Welcome back for another Special Edition of, GEOPOLITICO

Today, we will be discussion some updates to the influences in today's world as of October 20th, 2016.

This is the 5th thread since February 2016. Much has changed since then, with several updates since then being put up during the threads existence due to in part by Anons like you.


Influence Changes

-Assad Regained parts of Aleppo and surrounds Rebel groups in South-East Aleppo
Success 'inevitable' for Assad in Aleppo with a +16% Chance (93%)
-Turkey Army invasion continues against YPG/ISIS in it's westward advance
''Success 'very likely' for Turkey in the North with a +12% Chance (88%)
-ISIS lost scattered areas across it's borders due to continued Russian/Iranian assistance
Defeat 'possible' for ISIL/ISIS against Syria with a -2% Chance (42%)

-Golan Heights

Minor Fixes
-Much of the border regions between Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Israel/Golan Heights, and Rebel Forces in the south of Syria.

-Libya, Yemen, Iraq territory updates
-Aleppo City Map
-More border detail in Syria w/ neighbors
-Additional minor influence changes
-Ukraine Conflict update and adding War in Donbass minimap
-Armenia update (Nagorno-Karabakh Dispute)
Later Updates
-Adding additional African Conflicts and their players (Boko Haram)
-Adding Mexican Cartel Conflicts and their players
-Adding S.E. Asian Conflicts and their players


Other urls found in this thread:–Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo_relations

How come?

It's the United Kingdom too btw England should only be used specifically for England.

We should probably make the P.I. east-influenced now considering

india and pakistan are inching closer and closer to the eastern bloc, considering they're a stone's throw away from joining the SCO (China and Russia's economic pact)

also Erdogan seems to be cozying up to russia after blaming the "coup" (non-islamist purge) on NATO

I too find this odd. They are still part of NATO even if they will not be rolled into the EU army pipe dream.

Argentina should be neutral, they ousted the leftist hag Kirchner last year and now are trying to get their economy up with pragmatical [classical] liberal reforms.

also, should poland be considered west-aligned and not influenced? they are a part of NATO and the EU, but for the most part they just take money and guns from them while ignoring whatever they tell them in regards to pozzing and marxist propoganda

Turkey should definitely be half blue half red, they're a part of NATO, want to be a part of the EU, yet simultaneously are buddying up with Russia and want to join the SCO as well.

Uganda is a western pawn, Somalia is just a fucking shitstorm and Thailand is moving from the Western orbit too (they did so before Duerte took flipland away from the US even)

They're still both part of NATO, especially the UK which can be treated as a US puppet state for most geopolitical issues

Indonesia should be East leaning considering their close ties with China and disputes with Australia. Vietnam will probably move back into the neutral camp after the Philippines flip.

Their dislike of Russia and now American military bases means they're solidly West-Aligned

Keyna is also Western leaning as well, they get a bunch of support from the US and UK in terms of military training/equipment

They're not budding up with Russia, they shot down a Russian jet this year (or it was late last year) and are supporting ISIS (which means bombing Russian allies like Iran and Syria) as well allowing ISIS to get their oil through their borders and have a way to sell it "legally". Russia also issue a travel warning against Turkey and their tourist economy if down because Russians were a massive part of their yearly visitors.

They're big opportunists trying to extract maximum benefit from Europe over the crisis, but that doesn't mean they're aligning with Russia.

Great thread OP

You should change scotland to western as they are such good goys some want to leave the UK to remain in the EU.

sub-saharan africa is really just one giant battlefield waiting to happen. The simultaneous Chinese economic involvement and American military involvement, not to mention the sheer amount of conflict and tension already makes the balkans look like scandinavia.

Pretty much this, Turkey's goal is to become the Middle East power, in direct competition with Iran
They've shown they're open to working with the Israeli-Saudi Coalition and the Iranians at times,I'm not sure how long that's gonna last given Erdogan's desire for "muh Ottoman" and how their goals are in open conflict with Saudis and Iranians

Should Brazil, but specially Turkey really be neutral?
Norway and UK not being considered big players is ridiculous, UK is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, and Norway is way too close to Rusia.

Another thread made with that shitty map. Looking at it quickly, UK and NZ are full West. They are part of FEYE for fuck's sake. Brazil is East aligned, remember BRICS? I'm sure there are other errors in it.

Success 'very likely' for Turkey in the North with a +12% Chance (88%)

At the global scale? Not really
The UK is a shadow of their former power and has been an American lapdog since the end of WW2, it occupies a very important strategic location, but on their own they're not a major player.
Norway is even less valuable beyond their oil, much of their strategic positioning in the North Sea can be closed off by fleets operating out of the UK

could we add another division to the map in the form of western-aligned countries that are beginning to show resistance to the ZOG?
the US is one election away from possibly leaving NATO and strengthening diplomatic ties with Russia and China, while Poland, Hungary, and Finland, while decidedly anti-Russian, love flipping off the EU and resisting foreign influence.

oh and go ahead and change Philipines to East

and to clarify, none of those countries are at all pro-east or anti-west, but they're showing signs of independence.

