These are dangerous lies being spread accusing Mr. Trump of advocating sexual assault. This is scary. See Anderson Cooper's absurd questions at the debate. Kelly Oxford's cynical use of sexual assault victims on twitter is another example. Lynda Tran's absurd comments on CBSN after the debate too.

Any regular person can tell that Trump's words were not to be taken literally. That he was basically boasting about being sexually desired because he is famous. Even when taken literally, Trump clearly characterized the kisses and touching as consensual, bragging that "they let me". Not only is there nothing that implies non-consent, consent is explicitly said! Many of these liars take it a step further and say he was saying you can go up to random girls and grab their pussies (LIES!), but even then whether or no it was sexual assault would be up to those hypothetical girls, and in Trump's words consent was given.

Why is this important? Because feminists are evil and want to destroy normal heterosexual relations. They want men to be forced to ask, by threat of criminal penalty, before trying anything with a woman. Before kissing her, like in the Trump example. This is unnatural. It turns most women off, it makes most men feel sexually uncomfortable. That is the point. To make men and women have bad sexual experiences. This promotes the breakdown of heterosexual relations and has another effect: it will cause BDSM to explode.

Most women are sexually submissive. They will seek out things that allow them to be sexually fulfilled. By fucking over normal heterosexual relations, BDSM is the natural outlet. Men will either become controlling doms, or submissive subs. They want you daughter to be tied up in basements.

This is what they want to make HS Sex Ed Like:

Conservative Christians need to stop allying with the Feminists whenever they see a way to discourage premarital sex. The feminists academics are toying with their stupid asses. This Trump "scandal" is a perfect example. How many virtue seeking Christians have condemned Trump? Way too many. It is not that they have no point, it is that they are missing the larger point. This fall into the same trap with campus sex ed. Some Christians are smart enough to recognize that the feminist "pro-sex ed" is really anti-sex as it puts men and women in unnatural positions, but they stop there. They think "great! kids have less pre-marital sex" and don't consider the damning psychological effects this training has on many. Attacking male sexual dominance is a bigger threat than pre-marital sex.

Other urls found in this thread:

That's a good screen grab. Big D's eyes are no scoping the shit out of those goods.

Couldn't care less tbqh fam.

Who cares? We live in free society, people should be able to ruin their lives if they wish so. Collectivism is cancer OP.

Let me embed your video because its age restricted.

i just want to die in the war tbh


I don't think you belong here.

Men are already cucked, if anything it is better for men to become more emasculated if it means less promiscuity. Look at Japan, 44% of young women are virgins. Better than the filth we have in the west today.

They also have the worlds second lowest birth rates. More emasculated males will just mean lower marriage rates and more women fucking chads exclusively.

Nihilists like me belong to everywhere. Just kill yourself if you can`t enjoy your life, or you can`t change its conditions.

asses and echoes user?

Since being Jewish is matrelineral, there is no way that I could be Jewish since my father is.

Japan has hardly any immigration so its fine over there. In the west with arab and african immigrants, whites being betas isn't a good thing.

Better to have only quality people breed rather than "muh dik" honorary niggers conceived out of wedlock.

More successful marriages from lack of filth and promiscuity destroying them.

But a lot higher % of female virgins as well. Even Chads are not immune from becoming nu-male cucks if conditioned to be.

you should just end it all nihilist there is no point do everyone a favor

I take pleasure in antagonizing others and watching western society crumble to bits so I will continue on this ride for while longer.

oh wow another 4cuck retard who has room temp IQ

(after slaying many nogs)
^^^^ you forgot that important part


Uh-oh, that sounds dangerously like you have a purpose. Better end it all now fam.

dubs confirm not nihikijust edgy faggot who should sudoku.

Having feelings does not make them actually real. Stop with your fatalism fam.

then you aren't a nihilist, just a faggot

stop with your faggotism, faggot.

Just because I have desires and objects on interests&pleasure(feels) does not mean that I hold any values.

