Permabanned on halfchan for making a thread with a picture, where a bot guessed my age as 14...

Permabanned on halfchan for making a thread with a picture, where a bot guessed my age as 14, saying I looked like a 14 year old boy after clearly stating I was 26!!! I went into the IRC to try to rectify things, and was banned there for simply saying I had a VPN, not that I was using one… Halfchan is such shit now, mods are cunts and abuse their power, it's all pr0n, YLYL, and FB fap… After 12 years on the site I'm finally migrating here for good. Fuck that place. I've always browsed both infinitechan and halfchan, but this will now be my forever and always home. I'm done giving that shite place traffic. Infinite allows VPN, Tor, and just has better coding all around. LONG LIVE INFINITECHAN!!!

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fuck off, we're full

go back nigger

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post pic with timestamp

what is a time stamp

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fake. you are a CP dataminer. KYS.

what? me no hablo espanyou

A CP dataminer? I didn't know you could mine cheese pizza. Is that some special kind pizza ore?

only the most Podestaests of pizza

Why is everyone's gamertag "Anonymous SAGE" I kind of like it.

you were doing good until this post, m8. you officially took it too far here

I figured the, "What is a time stamp?" went too far

To answer this, no, I'm not a pedophile

Also, gunna give this a big no a rooney, I don't feel like getting called ugly for an hour straight

please fuck off back to 4gag and don't forget to close the door behind you

Lest us be the judge of that


post pics of your sisters' panties
the ones you stole from the laundry basket

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I've always been here as well my friend. You just didn't know. I'm just going to start seeing infinite exclusively. It's like leaving a polygamous relationship, because you finally found "the one"

My sister doesn't live with me.

Also, I am degenerate. You don't want to see me.

literaly oldfag but at least i seek sunlight. you 8cuck pedos arent special

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Not nice, it brings on intense waves of depression where I want to Pakistani kid all over the wall


define plox. i want to know what age is a self-proclaimed oldfag

I second this

Also, I am OP, not the self proclaimed "oldfag"

I got banned from 4chan for posting this

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That is a little screwed up user

Did give me a good thread idea though, "Why were you banned from 4chan?"

I'd bet half of us have been.

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user we had that thread just last week

Dammit, and I missed it…to be fair, I wasn't banned yet tho

Post ic related, tho. Instant ban tbh

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We don't even have enough computer.

i think you're pic is a little outdated, user

But you still get banned if you post it

I've seen this a few times, and it is right on point. Fredrick is the fucking dude. I'd love to code something with him, but I'm a liberal…a TRUE liberal though. Not one of these quasi communist libs. People should be able to do whatever the hell they want short of killing other.

Also CAKE and webms with sound

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Oy vey!

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fuck off Sargon

Yeah idk who's worse, but Gook moot literally has the audacity to charge for fucking passes. The guy is a snake, I just haven't pinned down exactly how yet.

P.S. Is there an IRC channel for Holla Forums?

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Eat my ass

go figure. someone with part shitskin DNA asking for his asshole to be eaten. nigger faggot confirmed

i dunno. ask dysnigger or codemonkey

I voted Ron Paul, Obama (I regret, but I couldn't stand Mitt Romney for some reason), and Gary Johnson. I'm actually a Libertarian officially, even though I don't always vote that way.

libertarian only works within a racially pure society. the politics of racial factions will always overpower the politics of other factions

I'm on your side fgt (for the most part)

Makes me wish Liberia worked out

i think we should ship all the nigger to liberia and they can continue to work it out

Yeah I know it is but that's exactly why I posted it, because it's so fucked up.
It's so screwed up that in a way it's funny.
It's funny to laugh at how sad, pathetic, and fucked up some people are and the depraved shit they get up to.
I guess I made the mistake of thinking that 4chan mods have a sense of humor and would be able to see context, instead of taking shit literally.
Oh well

Could you imagine how great an all white America would be. Makes me sad…all the ethnicities (besides Asians and a few Hispanics) just come here to mooch off of our culture, and our ancestors and our hard work.

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The mods are straight trash now. They think they are holier than thou, because they have the permission to ban degenerates from a degenerate website. I kind of want to MSDOS (get it) their IRC.

Could you imagine how great an all white America would be.

as a youngster, i remember living in an 99% white town. population of around 7k and there was only 1 black family, 1 asian family, and 1 pajeet family. now it's only about 60% white. spics everywhere. a few niggers. coal burners walking around with their niglets. it fucking hurts, user. it hurts. hits me right in the feelz

we dont want any more friends. you're almost 4 years behind the rest of us. unless you came with gg you will never have legitimate citizenship.

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i literally remember never locking the front door when we left home, never locking the car doors when we went into a store

I'm 100% white my dude. Most of our population didn't arrive until the 1900s, long after the Natives were segregated, or gone; and blacks were segregated until the 60s. I don't know where you eurofaggots get these ideas from, but they're wrong.