Brazil currently is definitely neutral, ousted their leftists and their new president only wants to know about getting shekels and have the economy moving again. He is traveling all over and just want investors.

The is taking moves to isolate Venezuela in Mercosur together with Argentina and Paraguay though, but I don't believe it's enough to take these countries from neutral either.

You need to make Kosovo blue as well.

Yes, it's not an independent state (smrt siptarima) but the 2nd largest NATO base in the region (alongside the KLA puppets) means it's going to go against Russia.

Turkey will side with the West. Good map though.

Not sure I agree. Eastern influence is rampant in Aussieland. Economically they are already cucked to China. New Zealand is not that much better.

Brazil may be East aligned but Eastern influence is wanting in South America. Just look at Cuba.

The plan for the us is to slow the eastern advance in the Pacific, and fail. Meanwhile try to turn Latin America Western, and fail. The west is fucked long term. I know nobody wants to hear it, but it's true.

Trump winning would destroy any chance of Latin America coming into Western influence, which is nessecary to offset the massive gains eastern powers are making in Asia. That doesn't actually matter though because Latin America can not be westernized. We will try and we will fail in that endeavor.

England, for now serves slight self interests over that over the entire Western Center.
This is a shift from 95%, to 75%. 5% minimum needed to be Neutral completely.

Good point user. I'll need cited/archived links to change their percentage. I use an excel sheet to keep track of national interests/economic dependencies etc

Hopefully, the END GAME would be a website with live updating. AKA, user controlled non-biased reporting.

Also, just keep in mind most countries, unless they are literal puppet states, can switch allegiances on the drop of a hat.

I think the overseas territories alone are significant enough for UK to be a major player. It also has the second biggest army in Europe and it's definitly in the top 10 if not top 5 of the world.
They've also been anti Russia for a while

What's your methology?

Not sure I fully agree given that their power projection capabilities have collapsed since the Falklands War and it's looking less and less likely that they'll end up regaining them
They're an important player along the lines of France and Germany tier, but not major players like the US, Russia, and China

Are you ready for a world dominated by eastern europe?

I appreciate your opinion. Cite links/archives if you wish.

However, BRAZIL serves a central influence over Eastern/Western.

Just because a Nation is considered neutral, doesn't mean it's separate. It's a nation maintaining their own agendas over the other two major influences.

Noted. Updates come as threads progress. Already making a few minor changed to ver 2.8 from 2.7

Update 3.0 will be the next major update with Donbass Minimap and Aleppo Minimap as well.

Also there's the fact that the US/Israel have most european countries in a stranglehold in terms of political influence. the UK, France, and Germany would all likely be subordinates to NATO, which is practically indistinguishable from the USA/Israel military-industrial complex.


This. Erdogan and Turkey in general are opportunistic assholes. They'll align with the west when shit hits the fan, and in case the west starts losing, they'll start switching over to Russia.

It is. See link on bottom of OP.

They work with both, investigate their economic dependencies and political interests. China prefers Pakistan over India however. India plays with USA/England/Russia/China -hoo boy-

Erdogan, if you investigate his administration, is leaning Eastern. BUT the country leans towards Western influences. I will make an update with Turkey having Blue Lines through it due to NATO and Military Factors.

The base center is very much Neutral to East/West. Pretty much self serving rn. They don't want to start any conflicts with Russia/Syria/Iran and potentially lead to further instability, seeing as they are dealing with the YPG/Kurds for the time being. Their efforts are focusing on dealing with that and stabilizing the Kurdish influence growth.

They are Eastern leaning for the time being. Updates may reflect these reforms. But for now, it's Eastern leaning.

I need to do some more with Africa. Uganda is neutral with blue lines for now. The government relies on the West more than I had initially researched and was investigated. Thank you!

That's an interesting perspective. Taken into account. Any links/archives?

They are indeed. Things may change in future updates for them. I'll say that they sit on the fence between Western and Western Influenced for a majority for sure (Light Blue)

Overall, good post user. This map is pretty much Beta at this point. Lots of updates coming that will reflect more and more accuracy.

I will say that this map has absorbed well over 20hours of work. The biggest updates come from these threads.

lol - Wow… Actually great point. They do indeed want to Be Sweden 2.0.

Very much so. A lot of it goes unreported in Western Media.


Exactly. They serve their own agenda over East/West, but play with both.


My body is ready.