There is nothing literally what to struggle for anymore. No nation, community nor values that people would adhere to. Just surrender.

that was sort of implied. I kind of just want to end up in warrior heaven with my ancestors, sick of being around women tbh. I just legitimately don't really even like their presence anymore they are like the ultimate normalfags, they don't really understand anything. they sure can be pretty and all that but I think half the time my personality has been so twisted up and fucked by growing up in this society and then getting redpilled that I wouldn't make a good husband, and maybe not even a good father (though I'd argue that). I know that I would be a wife beater if I got financially connected to a woman. I've already come close to beating up some stupid cunt that was getting sassy with me as well as a m8s girlfriend who again was asking for it. I know that the best thing for me is to fight and die for my people.

OP, Holla Forums has been taken over by TRS. You're reaching out to the wrong group if you think anyone here is heterosexual anymore.
We /cuteboys/ for DickiE Spencer now.


If that is your attitude then enjoy your line dying out as your virgin son dies or your cuckold son's kid isn't really his.


Good. you better die off sonless then.

you hold value on the desires you incredible stupid faggot

people are probably one generation from throwing that shit out, there are so many hyphenated and double hyphenated names now its a fucking joke. nobody cares about your descent from some shanty irish peat farmers faggot you are a nobody who is named after their medieval tradecraft. muh fucking line. you are about 40 years late on that bus little kid. also learn to communicate in english better

I was a huge pussy when I was younger and horrible with women. Of the handful of women I kissed before the end of college, I asked none of them before hand. I had to untangle my mind from all the feminist bullshit before I felt sexually comfortable. I probably went more extreme one the dominance spectrum than I would have. Even if not, unlike say the producers of Disney or Nickelodeon kids shows, I don't want to force my fetish on others. The notion that I get laid more because other guys are pussies doesn't mean anything if my kids end up sexually fucked up.

It scares me that young men are basically being emasculated by educators nowadays. Society is toxic. The idea that kissing someone before asking is sexual assault was once an absurd, extreme view. And now it is basically being promoted by mainstream media. This is a real issue.

I've never even heard of nu-males doing this, it's just a meme I hope.

its fucking real lad, holy shit its fucking real and you better believe it.

10/10 post user, this is very important. the entire atttitude of society towards young white men has completely shifted and I hope others note this. we are regarded with suspicion and vague disgust if we do not conform to the sick standard while at the same time women are attracted to their natural counterpart and not the artificial construct. its completely insane

This is a NatSoc board faggot - take your ennui elsewhere.

Sorry, I don't want to move to Argentina.

Any kek worthy stories?


Been a while since I've cringed that hard. He's 13 though, so it's perfectly excusable.


I doubt he got the girl, but that probably built his confidence. I wish I had the balls to do something like that when I was his age, even if it ended up badly.

literally none of your personal ego shit will matter if we don't kick out the shitskins, i'd rather have my line die than have it turn nigger in the future tbh.

probably fucked up his confidence tbh but he is one of those guys who will develop into a proto-typical numale and have a wife who pussy-whips him so fucking hard he is a joke

This kid is going to become a supreme gentleman any day now.

he boyfriend looks like a stereotypic high school chad. I remember getting bullied by 160 pound faggots like him when I was 14 feels good that I could military press him and snap his neck.

friendly reminder that the best way to be successful with women is to get extremely stacked and if you can, particpate in some kind of contact sport in HS or college.

Both scenarios have the same outcome.

lmao her bf is literally a football fag and she is some


There's something under my skin that wants to rip free and run away.

To overcome the fear of rejection you have to be rejected a few times. At least I did.


that's great and all but none of the shit you said matters. the core principle of natsoc is that you can't change nature and going against it is futile.

sure, we have a lot of sex propaganda, but more or less things deviations from the natural order will be minor. nature is self-correcting.

take these cucks for example. human biology has become so perfect that people who are unfit within society ostracize themselves and forfeit their reproduction to better men. niggers are the lowest hanging fruit but cucks have the greatest inferiority complex to strong, handsome white men. that should be self-evident at this point. they'd rather breed their women with nazis.

what's most hilarious here is that although we're a minority, it doesn't even matter. one man can impregnate as many women as he'd like, whereas the reverse isn't true. we dominate the sexual market. we're the most taboo. the most attractive. it's nature's answer to the question of degeneracy. it's the same answer our body has when it discovers a defective cell – it replaces it.

