Does Holla Forums dislike Holla Forums memes?

Does Holla Forums dislike Holla Forums memes?

Do you guys cringe whenever, for example, an OY VEY joke is made?

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I can't recall a single time I've ever laughed at a Holla Forums meme. They're all unfunny and cringy as hell, imo.

Holla Forums can't into philosophy and economics

Do they cringe when we discuss Hegel Striner zizek Marx Cicero Plato kant Camus etc….. ? ??

what is this beautiful mesh of Holla Forums and Holla Forums autism?

Their meems were funny like 4 years ago but it got staled since all they do is just rehash the same jokes over and over and over again.

oh, didn't realize it was supposed to be that

they used to be funny, now they're overspammed, used by unironic autists, or just not very good

I am leftist but i laugh with pol memes and like them more than the memes here

This tbh, Holla Forums is shit when it comes to being funny

Spooks is a pretty good meme, if only for how angry it makes Holla Forums users. It would be pretty dumb if we didn't have Holla Forums to enrage with it.

The alt-right know that memes gets you followers, at least in post-normie internet.

You can't really pull memes out of thin air either, you can't just start a thread and say "it's meme time" because the repeatability of memes comes from spotting a certain situation occurring enough times for their to be a running joke about it. This is probably where we fall down compared to the right because their arguments are simple and rote learned, whereas we actually use some robust thinking when confronted with a differing view.

Holla Forums memes were funny until they started taking them seriously.

I cringe at cuck, pooinloo, and nu male. The rest are mildly funny but really fucking stupid.

Though theyre not really memes to Holla Forums I hear they actually believe every single one

8 years ago it was kids babbling about winning interwebs and being legion, today is kids sperging against cucks and shitskins. Cringe is the same for me.

Zyklon Ben is the last time a Holla Forums meme was funny to me, but damn it was good.

4chan used to be preddy liberal.
What happened?

Edgy newfaggots brought in with undeveloped brains who couldn't tell the difference between a genuine political belief and being buttfuck retarded for jokes.

I'm also pretty sure some of the Nazis in the US saw their kids on the chans and saw an opportunity for new blood.

No. I make jokes like this and do the nebbish Jew voice. Jewish culture is fucking obnoxious and Zionism is cancer on par with Islamism or feminism. Culture and race are not the same thing despite what liberal propaganda tries to push about Judaism and Islam.

They're pretty stale and every time I see someone use them outside Holla Forums itself I can no longer tell if they're just joking or attempting to slip propaganda past defenses. I honestly wish it could all end.

the reason Holla Forums is better, is because this board is saturated with defeatists. pic unrelated

This. Spooks is the best thing to come out of this board.

When Holla Forums memes are funny it's mostly just because they use images that are funny in themselves, even if Holla Forumsacks didn't draw them. I never get tired of pepe, especially smug pepe, but Holla Forums didn't come up with either one (original pepe is from the great "Boy's Club" comics by Matt Furie, first known sighting of smug pepe was 4chan's Holla Forums board according to ) And Wojak originally comes from an imageboard called vichan according to …best you can say for them is that sometimes they show a small amount of cleverness in coming up with funny contexts to stick these images.

If Holla Forums wanted to try to create memes with more popular appeal they should probably do more with funny crudely-drawn cartoon characters and less with actual photos of old crusty humans like Marx and Stalin and Zizek, which can sometimes be "clever" in an in-jokey way but aren't really "funny-ha-ha", if ya know what I mean (when Holla Forums tries to do 'funny' memes with photos of Hitler it doesn't really work either)

Holla Forums never has been and never will be funny because all their jokes have a desperate neediness to them to be seen as edgy. Certain fundamentals of humor might be in place in other ways, as others have observed in this thread, but they're all obviated by this overarching tone of "please please please PLEASE believe me, my feelings can't be hurt!"

Holla Forums is the greatest meme thief it's so fucking disgusting

Pepe and Kek came from /r9k/ you fucking Holla Forumsredditors

The only meme they have is basically redrawing of the Wyatt Mann Jew drawing.

