How do we destroy the gay community?

how do we destroy the gay community?

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Once you get used to the taste of seamen it’s not so bad and warm lube makes up the butt so much better.

Also, get them used to fucking traps.
Remember that there is no gay, and that your dick just simply wants to cum inside anyone cute enough to get it hard.

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We institute Christianity as the main and only religion for the US. (Protestants gtfo, yall heresy created the homo mess we are in).

Than we outlaw sodomy again.

Than we unleash the RWDS (pic related) on the Gay Community

Than we enjoy our sodomite free state.

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absolutely based

Good luck with that, champ.

t. gay community

t. LARPing neckbeard

We simply MUST stop the homosexual community from interbreeding! This will put a stop to this godlessness!

Papist spics pls leave


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t. g*rman kike

You're both so cute.
t. Orthodox Master Race


Nothing is more Hetro than the soft pink butthole of a trap

Someone needs to do something about this vile degeneracy. These fags need to give up their debauchery by accepting GodJesus as their personal savior and joining the Traditionalist Worker Party.

Liberalism, and by extension, progressivism, and all the bullshit that entails, were an inevitable outgrowth and evolution of the values established under Christendom, be they 'secular heresies' or no.

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pr*t*st*nt*sm =/= Christianity

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we have a bigger problem. We should destroy the pedo community.

What’s the difference?

Post moar futas.

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Once you get rid of the gays, the pedos will be gone too.

Pedos = gays

Gays = pedos

Kill two niggers with one rope.

Also, with the gays and pedos gone 8/b/ will be great again

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You can't demand that your religious class to be celibate or it'll all become a bunch of fags. Back in the day you papists demanded celibacy for your warrior class, that didn't last long.

homo priests need hanged tbh


t. homo

t. hetero

Its really simple, the higher echelons of society should have the best and more offspring. When Catholic leadership cucks their priests for the church bride it prevents them from becoming real father's of their own to their sons, whom they could raise to be the most pious in life.

Protestants at the time of their founding at least went back to their pre-Christian ways that a priest can have a family. Of course the Protestants fail as well because they remove any ancient European elements of Christianity and go straight to how purest of Judaism for Goys that they can find. Everything will become more clear once there is a Black Pope.


Ill be nice because you have trips of truth.

But the solution is very simple. Allow the preists to marry (like the Orthodox Masterrace already does)

Faggots, pedos, jews, and Holla Forums BTFO once again.

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Don't forget poppers. You don't want to tear his virgin boypussy wide open, do you?

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The reformation was a mistake

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this is why i love being bisexual. I don't have to worry about a damn thing unlike you gay and straight folks.

I thought Vitaly stopped doing porn?

g*rmans ruin everything

love the fourth one. Frottage feels great.

Tell me about it.

The bastards even ruined fascism for the Italians and caused Communism to rise all over the world.

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Bisexuals get the bog too

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bi are the biggest degenerates of them all. also they spread disease more than anyone.

Hope you didn't touch your dick today, user.

You will have to worry about us cutting off your dick once we instate The Resurrected Theocracy tho.

degenerates on suicide watch

start by committing seppuku tbh

No, I really don't think he will.

Come and get me then sweetpea. I doubt you'll be able to take me down.

yeah yeah, keep dreaming. It ain't happenin.

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even the gun is gay

We know, everything is gay to you faggots.

Than Dox yourself

bump. the gays need stopped.

you actually expect me to do all the work for you? What a weak and lazy little homophobe you are

No one here is (((homophobic))) because were not afraid of you fags, you just disgust us.

Homophobia is a lie!

The word "homophobe" is gayer than taking a ten-inch tallywacker in your tailpipe tbh fam.

Then again, so is getting assblasted over men having sex with each other.

(((Homophobia))) is the God's work on Earth tbh. Faggots go against the natural order of the Lord and hould be stoned to deth, Insh'Allah

I am LITERALLY shaking with fear

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Selenium overdose.

Clock's a tickin' faggo's.

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children raped by fag pedophiles likely to become ones themselves. think of how many the Vatican created with tier ass-raping priests


second part is currently true


This is what homophobes actually believe.

This will only work if we extend the wall to surround and cut off Commiefornia from the rest of the US. These fags need to be contained.

Which only started after Vatican 2 came and surrendered to the jews. Like I told the last idiot ITT that brought it up:

Let them marry like the Orthodoxy already allows and problem solved.

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t. low iq brainlet

what ever you say aids monkey

Idiot parroting theories that have literally no supporting evidence.

whats yours?

let me guess, you live somewhere rural

no cases of pedophilia in the Vatican priesthood exist prior to 1962. Right….


Bacha bazi doesn't count, right mudslime?

Quit being such a bigot, user!
Allah said that little boipussi is okay because girlpussy is for making babies only.

Its apart of our culture! You evil fashist xenophobic whiteboi!

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