Everytime you post to Holla Forums you support the rape of children

The largest pedophile site on the web, 8ch.net has 13 boards
dedicated to promoting the molestation, rape, torture and
murder of children.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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We as in probably 95% of Holla Forums can't stand those fucking queers either. You're also a faggot but I digress.


Holla Forums has 13 boards devoted to promoting pedophilia. Most of the time the posts skirt US law. With actual child pornography posted frequently until they are removed by moderators. In addition, some boards discuss methods of blackmailing children on chat and other social media sites into show nudity and engaging in humiliating sexual acts which causes severe distress and even suicide with some victims.

In addition, Holla Forums also features 4 other boards promoting rape, snuff and beastiality.

Political and other discussions of how to as well as making it legal to rape your children

Pics and fantasies of raping boys

Grotesque board about raping and torturing toddlers
Here’s a sample that is by far the worst thing I’ve
ever seen on the internet. 8ch.net/tot/res/1312.html

Screenshot in case it’s taken down.

Celebration of incest

As in “cake” referring to pre-teen girls

Cartoons featuring rape, murder and torture of children

Stalkers or “Creepers” posting pics, creepy fantasies and personal info of young girls
taken from social media sites.

As in “young”. Pedophiles posting pics of girls they wish to molest.

Pics of teens that mostly not 18+

Adult women molesting young boys.

Topic of Boys being raped by Adult men.

Creepers posting pics and fantasies of pre-teen and tween girls.

A “random” board that tolerates frequent pedophile related postings.
And its users think a girl eating live mice is “pretty”.


Other boards

Pics, Vids and vulgar fantasies of rape, torture and murder of girls and women.

Lunatics posting pics, vids and fantasies of death, torture and murder.

Or “SnuffR73”
“Gore, sex, sadism, torture”. The mentally ill proclaiming death and torture pics as erotica.

Stomach wrenching board with videos about rape and torture of Animals.

bumping lame threads to keep them from being autopruned5

Can anyone in the Philippines dox this pedo scumbag Watkins?

i'm an unreconstructed homosexual and my insatiable craving for dicks drives me to post itt

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hi cagefag. Good Olympics back there. Kudos.

Thanks user, nice dubs.

hey! thanks

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you cant stand the fact that you cant actually do anything about things so you just keep spamming your shitty biased propaganda and keep wishing somebody else could do something about things

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retard detected

its actually true. No one else is complaining about pedos, except (((You))))

wow that just makes me want to post on Holla Forums


and over

and over


and again

and again

so you find the board descriptions in completely neutral and non biased?

DID A CHILD JUST GET RAPED BECAUSE OF MY POSTS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

please tell me they did I don't want my posts on this shithole to be a complete waste of time

please tell me that as a result of my posts here at least SOMETHING happened in the real world

rape a child


Attached: ThePoint.jpg (582x386, 12.29K)

are you raping children yet


rape a child. do it you basement dwelling neet. do it now.

This is what happens when you drop a baby on its head and it grows up.

t. a baby dropped on its head and allowed to grow up

I don't believe your theory. But since YOU do, YOU must support the rape of children, because you posted here.

OP is clearly trying to attract more pedophiles here heh.

Nothing wrong with rape and snuff of a child. Survival of the fittest is the law.

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Aren't you a little paranoid

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Don't tell me you found this on 8ch

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Except half those boards don't actually have anything to do with child pornohraphy, and why would I give a fuck about others wierd fetishes and love for suffering? I don't give a fuck what they get off to, I don't fucking "support" anything when I shitpost on an imageboard

I didn't know about half these boards. Now I have new material for my viewing pleasure. Thanks, if you find anymore please let us know.

aw the piglet is so cute

now i feel bad for eating bacon

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So this is Smiley's newest axe to grind?

B… but… I thought I was safe here, now?

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Imageboards were under attack because too much wrong-think happened here, so paid goons spammed semi-illegal, demoralizing content that can get imageboards shut down and/or drive away quality posters. In this process legit pedo-newfags (and other users you don't like) got attracted, who didn't had a chance to fallow good example and learn via lurking, so these newfags keep the wheel of wrong-bad taste turning till this day.

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Pedos made imageboards what they are, we were on 4chan before it was anything, we were on Holla Forums before it was anything, and we'll be on the next big imageboard before its anything too.

t. deluded kiddy fiddler that thinks he's in good company

t. normalfag whos proud of destroying both 4chan and Holla Forums and turning them into shadows of their former selves


Thats nice but what does that have to do with anything?



Raping children is wrong.

Wow you hear that everybody? Rape is bad. How shitting the bed has anything to do with rape being bad is beyond me but somehow admitting that is being intellectually dishonest so fuck me.

Sorry for assuming that you were only pretending to be retarded.

Sorry for assuming you had anything of worth to add to this thread aside from stating the most obvious moral baseline that almost every society on earth lives by.

Look, man, imageboards as we know them were founded by anime fans and not pedophiles as you'd like to think. Pedophiles are cancer. Posting cancer does't prevent cancer, it attracts fags like you.



I admit it! I am proud of having benn arrested and charged for sex offenses against a seven-year-old girl. I know my carers don;t want me saying that, but it's true. They say those urges will begin to lessen for me, once the complete course of electro-shock-therapy sessions are complete, in a month or two.

When it comes to the origins of 4chan and Holla Forums yes they were mutually exclusive. The anti-pedos didn't arrive until later on which is what caused 4chans /loli/ board to get erased along with even mentioning pedophilia resulting in a permanent ban where it used to just be a subject that was joked about and had memes about it originating from 4chan.
Same with Holla Forums and jim taking over and going full anti-pedo and deciding that Holla Forums is no longer a free speech platform anymore because he just hates pedos too much for it to be one.

What a surprise that in both cases anti-pedos started the downward trend that lead these imageboards to be the shitholes they are today.

No no! I have to accept full responsibility for that, I must admit.

Pretending to be dysnomia was only funny when there was a flag that would mimic the board owner tag.


Your point?