Name a better episode of Doctor Who. Protip: you can't

Name a better episode of Doctor Who. Protip: you can't

Name a more cancerous boring shitposter than OP. You can't.


Every one with the lizard lesbian

i prefer dr. who spamming to pigs tbh

not even close


If I had to pick one only, then Midnight, Heaven Sent was my favourite Capaldi episode but Midnight is probably my favourite of NuWho. Fucking brilliant episode.

Midnight is a good one, too. Donna not being in it was probably a big part of why.


The one where they shot the nigger.

I don't understand why everyone loves Heaven Sent. It's a boring repetition, where the Doctor just runs in a circle and speaks to himself. Yeah, there is no propaganda in it, that's nice and the monster is okay, but that's all for me…



absolute kino

The best episode post 2005 was the Girl in the Fireplace
There's too much pre-1989 to call one the best but I personally like the E-Space Trilogy


Then she got saved by a God-like lesbian puddle made of alien oil. Now she's an immortal god-like alien puddle now too!

S5E4/5 (The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone)
S5E10 (Vincent and the Doctor)
S6E4 (The Doctor's Wife)
S6E5/6 (The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People)
S6E10 (The Girl Who Waited)
S6E11 (The God Complex)
S7E1 (Asylum of the Daleks)
S7E11 (The Crimson Horror)
S8E5 (Time Heist)
S8E8 (Mummy on the Orient Express)
S8E9 (Flatline)
S9E3/4 (Under the Lake / Before the Flood)
S9E11 (Heaven Sent)
S10E2 (Smile)

All the Post 2010 episodes I found enjoyable. You can honestly trim down Series 5-10 into this and not miss anything.

Most of those aren't that great imo
I'll give you Time of Angles, Vincent and the Doctor, the Girl Who Waited and Asylum, those are ok but for me I just couldn't really enjoy these episodes with all the other shit Moffat was pulling
2005-2010 was far from perfect but the quality was in general much higher

I agree, it's a shame that NuWho peaked at series 3/4. If you read about RTD era you can tell a lot of love went into reviving the series and doing it right, how they considered carefully how to redesign the old enemies and bring in creative new ones like the Slitheen or the Nanogenes. Now it seems like it's just a refugee camp for BBC writers who want to do sci-fi and any old shit gets on the telly (dinosaurs on a spaceship, a town called mercy, doctor mysterio etc.)

Okay. RTD nostalgia is getting silly now.


That would be this, not Doctor Who.

Pick two
just kidding, pick one


Absolute bullshit

Also she is the daugther of Peter Davison, the Fifth Doctor

I'd say 1/2 myself but 3/4 were still good
They handled this pretty well imo, although the Slitheen were clearly comic relief for younger kids which was retarded imo. Still better than shit like cubes and dinosaurs on a spaceship though. The fact that a low point of the RTD era is better than most of the Moffat era tells you all you need to know.

That was a decent episode, I wish they'd stretched it out more into a 2 parter though. Martha served no purpose and everything was a bit rushed.

Terrible episode imo, why it was a 2 parter as well is beyond me. Moffat fucked up the scheduling of the show so he could jew us out of a whole season of Who (2012 was basically skipped in favour of half of the 2013 season).

the one w/ le evil angel statues, so spoopy XD

which one?

Like in almost every of her episode…
I liked the guy behind them, The Shakri (I think that's how you spell it's name)

There was nothing good about this guy. In fat he was just an interface. The whole cube episode was shit, and the reveal was stupid. So some literally who is behind all this? OK great, I sat through 40 mins of utter shite to get to this

I remember it being alright or at least not totally shit but never rewatched it so I can't really defend it.

I kinda liked the design, if they didn't have the silly baby faces they would've been way too scary for younger viewers and they are definitely iconic. The gas exchange farting stuff was a bit much though, that could've been cut. Would be cool to see one of the non-criminal raxicoricofallipatorian families in the future.

And i'd still say Series 3/4 because of:

The Shakespeare Code
Human Nature / The Family of Blood
Planet of the Ood
The Doctor's Daughter
Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead

It's embarrassing how far the quality slipped to be honest. It also pisses me off how the first four series had classic villains return as the big finales - Daleks, Cybermen, The Master, Davros and then since it's been The Pandorica, The Silence, The Silence again, Missy, The Time Lords and then Missy/Master again.

the show had perfection and it fucking threw it in the garbage and pissed on it

What's so bad about Dinosaurs on a Spaceship? That episode was forgettable at worst

The Slitheen are only iconic because they were the first big new villain to be introduced in the reboot. There's nothing remarkable about them. They're about as generic green bug eyed monster as you can get, and their gimmick is body snatching, which has been done to death. The only thing memorable about them is the farting.

get fucked, old series best series

What do you mean? Don't you love wacky/random Smith or judgemental/angry capaldi?

It's a campy concept episode and if there's one thing Doctor Who ABSOLUTELY is not it's CAMP!

They could've made the Slitheen a lot more serious, it was pandering to small children that was dumb imo.
3/4 was good but imo 1/2 was better, 1 had basically no bad episodes, and the Parting of the Ways was great, as was the Empty Child. 2 had Girl in the Fireplace, the Impossible Planet, Doomsday… All fantastic tbh
But yeah the quality has gone down by so much it's not even the same show anymore. They barely even attempted to maintain the continuity.

Because the rights of black genderfluid furfags weren't represented in the series

Dumb concept. Just LOOK DINSOAURS ON A SPACEHSIP! LOOK QUEEN OF EGYPT! LOOK SEXIST MALE POACHER! It's a sign of how quality has degenerated from actual storylines.

Earthshock was the high point of Davison's Doctor except for Caves of Androzani
Adric's death is pretty moving tbh and it's this hit you don't see anymore

I'd love another character death like this. No silver lining where they get to live forever as a timetraveling ghost or some shit. Just fucking dead.

Problem is, none of the modern companions deserve to be given a noble ending like this. You remember Adric for this. You don't want to remember some fag like Bill.

2 also had tooth and claw, school reunion, the idiot's lantern, love and monsters, and fear her all of which are worse trash than anything Moffat has done.

Those aren't great (Tooth and Claw was alright imo) but better than Moffat's shit, come on



School Reunion was good.

If you like Rose being a petulant child or Sarah Jane Smith being rewritten to be in love with the doctor.

t. Moffat

That's pretty generous for a show that hasn't been good since 8/12/1964…


I think he looked good, he sounded good, he was scary. And because he wasn't "real", The Doctor didn't really defeat him…

Except that one with Simon Pegg. That was stupid and uninteresting.

We wuz kveenz

Because there's been episodes where the doctor gets so pissed off that he'll kill off billions just spite someone, but never before have we had one where the doctor is willing to die a billion times himself over just to spite a fucker.

t. captain edge

It was tbh
Not as good as the classic series in some respects but it was good

idk man he just seemed like a poor villain to me. Maybe if we'd seen more of him rather than waiting through 40 minutes of shitty cubes to get to him…
The Long Game was one of the poorer episodes for sure, but I like the way it set up Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways at least.

I'm fairly sure Satellite 5 being the setting of four episodes was something to do with the BBC cgi department budget rather than by choice

All the same, they made it work well. It's not something you see now.

Turning off the tv would be better.