Jews and muslims are allies in destroying europe

Oy vey! Shut it down!
Rabbi admits the jews and muslims are working together to destroy europe.

Other urls found in this thread:

Every desert religion works together in destroying Europe.


with the compliancy of the Good Goy Christians




The time will come, jews.

If they knew what jews will do with them they would rather work with europeans.

I wish there would be a way to redpill them on how jews control europeans and americans and that they are actually allying with the enemy.

jews and muslims have always worked together to invade Europe.
I'm not sure the jews and muslims are enemies if they were you would think the musilms would have invaded israel by now with terrorists. ISIS avoids israel like the plauge.

Isn't islam jewish? Pretty sure the it was started by Abraham's son (servant) according to the Bible.

Wouldn't they consider islam some lesser relation (by blood) hence their push to use them ( via immigration) to destroy everything while they rule everything.

"b-but muslims hate jews kaffir"
t. bosniak

Yes, it's based on Jewish mythology, just like Christianity.

Saved for incomming debates with the obnoxious MIDF

Thanks based OP

Thanks, OP. Downloaded and commented.
You're an asset to the people.

Israel is a co-conspirator in the creation of ISIS in order to create a 'greater Israel' (land-grab).

Jews don't fear muslims, and while I reject #notallmuslims, even some of them themselves see the bullshit behind it.

Note, again, self awareness about some things doesn't mean I welcome them anywhere.


Billions funneled to Israel each year. What do they do with all of this money? Certainly not 1% goes to the (((narrative))), does it?

Maybe Europe deserves to be destroyed.


You act as if you are shocked…



Maybe you should become a lampshade or a bar of soap, then you would have a use.

Nope i've just seen too many islam shilling on here and i wanted to show every last Holla Forumsack that jews and muslims are the common enemy.

Nothing new under the sun.

Christians are the sheep, the weak minded follow christianity and contaminatre the rest of the population, while with good intentions, the results speak for tehmselves.

I really really wish christians on Holla Forums just got a reality check and finaly come down to terms with what these semitic cults really are.

All this shit was designed to desroy eropeans, wheter christians admiti it or not. It's hard coming to terms with the realization one's religion is fake and actively harming you and those around you, always remember this, Holla Forums is a place of truth, no matter how harsh it is or how much it harms your psyque, eventualy i really, really hope our christcuks will break the spiritual shackles the jews have put on them.

Weird, I tweeted about this Oct. 2. The source have to have been Holla Forums. No harm in "resurfacing" though…

My point is that Muslims and jews are bound by blood unlike Christians. I believe both the jews and muslims acknowledge this in their writings. I would not be surprised if the jews
want musilms around as servants/slaves after they kill us all off.

The muslims destroyed many white Europeans countries and races they need to die for this alone. Why the fuck is Constantinople part of Turkey? Why does Turkey even exists and extent so close to the Balkans?

I would argue that Christianity was subverted.
The Church does not lead anything anymore instead they follow & put out the same globalist, degenerate propaganda governments and other organizations do. Low energy propaganda geared at old people .

It was not fucking subverted, have you ever read the fucking bible? The talmud? The quran? I've read all 3, its the same fucking bulshit from a different perspective.

Study some fucking roman history in-depth, study the fal of Babylon and judea.

Chrstianity was the previous SJW'ism, just a fucking jewish tool to control the dumb goyim peasants.

Cuckstians on Holla Forums are grown up and should fucking know better. It was designed from the very beginning as a jewish tool to subvert and destroy foreign states.

It's the same pattern EVERYWHERE.

"persecuted" jews show up after being kicked out of somwhere>Dumb goy adopt christianity because gullible> Society becomes more pacifistic over time>minority rights> Womyns rights> Men cucked on a legal and fiscal level> Goym get pissed> kikes bring their muslim puppets to quell the rebellion

It's been happening since before Al-andalus and cuckstians rather remain in their ignorant bubble of fake spiritual enlightenment provided by jews while the more intelligent members of society either fight desperatly to revert the situation or sell out.

Cuckstianity is a jewish diseas aflicting western civilization and the world will be a much MUCH better place when it is kill, along with their holy trinity of semitic cults.}

Fuck lying kikes.
Fuck retarded muslims.
Fuck compliant christians.

That's wrong, everyone can be Muslim and everyone can be Christian. They are both universalist religions based on Jewish mythology. And both these religions serve the Jewish goal of world domination.
Christians are actually permitted to live in a Muslim territory as long as they pay an extra tax by their book.

that's not true. Why else would the jews want to eliminate the belief in God in Europe and America (Rules for radicals)? And why are the countries that remember their christian values the ones that are the least cucked, like Poland?

Yeah it is, read , he explained it perfectly.

They do? I don't think so, the only thing they want to eliminate is anything European. They are perfectly fine with Christians dying for Israel, after all, Christians were the ones that enabled them to nest in Europe in the fist place.

What about Czech Republic? Or the Baltics? And why is US not the beacon of European values and ideals when it has the largest number of Christians in comparison to other European countries. You don't even have strong correlation my friend, let alone causation.

