I don't too much endorse wasting your precious time playing the electric jew, rather than furthering yourself...

I don't too much endorse wasting your precious time playing the electric jew, rather than furthering yourself. But let's be entirely honest, I know a lot of you do anyways, among a lot of other autistic, wasteful shit, so how's about making some Holla Forumsfriends doing it?

Some big shit happened, now Devoted is the last civcraft server, and if you're autistic enough to play Mine-man, then you might just be autistic enough to hop on, make some swastikas, and make it into a glorious white nation with us. The address is play.devotedmc.com and the coords are -3800 -3950. Welcome to Holla Forumsynesia?

Are there any untermensch to purge?

Btw there's a brewery mod so I can booze you up and we can go purge redditors


plenty of untermensch, niggers, even some jews we can find in the woodwork. we have one oven built atm and space to build a proper auschwitz


Go fuck yourself data mining jew.

Besides we find each other in multiplayer games all the time. We are everywhere tge world is waking up. All the "goyim" from all tribes are turning their spears towards you. Even your close goyim friend you think is different is one of us.

Au revoi Shoshanna

We just wanna play mineman, bud. Idk about the others in the mumble but I'm nothing but a bedroom autist


I play a much better game than Autismcraft. It's way more fun, way more open ended, and way more expensive!

(Pic related.)

Pillar Sculpting Tycoon 3?

(((Mojang))) took my account a few years back when they were moving meinkraft stuff to their main website or some shit

anyone know how to easily procure another account? I'm not paying twice for one game fuck that shit




Yeah yeah, video games are the electric jew, tv is the cable jew, books are the written jew, sleep is just jew magic, food is just the consumable jew.

I can keep going if you would like. :^)

please do

You are fucking insane if you think we want to play autismblocks during such a vital time for the United States and ultimately the entire world.

>mfw Holla Forums calls the dimming jew "a lampshade"

The autistic blocks game I play is infinitely superior. This aryan game can singlehandedly make america great again.

So the game is just Lego blocks with less types of bricks to play with? Fucking lame, it sounds exactly like that fat swede fuck's game. Even that dragon quest minecraft clone looks like it has more gameplay to it. I will never understand what people saw in autism craft.

post more of that lady, she looks tasty


Idk what the fuck this sculpting shit is, all I know is I want to waste my life on this fuckin screen

Better yet user, i'll give you a hot vid of her.

Semi-related: how hard would it be to mod a jew-hunting mode into Battlefront 2?

you mean the rebels? I thought you could play as stormtroops vs rebels already.


I'm down, what's the server info? Oh and can I build a volcano in the sky?

Says in the OP fam, play.devotedmc.com

Videogames are a hobby, not unlike cards have been in all human history.

The problem with vidya right now is sellout developers and social activists fucking up content, inserting sublimina messages and subsiding feminism/etc.

Playing vidya a few hours a day is ok and actualy benefits brain activity immensely, especialy when compared to other common time-wasters such as television.

Playing vidya all day everyday, however, is detrimental to your health like most compulsive behavior will.


Why the crappy graphics ?

Try a few hours a week.

Did you pay for a copy of that?

I barely play anything anymore, mostly autistic map-painters on the weekend.

Since the election started i've been on Holla Forums most of my spare time digging.

Now listen up, and I say this from a vidya player perspective.

The more removed from reality the occupation, the more degenerate it is

That's the golden rule, and it goes for everything. All useless activities are expressions of nihilism and thus corrupt the soul, no matter what you like telling yourself.

It's fine to indulge in vidya so long as you keep in mind that the goal is to marry pleasure with meaning, not to keep them divorced, for example working a job that you hate just to survive and then vent by doing degenerate shit.

And guess what we call you OP?



I carry bricks for a living, leave me alone bro.

I want a job, not the rethoric

It wasn't me, the >mfw Holla Forums calls guy - Sincerely, OP

What the fuck are you on OP?

The homosexual jew, presumably.

Sleep deprivation and mild confusion

Oh shit, are you the fashy goys who have a nation full of channers from many different boards? I think I played with you guys on civcraft but the kike admins had a hate boner for channers.

I remember when we burned down a degenerate furry town. Shit was fun.

I don't play autismcraft, but I do find the whole civcraft thing fascinating because it's an example of an interactive real time civilization simulator.

I wonder if there's anything we could learn from this to apply to real societies. Perhaps not, but the stories of alliances and drama and X nation taking over Y nation are interesting.

I remember reading about the anarcho-capitalists and how they became the world police, and how you can actually imprison people in civcraft and force them to do slave labor. One time some outside group came in and started genociding everyone and putting them in slave camps and death camps. This prompted the ancaps who were extremely wealthy to form a world police organization and violate their own ideology. And of course all the "communist" groups are extremely tribal too.

Kind of shows how only authoritarianism and nationalism wins in the end.

You mean collectivism triumphs over individualism

Yep. Civcraft an hero'd, and the Devoted owner seems to maybe be a channer - if not, though, he at least doesn't intervene with anything that isn't blatant cheating.

Should join up and we can burn down some more of em, bud. Or at least hop in for a bit and get drunk as fuck with us - ingame absinthe

I'm new to the whole civcraft memes, so I'd like to ask - what else do you know about this whole scene? What would I do well to know?

I grew up with the electric Jew. I was formed by it. Molded by it.

So now I'm returning the favor and molding my own, and oy vey will there be kvetching about the messages and contents.

Oh damn rip. Pol town was by far the best minecraft faction I had ever seen.
I haven't played in a long time. Maybe I'll jump on and meme with you guys a bit. Do you still use mumble?

fuck off kovio

If you yourself are, or are related to someone who is:
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Yes, yes I did.

If you're just another user…No you think I'm crazy I don't have a mortgage's worth of money just lying around for the whole suite goddamnson I'm on food stamps forcryingoutloud.jpg!

Kovio was the leader of Holla Forums nothing to do with Holla Forums. You fucking ignorant spic



Yeh, although I'm sure we've moved mumbles many times since civcraft days, idk