumb fucker.


The West used to have something similar to the Jap's Yamato-nadeshiko, a kind of social expectation for what a woman ought to be. Feminism and Marxism trashed those ideals, and it's been a long spiral downwards.

We should teach future generations of women to be kind, nurturing, and strong enough to be the queens we all need in our harsh male lives. It would be great if we had our own Yamato-nadeshiko and instilled in them the feminine values that previous generations have been trying to destroy all for the sake of LOL WE CAN DO EVERYTHING THE MEN CAN DO (but not really)

But this will never happen. I remember some pastor somewhere expressed views similar to this and he got hounded on for being a sexist. Everyone just wants to ride the cock carousel who wanted to control women's bodies, even though he and his wife were living a perfectly happy life in a traditional marriage. This is what happens when you leave people to live their lives by sheer individualism alone.

Try to find a traditional girl, lads. Take her away from the big cities if you can, get a house in the hills or out in a more rural area.

Men are more feminine than ever, thanks to porn and culture.

Women are more masculine than ever, thanks to culture and men allowing/encouraging it.

We are apex predators you dumb fuck.

Kek, no. Collectively, humans aren't even near the top of the food chain. Many… things are preying on us… farming us/


(((Talking her out of it)))

Look user, your gf doesn't respect you, otherwise she would be off the pill already.

maybe if she wasn't such a lard ass she wouldnt get cramps

they are lost.


Break it down by race and immigration status (native, legal immigrant, illegal immigrant) then we'll talk.

Methinks the growing beaner population is a large factor in the spiking STD rates

I wonder how these statistics would fare with spics and niggers taken out of the equation. White women can't be that degenerate, can they?

Shit like gonorrhea would go down.

Tesak is just a repressed homosexual himself, that's why you see him constantly harassing weaklings.

lurk more newfriend

dailystormer . com/mysterium-fasces-episode-1-christian-fascism/

got an STI two years ago. woke me the fuck up to casual sex and I guess ultimately pushed me back into being a Holla Forumslack

Reminder that Bishop Williamson accepts Bergoglio as the real pope, which makes him a stooge and cuck for the synagogue of Satan.

Maybe you were meant to pick fruit from trees, nigger, but we are white men and are more evolved. We are meant to eat copious amounts of meat and milk.

Fucking autism, no really I found your baseball

that's all pre-Vatican II and a photo of Bishop Williamson. What the hell does that prove?


Once puberty does it's job, it's no longer a child. Period. Nature is not wrong.

that type of jewish fallacy has no place on holy Holla Forums ground, you sodomite.

homosexuality is not even a real thing to be "repressed". Is a mental illness to be treated, with violence if not if licensed psychiatrists.

if you are gay, you were probably raised by a single mother with no male figure to follow, get help you freak.

To be fair to the gays we know very little about how it comes about.
And treatment options are not only thin on the ground but often cause more problems than they solve.

For now until we can figure out the cause, our best option as a society is to endeavour to normalise their relations with other gay men.
And by normalise I mean do away with the current "gay culture" of quick dehumanising sexual flings and promiscuity with their attached problems of turning the gays into a serious public health hazard as disease vectors.

While I am loath to legitimise their behaviour the lack of a lasting solution forces us to accept interim solutions.

Suppression will only reinforce the existing gay culture of casual hookups meaning these mostly unknown homosexuals will move among the population infected with all manner of diseases with the bisexual males or the homosexuals really committed to pretending they're normal then introducing those diseases into the heterosexual population.
It is after all suppression that created said culture.

Fags are fags because they were raped as kids

Youtube "undercover gay bars"

I suspect part of it is also a developmental disorder along with weak parenting, and a reason it's become so big is the dumping of chemicals in the environment+chemical manipulation of women via BC
If you actually funded real research into it, you could probably "cure" fairly easily. I'd also wager if you did find such a cure, a surprising number of gays would sign up to take it

At the very least a lot of the issues surrounding it can be solved by making it completely socially unacceptable

And there we sat at the banks of the rivers of Babylon, and yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. We hanged our harps upon the willow in our midst, for they required of us a song of old Zion. How could we sing the songs of the Lord in a foreign land? If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, Let my right hand forget her skill. Remember, O Lord, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem, who said "Raze it, Raze it even to the foundation." O Daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed, Happy is he that taketh and dasheth thy children against the stones, and happy is he who rewards thee as thou hast hosted us

I don't think that covers it.
It's too simple and the chances of discovery too high.