Because thei are clinging to tradition, and christianity is the tradition they have, tradition that, wich will eventualy allow kikes to settle in again after everyone forgives their sins. Christianity is the kike's dead man switch. Why don't you peole fucking get it? Christianity is a rotting corpse, it's full of lies, contradictions, and kike propaganda, the jews found a better replacement in modernity with SJW'ism ( wich was invented for this purpose, replacing christinanity, just as you replace an older car with a new, better model)

The christian mentality being implanted in a society is just the first step towards the kike abyss of degeneration, madness and lies. I was a christian once, never again. Anyone who considers himself redpilled and is a christians is completely fcking delusional. You simply have not embraced the truth fully if you let an old jewish book dictate how you should live your life and behave ( b-b-but muh christian morals are gud!) No, they are not, they weaken you and put your mind and critical thinking to sleep, christianity does exactly what it was designed for, it makes you a sheep and a literal cuckold, . The very fact this has not been the consensus on Holla Forums baffles me, like islam and judaism, it's nothing but a fucking brainwashing cult. Ever wondered why they ditched christianity? TELEVISION WAS MORE EFFECTIVE.

You guys are the epitome of gullible, i wish i could hate christians, but in all honesty i pity them more than anything.

Go ahead an call me CTR, Shill, Holla Forums, JIDF, whatever.

You know you are wrong, as is your religion, christcuk. (Not meant for the person i'am replying to).

Oy vey we robbed, lied and bacstabbed you, but don't be harsh goy, remember that jew Jesus died for your sins, so you as good christians should forgive ours too, also would you be interest in some loans behind the church's back? the bishop is alredy on it…

It's not just europe, christianity is a political TACTIC, they did the same shit with africa. Look up how christianity was first spread in Ethiopia, it was because of a veiled jewish elite ruling them from Semien.

Same thing with Malasia, Butan, parts of India, Yemen….

I good metaphor is the doctor metaphor.

When y are about to perform a medical experiment on someone, you dope them first.

Christianity dopes the senes and ability to spot the jew.

Thats final, period, cuckstians on Holla Forums need to wake the fuck up if they want to achieve any degree of lasting victory against the jews.

I know it's not just Europe. I was just focusing on it, since we were talking about desert cults destroying Europe. Every Jewish poison is meant to destroy people's identity and ideals.
It's the same with Communism and SJWism, like you stated before. I think they are clinging to Christianity because they are afraid to die, not understanding that your people continue to live after you die and that this is all that matters in the end.

Correct, what pisses me off is this:

I can understand the average joe being a cuckstians, its all they ever knew, its understandable.

But being on Holla Forums and being a christcuk? With all the knowledge we have?

It's frustrating, its EXACTLY the same situation as when you try to talk to a brainwashed liberal "haha no man, thing x is totaly truth, i lerned about in school!"

"You are a lying shill from X , it's says here on my jewish book that blablabla…"

They simply dont fucking get it. What the book say is irrelevant, it's false, it was designed exactly to portray itself as a friendly ideology wile corroding your european inherent biological and spiritual values.

If you are a christian by choice, you are willingly shielding yourself with induced false fanaticism to your own detriment.

Being christian and calling yourself redpilled is a joke.

It's factualy, moraly, objectively and provably wrong.

C'mon, debate me cuckstians, you are 3 post behind.

"B-b-but it says here in my jewish book that X is totaly anti-jewish!"

This is the only argument going on in your head, and you know i'am right.

Get over yourselves.

Why don't they just go back home if they don't like Europe's laws?

And so are Christians

“Woman's destiny is to be wanton, like the bitch, the she-wolf; she must belong to all who claim her.”
–Marquis De Sade

Third image is fake.

It takes a lot of work to deprogram from it. It's a nasty mind virus that fucks a person up on the fundamental level. They are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome: they learn to love their abuser and protect him with teeth and claw.

But that book is all about jews, and it speaks of gentiles as dogs and pigs

And it goes on and on. They'll twist it any way possible to roleplay as jews. And they have the gall to accuse others of LARPing.

Just goes to show what happened. Jews erased the past and after 1000 years of subversion, gentiles have now adopted a sect of judaism as their own identity. Minus the privileges of course, and added in the doctrine of eternal punishment. That's just for the goyim though!

Back to Something Awful you go you little SJW.

Yep, i have nothing else to add.

Anyone who can't see it by now is simply playing it's good goy role.

Aaaaand before i finisehd typing this poped up, just as was described>>>7871625

It's gotten past the embarassing point, it's bordering a mental illness.

* Christians have been persecuted and slaughtered for hundreds of years by jews.

* Christians have expelled jews over and over.

* Christians started the Inquisition to hunt down crypto-kikes.

We've gone over this before, 6 million times even. This isn't the first time that you're posting your Something Awful maymay (muh kike on a stick).

I'm suggesting we start perma-banning SJW goons who post their SA memes here.