Fucking KYM. Wojak was a Krautchan regular from Poland who constantly lamented the emotions that overwhelms oneself when contemplating the lack of a significant other.

But what can you expect from a site founded by the faggots that brought you icanhazcapitalburger?

The article at says that a guy claiming to be Wojak from krautchan did an AMA on reddit, and he says he got the image from a polish board called vichan. But they don't have any links to archived versions of old posts from vichan so it might not be true.

Pepe comes from "Boy's Club" comics by Matt Furie, see …the idea of coming up with new "rare pepes" came from /r9k/ though.

kek was int or intl trying to make Holla Forums look dumb by having them worship a frog. Holla Forums picked it up and ran with it.

Cringe warning

The Ben Garrison edits were all Holla Forums's doing and pretty fucking epic. Best bit, one of the guys doing the edits was a fucking kike.

yea most of Holla Forums's memes actually came from tumblr

remember when the whole "le jews" thing was just a joke?

Remember when liking MLP was just a joke? People need to learn to stop ironically being retarded. It's a really powerful weapon.

The last time Holla Forums has been related to any kind of good OC was the Dorner flash game and pol.wad, both made by people who aren't from Holla Forums

this was pretty awesome.

if that's true intl's won and I welcome their lulz

Kek doesn't even exist on the egyptian pantheon.
The closest thing would be Heqet, but I haven't seen it ever being called "Kek", and has no relation other that being a frog goddess.

I didn't save it but yeah, I think that's basically how it went. But once Holla Forums had really went all in on in intl decinded they wanted it back. That's hen they tried to push lel and zoz again. I think.

I need a real hobby…

But user this is false.

Somebody from Holla Forums actually bought a copy of the book of the dead. as well as kek and keket there's another 4 names it goes under (two male, two female)

I just appreciate how Holla Forums's torture chamber has encouraged so many autistic young children to share their bold and beautiful voices on the internet.

/x/ had a huge freak out since meme magic in theory could actually work, Holla Forums accidentally figured out discordianism and chaos magick.

user, you have no idea what you have done…

Turns out I had that book of the dead bit saved after all.

Do you believe now???

They don't even register as memes for me. Weird pictures with no content to speak of.

If repeated often enough, it becomes annoying (like overused Stirner).

Ok, you spook-lovers, explain to me the greatness of the defeatist Stirner

Heh and Hehet. That's the one they tried to push after kek got outta hand.


Believe user.

nice to see a fellow discordian at least i just like the theories
Holla Forums has a very poor understanding tho, at most some on /fringe/ have gone McKenna tier with the whole Time0 stuff

You can troll Holla Forums by calling their obsessions spooks.

KYM is actually correct with this one, "That feel guy" was indeed created on vichan as a counterpart to trollface. Wojak, who was attention whoring on Polish chans long before /int/, seemed to like it and started spamming it on KC/int/ once it became popular among polish channers. Even the phrase "that feel" has Polish origins, as it became a part of Polish chan vocabulary created during raids on a notable normalfag site with demotivators
t. Pole

Also the actual name of that feel guy is warm face, the more you know!

What is there to troll?

Simply pointing out that USSR won, that planned economy is superior, or that Stalin was pro-democracy and supported non-state enterprises is enough to trigger half of Holla Forums.

That's politics, economy and historical figures. Even saying that Soviets won the Space Race and got to the Moon first makes some people lose their shit. And then there is WWII (i.e. history).

I have problems not trolling Holla Forums.

the problem with ussr-posting is that you trigger half of Holla Forums too.

Or, post spooks. All you're going to get from all that typing is le animaymay face and >implying

That's a very conservative estimate. I'd say USSR posting triggers more like 90% of Holla Forums

Nah. ~10-20% at most. Besides Holla Forums is slow(ish) board (compared to Holla Forums). People are actually forced to respond several times before bumplimit.

I get Wikipedia quoted at me sometimes.

I find this funny.

no but i get tired of it quikly

Since there seems to be huge crossover between polyps and youtube commenters with le ebin hitler/statue/animu avatars spouting them i cant but consider most of them 9gag tier, sry

thought that's a costanza edit

Haha, same.