Psychological trauma probably covers more of them than society cares to admit.
But the numbers are still too high for it to be something like that.

It's like the whole jewish global conspiracy thing.
It makes no sense and is implausible as the chances of discovery over the ages are too high and theres too many missing elements to validate the idea.
The more plausible explanation that fits the available facts being that Jews act in a consistent manner in multiple societies as a survival tactic to decrease the host society's natural mistrust towards outsiders.
Even if it always backfires eventually.

I mean lets face it. All it would take is a bunch of these gays coming out about this to embolden others to follow suit.
At which point the whole thing comes tumbling down no matter how hard its covered up.

Yeah I strongly suspect there's a pregnancy/chemical exposure element to it.
We're dumping a massive amount of hormones and hormone mimicking chemicals into our living environments and our water supply.

But we've always had gays. Even before industrialisation just in smaller numbers.

And the socially unacceptable angle won't work, it is what created the modern gay culture.
We had cops busting into gay clubs and beating everyone within an inch of their lives and dumping them in prison for castration or shock therapy.
It didn't work. It just created a toxic mess we now have to deal with somehow.

We need answers before we can have a solution.
And until we have those answers we need to limit the harm they can do both in terms of public health and politically.
As it stands the current gay culture makes them natural leftists. They're short sighted, pleasure focused and never consider the consequences of their actions.
We need to turn them into upstanding responsible citizens, family men even if we can.
We need to discourage promiscuity among the gays an encourage monogamous behaviour.

Here is the video

There was also a book written that explained a lot of different factors create a gay kid. I'm sure being naturally effeminate due to hormones in the womb does play a part. The other factors include bad parents, having been adopted, childhood trauma (of any kind), etc.

I like how she thinks of income as "disposable." Obviously projection because she is disposable.

Still mansluts should be shamed with equal furry.

But russia has the highest STD rate in the western world lmao

Chamber time.

thats a very loaded claim, gay suicide rates are off the roof. and if you are talking about some bizarre case I know nothing about, I will mention a case I do remenber: the very creator of the word gender forced guys to be raised as a woman only to have them blow their brains out. most faggots kill themselves because they look like shit women.

death by aids is ALSO a cure for homosexuality, there is not as much problems on they being a danger fringe group because they are degenerates, that is the proper approach to degeneracy.

bullshit, your "interim solution" is a slippery slope, a freak factory.

Yeah gay suicide rates are abnormally high.

But I'm talking more the "pray away the gay", electro-shock therapy, drugs, etc route.
We've had a lot of attempts to cure homosexuality but not only have none really worked but they've often introduced yet more mental instability.

And yes I'm well aware of the case of the poor guy raised as a girl and the shit that shrink put him and his brother through.
That shit was fucking criminal. Useful as a case study in terms of what was learnt if we examine his whole life, but fuck me how did he ever get that past an ethics review board?

Is the interim solution a slippery slope?
To an extent. It puts us on the precipice and only principle can save us from the easy option of sliding down the slope.

But we have to accept the fact that not only are we stuck with the gays we have but we're going to be stuck with those we're going to have.
Criminalisation only encourages greater deviancy and provides our opponents with easy supporters.

We must encourage them to act as normal as they can.
We must turn freaks into humans.

so you cherrypick the worse eletro-shock therapies and at the same post condone the freak making process as a one time only problem.
the only difference between the 2 is that one heals the gays, the other propagate them, so TV will hammer the one that will multiply degeneracy on the west.