Fuck off back to Something Awful. You're clearly not from around here.

See,k this is my point you fucking retard.

This cicle of jewish problems because christianity inherently allows it.

You are just another fanatic playing into the jews hands.

Reported for not reading and mindlessly shitposting.

Why don't you fucking get it? 100% brainwashed as far as spirituality grows.

Also nice rage typos there, you teenage 'atheist' fucktard.

Censorship is the go-to response for those without facts and arguments on their side.

As is the SJW a censor, so was the christians throu history.

Not an atheist, my sould and spirit are very well, unlike yours, wich rots as we speak.

well the man fishing in waters with a bucket full of bait has a point to make
Christianity had a thousand years to go all unmercifully Roman on the kikes
but instead settled for deporting them and 'converting' them like you can convert a kike
in all that time they never once tried to Carthage or druid them not once
hell even the inquisition was made to root out 'new heretical christians' because they'd already found all the kikes and 'converted' them before

Why don't you fucking get it?

It's pretty obvious too how desperately shills push that religion here too. They're either scared shitless from reading that book too much, or they're jews who push it to soften the population.

It's funny too how the religion for the muds is the violent one, but the one promoted for whites is the "my strenght made perfect in weakness" and "turn the other cheek" and "love your enemy" and other defeatist self-destructive programming.

Come on! They're flooding the west with savages indoctrinated with the violent Islam and promote the defeatist version for white Europeans! Christians have worked relentlessly to increase the nigger population in Africa. For what?! They just rape, burn and eat each other anyway! Oh yes, it's to BRING THEM HERE so they can do the same shit over here.

No sane person today can defend that destructive, anti-human religion! Might as well kill yourself right away instead of using the slow-kill. Make it easy on yourself and please the jews more, since that's what the religion is about anyway.

See, this is exactly what i mean. You SJW goons fucking ignore history at your convenience.

Or actually, it's more likely that you don't even know your history because you have the intellect of a head louse. You're not even in any position to discuss Christianity and its history with jews.

Again and again and again.

Stockohlm syndrome, as the other user pointed out.

Get this in your skull, boy. Judaism invented christianity, and you fell for it because of the world that surrounds you.

No amount of catholic writers can change this fact, nor can they change the fact christianity will always be detrimental to a civilization on the long -term.

Thou shall not kill, for example, was meant to cuck the roman army.
Your religion is full of shit and you are too weak minded to deal with this fact.

Wake up.

I gave you facts and arguments, you just choose to ignore them and proceed with strawmen instead.

That's not what your rage typos are telling me, edgy fedora faggot.

The person here making false historical statements is you, user.


Do your homework first. Until then you're noting but an edgy fedora retard who doesn't know shit.

Friendly reminder to all reading this that these homos haven't been able to counter or refute a single point i made.

Christianity wasn't used to destroy the west you silly goose. It was the lack of it in fact.

read my post before knee jerking dickhead
I referenced the inquisition
the inquisition came about to root out jewish converts to christianity who had continued to practice jewish customs behind closed doors
why didnt they just kill them all or drive them out?
instead they decided baptise them there kikes fixed and arent kikes anymore
the naivety is ridiculous

Fedoras, ladies and gentlemen.

Your christianity is showing, when you fall flat on your ass you act exactly like the kikes do.

Stop lying to others, and to your own souls.

You're half-right. The OT of Judaism is a part of Christianity, but the Talmud of Judaism isn't present in Christianity.

In fact, the Talmud criticizes Christianity and punishes those who accept the NT. The Talmud came after Christianity's NT.

One look at Kikebart tells you all you need to know. Muslims are not the enemy, they are being used by the Jews to destroy Western civilization. Do not hate the migrants - hate those who brought them here. I'm not saying we should welcome them, of course. They should all fuck off back to where they came from, but it's important not to lose sight of the real enemy. Do not expend any energy fighting Muslims that would be better put to use against the Jews.

Moving onto Christianity, those that push the anti-Christian agenda argue from a false assumption - that Christianity is Jewish. This is false Jewish propaganda, and people on Holla Forums really shouldn't be this susceptible to it. Jesus was not a Jew (Judean, of the tribe of Judah), he was of the tribe of Benjamin in Galilee. You can see in the NT that he hated the Jews. Modern Christcuckery bears little resemblance to the Christianity of old, so don't assume they're the same.

Those who try and push atheist/pagan NS are SJW-tier and most likely LARPers.

The entire point of my post was to make clear christianity and has been used at all ages to subvert goy.

European goy are superior to other races, wich is why they fought back EVEN while being christian.

Europeans made christianity great, not the other way around, get your head out of your ass, christcuck.

All your arguments are based on a jewish book, why in the fuck are you trying to covince another european to follow your cucked jewish religion automaticaly, ever wondered that?

You have been Brainwashed

Wake Up user, as did i, it hurst at first, but you will come to terms with yourself, trust me

Ok, i have an analogy that might really shed some light to you fuck-ups:

Cuckstianity is to judaism what the alt-right is to Holla Forums

Do you understand now?

