What are some viable alternatives to the world wide web? Everything about it is fucking cancerous

What are some viable alternatives to the world wide web? Everything about it is fucking cancerous.

a book

Usenet :^)

shuf -n 30 /usr/share/dict/words | tr '\n' ' ', the way God intended

Old encyclopedias.
Gopher net.

Help develop IPFS.

This is most plausible, but only if they get ipfs.js working.

sneaker net


I prefer sandle net tbh


Do any websites still use www.?

they're "sandals" you bogan

they're thongs you pommy bastard
give me back my paddock, or i swear i will rack your shorts

HAM radio.

The doj does.

A shame, because their website is pretty good.


What about ASCII punk? I agree with you though user, the regular web has become a cancerous shithole. Shitheads like Jeff Atwood keep empowering retards and pajeets and they're turning the web into a digital designated street.

On another note though user, you could try and make this web less cancerous. Fight back mobile first shit with Desktop + Text Browser first. Don't let the CIANiggers win.

The world wide web ruined the internet. Just use usenet, email (non-web interface), sftp, gopher, irc, xmpp, wget, voip, ssh, etc, etc. HTML is crap and always has been, and there's no good reason for it to exist.

Fuck you.


aside of making printed text and TV forever obsolete, paving the way for memes to be the next evolutionary step in human communication.

Become a HAM radio operator.

install Links
visit a library


Join us on the IPFS thread. IPFS's design is optimized around resiliency and decentralization, and makes ad networks as they exist on the current web basically impossible to implement. Take out the ad money, and most of the cancer goes away with it.



"Take out the ad money, and most of the cancer goes away with it."

Truer words have never been spoken

make your own protocol

More importantly IPFS makes public knowledge of exactly who's hosting what, and has no push mechanism. Unaccountability and unsolicited communications are the underpinnings of the worst parts of the web, advertisers and assholes alike.

there aren't ads on Wikipedia, but it's still pozzed with propaganda, fake news, biased articles and even pseudoscience

App store 😍




You'll still get sponsored garbage like Wankerstar.


get rid of jews and liberals and that problem fixes itself quickly