I choose the other one, any day of the week, because it actually gives people a chance to win instead of just damage control.

why would we ever hope for the best? that what I'm talking about, you are talking about normalizing faggotry. that is a hell of a precipice. freak factory factory is not the way to create normal humans, destroying all the freak factories and humiliating them like Tessak do. THAT IS HOW YOU MAKE NORMAL PEOPLE.

degeneracy must be ostracized not embraced.

Babylon the great America

dont forget the worst std
black children


I have a friend who worked in a free clinic for three months, and he said at least 80% of the STD cases he was dealing with were gay men.
Must not be many fags around here, I've heard that almost all women going to free clinics have stds.

None of you faggots have any proofs for anything. You just type a whole bunch of bullshit and that's it. You all just keep saying some random bullshit, and you do this kind of thing for like 20 hours of your day.
Everything said without proof can also be disregarded without proof. You are all just a bunch of SJWs essentially, I mean in reality, in real world, in practice.. all you faggots do is just, well nothing. You arent doing anything.
So in conclusion: none of you have any proofs for anything, and there are also no rwds in the streets, there are no pol fighter jets or artilleries or anything, all you do is bitch and moan exactly like sjw faggots, the only difference being those sjw faggots are objectively speaking way superior to all of you, they push out movies, pass laws, have media and narrative and those kinds of bullshits, and just basically steer the wheel while bitching and moaning while you faggots just bitch and moan.

Man where did my life go so damn wrong? How do I even fix myself? Why the fuck am I even here?

You should go back where you come from, kid.
>>>Holla Forums
I would love to see your real life contribution though.

All I wonder is why are the pronunciations for chlamydia and gonorrhea spelled out but not syphilis?


The really terrible thing about STD's statistically is that they more they spread, the faster they spread. This isn't a convenient disease like ebola which kills the host, these infected faggots and whores can keep spreading their disease for decades while under (((treatment))).

Only when they're dead. Sodomites should be executed or removed from the country. Europe will probably take them.


whats the final solution to the cunt question?

White women have been hit by kike propaganda too, but it's notable that despite being targeted by it more than any other group whites have fallen for it substantially less. You have to work harder than you should to find a woman who's not shit, but they are out there.

The major reason for this is that trying to work on a cure for homosexuality will get you blacklisted from the respectable medical and academic world. Nobody is going to work on a project that's career suicide except for people whose careers are already dead or who never had one in the first place, so you get retards and crackpots trying half-baked ideas and continuing to push them even after it's clear they've failed.

I suspect many feel the same way as you but will never admit it.

Which kind of helps my point.

Once they're somewhat normalised then study into their origins becomes less controversial like how studies into heterosexual behaviour aren't very controversial.


Do we have a mole in one of these Marxist brainwashing centers?

This is honestly not a big deal because they are only objectively weakening themselves for someone else much more powerful to conquer them. So I dont get the frustration. They are essentially and fundamentally self-crippling, and the universe has a way of auto correcting this shit. The new world will simply be recolonized, you fags are simply too self centered and think if you fall, the rest of the world such as I dont know, eastern Europe and Russia wont simply just retake it all and restore proper civilization. Western civilization started out from Byzantium after all…

tl;dr there's no need to be upset, new world will be recolonized. NATO is the reason why Russians cant retake Constantinople and why Serbs cant wipe out muslims from Europe so in a way this is justice of some sorts anyway.

Trigger Warning

Couldn't get a clearer shot, needed to be discreet.

Yes it does, it implies that you've had sex before marriage.

It is you fucking degenerate kike.

Kill yourself.

Good goy, vote for Hillary so your fetish for world war and destruction can be fulfilled.

And the pedokike shill appears. Die.

Hi CommonCuckold, wow that video wants me to ignore the root of the issue and wish my own race to be genocided off the planet 0.01 shekels has been deposited into your bandcamp

And you're the veganfag, I take it?

How great it will be when you goreposting faggots stop being tolerated around here. This board was much better before you degenerate faggots started spamming this shit.

There was a blogpost by a woman scientist that concluded almost all men are attracted to 12 year olds and up. I can't find the link though. Most will never admit and most will think their is something wrong with them thanks to (((media))).

Just ask any girl how many men she caught gawking at her when she was 12. There's your answer.