it doesn't stop there, either. black women are most attracted to white men, too. but there's nothing more disgusting to a white supremacist than mixing with other races. here, too, nature is answering a question about a poisoned gene pool: apoptosis. but what about the welfare? the subsidies on niggers? just think for a moment, user. does that make these women more or less attracted to their men when they forego work ethic and self-improvement? they're only grabbing the lowest-hanging fruit for their gibs me dats. suicide rates among black women is skyrocketing and no one, not even their own men. ESPECIALLY not their own men, care. they've abandoned themselves and are literally, not figuratively, killing themselves.

what this thread is about, really, is a reaction to something disgusting. there's no real question of who will ultimately prevail. we all know what will happen. niggers will replace pathetic whites and, parallel to that replacement, superior whites will replace niggers. disillusioned white men (like what most of the guys here were) will quickly scramble to retake their place at the top of the pyramid in the face of competition. because that's our current hierarchy. why do you think black men hate white men so much? inferiority complex. why do you think muslims want to kill us? inferiority complex. but we were never in danger of losing our place at the top of the foodchain. not even if islam dominates the west and covers our women in burkas – they'll still sneak out of their husband's bed and into ours. they do now and they always will. not because they're necessarily unfaithful but because the second best thing to landing the perfect guy is at least carrying his child.

t. femanon

What's your problem? Do you think that having white lines die out and a nigger future are excluded from each other?

Tbh I feel like the greater fear is being made fun of by others
Maybe that was just me, but it's fine if someone rejects, it's just shitty if the entire social circle knows and memes about it

A guy I know kept going on about this. "Trump supports sexual assault." Funny thing is the guy's a literal cuckold whose wife is fucking his friend (and pretty sure he knows about it).

This isn't surprising. I guarantee if this is true he is consciously supporting the agenda I outlined. It is probably a sexual turn on for him to sexually frustrate other males, to make them like him. This is why there are so many cuckold shitposters on other sites. On a very related note, many of the most ardent supporters of this agenda are gay men and lesbians who secretly or not so secretly hate straight people. They want to cause strife. They want heterosexuals to be sexually frustrated. Either out of revenge or just ill will. They had to feel sexually frustrated and conflicted, so now it is the straight people's turn.


There is no excuse for that atrocity. Not even a feminist single mother would tell their hen pecked son to do something that embarrassing. He's even wearing a fucking fedora. Why?

This guy gets it.

Always the first post. Always.


At least the comments are based

i keked at this guy's profile pic

You should thank those guys, they set a benchmark you used to improve yourself.

And another funny myth that weak people like to pretend exists. They think that the Chads will grow up to become successful people, while they'll surpass them in the "real world".

It doesn't work like that, and High School is really just a microcosym of the real world. Many of the Chads will become at least B students, and you'll find those guys as the VPs of many companies. The ultra nerds are useful but can only work operate within someone else's organization.

You need a good balance.

*I meant unsuccessful

Finally, someone here who gets it, rather than saying "Any sex that isn't had with the specific intention of conceiving a child is degenerate!" Normal heterosexuality needs promoting, not restricted futher. That includes accepting the fact that people are biologically hard-wired to both desire sex and become sexually attractive from the start of puberty. Government-created age limits are unnatural.

Some here think that if full normal heterosexuality was promoted more (and it should be exclusively of course, no more promotion of faggotry) then there would be an even bigger explosion of promiscuity. Orgies everywhere! But I think they're totally wrong and it would be the opposite as there would just be more normal heterosexual relationships which means people would be more likely find true love earlier and settle down in a monogamous relationship.

I remember guys doing similar things. I am not sure why they think such acts will win a girl over. They really think doing a dance or singing a song will win her heart?

These are the guys who end up being cucked. Doing things for a woman, working hard for her, making her feel desirable, and giving her gifts are the worst things you can do. The only thing that wins over a woman is being a desirable man. If women do not show an interest in you, then you are not desirable.

Not that it matters anyway. Talking with women is boring. Most of them are horrible kissers and lovers. Just find one who you want to have kids with and who will give you attractive and healthy children.

