Obama Administration builds big beautiful border fence (just not on the American border, but instead on Jordan's border)

Obama Administration builds big beautiful border fence (just not on the American border, but instead on Jordan's border)

From Vice

>The Obama administration is spending close to a half a billion dollars to build a sophisticated electronic fence along Jordan’s northern and eastern borders, a wall which US strategic planners hope will stem the flow of refugees and also wall off the increasingly important American base from the disintegration of Syria and Iraq.

>It’s all paid for by the United States taxpayer. The JBSP is loosely part of a wall-building program to stop weapons of mass destruction sponsored by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, focused not just on Jordan but also on the borders of Turkey, Iraq, and Lebanon. Raytheon Intelligence, Information and Services of Tucson, Arizona, a division of the Raytheon Company — one of the largest US defence companies — is the prime contractor.

>If you’ve never heard about the Jordan wall, it is because — despite its position at the physical center of the US war with the Islamic State group — the official position of the Jordanian government is that there are no US troops in the country, much less US military bases.

So, while official U.S. policy is that Jordan can use the fence we are building them to successfully keep out fanatical ISIS suicide WMD smugglers, yet, as we’ve all heard, American can’t use a 50 foot fence to keep out illegal aliens because they are armed with 51 foot ladders, as former Homeland Security head Janet Napolitano pointed out in her Nobel Prize-winning research in theoretical physics. While ISIS suicide bombers can be stopped by a wall, it’s a law of nature that Guatemalan stoop laborers will always get through.

And Jordan got America to pay for its wall.

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Forgot the article:



This is from the US State Department's website:

>Through Foreign Military Financing (FMF), the United States supports building the capacity of the JAF to protect their borders, secure its national territory, counter terrorism and contribute to Counter-ISIL Coalition operations. Jordan receives one of the largest amounts of FMF of any country in the world. The recent MOU reflects the U.S. intent to provide at least $300 million in FMF annually. In FY 2015, we provided Jordan $385 million in FMF support.

>Additionally, we continue to support efforts to strengthen the JAF’s ability to rapidly respond to transnational threats along its borders, particularly the Syrian border, through the provision of equipment, such as UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters, and a focused training program to build the conventional skills and expertise of the JAF. We also plan to complete key work on the Jordan Border Security Program, an integrated border security surveillance, detection, and interdiction system along Jordan's land borders.


They're not even trying to hide it.

This has already been mentioned but no sage because this is good ammo.

Can't wait to start purging these fucks from our government

Can you imagine a US government that spends 30 million on roads and bridges or tax dedications for families with one bread provider?

This is all going to come to a screeching halt soon and we are the honest ones who will prevail.

Their sins will catch up to them.

I'm on mobile, forgive me for being lazy. What's the date on this article? It says 2008 on the thing.

One article I love bringing up is the one that outlines how Obama used taxpayer money to help build mexico's wall. It boils my fucking blood.


Literally why? Jordan is the safest country in MENA.

But Obama built a sensor wall on the US southern border as well.

Good find OP, but can you post the article dates next time? I think it's good to get a quick glance of when everything is happening. I'll go a bit further and post the wall status:


Electronic wall? I thought electronic walls were impossible? At least that's what rthe kike controlled media says about the US border.



Half Nigger, Half Jew, All Obama.
King Jigger protecting the muzz and kikes, with a big fuck you to America. When I never have to hear this thrice baked faggots name again I will be a happy lad.
This new wall is probably part of the Greater Israel Plan, looks like the kikes are already setting up new areas and dividing the old. And as usual we the people pay for this shit……

Are these piss bottles?

it is a good idea to keep track of one's hypocrisy.
if X wills Y, does X not deserve Y?
context is relevant, but keep a good will.

ethics of intent vs consequentialism.
you never really know how things will turn out.
this is why i feel lost at times.

i believe that people need space and security, so the whole anti-wall thing dazzles me.

I love bringing this up in public. Already got two people to go fucking ballistic over it.

Jordan actually has a serious refugee problem. They basically take in everyone and everything. That's why the West keeps Jordan close, but really low key. There's thousands of refugees that could turn fucking batshit insane international insurgents overnight if Jordan goes under.

It's a fucking minefield.

yeah, we do the exact same thing here. Seems like the problem that should be addressed is the one in our own nation who the FUCK cares about fucking Jordan

there's enough food, tents, and basic supplies for jordan i'm assuming?
the people don't need big screen TVs to be happy.

if you're with a group of people and one of them is having a meltdown, it can effect the rest of the group including yourself.
that's international politics.

a little time spend on someone else can make a big difference, but you do also need to take care of yourself if you want to take care of another.

no fuck you there is 0 reason for us to be involved in ANY other country for purposes outside of intellectual and fiscal trade, when our own country is ready to go up in flames at any given moment.
The only people who should care about jordan are the people in jordan, and the country's around it. The US is on the other side of the world, we have NO BUSINESS being there enforcing fucking immigration holy shit

That wall is extremely important.

How else would you protect your greatest ally?

That's why you should fuck off from the group
Middle East Intervention is a Jewish game user

Jordan borders Israel and this wall doesn't face Israel, which already has borders and doesn't take refugees or multicult shit(not that Soros isn't trying: The jew loves to fuck with the jew). Jordan ALSO borders Saudi Arabia, but this wall also doesn't affect that region. This walls off ONLY Iraq and Syria.

This is important for multiple reasons. The wall essentially acts as a buffer zone between Greatest Ally and Region of Peace and the 'nasty' zones of the middle east and as such just adds another no-mans land between them and the warzones going on.

But the other issue is that if Israel wants to go after "greater israel" this is exactly how far they can go without dealing with the Sauds. The moment Jordan gets any official or "official" Israeli links that brush up that border shit is going to hit the fan. Not just that, but Israel and Saudi Arabia aren't motivated by practical means so much as ideology and they WILL come to blows eventually. In this case since they're both trying to be the man behind the curtan it'd be a very awkward situation for any American politician taking money.

Hahaha nice!

By the way, the EU does the same. Airbus is building a 900km long wall for Saudi Arabia.

I mean you really can't make this shit up. The same EU which tells it's citizens that walls don't work, builds a YUUUGE wall for none other than Saudi Arabia. Only difference is that the Saudis pay for it (I think).

But I was told that walls don't work.


That shows Obama desire the USA to be destroyed. If the interracial couple is illegal across the world at the olden day then he wouldn't exist today. Just let that sink in.

NoFX wasn't good 20 years ago and they're not good now.

horse cumskin heh