ISIS in Sinai? To the Gaza border? You forgot about that…

Umm.. it's reflected.

Isis is growing in all Sunni majority areas across the world.

For what reasons were the UK and Norway changed?

Any links/archives?

http ://
http ://

Indonesia is a bit more complex since they've had a very long term relationship with the varied Chinese Empires and a decent portion of their upper class claims lineage to Chinese colonists
Their tension point with the west comes over E. Timor, a former Indonesian territory that broke away under UN protection, similar in some ways to Kosovo

Africa in general is a giant clusterfuck waiting to happen.

You'll have the Chinese and the US fighting over resources in the Sub-Saharan parts. Egypt recently said how they're thinking about allowing Russia to build their bases over there in exchange for dealing with ISIS. It's going to be interesting.

If the Syria situation is soon resolved and the Russian alliance emerges victorious, we might end up seeing other countries in the region (Egypt, Libya etc) offering the Russians to build their bases there in exchange for dealing with ISIS.

Then there's the whole deal with Iran/Iraq, and how we might end up with Iraq as a puppet state of the Iranians. Not to mention the fact that the Saudis have recently asked for a monetary loan - their economy is crashing down, and it's not going to be pretty when it finally hits terminal shit velocity.

The world knows that USA is imploding on all levels.
Prepare for the Second Civil War, Burgers.
Shadow government vs the people.

UK still has projection power, it won't be launching any large-scale invasion/landings but they can still park a few ships on someone's shores and rain death from above just like Russia is doing with ICBMs and bombers departing from an friendly airbase in Syria. Also, remember it has a network of allies in the form of the Commonwealth.

Also, China and Russia can't really project power in the scale that US does, American can simply deploy anywhere in the world easily. A single Aircraft Carrier and a Marine Expeditionary Unit with it's escorting fleet pretty much outguns them. They can do it through economic means and nukes, but they're still limited to their backyards still.

China is moving towards it but will still take good 10~20 years for them to build a navy capable of that. Russia? Who knows, they're trying to do it since a series of reforms started in the late 1990's but the economy always gets in the way and equipment purchases always get delayed.

look at this email. Google translation btw

part 1/2
Many governments around the market is international conspiracy to overthrow. it's claimed to have captured the international financial community in the size of the AKP government relations with Iran beyond the gold. Can not remove the peep Russia's annexation of the Crimea to the Russian Minister of linking $ 42 billion nuclear power plant tender and face the 70 percent dependence on Russian natural gas may have. London-based approaches $ 45 billion a robbery, it's fog community hostility is wonderful excuse! It scheduled to be played on 30 March, the stock market after Saudi influence our foreign policy big hit before the hot money conspiracy ear care is to be cut.

* Bilal Yasin Al Qadi Erdogan's partner connection between Nexus Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the multi-billion dollar commercial investment and TÜRGEV ??foundation relations, Saudi Arabia brought up the conspiracy. Egypt Muslim Brotherhood death sentence was understood that the reason given by Erdogan's silence. Arab almost a century the prospect of political Islam or the Muslim Brotherhood model in the world, Saudi King was the greatest threat to the Wahhabi regime. Therefore Syria to hand Nusr, supported the coup in Egypt Sisian King. *

Erdogan's just because they're continuing ulufer he received from the King of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, it is understood that before MIIS then sacrificed. Bilal Erdogan Erdogan's telephone conversations with his father's Saudi Arabia that raised the criticism does not position his son Bilal even the 'enemy within UmUzdAymIs' he brushes that emerged in audio recordings. Strange Bilal, the Saudis have place heavy tweets, all these crimes. Inside the enemy, according to Erdogan a traitor or a spy to be reason enough to be averse to him. What a bitter bondage this God!

Dictators society's most bread, you deal with a business problem, talk to the leader lifted their heads to say they want does not find MecAlu. Already touched the villages, sinless, draw the correct position, they finished with opponents. Look, your father and his son Hafez Assad, Saddam and Gaddafi, they were like that. Tunisia experienced in the stock market, foreign exchange and interest rate of a similar knowledge will be applied in our country immediately after the 30 March coup has reached me through the AKP. I do not know if this is a conspiracy theory. Read on and you decide the data. Source robust.

Available at the Central Bank of Turkey 125 billion dollars in cash and 55 per cent of the gold reserves of the Rothschild family Did you know that? Rothschild, the financier of the British Queen deep state, our country, the AKP was using public money through man 3. close to $ 50 billion. foreign loans of major construction tender was getting through again Rothchild 3. Hand companies. Erdogan's look at everything I did on the air, stood a serious Jewish capital behind the AKP. Rothschild family and süraka Erdogan has decided to terminate the commercial relationship and wants to charge the hot money in our treasury. The victims of the Mavi Marmara incident dissuade the government case was not enough to soothe even the Rothschild group. Erdogan is now topped their sins would be good reason.