I can totally relate to this. I've been a huge fuckwit during most of my life, and have only recently adopted the "I do not give a fuck and I am probably better than 99% of you" attitude. Also got influenced by Evolian teachings. My past of being a r9k fag has led me to see that most "women" are utterly worthless scum who don't care for higher feelings such as honor, loyalty and trust or bravery, merely desiring material wealth, muh dik or lean and fit men ( which of the three is completely understandable, considering fit mating partners are the best mating partners, its also the reason why I am getting /fit/ atm, aside from becoming Übermensch ). However, I want nothing to do with women at the moment and I don't think that attitude will change soon, since most of them are not responsible creature but instead normalfags who live in the moment and not in the future

All I really want to do is rule or fight. Earthly desires come later, first we must restore that which has fallen and degenerated.

Movies. They fill people's heads with all kinds of stupid ideas.

My sides

This is actually true; mortal pleasure is a fucking trap, it's a chemical distraction. The greatest mark of manliness in ancient times was a stoic contempt for animal impulses. Sex is a means to an end; whether or not human being are actually capable of conforming to this ideal has no bearing on the truth of it.


It's true though, guys who seek the pussy yet bare no fruit aren't doing anything for the white race and are therefore fucking faggots.

They're just additional miles of dick for the dick highway.


This is the result of being raised by movies/television and women. I can guarantee that kid had a father that was a cuck or absent altogether. Any decent father would know doing that is embarrassing and won't work.

Meanwhile Chad's father tells his son to hug, touch and tease women and then ask them out. Chad's father get his son into sports which builds confidence. Chad's father leads his family setting a good example for his son.

It's a vicious cycle, maybe cucks going MGTOW and allowing real men to dominate is the only way this fixes itself.

You're whole theory is fucking retarded, "promoting" heterosexual relations isn't going to magically make people healthy and normal; if there's nothing there to delegitimize promiscuity people are going to be promiscuous, most people are fucking monkeys.

you sound like a cool dude, I also know 90% of all those feels.

godspeed user!

That's ( ) not me faggot.

No, it won't do it magically, it will do it psychologically like the current promotion of faggotry and degeneracy in general (including demonising normal people who refuse to allow the government and MSM to straightjacket their heterosexuality into only thinking about those over a government dictated age) has psychologically affected too much of the population.

You will never properly bond and fully appreciate a person if you base your relationship on orgasms and "muh dick muhfugga".

You are wasting your life essence, sperm, on not conceiving children and fucking yourself up chasing meaningless dopamine hits by doing these dirty hedonistic acts. In the process, you are normalizing and promoting these degenerate acts to society as a whole by engaging in them. I guess we should go back to tribalism and stick our dick into any woman that moves, reverting to a primitive savage state, because that's more natural than being decent, upstanding people.

Even worse if you do any of these acts and are not married, relationships can always end and you have ended up spoiling and ruining a white woman for life, all for your degenerate temporary pleasure like a drug addict. There is always someone better in bed than you, if sex is the basis for your relationship instead of a romantic companionship until a marriage with plentiful children you are always replaceable, even as a Chad.

Sexual hedonism leads to promiscuity, and promiscuity leads to the break up of relationships and the family. You will never be satisfied with your QT vanilla pure love of your life if the purpose of your relationships is getting sexual highs. Even in sexual imagery, they found that you get sick of the same image after a few couple times fapping to it, and you will want to search for new women to relieve your dick. Sex needs to hold more meaning than just relieving your dick with a quick orgasm. I despise the jewed times we live in so goddamn much, when filth, degeneracy and lack of decency is justified even by Holla Forumsacks. Is this anger I feel the same anger Hitler felt during the 1920s?

You're the degenerate. You live your life via political ideology. You might as well be bisexual otherkin because being as much as a political ideologue as you is no better than them, you're just as mentally ill.

how do you figure hes mentally ill and like otherkin for saying that? even if you dont agree with all of that, it still makes sense.

Kudos to the kid for not being a faggot and doing some thing bold and intricate to show his feelings.

wtf I am a fedora now.

Because you have to be mentall ill to be that much of a slave to political ideology. Also degeneracy isn't just things like faggotry, it's also going against heterosexuality in the other exteme like they're doing.

Actual normiebook conversation from earlier:

Legbeard: testosterone is bad!

Me: bite me, it's nature, misandrist

L: OMG I can't even, sigh, it's the current year, Lewis' Fallacy!

Me: You look like an idiot to anyone outside of your hugbox.