Jew funded Islamic operations are destroying artifacts in the M.E, no doubt pointing to the past in order to erase all historical records, just like Christianity did in Europe.


And they do the exact same thing with the "we wuz…" games and TV-series, like that black Beowulf abomination. Media prepares the young generations. When they grow up, all they'll know is how Swedes were originally black. What then will happen to you white christians? Your pet niggers will be killing you for appropriating "they culture".


This is information warfare on two fronts. Fast forward a generation or two and nobody will know the English, German, Scandinavians or Russians were white because kids have grown up with "we wuz" and then the few whites left will be labeled culture-stealing oppressors and universally hated by the negroes.

Christians are in denial, its quite sad, really.

Not even close. The only thing about Christianity that was close to Judaism is the OT, and that segment was very critical of Jews for losing their faith in God.

This is what christians refuse to understand because of their religious bias.

Christianity is nothing more than a means to an end, being played on the jewish long game.

Pls cuckstians, pick up a history book that is not writen by Saint™ published by Chruch press #4

You worship the same god and you also have a jewish prophet.


I sure wonder (((who))) would chop the noses off? The history erasers perhaps? The one common element that subverted and destroyed all these cultures?

The one that would go on to create proxy religions to destroy Europe later?


Erase and rewrite history. Niggers are just a stepping stone because they're dumb enough to destroy everything.

Read my post, retard.

The word Jew today refers to Talmudists, who are the Pharisees in the Bible. The Judeans of the Bible were not all Talmudists (only some were, like the Pharisees). Jesus and his disciples (with the exception of Judas) were not Jews by Biblical definition, or modern definition.

Thats not what we are saying, it's so fucking frustrating, christians really are living in a bubble.

We are not saying christianity is judaism, It was developed in a long ass process wich is contradictory, because it was MADE UP by jews.

It's a tool, its an illusion, it's something the jews tell goys so they obey them.

It's goal is to destroy your mind, your will to work towards the betterment of your race.

Why do you think christian society is so willing to tolerate niggers stealing your lands and history and cuckold porn being a porn genre instead of a capital crime?

It's because cuckstianity conditions people to be tolerant of everything their jewish masters shove down their throats.

There are far more fedoras than Christians in Europe.

This thread so far
Good goy

Secular society tolerates foreign invaders and pornography. Christianity condemns both if you've read the story of Saul and the NT.

To be technical, it permits them, but it states that you can't compromise your culture like Saul did.

Pay attention to my posts, the whole point is to NOT perceive your cultural history on a jewish book.

How do you respond?

Well my jewish book says…

Can you guys for ONCE make a single argument NOT based on jewish false knowledge that has afflicted our society for millenia?

Can you even comprehend that there is world history BEFORE what the bible says?

Did you ever consider the ((coincidence)) that the bible pretty much serves as a memoryhole to bury all the shit the jews did in antiquity?

Forget the bible, stop viewing the world by the glasses the jews put on your mind.

Christianity is a sickness inflicted upon the european spirit, and that's final.

From /r/atheism, I presume?

The sickness is secularism, as Europeans like Issac Newton and Leonhard Euler prospered from Christianity.

The lack of religion is what brought Europe down to it's degenerate state.

Never said that.

All of your arguments are made based on false assumptions. We never used to get you atheist LARPers here in significant numbers until recently. You can't deny that Christianity is central to Europe's history, and while it has been subverted in recent centuries, it has been, and can be, uncucked. There's a reason why Jewish Communism has ferociously atheist and anti-Christian.

No, for posterity. SOMEONBE needs to call out cuckstians for their stupidity.

Tell me something, how old do you think the earth is?

Do you really believe cuckstianity is a recent thing? It had other names before, but the same principels, much like cuckstianity and modern leftism share the same principal values.

Christianity is contradictory for a purpose, so the kikes can point to a single passage when it is convinient for them, and pont to another wich contradicts the first.

Wich is why it's ok to crusade for israel, but not okay to kill muslims invading your country (unless the catholics and kikes say it's ok, you see i as a chsriatian have no free will, i'am only gonna do something when ((god)) allows me to)

Europe had its own European religion before Christianity, are you implying that Europe without a foreign desert religion is degenerate by default?

Track record is not too good, Schlomo. Renaissance and Third Reich catapulted Europe into progress again. That shows us clearly what was holding us back. The very program deliberately designed to do so.

While the jews get richer and more powerful

Maybe you need to kill yourself


Lack of religon, not lack of christianity.

Convewrting to christianity was the actual fall of religion, our religion was replaced by a jewish controlled one.

Everytime i come to a thread like this christians surprise me with their lack of logic, then they call me a fedora for calling them out.

It's quite interesting, the cognitive dissonance going on in their heads.

This is why i don't bother with fedoras; they have opinions on everything but don't know shit about anything.

The Jewish propaganda is strong here.

Thanks for proving fedoras are retarded.