Erdogan's sins by throwing community on Israel and Mossad, the main reason for the US or the CIA to blame, I think two Jewish giant Rothchild and Rocyfel from the group AKP, the prime minister and the government to want back to the game will be played at the stock exchange for their money. a conspiracy theory I get my feet down to earth resource in this market. However, note that March 2001 with a game soaked country $ 10 billion in the economic crisis and 50 percent of our people became poorer. Treasury has in fact empty, in that virtual money is not ours, it says my source will play. Turkish society and state are not a new robbery, heads are leaning forward, pockets emptied, I do my last warning he will have stolen.

Part 2/2

Rotchild and the stock market will do a post-election agreement with Rockefeller's prime minister, foreign exchange rate impact and I am writing today, save it somewhere. A calendar columnists often advertising the plot of the deep state in London. lying in the corner, slander, distort oil name Ergun Diler. Aim to break down the neck of the community and in the meantime magnificent robbery Erdogan's 20 billion dollars in the aklat. As Erdogan's Economic Adviser in Yigit Bulut Diler is fulfilling the orders of the British royal deep state. Many foolish consulting, Cloud with mischief for Erdogan and dragging the country into the abyss of economic crisis and rapidly.

* 17 December operation was a flare. The next day calendar and thrown preacher lobby and interest lobby in Sabak purpose was obvious already from the headlines. Clouds and wished aim of the attack, style, plot to be what brings this summer. Theatre by these agents of British influence in the fact that conspiracy. Prime minister lobby keeps saying, but he is preparing for the second major interest and exchange robbery in Turkey 2001. *

Dollar with post-election manipulation fire çiktikc Central Bank intervention to reduce Tours events will fire as it did during the day and will shed a few billion of hot money into the market. Again, this process will be the same way as bank interest rates increased 7 percent, just as in Tunisia, I'm woken. Rothchild use and Yigit Bulut prime minister on behalf of the virtual stock market and the Treasury $ 45 billion in total funds had konusund deal. However, the market cheap dollars will be collected prior to the crisis, the dollar will buy dollars and will be thrown. Later, the Central Bank intervened by the dollar will fall, the way they hit the volley. It's that simple.

After sightseeing events brought to basdanismanligi Yigit Bulut was supposed to prevent the operation of the preacher lobby. However, it was not up to scratch. purpose behind the scenes of the trip was to phase in 14 percent of the bank. Now bigger goals. When interest rates skyrocketed to 30%, with capital ratios in the 12-20% band, EBITDA will go to sting companies exceeding 15%. Note the automotive industry. If the Turkish industry from manipulation of the Central Bank does not take cheap dollar collected weeks of heavy losses. Rotchild just what had made recently in Tunisia.

The Central Bank will draw large amounts of foreign currency. Bank, we were forced to increase interest rates by 7-10 points in the next two months. the dollar could jump up to $ 3. Playwrights, shot after they leave few dollars 2.5 TL. Coming in this game, maybe you'll win if you get timely dollars. However, now and always and always big wins in the currency market, the small are swallowed Remember to always win when you play gambling. If you think the Prime Minister should be warned in advance of Germany and France. Because if the dollar played a game like this, the automotive industry in our country will be seriously damaged, if the engine of the economy sank this sector, German and French into crisis in the automotive industry.

Erdogan, to be sincere and should avoid being a prisoner of international players and throw all the blame on the community should come clean up the habit. Coming a serious storm. Erdogan, which makes it unreliable for investment in our country, knows the country would reduce much the note of the international credit rating institutions. Audio recordings showed that the country is in the hands of all the ropes authoritarian and dictatorial Erdogan is a leader. Populism be passed with the transfer path. Although targeted community or subjected to defamation Erdogan to deflect the target does not survive the approaching storm. The country is taking with him to the immersion. Erdogan strange thing is, that all those accused of büht community itself is doing himself. As the saying goes, if you slander, defamation and you will live without you take.

"Rothschild, the financier of the British Queen deep state" they control Britain behind the scene

BRICS is not actually an alliance, just a name. You have to remember the lebanese vampire is a CIA informant too.

Sure thing - You mean, besides Brexit and local polls across England (not including Scotland)

Norway has always been un-interested with the central ideals of Europe. But remains dependent and aligned with their European brethern. A recent poll reflect that as high as 77% of Norwegian's support England decision to leave the EU.

Even the Danes support England's decision to became more independent, but they are completely reliant. Even their Military has co-opted along with France and Sweden.

You can say that Obongo did a great job destroying this country. Just as his handlers told him to.

I fixed the map.