L: (six replies I never read)

Me: posts Veruca Salt tantrum scene from Willy Wonka, puts thread on DND

Remember: you are playing for third parties. Not to convince. Rhetoric over dialectic.

But they are cute normalfags.


Yep, I 'stole' my wife off some numale simply by being the man her brothers and father were.


Girls appreciate secondary attention, for lack of a better term.

Example: one was complaining about the 'excessive number of guys' checking her out at a coffee shop (she models, duh). Without looking up from my paper I just said that since you're the hottest girl in here it's to be expected.

I think she ovulated right there at the table.

probably just a virgin not understanding sex is part of a healthy monogamous relationship.
He doesn't seem to understand that if it's part of it, it doesn't mean it's its center

gb2tumblr fgt

Sex without the potential for procreation is simply mutual masturbation.
You're degenerates making excuses for yourselves.

I see what your saying, but sex is probably the best bonding exercise you can do as a monogamous couple.

In that case for-pleasure sex is a concession you make with morality for the sake of the marriage, it doesn't become moral it just becomes a practical necessity so that your nerves don't blow out. This is especially important for women who seem to go absolutely stir-crazy without regular deep dicking.

Jesus Christ I can just hear the Jew accent on Howard Morton

I think you're missing the point here, Nobody is shaming sexual pleasure, or intimacy within the context of a monogamous relationship.

Sexuality is important between two people who wish to share their lives together and procreate, even when you're an older couple, it still helps things along.

The major issue is those who swallow the "red pill" and decide being chads is the best way to go, despite the fact that you're still not procreating and you're buying into the lifestyle the kikes are selling you.

Guys like that, the PUAs and the other assorted fucks who wear the "Red pill" moniker are really just blue-pilled fucks who managed to break away from one system of permissiveness, to another via addiction to pee-pee tingles.

((( they ))) have laid out traps everywhere, for every kind of goy, be they beta nu-males, or the self-styled chads who dipped their feet into the pool of politics or masculinity, yet have not ventured any deeper.

I don't see how any sex inside a monogamous relationship is a moral concession. Unless you're of the opinion that any carnality is sinful. Which would put you somewhere between buddhism and puritanism and the direction you lean in dependent on how much of a closet faggot you are.

The problem with this is that it's socially uncomfortable to talk about.

I cant explain this to my conservative boss who generally agree with me on most things because suddenly we are talking about degenerate sexual acts.

There's no easy way to segway. This is how the really operate. They dominate vocabulary related to things that make moral people feel uncomfortable.

This war is and has always been a language war. If you aren't allowed to talk about a topic from a certain angle because it distrupts people's happy day, you are already censored.

I am, I'm a Gnostic; I would never expect society (beyond dedicated cults) to adhere to my conception of morality, but I don't think that has any bearing on it's validity either. When I use the word 'degenerate' I mean it in the sense of "that which lowers"; Man is the only creature capable of acting against the chemical mandates of his organism, therefore to do the opposite (without some higher cause in mind, i.e. the Family) is literally 'sub-human' behavior; it is to act in the aspect of beasts.

For me personally I've had sex outside of marriage/a relationship and right now I'm voluntarily single. I'm more than capable of hopping on tinder and ordering some snapper, but I'm more interested in waiting for a worthwhile girl at the moment.

How is being in denial that you shit and piss even remotely gnostic?

I'm in the same boat, did the casual sex song and dance, and been in and out of a few bad relationships. I was dominate in each one, though, the women were already pretty damaged by the time I got to them. Though one thing I will say got to me, when I was younger, was the rationalization of certain red flags when entering relationships (such as a history of promiscuity, etc)

I'm too busy with work and hobbies at the moment to waste energy on pursing women via online dating or clubbing, though there is a chick I met through a mutual friend I'm very interested in. But that's another situation entirely.

I've always been fond of meeting women through mutual friends. Though now I'm blog posting. I think the point is, for the sake of raising a family, and getting the future that I know most of us want (Family, Land, a chance to further our linage and better our race) we need to call out shit as shit, be it the demoralization of our sexuality through shaming, and the promotion of hedonistic bullshit through sex-positive indoctrination either in our schools, or in our media.