How about a new rule; until you've done your homework on a certain subject you shall not shit up the board with your ill-informed 'opinion'.

It was really bad in 2014.

The Jews are not Israel they just CLAIM to be like they lie about everything else.
Please prove that they are ancient Israel since they haven't.

kike discovered
no you jew slut, we shit on your pissrael



its not


First, "Jews and Muslims share blood." It's Jews and ARABS share blood. Abraham had a son by his wife's Egyptian handmaiden, Hagar. His name was Ishmael.
Yahweh, being the joker, decided to finally put a baby into the stomach of Sarah, Abraham's "first wife." She was like 75, and got pregnant. I'm sure she wasn't expecting THAT!
So Abraham's got a problem. He tells Hagar to hit the desert, bitch, and don't come back.
Ishmael is considered the father of the Arab people. One of his descendants founded Islam some hundreds of years later.
Jesus may not have been of the House of Judah, nor from Judeah.

"Jew" is an English word, meaning Judean. However, anyone from any tribe of Israel is now considered a Jew. There's no need to get pedantic about it. They ALL call themselves Jews, and we ALL call them fucking kikes.

jesus is from the house of david according to bible (matthew).

This tbh fam.

Nobody but your ilk buys any of that shit.
Kill yourself kikelite.

I never said the Jews are Israel. The modern Jews are Talmudists, mostly descended from converts to Talmudism. Judea in the Bible was a multi-ethnic place, with various peoples. Jesus was of the tribe of Benjamin. There were also Judeans (the tribe of Judah) and Pharisees (Talmudists). This is why the word 'Jew' has such a confused meaning.

most muslims I've met are perfectly aware of the ewige jude and like american culture tbh. can't speak for the euro ones though

because muslims are very similar to jews.
you dont need to redpill them on kikes because they are from the same tree.

The Koran is really just a rehash of the Talmud, especially the bullshit about having nonbelievers pay them and be subservient to their wills. All Jews are Zionist Talmud shits who pretend to be Torah Chaim for pity points.

Also why wouldn't Muhammad, "piss be upon him" not love the Tal(((mud))).

Really, not a single European country is majority atheist


jews: lie, cheat, steal from, enslave, kill the "goym"

muds: lie, cheat, steal from, enslave, kill the "kafirs"

You've both been taking lessons from Hillary.

Source on third pic or it's fake.

The original religion was a belief in reincarnation. It completely neutralizes christianity and islam since those programs are dependent on the fear of eternal punishment. It was key for the jews to remove this knowledge. Make the gentiles feel guilty for being born despite not having chosen so. The ultimate mindfuck. Then crawl on their knees all their life and repent of their "sins". The real sin was being in the way of the jews. That's what they are made to feel sorry for.

Once someone realizes the truth of reincarnation, the grip of abrahamic programs are annihilated completely. The jews work very hard to keep this knowledge from people. They knew they couldn't destroy Hinduism completely, due to the sheer size of India, so instead they infected the religion with teachings of "karma" and "ego death" to neutralize meditation. It's the exact same thing as sitting in a monastery aka stone prison all life and never developing spiritually.

Buddhism has been castrated in the same way. There are references to the original religion, but it has been contaminated by the jews to make people sit in stone prisons all day and accomplish nothing.

Jews are the biggest egomaniacs, yet they promote ego-death to everybody else. THIS is the common denominator of the religious options you are given by them.

Without the ego you are and have nothing. Reject all anti-ego teachings. Being a leader is only possible from a healthy and developed ego, because one can only give to others from ones own abundance.

Hitlers ego was shining like the sun, yet he lived and breathed for his people. That doesn't rhyme by the jewish logic, does it?

Which the irony is that once the whites are gone, Israel is suddenly very alone and the only "white" group next, they wouldn't last very long.

"Religion" is only good inasfar as it helps the populace create a common identity and have common codes and rules of conduct, also perhaps as a gateway to the divine.

There are "good" things in the bible but only because our modern values when it comes to women for example, are not very good. This hasn't got anything to do with the bible being "the word of god", but more to do with the fact that that was the view on women at that time.

The bible as a study of mindcontrol
(it is in fact VERY evil if you haven't thought and read quite a bit because it is so insidious; see for example Job which is puke-inducing(i felt sick 3 days after having read it; no other text has ever done that to me)) AND as a viewport into beliefs held thousand of years ago isn't so bad.

I suppose it also has a good simile concerning enlightenment here and there.

At the same time it has horrendous and corrupt parts other places and "spirituality" which just serve to confuse spirituality(see the holy trinity – wtf??). The Bible as a tool for enlightenment(or as a way to the divine principle(i won't say "god" because that word is pretty dead now due to being so misused)) is therefore almost an impossible task. Compare this to a religion like Buddhism(tipitaka) of which texts are basically like a training program to achieve enlightenment and you see how Christianity flatly falls on it ass in the spiritual department. Hell, it's even worse than Hinduism(see the upanishads).