Keep crying faggot.

And you call yourself REDPILLED?


Sand jogging is best jogging.

Again, you degenerate pedos scrape the bottom of the barrel for anything to justify your paraphilia. You try to make it seem like you just want to save the h'white race with traditional young marriages yet you have a HD full of loli photos and obviously are obsessed with diddling 12 year old girls.

Fuck you, utterly and completely. I hope you die a painful death, you snake-in-the-grass sick fuck.

Fuck you too faggot. You sick fuck's attempts to dominate the narrative here to make it seem like your perversions are the norm won't work. You will hang and I can't wait to see the terror in your eyes when it happens.

Canada here. Country raised Canadian girls are fucking awesome. Get one of those. They are loyal, fucking thicc, strong and are probably more redpilled then you. I swear 99% Holla Forums faggots that sit here and complain about how shitty the world is are city dwelling rats.

Cities will burn, The country will rise.
Get fucked.

It seems that women are, and this is increasing fast, daring to admit that they really enjoy casual sex without emotions … the number of women cheating is also increasing VERY fast, and it is becoming less and less taboo

jesus christ what degeneracy

"the norm", that is all you have.

someone change "the norm" and you would jump along because you are clearly just a bluepill faggot who would never think the facts.

The facts is that there is nothing wrong with going below the 21 years, NOTHING. is actually if anything very valuable by amplifying the family oriented goals for people, how many women start looking for a boyfriend when they are at 30s when their vagina is a almost worthless and dry?

stop being such a abrasive ignoramus. there is a reason young women are attracted to adult men and why men love shaved women acting coy

Heh, looking at this just makes me feel more confident in myself, in the sense that I make the right choice.

Disgusting how Holla Forums seems to glorify this crap, while screaming there heads off over animal abuse.

Yes, because modern standards (which could have easily been designed so that they must have been a little older) on the subject are totally based.
Did he say or implied he wanted to do that? Popular society likes cum dumpsters, as they do pave that path for when they get older.
Even if people do become adults when they turn 18, and anything before that is harmful, it certainly cannot be the standard for all groups, or both genders. Most people I know or I know of who was married at an age earlier than that seems to be pretty stable and level-headed, much more than most people I know. Even if it were harmful, it certainly was nothing deliberate or a result of reckless, unthinking behavior, and they seem like good people to me.

Because the world is, remotely, a good people right? I suppose the worldly life is an okay one (sarcasm). The world doesn't like arranged marriages, or even earlier marriage without sex they would probably consider it mental rape, or taking advantage of someone because all young people are drooling idiots.

I think some injun groups did it a little later or about the the same time.

all men think that. truth is is harder than it looks, you have to spend money

The corruption of the Goyim is successful beyond our wildest dreams. We are close to Check Mate.

ironically, hubris has turned the pro-whites into anti white cucks and they can't even begin to comprehend how, people just get mad at cf because he pokes that hubris driving your every thought and action.

Yeah I agree
Glad pedos are this fucking stupid lmao, get lynched nigger.

Are you actually arguing against marrying lower than 21?

Anyway, taking a wife != sex

This is all bullshit. STDs are much more common in niggers/mudskins and gays. If you're straight and white, the chances of getting any of these STDs is practically nothing. And you shouldn't be messing with guttertrash whores regardless of STDs or not.

This changes absolutely nothing.

I meant sex.

thats a lie dude. your average white girl is sleeping with blacks, mexicans, and asian dudes. I saw 10 white girls yesterday with mixed race bf's 5 black and 5 asian. They also bang a new dude every week off tinder

In this thread, we talk about the possibility of a new Christian state, and how it would run considering the different sects of Christianity, is it even possible? How does a Christian state defend itself without loss of credibility, because of the love thy enemy commandment?

I'm thinking in terms of creating a Jew free safe haven, for those of us that don't want to be around Jews… this needs to be addressed…

You’re a retard. Go back to 4chan.
Because you know nothing about Christianity. Go back to 4chan.