Can somebody explain to me what the Turkroaches are trying to do in Syria? They're currently blowing their way through Kurdish-held towns in league with whatever the Hell the FSA actually is. Are they going to Aleppo? Are they going to try to fight the SAA or do they just want to blast Kurds, which is of course one of their favorite passtimes.

I would disagree. Granted, (((they))) likely do want to dismantle the US in favor of a world government, but instead of weakening the opposition they're strengthening it. During the fall of the soviet union there wasn't any real opposition within russia to fill in the power vacuum, but in the US the populist sentiment is spreading like wildfire, with a sort of decentralized libertarian/tea-party/conservative/nationalist blob that is gaining power rapidly.

I suspect they're gonna try and create a Turkmen puppet state in Northern Syria under the guise of a safe zone

Very nice!

I'll definitely take the information into account and make the adjustments needed. Kenya will likely slightly push towards Western dependencies if this is a legit source.

Give Africa 8-10 years (or whenever ww3 kicks off)

It will start to implode as the next generation that serves independent/eastern influences come into play. Right now, many Western agenda players are nearing their way out. We will see…

The tension is pretty high in USA rn. Unbelievably so ~ People EXPECT a rugged election. Trump said himself in the debate last night, "We'll see… I'll keep you in suspense."

Even Sam Hyde on his twatter account called for something to happen if Hillary came into power. She's a criminal/corrupt puppet. No way around it…

2/3rd of all Americans feel this way. Shit will go down either way eventually. The result could be as minor as the Wall Street protests back in 2009/11 - or - as major as America having several revolts against the new regime, and a possible civil war. I plan to have a better map, with states in the USA/Mexico ready in 2 weeks for the election.

If you are speaking about 'zones of control' then this is accurate. Reflecting on potential output of military power = This is wrong. Which is scary.

they're killing kurds, what else?
Turkey has an unfathomable hatred for kurdistan

been an update on that, Trump said he'll honor the results of the election..if he wins
https ://

Shouldn't Vietnam and the rest of Indochina be Eastern Aligned with Western Influence?

Kurds want to form Kurdistan and their organization (which by the way is a socialist workers party) has been at war with the turks for decades. Kurdistan proposed borders are going to eat a chunk of East Turkey (and a few other countries) and they'll likely demand it if they defeat ISIS.

Not really, Vietnam has some long standing disputes with China over islands in the SCS and they've have border conflicts for decades, though with the Philippines leaving the US bloc that position for the Vietnamese isn't as tenable

Burma plays off both the Chinese and Indians for military hardware and economic support

Yeah, I'm talking about zones of control. Military output is another entire thing, China alone has more people in active personnel than the US has in active+reserve.

That's true. China-Laos is mostly commercial relations too.

But China does have strong relationships with Cambodia since the 1997 coup and Cambodia cut diplomatic relations with Taiwan because of China. They're pretty aligned. I think they can be assigned as Eastern Aligned.

Yeah IMO you can pretty much say that Vietnam is allied to the US and would most likely be on that side in a conflict in East Asia. They hate China, have big trade deals with the US and have been deepening military ties to the US as well. There's a small Russian installation there that Russia's threaten to increase in size, but I don't see Vietnam allowing that to happen since it would just piss off the US and get no gain for Vietnam.

Put it this way, the US actually won the Vietnam War, just 30 years later.

I wouldn't go this far
enemy of my enemy doesn't work in this situation and US influence in the region is receding pretty quickly

Maybe not allied, but firmly in the US camp I'd say.

As for US influence in the region, it seems to be waning some but China's economic situation isn't that great right now and looks like it's going to take a giant shit down the road. I think that's going to kill a lot of influence China has in the area and the US will likely fill that vacuum again. I just don't see Russia being a big player in Asia for now. Their navy just isn't up to the task.

India is the wild card IMO. With things going the way they are, I think they'll likely end up in the US camp.

Here's one of many sources for NZ and UK being FEYE.


Wew lads….



Not an ally, but a satellite para-military state for the US Maries/Navy/Air Force for sure.

Forgot, 2nd pic of Update details.

More to come as we get more info!

This is a project that was created here on 8ch/pol

It's come a long way, and the point is to as accurately as possible reflect the current influences/agendas in play.

Great thread, so many going-ons the maps and analysis need to be put to updated visuals.


ty for the citation - However

A LOT has changed since 2013, and the factors and make England and NZ Western Influenced is mainly due to their economic and national needs superseding the overall agenda they are aligned towards. I'm not saying that England is going to flip and became Neutral (unless is faces civil war) and NZ has dozens or current factors that have it set in it's place. Mostly it's dependencies (which NZ pretends it has none)

NZ is economically dependent on England first, Australia 2nd (which is also British dependent), and China 3rd. USA being a factor, but no where near England/China.

