Is there anything more autistic than buying DVDs and Blu-Rays?

Is there anything more autistic than buying DVDs and Blu-Rays?

I bought the extended LotR trilogy on bluray because I couldn't be arsed to download it. At some point in your life you will realise that time is much more valuable than money and if it is less hassle to buy something than to pirate it you should do it.

what's wrong with that girl's face.


its dumb but so is everything else honestly

She's Jewish.

No way a kikess can be that cute.

Not if you want to own movies. With streaming, you're just renting them.


Bedazzles the ol' noggin'.


Buying the ultra super limited edition that costs like 9000 bux and not knowing what the fuck to do with it so you throw it in a corner and completely forget about it because it would be too much of a hassle to break the seal and play the disc when you have already got the 4k rip on your computer.


Enjoy your ass



Extras, deleted scenes and making ofs and such. Sage for not knowing if you are genuinely retarded or bating me.


We're not on /r/movies here, friendo.

LITERALLY paying for garbage.

I bought the extened version of the hobbit bluray set just for the case desu its nice

yep sounds autistic for sure

Anyone who collects mass produced merchandise isn't truly a human being, but a consumer slave.

collecting VHS.

Who is she?😍😍🤗

