Bored, banned on half Chan, I'lltry to write second comment on my arm

Bored, banned on half Chan, I'lltry to write second comment on my arm.

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Show us your dick

Its so dead ill write gay on my arm, one second

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Your asspussy?

I appreciate the 3 letter words, gemme a minute

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why are you doing this?

I'm sorry i messed the letter f up :/

I'm bored, drunk, suicidal, yet too scared to kill myself. I may entertain some of you fellow degenerates idk? my left arm hurts now, i can still cut on my right arm or legs.

why are you depressed?

draw a dick

This is what I'm using yo cut myself by the way, Its a broken glass from doing the dishes today,

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gay fag

Nice failure on that F faggot, what's the matter, too much of an owie?

I'm 5'7, inherited a house at age 21 so i only do crowdsource work to pay for my bills and taxes. I have no ambition to do anything with my life and even if i try i feel like nothing is worth it. I guess the main thing is im afraid of dying alone and maybe the internet has memed me into believing i will die alone due to my genetics.

Yes, im sorry =/ it really hurt.

This sounds fun, give me a minute

Post your face to compensate.

lol, fuck u nigger

Don't play hard to get attentiontard, we all know why you're here.

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That's not THAT bad, man. Things could be much worse.

I have the words gay fag carved on my arm bro, not only im a manlet but I suffer from mental illness, I'm one breakdown away streaming my suicide. I know you would all love it tbh. Let's be honest :3 I would

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Post your face you ugly faggot

Fuck u nigger faggotx u first with time stamp

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Write "Shrekis" on you

You're right, i am a loser. =/ but if you're on this board you probably are as well.

Paint a picture with your blood, it can be of anything.

Do you live in burgerland? If yes then why wouldn't you go out and kill some jews and niggers?
preferably lynch all the Media Jews?

Also lift dude, who cares that you're a manlet. Simply get a girl that's tinier than you. Or are you ugly as well? what's bothering you so much and what do you mean with my genetics?

If you're gonna go out, sell the home. Take the $$$ to Thailand & fuck hookers & do drugs till your dick falls off and your eyeballs pop out. Then, die.

are you a taoist monk doing a chi demo.


Cut "CP" into your arm please

I can light stick matches with my chi powers.

Is that you Etch?

He's an attention hungry edgefag. We seem to be getting a lot of those lately.

Food that just works.

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write /leftypol on your arm

It's like you're just lightly sliding a razor across your skin. Cut deeper, you pussy.

Its harder to get blood to come out then u think, fuck u pussy what are you doing to keep people entertained?(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POSTING CP)

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op is sickest man alive confirmed


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Fuck you nigger

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can you carve sad face in your any part of body

That's fucking dope. I can juuust get a faint blue glow going if I sit in darkness and focus really hard, but every time I get excited and fuck it up.

If you're here tomorrow I will, sorry in bed now

Finally, the mods on Holla Forums did something right for once.