OP brought up a very good point, Feminists, especially those of the "Sex-positive" persuasion are still essentially shaming traditional male sexuality through role reversals, and by removing any kind of mutuality through the relationship, by justifying and rationalizing negative and damaging behaviors, while condemning healthy ones. (Oh no, goyl-friend, you need to sleep with other guys, he doesn't own you, ehehehe, your heart is too big for just one cock..I mean, partner..)

Do I really need to be so pedantic as to specify that it doesn't include those "chemical mandates" which survival necessitates? I'm an ascetic, that's all I'm trying to say, give me a fucking break; I've been sick for awhile and I can't write so clearly no more.

This shit is golden

I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but asceticism is an error.

Did you know pictured suicide guy was later found innocent? He was setup.

Karma works in funny ways.

My first girlfriend, we'll looking back it was like a marriage. Problem is I taught her to squirt and would give her earth-shaking orgasms and when she started acting like Laina from YouTube I broke it off. She then stalked me gorgeous several years.

This is going to sound so arrogant, maybe not to the gnostic, but literally my cock is a weapon. It has chilled relationships.


Well at least we know who's going to be in charge of Africa when we send them back.

American Christianity has been fully coopted.
They've taken natural allies of the right wing and have spent generations filling their heads with proto-communism disguised as Bible lessons from cuck pastors.


The axiom holds - women are the niggers of gender.

there are no more honorable deaths, just faces that will be lost in the coming carnage

meditate on this until veterans day

fuck dying.

I want to sit atop a pile of bloody corpses I have personally slain while surveying my new lands completely free of xenos.

If I have to hit check out time I want to do it with my teeth sunk into the jugular of my killer taking them into Hell with me.

Personally, I'm 33. The girl I was with for 13 years just left me. Of course 33 isn't all over yet, but the fact is, it really makes me think about my life. What do I actually have to live for right now? I guess the hope it's not too late to find a new woman, one with decency who won't stick me with raising another man's kids. By this age most women have been through a marriage and if they wanted kids they've got one. I don't imagine much interest in women less than 25, they're headpozzed to all fuck and probably have no capacity to pull their own economic weight. Plus I live in a particularly spiced-up part of Mexifornia…

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to take the dangerous missions.

bullshit tbh, you are just namedropping junger without any context and trying to seem deep by miscontruing his beliefs into some edgy nihilism.

there is passive nihilism and active nihilism. the active nihilist creates his own moral schema wherein meaning is created. junger's anarch was an active nihilist. in "the war" in which he fought bourgeois materialist tendencies conquered the martial value system of the junker warrior caste and destroyed the "honorable death" with machine guns and poison gas and mechanical death. the singular aristocrat of the trench still existed. just because a falling tree is not heard doesn't mean it never fell. we are arguably fighting for these old values and should they conquer recognition and therefore value will be placed on the sacrifice, if we fail it won't matter anyway.

yul brenner took at 24 year old wife at age 62 tbh

This, well said.

I wasn't shilling for defeatism, just trying to give to balance to the other user's (implied) romantic death fantasies. Certain personalities are susceptible to this delusion, but I absolutely agree that sacrifice is important virtue lacking in the world, one needs to have discernment when and where it is best applied.

There's a bunch of fucking degenerates in this thread making excuses for their shitty lifestyle-choices.

You're so far up the post-sexual revolution era of society you don't realize how you're basically doing the enemies bidding.

So many mixed messages here. Am I meant to completely avoid women? Am I meant to become Chad and pick up as much pussy as I can? Am I meant to find ONE girl and live with her for the rest of my life?

Do you need others to tell you how to live your life? You're the one who gets to decide that, not us. Work towards being the best person you can be to yourself and others. Work towards improving yourself as a person. Avoid degeneracy and excesses. That is all I can tell you. The rest is up to you.

You're a slave to your dick.

If I'm mentally ill for expecting a tad of decency, then what is Hitler? Genuine autism is what makes the world go round m8.
where his father, the school and even his mother had failed: he drew up an exact program for his future which would enable him, after four years, to ask for Stefanie's hand.

Be the change you want to see in society and the world. A woman looks up to you, and you are responsible for setting the example for moral behavior she must follow. Going back on your principles and making concessions at the slightest inconvenience will earn your words no weight.