But to claim an adopted religion(adopted by the sword) /is neccesarry/ for western societies is beyond retarded. Europe were doing just fine before Christianity cucked us all up and if you have read the old pagan/odinist texts they are far more beautiful - in addition to exposing the viewer to more of this thing we call Reality - than Christianity ever were.

I suppose Christianity can seem like a bulwark against the degeneracy around you but that is not a quality of Christianity but more a quality of the degeneracy around you… You are also being disingenuous by picking and choosing and ignoring things in your book that you don't like. Read the book(you should also read the original european religious books then), but please don't read it as a religious. Make your own religion; because quite frankly you are already doing it.

this shit again and again.

truth has epistemic issues.
you need to make leaps of faith.
the particulars are like illusions. there's consistency in the principles.
there's good memes and bad memes from wherever.
the world is a medium.
there is meaning contained in anything: including religions.

this is not the problem we face.
christianity has been under attack for a very long time.
whites are under attack.
men are under attack.
the west in general is under attack.

our "history" is twisted against us.
everything has been twisted against us.
you'll notice the same tactics appearing in this very thread.

the issue is about ethics.
just take note of hypocrisy and target the groups who are doing actual damage.
again, it's about ethics.

it's also about logic (proper quantifiers and qualifiers) so please stop d&c.
it's annoying and obvious.

the way we have been treated has been disgusting.
conflict of interest.

if our ruling elite were so confident in their actions, they should repeal all identity related laws. coercion (especially related to propaganda) should be unnecessary. after all, all that they do is inherently good, right? our entire population has been forcibly convinced of this.

How does truth have epistemic issues? Can you give an example?

For the rest of your rambling i do agree that it is about ethics. The "ethics" in a christian society is one of larping piousness. You are good because you are "supposed" to; but you never understand /why/; and later in life many people become corrupt; because you never understood /why/.

It wasn't until i read Plato that i became actually good and wanted to defend piousness because Plato actually gives /arguments/ instead of the christian "be good because i say so".

I keep telling you faggots, this has been happening since the muslims were created.

Everyone just fucking ignores me and says christians created muslims and then fists their boyfriends in the name of odin

Excellent post


Actually a certain religion is responsible for a large list of problems.

Maybe you should use science instaid of legends to explain things.

youre a fucking retard, you know that?
even in the popularized dante format, what the fuck does the following sound like to you?

thats so fucking blatant, you have to re-live life on planet earth (purgatory) as a test, when you reach enlightenment through christ (finding jesus) you are able to ascend to eternal bliss (nirvana), or you will otherwise be cast down into hell to await trails meant to punish you for your past crimes.

literally everyone with the most basic knowledge of christianity and eastern religion sees and recognizes that the teachings of buddhism and christianity are easily compared, so much so that there are places in asia that claim that jesus went to in his missing years to learn buddhism which he later brought back to the roman empire.

not only that, but a FOURTH of christians believe in reincarnation, so doesnt that completely destroy your theory that its the linch pin for jewish control?
For fucks sake, there was even a major faith war in the early years of christianity about reincarnation which was lost because the messages were already getting muddled. The OLD testament claims reincarnation isnt real, but the NEW testament makes references to it on several occasions.

I'm not sure you can pinpoint "the original religion" being that humans have existed for 200 000 or more years and earlier hominids also had religions. I can guarantee you though, that /just/ belief in reincarnation has never been a religion. The first religions that we know of, at least in civilized societies(but also in some hunter-gatherer) societies seem to be star religions/heavenly bodies religions, were the stars, the sun, the moon, were gods in themselves. I at least think this is a beautiful metaphor and i think that anyone who has looked towards the sky for any time can appreciate that.

Oh and although you are correct in that all religions as they are practiced, don't really have a lot to do with what is in their holy books, the Buddha also "lived and breathed for his people" without an ego(completely correct way to say this, is to say that an enlightened being /does/ have an ego – it's just that his/her belief in being some individual, separated of the world is severed). You do bring up an important point though. If you are not enlightened and just larping enlightenment your entire life(like most "spiritual" people do) that might not be too useful if you want to get ahead in this world.

In my view there are primarily two kinds of people(although shades exist of course): Good and Bad, or Divine and Corrupt. If a person is genetically "bad", no amount of teaching can make him "good"(you can make him /behave/ good however based on fear or carrots). The vast majority of Jews fall into this category and instead of trying to make them good, their religion celebrates evil(everyone who has read the torah and talmud and look at their "holy" days can attest to this). So if there is some speck of divinity(conscience) left in them their "culture" subverts it from a very young age.

The Aryans or caucasians are primarily "good" but if our culture becomes more and more like the Talmud(dog eats dog, every man for himself) this trait will be bred out and we will all become jews.