Make this thread properly fam

could be interesting

kicking out t*rks? sign me up

Yeah, I was lurking in this thread and accidently created it here. I meant it to be a separate thread. Here it is.


I suppose there are sects of christianity that permit violence, which would defend the state is what you're saying impolitely?

It's also estimated that Sam Hyde will personally kill the other half.

you obviously haven't read about it. thousands of hpv-vaccinated children in asia got severe nervous system damage and convulsions. severe side effects occurred in the vaccinated population at a much higher rate than cancer and genital warts appeared in the unvaccinated (also, cervical cancer is about the lowest-risk and easiest-to-treat cancer). but it gets even worse.
even in the best case scenario the vaccine only confers (temporary) immunity to 2/3rds of the of HPV strains which are believed to lead to cervical cancer. (and even that connection is tenuous because millions of women are infected with those strains who never get cervical cancer.) this best case scenario is not what happened - those receiving the vaccine were later found to develop cervical cancer at a HIGHER rate than the unvaccinated, not a lower rate.

the vaccine industry is jewish as fuck and totally ruthless, please look into it.


From what I've heard, chasing prey until they were exhausted was the most common method for prehistoric hunters. Might be unique to niggers though.




Russian purity rite 'ere boyz!

One of the leading causes of autism is literally bumping uglies with grammas. Trufax!

Don´t do race-mixing anons and yeah, many of you do need that warning…

You fucking ruskiboos.

I do. Great majority of women would make really piss-poor, degenerate choices if they married below 21, even most men would make piss poor choices below that age (at least among Millenials and younger).

Of course that is the real reason your kind wants them to marry before that age and the feminists-influenced complains that young men spends too much time playing video games instead of marrying and paying child support, so that they do make asinine decisions as to who they marry.

There are many married men in Murica that would disagree…

I think it was a fair comment.

The germans tried demotivation posters about US GI's fucking english girls while british lads were dying in Europe.

Many soilders fight for their women, and hang on to thoughts of fucking their gf when they get back home.

The fact that pakis and niggers are busy fucking white women in the west while white soliders are fighting and dying against arabs in the middle east undermines the whole natural basis of being away from home : trying to stop shitskins getting their cocks into white vagoo.
The reason for every war ever just boils down is the competition of who gets to fuck the women.
Wealth and commodities fought over such as money, oil, gold, gems, metals, food are all means by which a man can trade for vagoo.

Given your rapid response + failure to counter argue, I'd say you're a filthy kike shill, who has detected some morality and common sense in a post, so moved quickly to rally contempt for it. Fuck you

Church of Christ is the retard LDS breakaway, they're the ones who get raided by feds and want all the wives. Not the same thing.

He does not tho.

I would smash that like a frieght train

Yup, it's one of these threads. Go to bed, Anglin.

In what ways?

Young women should marry established men or men who will prove to be so. Men who aren't degenerates. Also, the father ideally is involved.

Absolute subversive, shows why a good chunk of millennial are beyond hope.
Living in a pozzed society, getting indoctrinated 24/7 by lefties and tend to be lefty/libertarians/moderates themselves.

But user, this would require a non-jewish-pozzed society were family and morals are valued as a good thing, instead of "muh dick and (((liberties)))".

Women are -made- for ficki. Don't let your kike-infested mind get the best of you, the Jews might be an impotent lot, but we are not.
There's only one rule for us: no city sluts, no brainwashed sluts, and for god's sake, no tattooed sluts.
that's all.

I bet this guy raped those fags.

Should there be a thread on this? With based teachers/trainers/professors appreciation/greentext posting?

As things are now, yes. Though you assume that he or anyone who advocates for a marriage earlier than that thinks everyone or every couple should have the privilege of marrying.
To stop any bad decision making, some people suggest getting the parents or father involved in the decision like

seems to convey. This patriarchy often extends to other things.

Calling everyone a zog just furthers the board's decay.
I think feminists are more in favor of divorce, and bastards over fair marriage contracts. They certainly do not think children (no homo) are ready, and want to empower women everywhere.

It has happened before.