If she can't handle waiting until marriage, this is what chastity belts were made for. This will prevent temptation to cheat, and it's no fair for a nofapper to allow his girlfriend to get off while he doesn't anyway. Over time, this should correct her sexual addiction and teach her how special the act really is. She might also grow to appreciate you for sexually controlling her and pointing her toward finer things in life.

This. Bonobos GTFO.

/pol is not one person.

Kike or just a blue-pilled moron detected.

You're making excuses for the sexual revolution which has brainwashed and changed society and the way we condone relationships and family-ties nowadays.

You're basically applying an evolutionary theory onto a kike-ruled white society which is under heavy cultural and social war for over a century.

Sometimes, you just have to accept that you're a faggot and not someone unique with an original theory. Think.

Teach Me.
How do you actually go about approaching women?
I'm quite handsome but I have absolutely no clue how to even start talking to a attractive women.


Cheers Sam.
In all seriousness it's very hard to get a girl these days thanks to (((their))) engineering, even when you've got good looks.
I don't want my good genes going down the drain

you're an idiot


Why is enjoying sex a chemical distraction but having financial succes, social succes, or even finding pleasurable in small things like running 10 miles or completing a puzzle / game not?

Pleasure is pleasure, fun is fun. Its not really a chemical distraction like games or hobbies are, its just pleasurable.

Go on tinder, eventually you hook one up :D.

No its not hard to find a girl, its easier actually due to the whole online thing stuff. But it is much harder to get a relationship and dedicated marriage with a girl that you can love. That has never been easy, its an illusion that somehow it is now much easier to find a loveable girl than in the past. If anything it should be easier because distance is less of an issue in modern day than say 500 years ago.

They do what they learn. Every romance song is some cuck putting a woman on a pedestal, every romance movie is some cuck putting a woman on a pedestal, etc. etc.

I've used Tinder,got about 30 matches, but nothing came from them since I can't chat up women for shit

nobody cares just better yourself and realize that nobody cares if you fail or succeed with women and do what you will with that knowledge


literally realizing that nobody cares is pretty freeing lad. in a society where people cared you'd have women suggesting potentials to you and everyone would act respectful about it. you are a failure because of the fact that you don't have the sexual instincts of a lemming. you are supposed to rise up above crude animal pleasure. use your failure as a means to make something better of yourself. I am in a similar boat as you but I don't care anymore since all the women I chat up are boring and stupid and are not worth "chatting up", they are basically only interesting to me and most men as chattel for ejaculating into, which was not the original point of feminism lol

basically a 'modern date' and I never went on a date until age 25, is a couple of hours where you compliment a woman and listen to her talk about airy shit that hasn't happened yet and pretend like there is nothing bad in the world and everything is fine and then you do X activity which costs money and talk some more and the only reason you put up with it is that "she cares" i.e. she cares for the moment but could at anytime utterly destroy you if you actually opened up emotionally

If they're into you, you get along. I just talk about simply stuff what they're doing try to figure out their interest then talk a bit about that, then proceed to ask number. Usually after that its easy to arrange a date in my experience.

My approach is long and requires effort though.

Maybe you aren't strong enough as a person if someone can emotionally destroy you. It does come with age and experience though.

nice b8 faggot


You sound like a faggot.

Fuuuck if a young attractive western guy like me went to Japan I could grab plenty of Pussy, now all I need is to learn Japanese, learn how to flirt, and get enough money for that.

The funny thing about women is that the 'predator' meme is really all just the post-wall women whining.

I am 44, she is 27. We are soul mates, deal.

Look on the right corner

Yeah, interesting documentary. I think Dwyer probably uncovered the Penn State pedo ring.

Concordia? No thanks

At 0.03

They are openly antifa user. It's fucking Concordia.

It wasn't baiting. Do you ever see a president being emotionally destroyed? No because they have a strong personality and character to be elected in the first place and to get to where they are. Someone with enough self knowledge should eventually be unable to be emotionally destroyed. Emotionally destroyed is something for teens.

Did he wait 10 years to marry her or something?

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You think I'm a Hitler worshipper? He was into teenage girls though, so I'll give him that. Although there are those rumours that he was really a fag. Also, if he really didn't masturbate then he must have frequently had wet dreams. It's one or the other, especially for young adults, you can't have neither. Unless he was impotent or something?

Being a slave to political ideology isn't having principles, it's being brainwashed by a cult.

Not an argument.