28,882 Emails From Hillary Clinton's Private Server.zip

28,882 Emails From Hillary Clinton's Private Server.zip


Thanks to Wikileaks, get 'em NOW!!!

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I ain't clicking that shit.

post proof and/or archive.is or sage

Uploaded by
Street Prophet
on 10/20/2016

literally who

archived archive.is/nblIJ
is it legit?

Hey dipshit why don't you come back to your thread and tell us where you found this?


It's over 540 MB (zip file), I'm downloading it ATM will report back.

nigga wtf are you doing?

I swear half this thread is 14 and under.

Archiving motherfucking archive.org.

Fucking Wisconsin Cheeseheads I tell you…

Wisconsin user reporting in. Archivers of archives are retards.

There's nothing on wikileaks.

can we get a confirmation on this… bullshit or no?

So is it a honeypot, fake emails, or did Assange find another way to get the word out?

Too many possibilities right now.

TBB estimates 45-60 mins to complete my download. You'll know ~then.

Thanks good buddy

These look old and are all PDFs, so if I get v&, it was worth it. Not sure if there's anything damning in here, but they are from the Benghazi select committee, so take that as you will.

Gad damn I hope at least one of you other anons are grabbing it.

What if I was a paid CTR stooge and I just psycho-judo convinced you guys not to bother "because everything's under control?"

Well if what eeb485 posted is true, this isn't the deleted emails.


Nice b8, m8. Go fuck your honeypot elsewhwew

Already release

Yo dawg…
