CDC to Be Given Power to Detain and Force Medical Procedures Against Your Will

CDC to Be Given Power to Detain and Force Medical Procedures Against Your Will

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Reminder that statutes are not laws but are "rules of society given the force of law by those who consent to be governed". Nobody can take your God-given rights without your permission, you asked for this.

you already posted you're costanza

They aren't even trying to be subtle here.

yes, I did mean you're, gif related is you irl

How long until racism is a mental illness that only a lobotomy can cure?

How could they do this?

What is with this year.

Natural rights aren't given by gods, they are taken by men.

Those who refuse to recognize them only heap fuel on their own funeral pyre.

I wonder if they're expecting an attack from biological weapons.

If you use a state ID when identifying yourself, You are claiming to be a corporation / state / government property. Thus you have no god given rights.

Sir, sir.. you don't look too good, you look pale. Too pale.

I am 100% positive something like this has been done, at least as a study if not an actual trail.
I remember shitposting about some article that said "racism" can be cured by turning off select parts of the brain that coincidently also governed the self preservation instinct.
Cant find it through jewgle though, maybe another user will have better luck.

Didn't doctor-asssisted suicide just get legalized somewhere recently? I remember someone predicting eventually they would start prescribing death for things like racism and homophobia.

And so we take another step towards Deus Ex being reality.

To be fair, my grandfather's family was placed under quarantine FOUR TIMES in the 1930's due to communicable disease outbreaks.

Polio twice, rubella and scarlet fever. Each time, even if only one child of the family got sick, my great grandfather was unable to even visit his own children during quarantine. He lived in a shack next door to the factory where he worked down the street. He was essentially allowed to come up to the fence line at the road and "holler to his kids".

This, however, is what white nations do to prevent the entire country from dieing in a god damned outbreak.

But, like everything else, they'll fucking use this to do the opposite of rational behavior.

Remember the ebola outbreak? White guilt ridden piece of shits running around refusing to stay at home because "muh rights" and "i helped niggers so i can do what i want".

Freeman-on-the-Land woo woo detected.
Give one single scholarly or authoritative citation backing up your definition of statute law. you can't


if you give some accurate information that can be used as search words, i can give it a go.


Jesus Christ.


Hey why not … Lincoln suspended habeus corpus and he's supposed to be the greatest president the world has ever known - according to most Republicans anyway.

>shut down certain groups of neurones
Liberalism confirmed for brain damage.

No amount of (((medics))) and spooks will stop a desperate man from shooting anyone trying to arrest him for fake reasons. If they already marked you then you have nothing to lose

You don't mind being observed, tested, and having your medical records examined every time you take a plane, train, or bus, do you, citizen?

How? Simple: with force. The CDC has the backing of the US military and, thus, can enforce quarantine through superior firepower.

isn't it time for your yearly flu shot, /leftycuck/?

So under the guise of disease prevention, the US is going to have border checkpoints to monitor who's going where?

You fedora faggots and larpagans are fucking insufferable

That's right. Make sure you don't cough, or sneeze, or do anything else that could be taken as a symptom of a communicable disease.

Can't the CDC, or any organization like them, issue something like that in an actual medical emergency?

speaking of flu shots, i just had a friend go for a physical just last week and she was forced to get one. They didn't ask her, just told her she was getting it. Has this been going on, or a new thing?

They say it almost explicitly a little further down:

I've never had a flu shot my entire life, had the flu twice.

Forced? As in they jabbed her in the arm without her consent? Just, one second she's looking at the wall and then BAM needle in her arm?

Or does this "without consent" mean they just bullied her into giving it to them?

This new rule amendment would make those kinds of powers applicable in a non-emergency situation. A new normal. Remember when we didn't have to submit to millimeter-wave scans before getting on a plane? The CDC is justifying this change through reference to anti-terror laws and screening procedures.

No, she's a chick so she kinda questioned it, asking if it was mandatory, but they responded they had too and she didn't press it.
I couldn't believe it. Don't know what would've happened if she really refused it.


They may decide to pay for the costs of your detainment and examination. After they've tried to make your insurance pay. And if there's enough money in the budget.

are we in deus ex?
Or, perhaps, to a group of individuals traveling together to lobby a representative. Or to do some readiness training in the woods. Or to attend a rally.

