Trump will end the FED if elected

At first I was weary about Trump given his friendships and support form neocohens. But seeing this made me change my mind entirely. End the FED and MAGA.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Central_Role_FJ.html

thank mr andrew jackson reincarnation

You can be sure Trump will send the globalists to the slammer along with Hillary.


there will be an attempt, guaranteed

You know they're plotting something.

He might get killed. Yes. But what alternative do you suggest?

Also, i have "faith" in his SS. They have done well up to now, and the y protected him for years.

I don't know much about Preston James, but Fetzer is a shill who claims everything's fake and David John Oats is that retard who plays speeches backwards to find hidden messages.

That RapeofJustice channel really uploads the worst shit. He doesn't do his Ezra Pound avatar justice.

TROJ has some good videos.

Such as?

I don't have any knowledge of these guys, but this might be a good start.

Can you explain why his assertion is wrong?

Maybe a few, but for the most part his channel is based around clips of an elderly Eustace Mullins saying things he didn't actually believe because he thought it's what the people interviewing him wanted to hear and didn't realize the shows would be preserved forever.

Pretty much every big event: the Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, etc. He also claims there were no planes (and possibly no victims) on 9/11, and that Paul McCartney died and was replaced.

Is this your first day here?

Talk about retardation.

I'm interested in the counter-evidence to the Sabbatean theory.

There is evidence for no planes on 9/11 though.

Well, he probably wasn't when he started, but now that the dual loyalties are all trying to stab him in the back and doing everything to get in his way, he might after all.

Of course. Trump has nothing to lose.

Anyone have any statements from Trump confirming this?

The fed reserve protest user lent us his energy despite the dangers, and we will be successful. Feels good knowing the fed will be dead in my lifetime

i don't think he's said anything about ending the fed but i wouldn't put it past him at this point.

If you don't want Trump to get shot, start camping outside of the kike's houses and bunkers.

He's mentioned wanting to audit the fed. He's also brought up several times (including during the debate) that (((Yellen))) and the Fed are just artificially propping up the economy on borrowed time via currency/market manipulation.

He's not full autismo about ending the fed, but he certainly isn't your typical cuck politician who turns a blind eye

There's already been an attempt, albeit an incompetent one.

I'm certain he'll push for ending the FED if he can. His tax code scares globalists as it is.

If Trump is taken out for ending the FED, the perpetrators won't hear the end of it.

There was also that interesting moment when an audience member asked him about countries without central banks. Can't find it though.

If it succeeds they'll regret it even more than letting him run in the first place.


I think this is what you're talking about.

That's it, thanks. It could mean nothing, but something about it always lit up my sensors.

100% guaranteed they'll try to assassinate him if he goes to war with Fed.

Thank you ma nigga.

Where does Trump buy his pants to fit his massive fucking balls? See:

Which is why these "silent protests" at the Fed aren't going far enough. Know what I mean? We know who the major financial institutions are. Their addresses aren't secret.

It just comes down to what are you willing to sacrifice to get it down.

(checked again)

It's because of the way he interacted with the guy. You can't fake the delivery of someone who is intimately acquainted with a subject when it's brought up. When the questioner brought up membership of the international banking system the smoothness and quickness of his reply betrayed his cool disinterested demeanor. Clinton or any other politician would have taken the question directly and used it as a opportunity to shoehorn talking points about their tax policy or the importance of the IMF. Trump instead turned the question back on the audience member then oneupped him before quickly moving on. I'd argue that this is the dogwhistle of this election cycle and the moment I heard it I knew Trump was the real deal.

Yes, but not the time to discuss such things :)

We need a tax protest. That's why I'd recommend moving to New Hampshire: it's the state with the lowest tax burden and the only state where you can literally live 100% tax-free. I live there and know people who have been living here for almost five years who pay virtually zero taxes.

I'm not sure it isn't the time. 90% of normalfags are never going to wake up. Kill the media, takeover their airwaves, and whatever you start telling normalfags is what they'll believe is the truth. The clique controlling us is very, very small and they aren't bulletproof.

Mainstream US media is actually dying.

I really, really, really, really, really doubt this.

Does this include the IRS?

What does he mean that "there's another one", could it imply he's willing to add USA to that list?

Stop It user, i can only get this hard

SH was obviously some sort of psy-op. It can't be any clearer without them straight up admitting it. Plus it's always fun to see the completely blatant shilling that goes on in SH threads.