No contribution sage.

The irony.

low effort edit

This truly is the most pressing question of our time and I'm glad that so many people on Holla Forums are responding to this thread

Chill out man. Kek will set you free.

They don't really seem like jokes to me, more like, someone getting offended and playing it off as a joke.

jokes have a point
Holla Forums has none to make

being offensive and downright retarded and saying you're just "pretending" is not making a point and therefore joke but being one yourself.

Holla Forums has a point. Holla Forums memes are everywhere and spreading this point. Remember, Trump actually posted this.

The problem is they're old and overused.
Imagine if "All your base are belong to us" had never died and was still being endlessly repeated on every board. It would be annoying as fuck too.

If you get your laughs from pretending to be retarded, you'll attract actual retards who think they fit in.

Yes we dislike them and yes we cringe—less because they’re offensive and more because you guys actually think they’re funny.

Dorner was the last time Holla Forums was any fun

Memes were created by the intelligence community (CIA, NSA, etc.)

Not tinfoil, either. Wikileaks proved it.

"Kek" started with WoW. It's "lol" translated into Orcish. Has literally nothing to do with gay frogposters.

Please prove it.


/new/ was funny, but Holla Forums maymays are incredibly forced. It's too obvious that they're trying to spread white nationalist propaganda with jokes. They also tried to appropriate Moonman which was completely sad.

Did you ever browse Holla Forums

Source? Sure you're not just thinking of memetic warfare?

so yes

but honestly Holla Forums is a lot more productive, funny, and has bigger cojones than Holla Forums, see

so…not as much as when i come here.

memes were not 'created by' the intelligence community

in fact, (((they))) cannot 'create' anything. they're role is merely reactionary surveillance. they depend on 'the people' inform their next moves.

like everything else ZOG Occupied Government tries to control, memes were simply co-opted, with gov't task forces and NGOs alike pouring research in to find out how to get a handle on meme warfare's psychological wealth. the recent influx of shills helps prove this - they even have AI built to spam and shitpost, but it's a hot mess

memes began as rampant tech developed solely by creativity and chaos. task forces were created only when their efficacy was proved (see )

it's sad tho, because what they don't understand is that chaos seems to be the only valid mechanism by which memes, as we know them, are propagated - that's why good memes come out of 'nowhere', and if you pay any attention at all, you can tell when memes are forced, when they're organic, and when they've been co-opted/camouflaged as such. they have lots of resources, but are missing the 'artist's brain'

Holla Forums is good at spotting it because the current agenda is against them, mostly. it's subtly against everyone, but Holla Forums is in direct opposition, and even considered a threat - i'm willing to bet that if ZOG Occupied Government was promoting the proliferation of the white species, we'd be the ones talking about this non-stop, instead

I thought it was that there was a word filter to make what people were saying indecipherable to those outside their team or whatever, and people noticed "lol" kept getting filtered as "kek" to outsiders? But I don't play WoW so I wouldn't really know. Also I have no idea what the game mechanics are.

What do you mean? I always thought Moonman racist rap was the original Moonman meme, and I thought they were funny. Perhaps if only because they're so outrageously racist that I don't even know how to respond but to laugh, like how people laugh at tragedy to cope. But I've also only been on the chans for a year and a half (im 19 pls dont bully). Educate me.


This. Dat Boi for example, forced as fuck. Hence didn't take off. But sometimes forced memes can themselves be memed.

Basically, if you played alliance and came across an Orc horde player and they said "lol" to you, you would read it as "kek."

I thought it came to Holla Forums ironically initially taking the piss out of people who unironically used lel in sentences. Then just kinda grew from there. Source, I witnessed it.


also, can someone fill me in: i didn't add the 'occupied government' part to my post. seems like the same shit halfchan did with 'fam' and 'senpai', but a better example of what i was talking about re: reactionary surveillance, also proof that this and other sites are beyond compromised. has this happened to anyone else?

of course, i agree with the 'correction', but that's what (((Z0G))) stands for anyway - it only concerns me because (((they))) are putting words into my mouth that i didn't say

test: ZOG Occupied Government ZOG Occupied Government ZOG Occupied Government

this place has loads of fun filters.