Guess that means we don't need the Constitution anymore. =^)

Holy fuck.

Yeah it's getting legalized here in Canada.

This shit is scary.

I guess if you're going to get (((medically corrected))), you aren't going to get your pockets mined out.
Can you say "indefinite detention"?

So they can hold me down and inject me with estrogen against my will?


This is the best explanation/reasoning for "natural rights" I have ever seen. A perfect molding of virtue and force (the ultimate decider). You have changed my mind. Thank you.
Your "medical reviewer" – the one examining the CDC's case for holding you – will be a CDC/HHS apointee or even employee. Because there's no conflict of interest there, right?
And they've already thought to give themselves loopholes to hide any embarrassing internal notes on what they're doing.

Vaxxed From Cover Up To Catastrophe

Magnet link:

I see what you did there, and I'm fucking horrified.

Mk Ultra is coming
So far, there are over 10,000 public comments made on this proposed rule change. At first glance, they seem to be completely opposed to it. Some of them are using questionable rationales and language, but most of it is just plain opposition to such totalitarian measures. It's nice to see.

Perfect reply dude.

See this: . Whatever wording is used in constitution it does not serve you well when your so called god-given rights are took away by other humans (which probably makes you suspect that god ever gave them to you because why would he recall them then).

Does this "medical procedure" include mutilating little boys genitals?

MK Ultra has already come a long time ago.

Every castrated and feminized boy shifts the gender ratio in favor of the elite, filling their mansions with fertile slaves and concubines to satisfy their greed and continue their genetic lineage.

Who cares if a tranny can't become a mother and start a family, and will rot alive after 50 years of unnatural treatments? It's pumped full of female sex hormones and brainwashed by the MSM to be promiscuous, so the remaining males will engage in meaningless hedonism until they can no longer support or defend themselves in their age, and will be "mercifully" put down by a crooked doctor with a needle full of pentobarbital.

as if they were not already using weaponized meningitis against Americans….

Hey, its your kike on a spike, not ours.

OP is a faggot and didnt include the archive links. Always archive kids, it saves lives.

user, you are "god". Your body (kingdom), and the cells (servants) that work to provide you life are yours alone to control. No one has supremacy over this domain beside you! Everything is content! its just a matter of how you surrender to there will…


The dictatorship of Jewish psychiatry. Now goyim, we have to make sure you don't suffer from Oppositional Defiant Disorder oy vey.


I found some stuff that might be what you're looking for.

So it won't be FEMA camps ?

Topkek. So to cure racism all we have to do is disable the brain's ability to recognize threats.

Yes. They truly live in a world of their own.

This how they could 'legally' put people into camps, amusingly enough, by calling them "Quarantine Camps". By taking everyone who attended a rally because they claim one person present had chicken pox.

You can't have a society that is constantly trying to kill each other.
Hence why multiculturalism is a bad idea.


This is why we need to start planning in real life. These morons actually want to destroy brains in the society that feeds them.

It's like they don't know how the products they use in everyday life is made.
wait.. that would explain ALOT tbqh

Thanks for the gif, fellow geek

You have a lot to learn my friend.

Muh Constitution, found the lolberg

weäpȯnḭžed smallpōx

They can't be taken away, they can be temporarily and unjustly overridden by criminals, but they were never taken away.

Nobody "gives" you any rights to anything faggot. You have to take them for yourself.
Anybody with a bigger stick can and will take them from you.

this might be related

We will soon announce a global effort - with US leadership - to assure that we effectively prevent, detect and respond to these threats.

How much do you want to bet none of this will apply to non-whites because "muh kulture."

Thank god that doesn't include psychiatric symptoms, look up sluggish schizophrenia. We are one step away from that.


Well, consequently, they won't be able to recognize 'racist' threats either.

Cant wait until CDC start to promote the importance of estrogen shots, with a article about how testosterone can lead into revolts and dead politicians.

that fucking octopussy rubbing it's cloaca all over the US

Rights are something someone else gives you. Think about that for a second.

they can just make up terms for behavior they don't like, suddenly everyone has ADHD… it's not that their fucking lazy with shitty parents.


