Announcing Operation #VoteAllDay and Operation #ElectionDayInfiltration


We're down to the wire now, folks. With less than a month to go, and with TRUMP the plausible next president of America, the Democrats are going all out. Pussygate, rumors of nigger videos, constant (((media))) bombardment… but this is all small potatoes compared to their greatest electoral trick: straight up voter fraud.

It's well known that on Election Day, Democrats get buses full of niggers, illegals, and fags and drive them around to polling places all day, each one of these "people" voting multiple times. Furthermore, Democrats also register dead voters, rig voting machines, and all sorts of dirty tricks to take the lead. They know they can't win a fair fight, but they are the best at fighting dirty.

Until now.

I am proposing two Election Day operations, both of which are, yes, our own brand of voter fraud. I'm sure some honor cucks among us will not like this, but the stakes are too high, friends. TRUMP must win, or there might not be a future for the USA, certainly not for the sort of people who browse Holla Forums. If you want to raise a white family anytime in the next forever, now is the time to act.

Operation #ElectionDayInfiltration is for the more daring among us. It involves LARPing as a Hilldawg supporter, and trying to get onboard one of the famous nigger buses. Objective A will be to record all the shitlibs committing countless acts of voter fraud. Objective B will be voting for TRUMP at every single campaign stop.

Operation #ElectionDayInfiltration will be highly psychologically taxing on any user brave enough to go through with it. Not only will you have to pretend to be voting for the cunt, you will be surrounded by shrieking niggers and smelly wetbacks all day. But if you can successfully record voter fraud, you will have done your service to the Emperor.

Operation #VoteAllDay is more straightforward, and is the operation I feel we can have the most success with. It's simple: take the day off from work (no excuse not to do this, NEETs), drive around to every polling place you can find, and vote TRUMP ALL DAMN DAY long. Many states effectively have no form of voter ID, so this will be very easy for many of us. If you are challenged, however, you will have to do your solemn duty to the Emperor and CHIMP THE FUCK OUT in front of the election officials. Start screaming about how your vote is being denied, how you wanted to vote for the first female president ;^), how you're going to go to the press for VOTER SUPPRESSION - in short, act like a nigger. 90% of the time, the people working the polling place WILL RELENT, and you can vote for TRUMP dozens of times in the same day. I myself voted for Romney (he was the best we had…) four times in 2012; it isn't hard to do. It helps if you have a passport or other form of non-standard ID, as they don't identify you from a certain state like driver's licenses do.

We are on the verge of Making America Great Again, but we're gonna have to get our hands dirty if we want to win this thing. Pepe, Kek, and the God Emperor himself have shown us the way, now it's time to do our solemn duty. If you live in a swing state, or within driving distance of a swing state, YOU MUST PARTAKE in one of these two operations. There is no excuse not to be going all the fuck out at this point.

Donald TRUMP has suffered immensely for us; now is the time to repay the favor. On November 8th, plan to either #VoteAllDay or infiltrate a shitlib voting bus and record the blatant fraud. Tell all the non-cucks in your life to do the same. If even a small percentage of TRUMP supporters partake in this, we can make a yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge impact on the final tally.


Doing this is one thing. Talking about it openly online is quite another.

We're all anons here, user.

I think it's a good idea. People need to know this is an option.

Trust me, compared to the shit Democrats pull, this is barely even a crime.

How do I sign up?

As a past election official for Jew York, you'd need at least know the name of the person you're impersonating and how to sign their name (but I guess if you signed that new person up and we're the one to sign their name you could easily fake it). I still have no idea how asking for photo ID is too much to ask.

List your full name, address, and phone number ITT so you can be contacted by the organizers. :^)

Respond to me with your name, SSN and banking information in the name field.

If you try to vote in a place where your name is not listed on the register, then you will be given a provisional ballot. No chimpout needed to get one. Same thing happens if you go to vote without an ID. The volunteer hands you a provisional ballot. That's it.

t. 4 term Election Judge, State of Texas.

It could be construed as violation of the 8ch Global Rule. OP is, in fact, planning something that is illegal in the United States. Not that I'd global report it, but shills are always watching and waiting for an opportunity.

Fuck off, FBI.

Yeah, but Dems aren't satisfied with provisional ballots. They go for the real deal, and so should we.

I suggest picking a very common name and trying your luck with the officials.

Any other tips would be much appreciated

Sure, it's illegal, but by 8ch standards it's pretty tame. /k/ hands out weapon modification schematics like candy. Holla Forums itself makes bogus election voting info placards encouraging normies to vote online, which itself is a form of voter fraud.

There's a precedent for this sort of thing.