That is why i don't support pro-ego teaching(hell, Plato the "father of civilization" never supported it) but of course one needs to realize the inherent danger of it; that you might get used by more unscrupulous people.

how fucking new are you?

think the matrix.
it's pretty much doing unto others as you would have them do unto you as a basic non-hypocritical center.
otherwise, it's tempering the ego to be capable of enduring hard times without becoming an insufferable faggot along with the recognition that the source of good that you have been blessed with was given to you, so pay it forward when you can.
that's how i understand it.

the beatitudes would probably be misinterpreted here.
the way i see it, don't be a faggot and you can influence people and the world.

oh as an addendum, consider god as the source of good.
all giving.
now try to emulate that as best you can as a flawed human. try to be godly.
that's another way of looking at it.
of course, you have to take care of yourself as well. just don't let your desires lead you astray.

there's community. there's something to partake in. there's something to learn.
it's a part of my family and country's history. denying it, even if it was only so for a thousand years, is kind of retarded.
i wouldn't deny other philosophies or other aspects of my history either. why should i deny this?
there's something to it, it's been helpful, and christian memes are alright.

drop other memes if you think they're good. if they're shit, they're shit. if not then people will spread it.

oh, a simple thing to consider.
does this guarantee that the bus will be on time this time?
you go to the bus station at the proper time base don the assumption that it will arrive on time.
you have effectively taken a leap of faith.
you believe it.

i firmly believe in god.
when i was a kid, i thought so because people said so.
then i believed otherwise.
then i was 50/50
then i went through a crisis recently and i believe 99.9999999999999%
i won't be a faggot and try to shove it down your throat, but god isn't anyone or any religion's possession. memes don't work that way.
i may not fully believe in christianity (to quantify that in terms of probability of any given proposition throughout would be fucking ridiculous) but it's still been pretty good so far.

"Think the matrix."

Ok, in that sense i agree, i actually studied philosophy so i have thought about that a lot.

What i dont understand however is how you can consciably make the leap from - since we could be a brain in a vat - to; therefore you have to believe this specific desert religion.

But i see you have been well programmed. One day you will realize that the egregore you pray to is a sorry excuse for real spirituality though.

In the NT, Jesus states blatantly that he is there to fulfill, not abolish the Torah.

Torah is five books of the OT, a collection of genocides and curses against the gentile peoples. A jewish solution to a jewish problem doesn't make sense. But if you want to beat yourself over the head with schizophrenia inducing "parables" that are deliberately designed to fuck with your head, then go ahead and do so.

Ancient religions were clear in their instructions. No need for 2deep4u allegories because the intention wasn't to fuck with people.

So the jewish scriptures for gentiles are cryptic just like psychoanalysis, psychiatry and all the other scams pretending to be something "you just don't get yet, you simple goy, study more" except it was designed to fuck with your head from the beginning.

The emperor has no clothes.

(Turks and Jews are seismographs of social development in Germany, said ambassador Stein of Israel, as chairman of an conference about antisemitism, islamophobia and xenophobia, in Berlin jointly hosted by Council of Jews in Germany and the Turkish-Islamic-Instiute DITIB. On that event for the first time both advocacy groups join to fight tendencies of antisemitism, islamophobia and xenophobia in the majority of society.)

(Pro-Immigration: Muzicant demands PR campaign Integration is no question of assimilation, but of respect of the other, so the opinion of the president of the Jewish religious communities. If you want to integrate a minority you have to strengthen their peculiarities. If you want to become Muslims really good Austrians, then you have to give them a chance to organize them self as Muslims, to care about their culture and religion. All those Austrians wanting to be Austria a pure German country should pack their luggage and leave for Germany. Austria is Austria, thank God, not Germany.)

(Europe has to be multi-cultural, Israel Singer president of Jewish world congress. He warns Jew in Europe to tolerate Intolerance against Muslims.)

(Vizepresident of Council of Jews in Germany, Salomon Korn, critizcize the talk about judeo-christianity roots of the occident. It sounds to him as if someone would "force the Jews into a common front against Muslims".)

(Hendrik Broder I don't mind Muslims comming to Europe, to the contrary. I would like to abandon a white Europe. Some cities are quite colored and no longer aryian, white, and nobody can complain about it.)


so what else is new?
they already did this in mudslime spain

And in byzantium the ottoman empire.

there's more to the OT than just Torah but whatever helps you sleep at night

If you want to Coyotes become really good Dachshund, then you have to give them a chance to organize them self as Coyotes, to be able to care about their Coyote ways. All those Dachshund wanting Dachshund to be pure breed dogs should pack and leave for the dogs. Dachshund is Dachshund, thank God, but is not a dog.

Damn son, are you from reddit? Islam was created in the 7th century AD…almost 700 years after the newest parts of the bible was written.

Islam itself is likely a bastardized version of the Old Testament or the Talmud. Mohammed might have even been a jew.

He's referring to the fact that according to the OT, the Arabs are descended from the first son of Abraham, Ishmael. Muhammad was a descendant of Ishmael, it is claimed.

Certainly possible. The Koran is essentially just a mishmash of some OT and Talmud. If Muhammad was indeed descended from Ishmael, and assuming the Biblical story is correct (there is archaeological evidence for it), then that essentially makes Jews and Arabs related. Most Muslims hate Jews, though. Groups like ISIS and Jabhat aren't real Muslims, they are Jewish controlled groups, so the collusion between them and Israel can be explained this way.

