Sociopath community?

Anyone ever used Seems the users there are full of MGTOWs like this place

Attached: tumblr_o0lftdcwIU1ucyelzo1_400.jpg (320x186, 10.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Never heard of it until now.


no no no, more like 20-50%

Whats the difference?

From your point of view please.

Attached: 4c805a6b9cc91bafd4e550afa121a490.jpg (500x429, 31.22K)

That is actually a pretty good hairstyle artcunt.

Mental disorder larping is the new trend.


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Cowards usually gravitate towards mental illness because their physical presence is so non imposing. They need "crazy" so people will be scared of them and they need groups of people they can reaffirm their made up illness with. It's no big surprise that places like this exist or that it's inhabited by soyboys.

feels good man….?
protip: it does not

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What mental illness do you have?

there you go faggot.

bipolar, really wickedly. Go from being unable to get out of bed for weeks, crippled with depression, to having so much energy and being so outgoing that I scare the shit out of people with my intensity. There's seldom a middle ground.

I can scare the shit out of people anytime i like to but if you want some advice pick up a sports team like hockey, rugby or weightlifting etc.

It's not intentional. And people always assume I'm on drugs which doesn't help. I lift irregularly.

Well then lift on a regular basis and keep a small circle of friends that "get you", other than some people that give shit advice and dont know jackshit.

You two faggots should rub your buttholes together.

we three

Let's say i created a facebook account pretending to be a little girl using tor and i use the account to seduce and blackmail pedos, how immoral is that? What are the chances of being caught if i live in a third world country, always use tor and only accept Monero transferences?

Na i m getting outta here anyway, i thought fullchan wasnt a rathole like memechan.
But now i learned that only shekelrinos matter, which is actually a good lesson and i mean that unironically.

How did you learn that?

By learning the true nature of people, also the current state of our society.

What's the true nature of people and what's the current state of our society?

all people suck and society is in ruins

People suck because society sucks and society is in ruins because humans suck. It's a beautiful cycle. You should just accept and be part of it.

Wouldnt say that but if you take a really close look that is the only thing that makes sense if you want to have a live and not be a brainwashed bot. But that is only my opinion feel free to think differently.

Only assholes deserve this

you're both right and any other response is pointless.

If i can make shekels i dont need to be part of the hamsterwheel, but you are in denial that it isnt that way. You cannot even express your opinion without having rats on your ass. That is the way it is.
Silence is consent, but freedom of speech isnt freedom of consequences. Ignorance is strength.

Actions have consequences but you should do action in my interest while you deal with the consequences. Anonymous.

But to make shekels you will most likely have to be part of the hamsterwheel

Most likely but i think my focus will be sufficiant to avoid that. So they can all suck my dick.
Even though the rats played their guttertheater.

Looks like a bad joke. Assholes can't cooperate by definition.