Also, you niggers need to toughen the fuck up. The Democrats are literally plotting to hand your country over to illegal muds, Jews, and nigs, and when someone proposes a good idea, you immediately bitch that it might be AGAINST THE RULES.

There are no fucking rules in war. They're trying to genocide us, and some of you cucks can't even bring yourself to vote twice for TRUMP. The same people who chimped out on the English for taxing some tea.


fraud is not something anyone should be doing OP, you colossal faggot.

So, the vote counters manually look up every name that's written on the ballot? Could the spics not just lie and use a fake name and still have their vote counted?

Since Trump is friendly with ICE couldn't they conveniently park some vans in the parking lots of voting areas known be full of illegals? Kinda like a spic scarecrow

goddamn, can you make yourself any more obvious?
your memes are weak, you are using a pic that was made by yourself, and you suddenly begin spouting random shit about the taxes out of nowhere.
don't try harder, just leave and tell your boss you're shit at your job.

That would make too much sense. Also, if a Holla Forumsack didn't want to be a nigger, he could at least follow the spic buses around and video them going in and out of multiple voting places.

What are they gonna do? Say they can but we can't?

If Hillary gets caught doing this and wins, there won't be any chance of a recount, they'll accept a cheated Hillary election.

You are an absolute faggot for posting this. Commit fraud and publicly announce it? You stupid fucking shill.
First, dems will never admit to it unlike you.
Second, they won't show their hand, they will just do it in secret. UNLIKE YOU.
Third, they would not advocate it to every underling, but to coordinators. UNLIKE YOU.
Basically you killed whatever conspiracy you had to commit fraud, gave evidence to the enemy you wish to commit fraud, and broadcast it here to make us look stupid.
You sound a lot like a shill and a dumb one at that.

Lol, go home CTR.

Not recognizing an old halfchan Holla Forums meme? Check.

Not knowing what the Boston Tea Party is? Check.

Projecting? Check.

Go tell the pantsuits you failed, friend.

1. Blow your brains out.
2. We’ll blow your brains out instead of voting twice, deal?

lol, you CTR fags are literally gay. Good luck.

Lol, what happened to the final boss of the internet? Holy shit, I can't believe how soft you people are. To think I've been posting with pussies and cucks like you for this long.

Listen here, you dumb faggot, this is barely even against the law, and Democrats do it all the time. Why do you think they push for no voter ID so hard? They openly admit shit like this all the time. Time to use their own gay laws against them.

Also, newsflash: 8/pol/ isn't some great internet stopping point, this is actually a pretty obscure site, we're anonymous, and I'm all ears for a better place to discuss this (inb4 /r/the_donald lol). This is as good to as secret as we're gonna get.

Imagine if you pussies had been serving with General Washington. "Uhhh… we can't shoot the British… it's illegal!" You make fun of betas and cucks, but you're just as bad.

Goddamn, I didn't realize how soft you guys were. Maybe you should just stay home; doesn't sound like you're ready to MAGA after all.

Must be a good idea, OP; you brought all the shills out of the woodwork. Mods should sticky.

This election is too important to play by the rules every step of the way. If I can get even one extra vote in, it will be worth it.

That's because CTR is scarred. They are outting themselves openly.

Claiming to be gay, Jewish and/or 1/4 Cherokee should help with this.

Given how much the Democrats love to do this, it isn't really doing something bad, it is undoing something terrible.

are you absolutely retarded or "merely pretending"? you are talking about voter fraud, which has nothing at all to do with your epic maymay, and nothing to do with taxation. the sole thing you are doing here is giving media a way to say "here, these racist people plan on/ have done voter fraud, we can't trust the votes!"
again, just quit. nobody is even remotely buying it.

Back to reddit, faggot.

Here's a better idea:

Convince three people you know to go vote with you. People that "don't care" and could be convinced to vote Trump if you buy them dinner or something that night. Turn your one vote into four.

This, you fucking morons. You don't commit fraud to fight fraud.


So this is how they'll pull off the election fraud, spread around little (((plans))) like this, screencap/archive em and show that "those bad goy trumpkins tried to rig the election!" so that a ((recount))) of some sort happens.


CTR should really stop hiring you guys from Canada or India or wherever. It's embarrassing how little you know of American history.

You're an obvious PR/CTR shill. Go back to reddit if you're so concerned with doing everything by a rigged book. Meanwhile, Democrats will continue to laugh at you as they vote a dozen times each on Election Day.

Yes, this is a better idea, but not always feasible for everyone. Sadly, the Democrats voter fraud operation is so effective, fighting fire with fire is probably the best option.