England's populace is undergoing a political agenda shift as of the last 3 years. Germany's economy will tank, soon. The Brits know it and are trying to save themselves from possibly getting damaged further by their alignment into the EU.


Thanks. The only updates coming today/tonight will be of one of the minimaps and Libya. Possibly Influence changes.


but in all likely hood we are fucked though when the conflict starts

>South Africa

It's so beyond Hoo Boy - Next level shit.

The government is dependent on the East, by far. They dun goofed.

Doesn't mean the people who run the private sector at this point will play along.

Sure, go by economic relations instead of intelligence and military ones, which are the ones who will matter once WW3 takes off. That is why I said your map is quite shitty. Look into ECHELON and the UKUSA agreement if you still doubt Australia and NZ are fully on the Western side. No I won't spoonfeed you link, dig into it yourself.

No, NZ is dependent on Australia and China first, and the EU and US second. The UK doesn't even make the top 30. It's not 1950 anymore.


Go to the first link on the downloads table on the right.

You're still right to put NZ as Western influenced rather than Western important though. 3 of our top 4 trading partners are western. In the event of a WWIII scenario, Australia will be the deciding factor for New Zealand's actions. Not only are they our closest ally and most important trading partner, they provide us with an enormous geographic buffer zone. New Zealander's are not ideological at all, and really just want to be let to live our lives with minimal inconvenience. So where Australia goes, New Zealand will go also.

Aren't they good goys who are trying to join NATO? And havent they been in the EU for a few years now?

Hey OP why can't you clean up the borders of each country to make it more clear? Pic related.

Nice try Shillomo

A complete remake has been underway since September 1st. But I do appreciate the share!

The remake will have a better key showing the the scoring for western/neutral/eastern influences as well as gaining lines of importance.
Like India.

Good source. Thanks! The last few sources I looked at were british tbh and at least 3 years old for economic reasoning.

They are indeed Western Influenced. That won't change, probably ever (especially because Diggereedooland)

Hence, why they are western influenced/aligned m80.


isis and muslime brotherhood = usa

I am not sure about Switzerland. We are probably more West leaning than thought, but institutions like BIS render it obligatory transnational.

Switzerland will remain neutral until somebody actually attacks them

The theory goes that all .EU powers don't like a power holding on a central point like Gotthard, so all agree on having this thing in the middle.



I wouldn't go as far to say, "drop of a hat" But in the case of the neutrally aligned. Or those nations that may become less dependent due to a specific trade deal. They could switch rather quickly.

Come to think of it, Philippines is a good example.

America is 1st in the 'zones of deployment and control'
England is 2nd due these terr, and their allegiance with prior colonies.
Russia is 3rd simply because they can deploy in one massive bubble around their country, and the North Sea/Blacksea – Mediterranean
China a close 4th to Russia. It has the largest army in the world, has the potential to blitz invade any neighboring nation, and has a rapidly growing navy/air force (space warfare incoming!)
France and Turkey are spotted somewhere between 5th and 8th bopping around with India, Pakistan, and Iran. Even though France has a 'small' army in comparison to most of these other nations (nearly 230,000). Their areas of control and allegiances make up for this.
North Korea boasting a large army for the small nation's size, isn't really ever going to come above the level of India/Iran/Pakistan mostly due to it's location and lack to air force/navy in comparison.
N. Korea could possibly defeat S.Korea in a 1v1 combat scenario. But this is impossible. S.Korea would likely receive support from international allies, where N.Korea would not (unless other factors come into play) - also not including fringe elements of Chinese/Russian underground assistance.

Something to understand, England is 2nd, but with somewhere around 50 points, against America's 100 points in global deployment.

I'm basically a yuge numbers nerd. I add points, or take them away to create a sliding scale for alignment in either sphere, or independent/neutral.

Nations that have 'lines' of influence means a rise in that influence from the center of the national/political agendas. Venezuela and Uganda being good examples of that.

Think of these countries as a pyramid. At the top, they have their own agenda to think about. But they are supported equally by the East/West under them

Obama expanded the spheres of military influence significantly in Asia/Africa. But, we lost some of those areas in the Middle East (still a mistake imo)

Secretary Not Sure at this point if the region will stand as a 'safe zone'/Turk occupation or be considered a separate state.

Swiss is West leaning so hard, it's waving hello to Poland in Europe.

The maps prior to these around 1.2 had some 'more' evidence that showed Saudi allegiances with ISIS. Personally, I believe that Saudi Arabia/it's allies could be a 3rd agenda sitting under the West. Same with China in the Eastern sphere. Things could change with 4-8 years of Trump.