Young women should marry established men or men who will prove to be so. Men who aren't degenerates. Also, the father ideally is involved.

Maybe there's no point in actively hunting down anyone with such tendencies, but punishing sodomy by death seems reasonable. Same goes for pedos and all other sexual deviants. Societies dealt with this shit for thousands of years by killing anyone caught being a fag.


even anal with girls is disgusting

Hasn't the vast majority of faggots been "seduced" by older men when they were minors?

animal welfare > spic&nigger welfare

Stupid whores lost compass in life. Watch kardashians, become self obsessed whore, reduce yourself to a sex object, catch stds. It's as funny as it is tragic

I like this image. But needs a visible from space wall around the pink area.

(post obligatory picture of rotting labia on instagram)

Sounds a lot like my great grandmother and great-great grandmother and both of their mothers. All of them were married between 11-14, didn't have any kids until they were hitting 17-18 or so. All of them had between 8-14 children, all of their marriages lasted 60+ years, hell even my grandparents who were born in the 1920's were married over 70 years. These days what is it now? 55%+ end in divorce, and in most cases it's the guy who's getting fucked over even if the women is the cheating piece of shit that ruined his life.

Times are a-changin' You're as likely to find a whiny stuck up piece of shit in a small town as in a big town these days. I was also born here, and lived here most of my life. You get into the big cities though, it's the same type of shit you see in a lot of western countries. Stuck-up, whining, self-centered girls who demand to be treated like a princess. Ontario is probably the worst for this, followed by Quebec and BC.

It might sound creepy, but if you really want to have a family, you either have to pick your women with the strictest categories possible or try to aim for the younger ones in range 18-24, but remember that they might need sorting out as well when met.

ITT, virgins who are upset they are not getting any.

Not creepy, it's simply a fact of life. And if shit goes downhill, it's likely going to become the norm again too.


Chamber time, Jewess.


It needs to be basically the United States as it was during the late 1800s except with a clear announciation that the nation is Christian exclusively. Churches take care of education. Every church must pass a basic Christianity test in order to be allowed to operate or enter the country, this will keep out cults like Mormons and JWs. Only let Christians into the country who can summarize the gospel and know some basic verses like John 3:16. This will keep a consistent worldview in the populace and a moral homogeneity.

The Bible does not preach suicide, it simply says don't take personal revenge. That is the goal of God spiritually and of a good government in our world. See Romans 13:4, rulers bear the sword. See also the theory of Just War which the vast majority of Christians believe in. See proverbs. Etc. The only thing that would be disallowed would be fighting for the sake of fighting or for greed.

It would be the greatest country in the history of the world.



Fucking masterfully

MUH MORALLY SUPERIOR RUSSIA You Russiaboos are such a fucking joke

Jesus fucking christ

It just gave me a stiffy tbh

newfag pls

spics may not be as immediate a threat as niggers, but god dam they deserve a good RAHOWA as much as the next shitskin

Yeah, I used to be pro-immigration until I came to Holla Forums, then started watching cartel vids. You can figure the rest out. I now hate spics with a burning, white passion and cannot fucking /wait/ for that wall to be built, with any trespassers shot on sight. Either they'll leech, kill, harass, torture, race-bait or basically fuck morale to the worst point imaginable. I've met some good people, that is truth, but it doesn't make up for the undesirable, repugnant, disgusting, blood-fueled shitskins that creep through this society.

It's funny how anti-racist I used to be compared to now.

There's a huge difference between simple gore and a torture snuff film, It's normal to be shocked by something that wasn't intended by nature. Hispanics truly are a worthless, sanguinary, greedy lot.

I'm the exact same, I was a bleeding heart liberal until I saw how fucking brutal the world really was.
There's a reason Trump wants to ship back tens of millions of beaners, and it's not because they're illegal.

I'm a little concerned now that Australia of all places (?!?) has agreed to take in 5,000 South American 'refugees' every year…

I personally think they're a bigger threat, there's a lot more of them, their numbers are increasing faster, they're smarter, and there's an underlying current of creating their own space in the southwest

It's because they are a threat to our very way of life, If the past me saw how I was now. He'd be shocked and sick to his stomach. He understands now though, he understands plenty.

