Just bought a bunch of parts to build a PC and have no idea what I'm doing

Will this work?

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That motherboard is for Intel CPUs (LGA1151 socket). You need a motherboard with an AMD3+ socket for your AMD FX-???? CPU. Make sure the new motherboard is compatible with DDR4 RAM. Also make sure your desired OS has drivers available for that graphics card.



Just canceled the motherboard and DDR4 ram orders, staying with the FX-4300. I ordered a FX compatible motherboard and 8gb of DDR3 ram: I only care about older games.
can I just torrent windows 10 off the internet? How will I get a product key?




Why would you buy an FX CPU when Ryzen is out? I doubt you're saving much (any) money from doing this.

the cheapest Ryzen costs twice as much. I want to spend as little money as possible, and I don't really care about new games, they're virtually all PC pozzed garbage.

also, I really have no idea what I'm doing, I may very well regret this decision in the future.
One day I just got tired of this shit HP laptop that kills every few hours and lags like shit, and decided to build my own with quality parts, not proprietary dogshit.

So you buy a PC that's slower, more power hungry and will be obsolete sooner. Smart investment

Instead of buying a video card, just buy Rizon with a newer motherboard and faster RAM. The CPU has a GPU in it. In two years that video card will be outdated and you'll be stuck with DDR3 and a slower, more power hungry, old CPU.

I just did the math based on the parts I've bought to a comparable Ryzen system, and the Ryzen costs $240 more. My shit-tier FX build all together costs $350.

You do know you don't need a discreet video card with Rizen, right?

I'm considering doing that now that you mention it, but I'm being very honest here, the only games I care about are The Elder Scrolls, all the rest is shit IMO.

had no idea. So all the Ryzen CPU's come with a GPU, regardless of size?

Yes. It's what AMD calls an APU CPU+GPU. Pretty much every Intel CPU also has a GPU built in as well. You don't need to buy the fastest CPU out there, but its not something I would skimp on. The reason being, GPUs are progressing much faster so in two years it would be considered old anyway. A good CPU could last 4+ years.

That sounds like integrated graphics, I thought those were shit? So the Ryzen CPU+GPU has as much graphics processing power as a $100-150 card?

If you don't get a win 10 key you will be able to do anything. After 90 days you will have a watermark that you can remove by downloading an application. You don't need to torrent it Microsoft has USB installer inline for free as long as you have another pc running windows and a 4gb USB drive

Actually ignore that. I though all Ryzen were APUs, but I'm wrong. I'll let someone else familiar with AMD speak.

That is integrated graphics and they are terrible. I haven't seen any benchmarks of the ryzen graphics but at best they will be able to play oblivion no mods at low settings.

That's what I thought. $130 for Ryzen1300 and good-very good graphics seemed too good to be true.
I think I'm going to stay with my shit-build FX system. I won't be buying another computer in 5 years anyway, and videogames are dead tbh.

how do I get the microsoft free install? I'm already running windows 10 on this laptop.

They use to be horrid. It looks like Summit Ridge are the only Ryzen chips out and Bristol Ridge, which are the APUs are due out soon. If I were personally forced to pick AMD, and I was on a budget, I would wait and get a Bristol Ridge APU then buy discreet GPU at a later date when I could afford it.


just search win 10 assistive technologies free upgrade if you lose it

thanks friend

Go the fuck back to half chan

sage negated just because of your stupidass comment

Not OP but I'm also building a PC so I can play the Steam games my craptop can't.
I had a real bitch of a time installing this piece of shit. Typing this with a bandaid on my hand.
Now when I turn on the PC the fan is unbearably loud and in the BIOS it says CPU is 75 Celcius. Why is it so hot?
I had to remove and replace the cooler+fan several times in order to get it to plug onto the motherboard until it was firm and tight. I only applied thermal paste (pea size) once though. Do you think that when I pulled the cooler off the board and put it back on there were air bubbles in the thermal paste that are now causing this overheating?

No those go directly in the trash. Buy a CoolerMaster Evo 212 and spend half an hour deciphering chink instructions. It will be well worth $30.

Are you sure you also applied the thermal paste between the CPU and the socket?


Then get a fucking Bristol Ridge. Cost and performance similar to FX-4xxx, but you build on an AM4 mobo that will let you upgrade to a Ryzen later if/when you have money. You can even get one with integrated GPU and save money on a separate one.