I'm a6b2ff not on my cellphone, dumbass. Keep LARPing about what ifs while totally ignoring treaties, alliances and pacts that are not on an economic nature. It will surely represent what happens in the coming war.

I think (((they))) never expected any opposition in the first place. Which is why they're doubling down.

Fucking over Kurds. They waged war on each other for years, and if Kurdistan becomes a thing (and it will if the Kurds beat ISIS) it will eat a part of Turkey.

The day they decided to go to war, Erdogan explicitly said how he won't accept any peace talks and cutting up Syria if he doesn't have a say in it. So yeah, Syria's about to be balkanized, and Turks want a piece so that Kurdistan doesn't become a thing. And because new Ottoman empire.

Wew OP, why are you such an inbred cocksucking faggot?

How is the Democratic Republic of the Congo an Eastern player?

OP is a retard?

Here OP have some sense punched into you.

And yes the jewSA will fight Russia to the last European, but they're unwilling to get nuked.

Most likely they will use one of their EU puppet (Poland and cie) to attack Russian troops/rebels via intervention in Ukraine, which will lead to full invasion by Russia that way they will be technically at war, and a member of the EU at war will mean the others will have to help them if they want to stay credible (even if they're not), without HAVING to go to war because Russia didn't actually attack Poland.

Green is neutral or is already so fucked up it won't matter.

Seems off to me

Sweden and Finland should be light blue since they have signed treaties that allows NATO to move forces through and station forces in their countries.

Oh wow.

If you read the OP, you'd see that the older versions were something very similar. When it comes down to it, this is a project to create one accurate and fluctuating map.

Have the first version and the Sep1st version to see.

Not neutral. Are you blind? Read.

Investigate more.–Democratic_Republic_of_the_Congo_relations

This is a group effort. You have information for the project? cite sources instead of being useless :^)

Just filter him. He didn't read.

They are in OP and update here

China will not get involved militarily. They are happy as trade partners to both Russia and the US. They like to occasionally posture their military but if you look at Chinese state media compared to Russian media, the Chinese dont give a fuck.

Half of the countries on your map would NEVER get involved unless attacked, because frankly they are so shit tier they cant even mobilize.

Fuck off, retard.

Fucking ZOG neocon shit vs Asiatic mongrel horde. Fucking awesome.

These maps don't make any sense, China is as much a part of the Saudi, Israel, US, EU jewish clique as anybody else. Nobody is more awash in Jewish money and control outside of the US. They are not nearly as antagonistic to Russia or other nationalistic countries as their other globalist buddies, and they are much more opportunistic in international relations than they are ideological, but there's a reason they're throwing a fortune at Hillary and the DNC while Putin is supporting Trump.

Do you have any sources to cite? Archives?

Go read some Chinese news reports instead of relying on stuff from Wargame Red Dragon. Chinks give zero shits. If you think China will actually go to bat for Russia you are fucking dumb.

So, no?

When, Holla Forums, when?


OCT 21st 2016

Added Battle for Aleppo Micro-map
Added Changes to Donbass Conflict
Added Changes to ISIS/ISIL in Iraq (Kirkuk)
Added Minor Turkish Advances

There will be one more update released tonight or tomorrow 2.91
Updates may come depending on the global situation.

3.0 will be be finished by Halloween/November 1st. Which will include micro-maps are all major combat areas globally (Aleppo, Libya, Donbass, etc) and Mexican Cartel names with areas of influence.


This project is in flux - This has been the work of 8ch/pol since February 2016. It's come a long way!


Britbong here, I don't think that Britain should have been changed from Western to Western influenced. Yes, we will be leaving the EU, but the government has not signalled any move away from the NATO/EU alliance. Vid related is our foreign minister shilling against Russia recently.At that parliamentary debate, the majority of both MPs were saying that something needed to be done about Russia in Aleppo.If any European country were to back the USA against Russia at the moment, it would be the UK.

It makes even less sense for Scotland to be more Western aligned than the rest of the UK. The ruling party in Scotland is the Scottish National Party which is more anti-american and neutralist than the British mainstream; for instance they want the removal of nuclear submarine bases from Scotland.

For your Syria map you should probably note that the Turks are closing in on the SAA lines right now and that the totally not Turkish soldiers pretending to be rebels said they're going to lift the siege on Aleppo
http ://–spokeman-said-that-phase-4

Nice link! The formula used to set the key players from Important to Influenced has so many variables. Honestly- England, Turkey, and Pakistan are the three most difficult to place since the factors are nearly innumerable.

England is a MAJOR western player. No-one could dispute that, ever. However, they have downshifted from being an Important key players in the overall Western Agenda/Influential structure due to their stance for Independence from the EU.