Oh, then how do you combat it? I'm all ears. Sounds to me like you're a IT'S AGAINST THE RULES cuckold.

Christ, what a bunch of nancies.

Yawn. Again, this is an anonymous board, OP could be joking, and there's nothing stopping them from posting worse shit than this and screencapping it, which they do often.

This is fucking retarded. We have the votes by a large enough margin, the votes aren't the problem. Democrat fraud and (((government))) intervention is the problem. What we need is bipartisan election oversight to ensure there is NO fraud. This would be a good role for Sanders supporters to play – "Come help us catch Hillary try another steal, and see what you'll have to do for your candidate next time."

Your only purpose here is to create, through anonymous posts that you will attribute to us, the media's narrative foundation for the DHS to take control of the election due to widespread fears of fraud so they can make sure the (((correct))) result goes through – as we already know they plan to do. You can fuck off back to Hillary headquarters faggot.


Nice attempt at a honeypot

Top kek.

Kill yourself, shill. OP has the right idea.

Nice try faggot. No need for fraud is what I said.

Fine, but be on a lookout for similar posts on other websites. If they happen, then this is absolutely a trap. I'm also cautious over OP only being a (1) right now. Even though he posted this 2 hours or so ago.

You know, sometimes I start to believe some of what shitlibs say about how weak white men have become. This is certainly one of those times.

Nigs don't think twice about doing this sort of shit; meanwhile you sit at home and call anyone who suggests fighting fire with fire an FBI shill. The real FBI is probably laughing their asses off at how scared the big vast rightwing conspiracy boogeyman actually is.Your ancestors - who actually fought and died for this nation - are spinning in their graves.

Nothing OP wrote is an attempt to elicit information, the very definition of a honeypot. Wish TRUMP would grab all you shills by the pussy and toss you out of here.

Don't like it, don't do it. Simple enough.

Shit thread OP. Next time call the FBI and announce you have a conspiracy to commit voter fraud. Suck a pig dick.

You are not one of us.

All we need is a billionaire jew to pay thousands of us to do this multiple times, and provide transportation and catering, and prevent the media from covering it, and we're set.

But theres no conspiracy except milo and big gordo jahans doing DAK on 16 10 16

How do we get on the democrat vote fraud bus?

Help a brotha out here.

This is a pretty good idea. The most important part is to gather evidence of voter fraud.

You're right, I'm not With Her, certainly.

What conspiracy? It's a solid suggestion, and nobody is being encouraged to meetup somewhere or give info.

Honestly, this thread is incredibly disheartening. Many of you have internalized the police state to the point that any suggestion of fighting back against corruption is met with scorn and "muh FBI" accusations.

Feels bad, man.


The first op is the better op. It exposes their hypocrisy.

The second op is just shooting yourselves in the foot, because the media WILL NOT turn a blind eye to Trump supporters doing this like they do Hillary supporters.

Hi, OP here.

Obviously, I was just joking around when I made this post. Of course I don't want anyone to use the Democrats tried and true voter fraud techniques against them, that would be foolish!

Similarly, I surely do not want you to find a phonebook and match the area code to the polling place you're voting and pull a name from it! That would be highly dishonorable, not to mention illegal, although I know this is how Dems get their bogus voting names all the time.

Stay safe, friends. Don't be fooled into doing something vaguely illegal, even if it means electing Donald J. Trump president, ho-ho!

you're almost there, but not quite.

might I suggest the following
take a shower
gain height
lose weight
get a clue

and if all else fails, kill yourself, shill.

The legality isn't the problem. The press will challenge the results even if they are completely legitimate. Giving libshits rope to hang Trump with is fucking foolish.

I submit to you that there has never been a single election in US history (maybe the first one) that didn't have some sort of voter fraud.

I guess the other option is to not partake in any questionable tactics and instead just show up and observe, although this strikes me as much less effective.

Make no mistake - shitlibs WILL steal this election, if given half the chance. They have no problem doing any of the stuff discussed in this thread.

You seem to be worried about institutional voter fraud, which OP is not talking about. Seems to me he's talking - not seriously, obviously - about getting a few extra votes in here and there to combat rampant Democratic voter fraud. If it wasn't against the law, I'd do it ;)

Dubs confirm Kek wants us to fight fire with fire. I would also follow around the buses, and if you see them trying to vote more than once, try to fuck with the bus. Do what ever you need to do to preserve our democracy.

I'd suggest legally volunteering with local campaigns and showing up to observe the polls, yes. If some asshole tries to vote more than once at the place you are volunteering, then you throw his/her ass out and risk whatever laws libshits have in place to prevent that. Even then, it may get complicated.

