https ://



Do it. Hop on the plane. Do it.




If only there were some device a person could carry with them that would allow them to incapacitate or kill their captor from outside his knife's range. It's a shame such a thing doesn't exist.


A bow and arrow?

Some sort of spear?



It's a shame there aren't portable cannons.



A slingshit maybe?

How about 15 people dogpiling a single man?

Blood god hungy, Need more blood. Not enough! Hungy!!!

I thought they were white devil thunder sticks in burgerland.

This is how the final happening will occur. Economic ruin by unsustainable security spending. I thought this is what a shotgun behind the counter was meant to prevent. Does anyone have any info on hand how much this kind of police response actually costs?


Only in commieforina. It's a shame that their kike governors drilled right under a fault line when they are right against an ocean. I guess all those shekels they saved really will help them when they fall into the ocean.

yeah right, asshole, people would just use such things to kill children in no-killing-children zones

I'm looking forward to Trump tweeting about this.


Running around with broken bottles and butter knives taped to sticks if you can even get that.

Hopefully only the southern half falls into the ocean.

why do ameriburgers need niggerknockers when they can buy ar-15 at walmart.

Well some places you can only use "equivalent force" for self defense. So if your attacker has a knife you have to get into a knife fight with him.


Jamal plz this is a serious matter

That makes no sense

This is just some bullshit to justify police confiscating everything from farm equipment to nail clippers

How do you take hostages in a supermarket with a knife?

One good knock to the noggin and situation over.

That bullshit is not not very american.

I have never heard of that in the US. Fucking zimzam gooded a nigger who was "unarmed" and walked.

Are Yourapeeins just that pacified?

They don't want to get arrested after this for a hate crime.

Yeah, it's truly strange how the westerners are like cattle. The american grip left truly terrible brainwashing, much worse than whatever the Soviets did. It's funny how the former eastern Bloc is so anti shitskin, while the western Bloc is so cucked. I can't imagine you would have a situation like this in Poland.

Well, that's almost impressive.

Just imagine it in Finnland:
>man tried taking an entire shopping mall 15 people hostage with a knive

They obviously don't have any street smarts. Weapons are everywhere.

It is in a few random states. Just means not pulling a gun in a fist fight type situations.

I don't remember voting to take away eurofags right to defend themselves. I will assume you mean (((american))) grip tho.

Yes. You could do this with banana. Most of them dont heard gunshot in their life and could not comprehend tought to use violence. Like lambs to slaughter.

That was one guy killing one person probably due to a broken relationship and the ensuing butthurt he couldnt handle.
Calm down.


I prefer the crossbow, myself/

Do I have a relevant ben carson image?
No, no I don't.

But if you kill your enemies they'll win

Ah, yes, of course. How could I forget the esteemed strategic brilliance of my Right Honorable Prime Minister?

Wow when searching "crossbow" on the german amazon it just gives a error that the information doesn't exist. They do have like 1-2 compound bows on there but I'm sure you got to suck 20 dicks just to get them.

That's a pointy stick free zone, what are you paranoid or something? You're never going to need something that dangerous.
Bike tires for instance are far more reasonable.

I lost mother to bike tire :(

Not even "equivalent force", only "non-excessive force"* is permitted. Violence is a meany-meany thing that only mean people can do.

*Judged by the standard of inbred fat "intellectuals" that have never been in any life-and-death situation and honestly don't care about anything but to flaunt their ideological lobotomy.




Nice sweep.

Why the fuck would anyone need a bike lock, hammer or a screwdriver? Obviously they were planning something. Wish our cops here in America were this duty-conscious.

they better be real. I know I didn't spend the 80s worrying about Russia for nothing. Sonofabitch…

My dad always talks about the drills of hiding under their desks if nuclear war happened like a wood desk was going to save you.

It's mostly to protect you from falling debris in case the roof collapses. But if you are in the blast zone, it's buh-bye for you anyway.

Hi Shlomo!

oy vey I've been found out.

Hackney MPS is most likely a joke account. If you are a colonial who does not understand the word hackney then look it up.
This shooting is nothing but a domestic. OP is a faggot.

Depends on distance really. There are zones where the radiation isn't lethal in the short term, but the explosion can still kill or injure.
If you have warning and get under the desk before they hit, you're less likely to be blinded by the initial flash. Plus you'll have some measure of protection against things like broken glass from the shockwave, which is what causes a large proportion of injuries in urban explosions.

It fits the pattern observed in Britain.

I dont know who is worse manlet: UK cops or chavs.

We know you have nukes.




I don't think it's strange at all. Sounds like things are going exactly the way the (((establishment))) planned

I was under the impression that they were just giving the masses something to do while they waited for death to avoid mass hysteria.

That's probably a big part of it, especially since it would only help at a fairly small distance margin.
But while we don't have many accounts of modern cities getting nuked, we do have events like Chelyabinsk where the vast majority of injuries were from people turning to look at the unusual bright flash and then a few seconds or minutes later getting glass and debris from the shockwave thrown in their faces.

When you let breed only conformist and weaklings, and you kill or put in prison brave and daring - you get race of wimps. Exactly as planned by (((elite))).