Things are changing rapidly across the globe in some nations that I would have never have thought would make the moves they are making. Most notable being Turkey, which has been reported attacking YPG, FSA, and ISIS.


No worries m80

and when I say closing, they're almost on top of them, there's only a single line of villages that the Turks are currently taking between them and the SAA troops

Digging rn…

So… Is Twitter up for anyone? I keep trying to load sources from twitter but it's down :-/

The EU is not the only symbol of the west for fuck's sake. They distanced themselves from the EU for economic reasons but still are very close to the US, which makes them a major western player. You're so fucking dense it's unbelievable. Would you consider the US having trade deals with China and owing them trillions of dollars as the US being influenced by the east? Of course not! The UK's intelligence role has been to get all communications from all over Europe and send what is of interest back to the US, ever since the cold war. They are still part of NATO and will stay part of NATO as long as NATO exists, if war against the Eastern Bloc happens, the UK will be 100% with the West.

No shit - Look at the map and the key

There's a massive cyberattack going on right now in the US

Twitter was down for awhile. I wonder if that was related.

Last update for today, been studying drug trafficking and the effects of the Mexican cartels on the USA. Pretty scary terry stuff.

RDC is Somalia, there is no real central government to speak off outside of the capital, warlords locked in civil war since…, well since the country is being called Congo again (or since the US, *kof* Clinton *kof*, evicted the French, your pick), roams the countryside pillaging and raping as they go. As such China has made some individually lucrative agreements with them but it's not, and will never be an actor. It's barely a country.

Also shove your smileys up your cunt.

FFS you put South East Asia in blue or Neutral, when the US just lost their last friendly regime in the area with Duterte!

Vietnamese can't wait to die for Uncle Sam! Argentina is red (ahahahahahahah) but Brazil is neutral???
India is influenced by blues??? The same India joint-developing all it's weapons with Russia and just joined the SCO???

Sweden, the sole country in Europe that hasn't been in a war in over 400 years and has the population of Brittany is an actor?
Finland the sole country that has been consistently neutral through the cold war (and still is, despite opportunistic politicians pushing toward NATO to axe the army… Yeah that's why they're doing it. If you're in NATO you don't need an army, so we can spend that money to import niggers to put them on benefits) is an actor?
Austria that isn't even in NATO either is full blue?
Bulgaria is not light red? As aren't FYROM, Serbia and Greece???
Yet the eternal anglo is basically Switzerland (that have been consistently neutral for over 500 years)?

What sort of drugs are you people on?



Original map’s creator here. I lost my file in a hard drive corruption, but if there’s really enough interest I can make it again and do updates based on the geopolitical changes that have happened in the interim.



You'll find that there isn't as much of that as countries/nations looking for their own interests.

But when it comes to Western Europe and US, sure, they behave more as a hive than the rest, usually. And even there little cracks are happening right now, Germany will assume the leading role… the president of NATO was complaining that the new rebuilt German military should been under the auspices of the organization, and Germans want to overwrite this for a grander path where they take the front. Because it comes full circle to my first sentence.

England leaving the EU has much to do with that, they are antagonistic to the vision of being led by Germany and german-aligned actors. And now we have a silent fight inside the EU.

Looks exactly like a merchant

How can Scotland which only has 2nd level administration be separated from England?

*with pressure from external agents too.

I'm the op to this map and it's content friendo. Made with and Paint for smaller edits.

If you are indeed one of the anons who helped in one of the first threads. Then thank and your assistance would be appreciated. I have Version 2.92 just about ready.

WOW - Confirmed Aleppo is Merchant City

Meme this.

When compared to the rest of England, this area, or '2nd level administration' is much more dependent and based around Western Importance. Scotland literally wants to be Sweden 2.0 - LETS ALL THE REFUGEES COME HERE :–DDDDD

hmmm…. I have to disagree. It's not the people, but the agenda being put upon the people that is forcing a kind of homogenization of the cultures within it's umbrella.

Ok, so you're a britbong/yuro? Germany is a puppet.

The EU has been said by game theorists to last a maximum of another 8-10 years unless it finds a way to stabilize their economy and public turmoil.

A fringe theory is that governments will push the 'Aliumzz' if things get dire on a more official level to make people afraid and dependent.

There's an agenda, regardless they do act as a hive.

I'm from samba ground. The EU is there to be the raise of Europe, so it should still remain very relevant and powerful over other quarters of the world. There's a jostling in place to decide who calls the shots, and it's Germany again. England is playing tough because they don't want to be under German influence.

Even movements like National Action can be seen at the light of that, because jews transferred their central to Brussels-Berlin. This tug of war goes across the atlantic with Hillary and Trump.

So yup, there's a fight going on inside. But it's a question of whether this will lead to something more serious… or whoever loses just keeps on with the program.