Robyn Rihanna Fenty was born in a parish in Barbados called St. Michael, to Monica (Braithwaite), an accountant...

Is she white enough to be attractive?

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No. She looks like an alien, and has a big, misshapen head. And her music is shit.

What I'd give to see the back of that photo

asymmetrical ass tanlines get in fags





she a qt


what did she mean by this?


The stereotypical action of blaming the action on one terrible man as being the action of all men. Chris Brown should've beaten more sense and talent into her.

Or an endorsement for more women in STEM.

that would be someone like Marty Scurll tbh

You're not attractive and neither is Halle Berry.
Fuck you go get beat up by more niggers.

come on, i understand nicki is best niggerfu, but rihanna isn't bad either


That just makes her even more white tbh.

Reminder that oil drilling is the thinking man's fetish.

Do you have a blank one of those?

cute rihanna > saucy rihanna

going by the pics she's trying to like all nigger women

Yes. And she knows that sometimes a woman needs to be slapped.

uh, if you think at the level of a retard. The REAL thinking mans fetish is getting your woman




You should move the image leftward a little, so you can see the pig's face.


fuck yeah

I bet her cunt looks like a pound of ground round that's been beat to shit with a tire iron.

I think so. Wouldn't have kids with her but would date her.




It's like she inherited only the worst off nigger features.

Fucking useless nigger whore.

It's hard to keep your power level a secret and be professional when they keep doing stuff like that.

u wut nao

10/10 negress. Would keep in house, not field.


She's the Chris Tucker of Valerian.

>who are black and aren't tyra.