Reinacrnation is found in almost all of the non-semitic religions. Semitic religions are the only ones promoting the one lifetime idea where you can fuck up for good if you displease the jew in the sky and the consequences are so extreme you are in anguish all the time and do everything the jew book says. Of course, judaism itself is devoid of this, because it's just for the goyim.

Ancient religions are animistic. Reincarnation is found in Hinduism, in the native american beliefs, which is also shared by the sami people who live in the northernmost areas of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Inuit religion also has elements of this. What sets them apart is that the explanations and metaphors have evolved to reflect the surroundings to make it relatable for the current generations. I.e Inuit stories revolve around sea spirits and sea creatures, while the Sami people have a lot of stories about the Reindeer.

Sami people also worship deities that are in principle the same as the Vikings did, such as Thor. They had a "Storjunkare" idol to protect them. Unfortunately, christian vandalism and forced conversion diluted the religion and very little is retained today by the Sami.

Eternal damnation is not present in any of these. A reverence for animals and nature is usually held as the highest ideal, contrary to abrahamism which steamrolls everything because it considers itself above nature.

If you study these, you'll see that they are all pantheistic, cyclic and LINEAR. There is a clear path upwards, towards betterment. Abrahamism for the goyim is always CIRCULAR i.e forgiveness -> sin -> fear ->confession…

This poison is not found in the old religions. If you fuck up, you learn from it and better yourself instead.

The very interesting thing is that in the mainstream, you either have the jewish made FEAR religions, or nihilistic atheism. Both make you powerless, so the jews got you covered. I'm not bashing on atheists. Just what the jewish promoted atheism does to someone. See how they set it up? There's a destructive option for everyone. When you become disillusioned from the nihilism of the jewish promoted atheism, you see christianity as the only shelter from degeneracy because the jews destroyed the original religions.

The nordic religions as they are presented by the mainstream appear as caricatures, thanks to relentless christian propaganda, like they did to the sami, the native americans and EVERYWHERE ELSE they went. They castrated the religions and made caricatures of them and then assimilated the elements of the local culture and replaced the deities with jews so the population would accept it, because it was rejected everywhere.

Otherwise there would be no need for witch burning and inquisitions. That was necessary because people rejected it, they fled from it, because knowing true spirituality, they experienced first hand the destructive effects it had.

when did i say that?

on the contrary:

the creative way of destroying something is by presenting something better. it's a will to improve. it's a good will.
taking a few elements of a whole one believes is false in order to claim that all else within that whole is false is poor logic. it's logically equivalent to stating that since people believe in falsehoods the rest of what they believe are falsehoods.

a rational mind will be capable of selecting those m&ms that are not poisonous when observing a bowl of them.

you can adopt good elements of all that you see and be filled with those elements for others to adopt for themselves.

i just know that influencing people is piecemeal. little by little, replace those bad memes with good ones to order to promote growth within people.
just a few good ideas opens people up to more.

arrogance is not influential.

Not that guy, but alot of europe was degenerate as fuck, vikings were europe's niggers, the only reason they went out to slaughtered and raped civilized white europeans was because they reproduced in greater number than they could feed, even after the rest of europe were living in castles those savages were chimping out on random ass people, that is the reason for the northern crusades.

Im sure thats why the left embraces christianity, right?
christianity can be closer aligned with natsoc than marxism.

because its modern form is based on two books that probably shouldnt be put together without proper context?

thats literally what the crusades were.

the christian religion revolves around free will you imbecile, if there were no free will then what the fuck was the point of jesus in the first place?

I bet you also think the reconquista involved sticking brilliant atheist scientists into iron maidens

get that 4th grade bullshit out of here, faggot.

and if you had ever had the intellectual curiosity to read the torah youd know he was referencing the reincarnation of elijah and the coming of the final prophet who would end the jews.

it is the complete opposite of that, what the fuck are you even talking about

its an angry god's solution to a jewish problem, actually.

id like you to name one, that challenge aside, im not interested in parables, im not some /christian/ xposter, your copy paste arguments wont work here.

I cant tell if you actually believe this. Thats some next level stupid.

they arent cryptic, they are straightforward, you just have to be intelligent enough to explore the whole of things surrounding it, its called context, What youre saying is like handing someone the second lord of the rings book a thousand years in the future and telling them "this series doesnt make sense, its fucking with your head". In reality you are simply failing to read the context which all the people involved in the text were aware of because they were living it, and it was part of their history.

This can be done with ANY mythology, without proper context they will seem nonsensical, If you told someone the gods chained up fenrir and sacrificed much to do so, they would question why because you failed to ever explain to them they feared fenrir would slay odin, it is only more relevant in christianity because the religion is new enough we have access to its context and so never needed to alter the contents so that it was more easily understood.

Oh, so you know nothing about European history, like most Christcucks. Keep worshipping a dead kike.

Viking rape stories debunked.