There have been at least three that I know of, the guy with the knife who jumped over the barrier, the illegal alien who picked up a gun the day before, and finally a mysterious car accident that had him late to a rally and was never mentioned again.

Hate rense, anyone actually listen to this shit? Theyre saying your subconscious thoughts are revealed when you play what you say backwards. Our cause doesnt need this retarded disinfo

I thought Micronesia, or maybe Vanuatu, wasn't part of the system.

It's a good start, but the real problem is the Treasury issuing notes with debt. If he stops that, then we've got another Jackson on our hands.

Wasn't it Syria?

bulletproof clothing has existed for at least 10 years, anons, keep that in mind
if you shoot, aim for the head

You people are delusional. Trump won't even look at the FED the wrong way - it's where all his gorillions come from.

Ponder this:

Syria and Libya

don't forget the airplane trouble from way back

Daily reminder Hitler survived all 35 assassination attempts.

Yes, but there are some in the conspiracy world who believe Hitler was secretly pro-FED.

Maybe everything you think you know is just all so much fiction. Thirty-five attempts - and not even a scratch.


Lybia is definitely in the system at this point, kinda the whole goal of Clinton's murder of Gaddafi.

Or the guy who tried to grab a policeman's gun at a rally, but he was really incompetent because Trump didn't even know something bad was happening.
They're not sending their best.

Kennedy opposed Israel, not the Federal Reserve System.'s_Central_Role_FJ.html

They almost got him once but that's just how incompetent are aristocrats.

Libya's new government was hand-picked by the US and Israel. Look it up.

Well, as a possible indicator, Don Jr. has tweeted articles from and ZeroHedge. Not exactly Fed-friendly websites.

And based on Trump's tweet about Ted Cruz skipping the Fed Audit vote, we can pretty much assume the Trump Family knows the Fed is a problem.

thats a red herring

im only 8 minutes in and htis is FAR better than I was expecting

I'm 100% certain Trump will attempt to end the FED, or at least push for a full audit.

Henry Makow says Hitler was a Rothschild cousin. I don't believe it but they must have some evidence for it.

I can tell by your posts, you probably mean well.

The Sabbatean/Frankist misdirection comes from dead Rabbi Marvin Antelman. I've read the 2nd book, and I think he was just too low on the totem pole to know what's really going on, so he shifts the Rothschilds, etc. into having something to do with Sabbateans/Frankists.

One of the main pushers of Antelman's books on the interwebs was a jew named Barry Chamish, who died not too long ago. If you dig into him he also pushed the muh jesuits misdirection.

That Rape of Justice guy I can't tell if he's just stupid, or if it's disinfo. Ezra Pound was arrested and then thrown in the nut ward for broadcasting from Italy during the war. Yet the whole page is full of "Hitler worked for the jews" crap that comes from Anthony Sutton's Wallstreet-Hitler book. If you actually read it, it just says that German subsidiaries of multinationals funded Hitler. Big whoop.
The other thing it takes as fact was the Hitler's Secret Backers book by "Sydney Warburg". There was no Sydney Warburg.
Eustace Mullins made some pretty stupid videos in the 90's trying to suck up to the patriotards, and said things about "Hitler working for the zionists", if you read and watch enough of his stuff, he would tailor what he was saying to the audience's level of understanding of the JQ. In the 50's he's writing letters about Hilter and has a group called the Aryan League.

Yes. Apparently, the Sabbateans killed Chamish through a kabbalistic curse.

About time.

I remember when he did a show with that Chris White cuck in defense of the Talmud.


Barry Chamish and Chris White did a show arguing that there was nothing wrong with the Talmud and anti-Semites just take it out of context, or something to that effect (I heard the show almost a decade ago).

btw Jacob Frank was anti-Talmud.

I agree, but the Zohar is arguably WORSE than the Talmud.

I mean he couldn't possibly lie could he?

A jew like Makow would never lie, user.


You deserve those dubs.

Sandy Hoax was tikkun olam in action

Jonestein is a retard.


He opposed both.

Alex Jewns never mentions the Sabbateans nor does he talk about the Rothschilds.

Yes. That's why ((((they)))) took him out.

Funny how he used that "Zionism = Nazism" picture when Texe Marrs is pro-Hitler.

Yes, it's odd.

You know they'll take out Trump and claim it was illegals.


As soon as he said he would end the FED jumped on the trump train.