National socialism
race war
the cultural marxism one was actually pretty funny

cool thx, i'm not here often, wanted to check

The irony being I wasn't filtered even once. rused again by left/pol/…


It has nothing to do with Holla Forums and dumb frogposters. It really started with Koreans on Starcraft and then was popularized in WoW.

I think he's referring to the fact that Moonman raps are almost a decade old once forgotten meme, but Holla Forums recently revived it and took it as their own. I heard one of the newer Moonman raps, but it came of as preachy unironic white nationalist propaganda, which is starting to be the case with a lot of Holla Forums memes.
I guess it shows how much has change in almost ten years, from over the top shock value jokes, to people seriously proselytizing it.

Holla Forums memes are preachy and lack self-awareness utterly. I cringe at all of them. Stirnerposting is actually funny and usually tongue-in-cheek. Most Holla Forums memes come off as "how do you do fellow internet users, btw have you heard the good news about niggers and kikes yet?" It's just like tumblrinas photoshopping "death to cis" shirts on characters or whatever.

has the right idea, chan memes used to be ironic and funny, now people take internet way too seriously. A black dude with an afro used to be the mascot of chan culture. If Habbo raids happened today however, Holla Forums would unironically chew everyone out for using black people as avatars and betraying white heritage.

Holla Forums doesn't make most of their memes, they steal them from /r9k/ and krautchan

Holla Forums would also chew people out for calling them nigras instead of NIGGERS.

Some people seriously think "normies" being used is a sign that you're an SJW who's afraid to say normalfag. Rather than, you know, it being faster to type.
Anything that isn't full on NIGGERS AND KIKES is part of an anti- white conspiracy

Anti-PC is the new PC.

Lol, who gives a fuck about commies' and unwashed hippies' opinion?

Our ideology got refined with discussion and info dumps. Only braindead commie zealots that prioritize dem feelz over reason remained stuck in their teenaged lefty mentality.

Oh I'm perfectly fine with Holla Forums memes. Honestly, I think cucking is the fucking funniest thing in forever. The problem is when Holla Forums uses these jokes unironically. Cue that damned "cultural Marxism" bullshit.

Do you have brain problems or something

Yes but none related to my intelligence. What can I say, my sense of humor always was puerile.

4chan happened in 2003 because anime discussion was often to be hold in sort of secretism from normies. See pic related.

Everyone in race to see who is the most reactionary 12 years after.


Actually Holla Forums library is huge. Takes months if not years to read.

I remember some moonman song literally saying VOTE FOR THE RIGHT WING around last year, before Trump started viraling the fuck out of the chans, I bet some newer songs are literal Trump cocksucking.
I remember a Holla Forums image from 2013 or so essentially saying they are winning because they are funnier that the competition, but nowadays they can't do fun things for shit, and are becoming more and more like reverse SJW, getting triggered because a game has a black or female MC or because a dev is a liberal.

what are you, some sort of racist?

Yes they are. Just like everybody else.

The only person I'm laughing at is you. I'd love it if you guys were right about us. Being part of a secret network that controls everything sounds pretty dope.

lolwut m8? Responding to the wrong post? When did I say sekrit network? All I was trying to say was that in the 70s Mel Brooks (who is Jewish) made a film that made fun of the Nazis (The Producers), and that a lot of people both Jewish and Gentile found the film amusing and laughed at the Nazis' expense. Including myself.

visit any one of those links in that picture and you'll see there's literally nothing there

stop trying to force this narrative you have no clue what you're talking about

Yes, thank you Holla Forums, continue to respond to this extremely important issue.

Are you sure you typed them right? I tried a few at random and they seem to work fine, see for yourself:

Waking up 4chan -

4chan -

The link mentioned in the second paragraph of the image macro, about BUGS -

You always whine about how Holla Forums takes itself too seriously and now your problem is that we are not serious enough? Make up your mind already