I hope you're ready for that mandatory sex change you never knew you needed

no. rights are inherent. others simply wish to remove your rights to more easily pursue their goals.

USA says you have 'God given rights'…

USA speaking for God.. Humanizing His law and relegating the authority of it to other humans…


lol. ok, Mortecai, easy on the inbreeding. I don't care what Jew god you cry to, but try to use your fucking brain to understand objective reality.

Christians should follow the law of their country, as said in the Bible.

But, America is blasphemous from the get-go.

Their brains will be decorating the pavement if they ever try to force a medical procedure on me.

Sick rare pepe

which Bible? there are so many fucking versions and translations it's almost like it's made by man.



Laws are made for the lowest common denominator.

The LCD in our country is niggers.

This shit wouldn't happen in an all-white country.

Non-whites are why the NSA, TSA, etc. exist.

Said the waco at Waco.


That's just fucking grand.

reminder that last time habeas got suspended there was a civil war.

Sounding pretty erisean there, user.


Healthcare has a ton of fuckery about that unnerves the fuck out of me. Take for example Epic. Epic is a privately owned company that for the past decade has been pushing for health information to be digitized, this is the reason that every room in most doctors offices has a computer instead of paper files, which makes it much less of a hassle for anyone to request your health files.

Next time you visit your doctor ask for a paper version of whatever agreements you signed when becoming a new patient, can't remember the names of them/it but by law they have to give a physical version when you request so the sectary will know what you're asking for.

Thanks for the links, nigger

Sometimes I wish I lived in simpler times.

Oh you thought they wouldn't charge you for the service, you will get a bill in the mail for the full price of you're forced medication.

They don't quarantine niggers with Ebola or Zika and now they want the power to detain & punish people who don't comply…… I bet the whole point of this is to abuse white people who are either completely health or have the common cold.

How long before they confiscate your assets? because reasons.

Fucking bump

"your doctor told us you said you had guns so this swat team is here to make sure you don't shoot yourself. Comply or die citizen."

Oh get real. Do you want non-antibiotic responsive TB spics to just be let out to infect the rest of the country? This is necessary.

When did you get it in your mind that this will apply to non-citizens? They already get out of jail free when they murder people.

it's for interstate/international travelers only so yes.
Once they get in they can go kill white girls and get away with it, but first we need to make sure they don't have chickenpox.

There's an important lesson about conflation to be learned from the vaccine debate. Thimerosal in vaccines was initially linked to autism by Andrew Wakefield, and then everybody else jumped on the bandwagon. A lot of Wakefield's research was later discredited and his medical license was revoked as a result. At this point, I don't really care whether you think vaccines cause autism or not - the point is that Wakefield conflated mercury in vaccines with autism and that was the link that the general public saw. Whether Wakefield was a globalist pro-mercury-harm-the-population plant or not is immaterial now because very few normalfags take the mercury and autism link seriously nowadays.

In my mind this whole thing is similar to the global warming and pollution debate. Polluting the environment is really shitty and has been shown to cause a myriad of health effects, but almost every anti-pollution argument is tied in with global warming arguments, even thought the two are completely separate issues. As such, it's very hard to establish a position with normalfags that pollution is bad and we should work to reduce it while denying that global warming exists. People generally feel that the two are completely related and you can't have one without the other.

In the same way, there should not be anything potentially harmful like thimerosal in vaccines regardless of the specific conditions it provokes. Establishing that point nowadays is much harder because of the dubious specific link to autism. If you were to present that argument to the general public, you'd get a lot of "you're an anti-vaxxer paranoid conspiracy theorist" responses, despite it being a terrible idea to have a mercury-based compound in a vaccine in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if drug companies simply don't want to find another preservative agent because it's too expensive.

this is the very essence of disinfo. some truth, some venomous lies

I could not have said that any better!


The funny thing is, by putting tons of people in a quarantine-camp, would probably end up with more people catching diseases due to the closeness of so many people who are not used to each other being together.

Basically the first days of school-effect that every kid and family goes through, where the kids and teachers fall sick due to not being used to each other and how diseases and viruses easily spread.

There's god given rights. Doesn't mean there are people who decide to not abide those rights. This means, if people mistreat that badly, you're by the natural way of justice completely right in killing these people.

Nice ID.