There are people out there that can't handle the truth, so they will keep lying to themselves, to seek comfort, instead of truth, this is why I am glad that Holla Forums exists for people like you or me. This site doesn't make excuses. Take it like this, Holla Forums is like that strict father that won't let you off the table until you eat your veggies (so help him you try to leave without finishing it). You won't like the taste, and find the smell very unpalatable, but the effects start becoming more and more obvious as your general well-being improves, and your physique as well, along with your strength becoming more apparent, your endurance lasting longer, you see the world a different way, you are more wary and careful with what you eat. Now, other sites(or people), are like that lean mother that gives you all the candy you want, candy tastes good, and you find comfort in it. You love your mother, because she never pushes you, and gives you more candy when you feel challenged, and soon enough, you become spoiled. That candy starts making your insides icky, you become fat, you get mood swings, you even start to hate yourself, along with the fact that you don't understand how the world works, but you think you do. You'll resort to eating more candy, screaming at anyone who says otherwise, then the guilt hits you, the candy doesn't taste as good as it used to be, that, and now you're massively overweight, but you keep trying to alleviate that guilty feeling deep inside yourself by scarfing and forcing more and more candy inside of you, thinking that if you cram enough candy into your pudgy little mouth, maybe, JUST MAYBE, the world will look a little better, and that guilty feeling will go away…but it never will; Because it's all you've been taught, and no one will ever help you get better.

Is every first world country doing this now!? What the FUCK.

Fuck you, that's terrifying as all hell.

nice try chaim, you deserve this weekend off

Ah, the white knight's instinct is to look for the nearest non-white-female entity to blame.

Sorry kid, STDs have been rising at the pitch of a screaming jet engine for decades, CDC statistics prove it. Tinder is not the cause, nor even a major contributing factor.
Pro tip: the vast majority of White women are carriers of HPV, the most popular strains they harbour are the so-called "high risk" strains which can cause cancer when transmitted to men.
Now HPV transmitted by cunnilingus (oral sex) is responsible for more cases of oral cancer than all tobacco sources combined.
Funny you never hear this in your sex ed class or mainstream "sex education" sources, isn't it? It's almost like male lives are worth less than female orgasms.
Spoiler: Tinder and Jews didn't "ruin" women, it simply facilitated them to act out their true desires.

This shitpost is probably the worst thing I've seen on Holla Forums in almost 2 years. Well done.

No point in surviving if you're not going to reproduce. This shit will collapse soon anyway, so if you take a risk and lose, it's not like she'll get the full 18 years of child support anyway. Collapse will happen in 10 years tops. Probably way sooner. Time to have kids now. They'll need at least 15 years to grow up to be capable fighters. And we need fighters for the race war.

Welcome to the real world, it ain't pretty

Holy fuck, I do not envy guys in the dating market right now that's horrifying.

Speaking like a jew. Go ahead and tell that to your mother and grandmothers aswell. See how they will react.

You know what, there used to be a sense of honor and pride in being virtous, even amongst women. They restrained themselves and acted like women, if they didn't they would get chastisted by other women.

The jews only subverted us, for their own gain. You see, we are cattle to them, just like how muslims look at non-muslims, we are nothing but cattle. Therefor it's okay to make them out to be whores, even better it's pretty damn well okay to make them believe it aswell.

When jews have had control over us since atleast WW1, and to some extent even further back, it doesn't come as a suprise they have actively subverted us for their own gain.

How do you create a desire? You make it "desirable". There is nothing in their nature that says sleeping around without any sort of bonding or stable relationships is healthy to a woman. There's nothing in their nature, even if you look into the past to see that would be beneficiary to a woman. Just look at how women today are feeling, a majority of those single are depressed. The ones who rode the cock-carousel are either lonely as fuck or in relationships they just wants to get out of, even if they have kids.

That's not signs of healtyness, fuck, without a government, that would have led to their death.

Good thing I'm so shit at talking to girls on tinder that I don't have to worry about this.