You know how the Clintons have the FBI in their pocket as shown by Director Weasel? I've heard stories from family who have volunteered during the Romney/Obama election where the feds show up to intimidate people and resign white volunteers to more white neighborhoods under the guise of not wanting THEM to intimidate voters.

The part of OP's op that makes sense is gathering dirt on the Democrats. If their hands are dirty and ours are clean, we win.

this is a good idea


Another great idea. Beat them legally and you beat them thoroughly, fam.

well shit, turns out there's precendent for all this shit:

from the stickied thread

If you managed to get on one of the buses, you could call the cops after obtaining clear evidence and have them take the entire bus.

BEST idea.

No it needs to be coordinated between sites. Stay outside and film any groups arriving.

Maybe it'll frighten them into not engaging in the voter fraud. If they know they'll get caught.

You could not be any more obvious. You don't fight voter fraud with voter fraud - you make sure the voter fraud is recorded, everywhere. You make sure that not even the children are unaware of it. This is a falseflag, and if you're not on the CTR payroll, you should be.


Absentee ballots are rarely ever checked against the registration rolls because it's assumed that it was checked before the ballot was sent out.

If you want to vote more than once, absentee is the way to go.


faggots, either participate or don't, but your time would be better spent killing yourselves.

Any anons that arent working on election day need to go and vote as early as possible, preferably as soon as polls open. And then they should have every polling station around plotted on a map and go to each one until they find one with buses and then record the shit out of the buses and who comes out and then follow them to see if they can be caught going to multiple polling stations.

This would be infinitely more effective than committing voter fraud ourselves. As we all know damn well all instances of dems committing fraud will be ignored and fraud committed by trump supporters will be zerod in on and then a UN body will be sent to "verify the vote" and we all know they will rig it against Trump.

If you really think the idea put forth by op is a good idea then go right the fuck ahead but i think it sounds like ctr trying to paint trumps support as fraudulently inflated.

What we should be doing is getting our vote in then recording and following every bus that drops off and picks up massive groups of people at any voting place. You will walk away with your legitimate vote in the bag and evidence of large scale voter fraud that is backed by someone with enough money to do so.


And of course file a formal report with your relevant state officials.

These should be the numbers you would need to call for your own state. Record the phone call if possible and let them no you are recording it from the start.
Alabama 334-242-7210

Alaska 907-465-4611

Arizona 602-542-8683

Arkansas 501-682-5070

California 916 657-2166

Colorado 303-894-2200

Connecticut 860-509-6100

Delaware 302-739-4277

Florida 877-868-3737

Georgia 877-725-9797

Hawaii 808-453-8683

Idaho 208-334-2852

Illinois 217-782-4141

Indiana 317-232-6531

Iowa 888-767-8683

Kansas 785-296-4561

Kentucky 502-564-3490

Louisiana 225-922-0900

Maine 207-624-7736

Maryland 410-269-2840

Massachusetts 617-727-7030

Michigan 888-767-6424

Minnesota 877-600-8683

Mississippi 601-576-2550

Missouri 573-751-2301

Montana 406-444-3976

Nebraska 402-471-2555

Nevada 775-684-5705

New Hampshire 603-271-3242

New Jersey 609-292-3760

New Mexico 505-827-3600

New York 518-473-5086

North Carolina 919-733-7173

North Dakota 701-328-4146

Ohio 614-466-2585

Oklahoma 405-521-6457

Oregon 503-986-1518

Pennsylvania 717-787-5280

Rhode Island 401-222-2345

South Carolina 803-734-9060

South Dakota 605-773-3537

Tennessee 615-741-7956

Texas 512-463-5650

Utah 801-538-1041

Vermont 800-439-8683

Virginia 804-864-8901

Washington 360-902-4151

Washington DC 202-727-2525

West Virginia 304-558-6000

Wisconsin 608-261-2028

Wyoming 307-777-5860

know not no. Jesus fuck I need a break.

Fucking THIS

Don't do anything illegal.

You can count on me for sure!
I live in a reliably blue state, but I'll be spending my whole day following around buses and recording them.
Anons in swingstates MUST monitor these buses. The swing states are where they will need to have busloads of criminals transported from poll to poll.
OP is a fag and we mustn't do anything that could give the establishment fodder against Trump. Any hint at an illegitimate election that pushes for Trump will be nullified.

Go to sleep FBI

This will just be used as an excuse to cover up Democratic voter fraud.

Don't you know how Hillary works yet.

Anything she is guilty of they accuse Trump of or create a narrative that he is. So it makes him look dumb when he tries to accuse her of it.


this thread reeks of alphabet soup. why not just wait to see if any buses show up and follow them to see where they go?