Yeah, in the 90s my hometown was 95% white, now it's probably 50% white. It's right outside of Detroit, and now that they've ruined that city, they're moving out to the suburbs.

I've been here since GG, I just didn't exclusively browse Holla Forums. Now I'm going to be exclusive with infinite.

serves you right underage fag

Ya' know after looking at this again in a serious context, and not ironic, I hope that sick fuck was arrested

Def not underage

America was never White, and here is why.
For starters, the Natives aren't white. Then along came the Europen, that race-mixed with said natives, and the black slaves they brought along with them, making the population full of mestizos. Not to mention America is a "proud nation if immigrants", most of wich come from African countries. But whatever makes you feel better at night, user.

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So do I

Okay, I don't know how much easier I can describe this. My family didn't arrive in the United States until the 1920s, same with about 70% of the country. None of my family ever had relations with natives or blacks, by the time they arrived cultures were not mixed. They are all from Europe. All of them, Norway, Italy, France, Ireland, Finland, and Switzerland. I am white, as is 60% of the country.

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America's population in….
1780 - 3,929,214
1900 - 76,212,168
Now - 325 Million

Europeans came first.
Most slaves were brought by jews. Relative to their population, jews bought (from the other jews) 3x more slaves than Whites did.

Most came from European countries. The nigger population was quite small, it only exploded when some retards thought to test what would happen if men and niggers had equal rights.

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Welcome to the hate club

The thing I don't get is why you Europeans are more accepting of white Americans…There's only 800 million of us. We are the minority on Earth.


because euromutts. we're not german. we're not italian. we're not british. we're not french. we're a mixed aggregate of all those

The thing though is throughout history, especially during the Roman period, all of Europe interbred. Many Europeans have North African blood.

They the Europeans got there, there people there already, douchebag. What are Native-Americans?



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but nations have always been defined by the racial demographics. they interbreed at the borders but the centers remain true
what are mediterranean rape babies

Why do this fags feel the need to come here to bitch about halfchan?
Do you want some tea and a cookie OP? embrace the new imageboard or get the fuck out

I am very much so embracing this new found freedom.

stick around long enough and you'll see what the chans are supposed to be like, tbh. you have to be here at the right time tho

muh rape babies…and? rape was when Visgoths and Suebis came to Iberia after the western roman empire fell. The fuckers established kingdoms but there was no order, there was only anarchy. they were always fighting civil wars over who gets to rule what
When the muslims arrived they conquered Iberia in 7 years…7 fucking years! Do you know how much time the reconquista took? Almost 8 centuries. You know why? because the muslims unlike visigoths and suebis actually established a proper society, there was order and there was peace.

I'd love to see an alt timeline where Western Rome never fell. Imagine the tech we could have.


Wasn't that before, user? Weren't the Visigods part of the rebel population the Roman empire fought?

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Rome almost had freaking engines before 100 AD. A guy invented it, but unfortunately he didn't see the potential of his invention. Imagine if he or someone else had seen it, we'd have some weird industrial revolution right then and there and it's impossible to tell how things would be today.

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The Egyptians had engines before the Romans tbh. Imagine what we could be, if Romans didn't shit on Cleopatra and Egypt became a super-power, instead of Rome.

that's because the pharoahs were white tbh

.. wuz..?

No they had poo

Yes there is on and its called #Holla Forums and if you use it you are to be considered one of the worst posters on the entire site.

That does not mean to say "Holla Forums is for good posts", although I won't get into the semantics of what it means to be a good shitposter. It means that IRC is so far below Holla Forums that you are hereby excommunicated from even being considered one of the lowest quality posters on any site ever.

I know it because it is written here.

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Such as? The one above is from Egypt, but when Egypt was Roman, maybe that's what you're thinking. But the man behind it was probably Greek.

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Good job waking up nigger. The exodus was in 2014.

Oh please. Half the Eurofags or more look less White than the White burger at this point. Besides, the only one not truly Aryan here is (you), since you're fucking posting about it for no reason.

Why would you be considered one of the worst posters? Only a true oldfag would understand how to connect to a Rizon IRC.

Yeah, they literally had all the components for a Steam engines, all they needed to do was assemble them. Also, the Greeks had extremely accurate mechanical computers (their outputs were wrong, but that was only because their inputs were wrong; had they put the correct information in, the correct information would have been output).

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How come you don't know people fucking hate threads like this then

Only attention whoring circlejerkers who want to be friends with the mods go to IRC channels.


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What if you already use IRC though? Wouldn't hurt to idle right? Also, the topic shifted yesterday. This thread isn't about the original post any longer.

No can do buckaroo

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Blacks are master race

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This could be useful to anyone arguing with a nigger. Here ya fellers go.

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You realize that's circumcision?

It's an astrolabe, nigger.

Yes, which is a mechanical computer.

I think it's just more of a joke than anything

There is pretty much no such thing as a native, goy, everyone migrated from somewhere else if you go far back enough.


This guy is not OP, but this is a very true statement